we are disagree again

@ifa225 (14466)
March 7, 2013 8:27pm CST
Me and my hubby were discussing about our son He will be graduated from junior school this June and I want my son to go to boarding school as he will be a better person there My son is quiet careless with taking care himself, like I have to remind him over and over again to study, to take a bath, to tidy up his dirty clothes and so on I hope in boarding school he can aware about all of this but my hubby disagree since he think that way mean just throwing my son away. My son would feel like we don't want him around, he said what should I do to convince my hubby that what I thought just for the sake of my son ?
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22 responses
@marguicha (217771)
• Chile
8 Mar 13
Maybe it is time ot decide both of you how to make your son behave at home. Boaring school is not a training place as if he was a wild animal. You must set rules, make your husband help you so you have a united front and give him duties.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Marguicha, I had set rules here, but he easily broke it I hate to be strick all the time cause it consume me I really don't know any idea how to change him but praying
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@marguicha (217771)
• Chile
8 Mar 13
I doubt that praying will stop him. You must pray AND set limits. Don`t wash his clothes unless he leaves them neatly in a place. If you do that all the time he will not want to go out to see his friends dressed as a beggar. He must lear to do some chores if he wants to have some rights. I always told my daughters that if I wanted to run a hotel, I would charge for the rooms and board. A family is an institution where all of us have to help out.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
wow..acting like a manager hotel never cross my mind thanks for giving me such a brilliant idea gonna try that tips soon
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
8 Mar 13
Well I agree with your husband on this one. I think anyone who puts their child in a boarding school is throwing them away. They rather someone else deal with them. That is my opinion. If you don't think he will grow up to be a good man learning from you then that is a problem you are having within yourself. He still has four years of high school and college to grow up. Throwing him into a boarding school is not always a good thing for the child. He will feel like he is not loved and you are giving up on him. Just my opinion on how I know I would feel if my parents had done this to me.
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@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Lelin, maybe that is the way he feel too I know I shouldn't push him to go to boarding school if he doesn't feel like he want to Thanks for giving me your opinion about how you feel I really appreciate it
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
8 Mar 13
Yes, I wouldn't push him into going. If he really wants to then that is a totally different story. Good Luck!
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
I just talk to my son and see his opinion about going to a boarding school I guess he is still confuse what to choice I might let the time pass by till June and wait for his choice
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
There is also a risk to this when you put him in boarding school. Remember that he is going to be away and that he might find someone who is a bad influence to him and actually do more harm than good. I think you should talk to your son, though and not decide on this on your own thinking only of what could be best for him. Not all we think is best can be the best option for our kids or loved ones. I think he might even think you are putting him there so you can rid of yourself of him and his being irresponsible at home. Maybe what you can do is to talk to your husband and during the free or vacation time, you and your husband can set up activities for him so that he will be able to perform some things that could teach him one step at a time how to be responsible. Give him tasks, give him a responsibility at home and so it should start from there as well.
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@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Chiyo, those are a good way to make him more responsible maybe i have to think twice and find another way so he can be a better person in the future
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@natliegleb (5175)
• India
9 Mar 13
after all for petty issues you are disagreeing with son and always give him his space so that he is able to learn and make amends for him along the way as he moves on
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 13
Hi Nat, I am trying to give him space so he can think clearly and know what he wants Hope soon he can make a great decision for his future
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
9 Mar 13
Gee, that is not throwing him away, that is teaching him to be independent. Because someday, he is bound to grow up and should learn to live on his own anyway.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 13
I agree with you I want him to have a great education as long as I can give to him I know that boarding school is more expensive than the regular one but I am sure, I can get the great result too
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
9 Mar 13
It depends on your son. When young people are given too much freedom that can easily hang out with the bad lot. If your son is mature enough, he would not be carried away with silly temptations.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
8 Mar 13
how about agreeing for a trial? tell him that this will just for a trial period. If he will not change, or nothing will happen positive will happen to him there then he will go back to your house. and besides it is nice to "be together" again. like the first time before you had your son.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Mavic, that could be a good idea but maybe I will reverse it a little, I am gonna give him a trial period of being tidy and cleaning all the mess that he made in our house, then if he can't do that I will send him to a boarding school thanks for such great idea
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
9 Mar 13
wow.. nice to know this... good for you and quite creative way to motivate
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
Just talk over the issue in a more diplomatic way. You don't need to argue over this matter. What you need to do is understand the advantages and disadvantages of allowing your son to live in a boarding house. Tell your husband in a nice way, your good reasons in deciding in favor of this. Tell him that your son is no longer a child so allowing him to go on his own might just work to his advantage because in most cases, an child such as your son when left on his own will change. With no one to depend on, chances are... he will become more responsible. It does not mean throwing your son away. Your hubby should not think so. He should understand that parent at some point in the life of a child, parents should let go to make the child more mature and independent-minded.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 13
Hi Salonga, your advice is very thoughtful I decide to not argue anymore with my hubby I just give him the both side of studying in a boarding school Hope he can get clearly what I meant
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Mar 13
I feel the same way as your husband do.I have six children and one of them has adhd and severe anxiety problems. I was offered to put my son in boarding school and I said no, as it is not my sons fault for the way he is, neither is it mine and no school will be able to help him change or get rid of his problems, so whats the point in him feeling that we do not want him and cause this feeling to stick with him for life. I would really think what you may cause if you keep saying you want him to go to boarding so that he is not with you, as it sounds that your husband wants your son to be there and you do not want him there to your son.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 13
Hi Jugs, I want him to be in boarding school so he can be a better person, responsibility and mature not because I don't want him around. I can't discipline him strictly cause I don't have a heart to be strict to him I love him too much
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
8 Mar 13
I heard my sister mentioned about her colleague whose wife want to send his son to boarding school but he rejected. Reason being he had attended boarding school before and he do not like to environment. So, the best way is to see the pro and cons of the situation and what are the objectives and goals that you want to achieve in your son. Perhaps you can check around with others that have attended boarding school for opinions. Ask your son on his views too.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 13
Hi Iriene, I check around of the students in boarding school just like regular school too they have the bad news and good news of being the students in that school I just hope that he will see the good news more than the bad
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
8 Mar 13
I had to live alone and far away my hometown when I move to Hanoi for my study in university. At that time, I was 17. I live alone till now. It was a bit hard when living far away from my family but it made me became adults and know to care myself. Currently I can live well and can make decision myself for my life. I could not imagine how I am now if I was still living with my parents....
