A ticket for tossing gum on the ground here ........

March 8, 2013 8:29am CST
My brother got a ticket yesterday for tossing a piece of gum on the ground. He owns an internet cafe, downtime by the federal courthouse. he went outside his office for a smoke, and tossed the gum on the side of the street. I cop cam eup and asked him why he did that. he was very polite and told him. i was going to smoke a cig. infront of my business. The cop asked him, if he knew that was against the law. he said no, but was sorry for doing it. the cops talked to him for 20 minutes about the cafe and the navy. as my brother wa sin navy in Spain 5 years. My brother said, he really liked the guy. As the cop was getting ready to leave, he handed my brother a 65.00 ticket and told him to have a great day. my brother was in shock.........
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12 responses
@inertia4 (27978)
• United States
12 Mar 13
The least the cop could have done was have your brother pick up the gum and throw it out without giving him a ticket. I think that is being real petty by the cop. I also think 65 dollars is ridiculous for tossing gum on the sidewalk. It's not like he harmed someone. It's funny, those are the things they enforce quicker then an actual crime.
• Mexico
12 Mar 13
Very true Steve, my brother didnt mind the ticket. But how can it cost 65.00 and a speeding ticket 45.00? seems wrong to me.
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• Mexico
16 Mar 13
Your right, tossing gum cost more than driving 15 miles over the speed limit. Sure seems wrong to me.
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• Mexico
19 Mar 13
It sure is for Mexico, its a new law. I guess they want to make a point.
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@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
8 Mar 13
When the cop asked him if he knew it was a against the law and he said,"no" he should have just given him a warning. They have the discretion to do that. There are all kinds of