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Ryanong, that is good for you I am happy for you too that you change to be a better person today That is my hope too when I think about this
@cttolledo (5454)
• Legaspi, Philippines
8 Mar 13
You both has good intention, but why not ask your son about it.. he might have a good answer with your problem.. in the first place your son's opinion is the most important here since its about his schooling and future.. But if I were the mother I will not let my son go away from me, its actually the challenge of being the parents how to discipline the child without sending him away and let others do it.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi tolledo wow, your user name is quiet difficult for me to spell I asked my son about this, I think he still confuse what to choice maybe if I can give him the good side of studyin in there, he can have more picture about it
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
Hi Ifa ! `Did you asked your son if he wanted to be in boarding school? It is his choice that can determine whether it can do good to him or not because if don't want to he might be lonely there and would only join some group that he thinks could alleviate him from his loneliness but if his decision to be in boarding school am sure he will be fine and will do good.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 13
Hi Angel I had asked his opinion now when I ask him again he disagree with me too I ask why he said, just like your said, he feel not comfort staying in the middle unknown people Our house is his comfort zone, maybe he is afraid of loosing it
@elsino91 (440)
• Poland
8 Mar 13
I think that above all you should include your son in all of this. Ask him what he has to say, he may be a child but his opinion on the matter is just as important. I think the three of you should sit down and each present what he or she thinks, that will make things a lot more clear for everyone. Your husband will know and understand where you are coming from.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 13
Hi El the three of us has discuss here but unfortunately, we have not get any decision we will wait until June if he is gonna making a great change
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Well you can ask your son, what will he chooses. To attend a boarding school at first it was not easy. But if it has gone through many things, indirectly, inevitably, someone would be used to pass through. The more difficult challenge you've passed, the better results you will get. I agree that it might be better for your son to be in it since it'll make him more mature, but still if your son chooses not to and going with your husband's choice, you should respect his decision too.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 13
Hi rando, I know it will not be easy for him as this will be a difficult things But I hope, with the difficulties will come along the convenience I will accept whatever he will choose and guess what? I have plan B if he refuse the boarding school
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
Discuss it well with your hubby and if that is both your decision then it will be a solid decision. Your son I think is old enough to handle the situation. We as parents want the best for our kids but sometimes mothers care is to pamper their kid so I guess if your son is just safe in a boarding house of your choice, he will just be safe. But if you think that the environment he is going to stay is not that safe, then both of you should think again and talk.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Strawberry, me and my huby have a different perspective I know when he have a perspective, it is hard for me to change it however, I will try my best to pursue both of them I had made an inqury and searching for the best boarding school in my town
@machatago (385)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
If your son wants to go to boarding school then let him decide. I think he's all grown up. And with that he can learn to be more responsible with this actions.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Machatago nice to see you here in my discussion I am trying to lure him to do that I give him the good side of studying in a boarding school hope he will decide it soon
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
8 Mar 13
It is difficult when both parents are not on the same side of educating their children. Perhaps if you and your husband could visit the boarding school and talk with the instructors there. Also your son should be included in this. Has anyone asked him what he would like to do?
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Sender, that is definetly a good idea I will make an agenda to visit the boarding school and see what would be their opinion about it. I had asked this to my son, he still confuse and he said that he would go to my hubby's option
• China
8 Mar 13
I think that will not be a very difficult issue,first of all you need to find some times to have a long discussion with your husband,then you should tell him that Kids need to grow up independently especially when you kids have already become a teenager,if you always keep you kids around you then they can not grow up fast and well. Good luck to you!
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Sky, I think that way too If I surround him, then he will know that no matter what, he has someone would take care of his needs even I do that with nagging but if he konws that he is alone who can do that, the situation will push him and give him a lesson
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
I understand this.. its good you are discussing it. I hope all works out well... and soon.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi Maria, I try to discuss every matter that I face in my house with my hubby but sometimes, the problem just get complicated cause we always disagree
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Mar 13
i had such issues with my husband,he also was so against our daughter going to boarding school.part of his reason was because he never did so himself so he sees it as punishment and subjecting the child to hard life but atleast he had no choice because in high school its better to be in a boarding school and now she is becoming more mature and responsible.
@ifa225 (14466)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi pom, I know that it must be hard at the first they say beginning is always difficult I hope in boarding school my son will be like your daughter be mature and responsible as he knows that everything his need is fullfilled by him not by anyone else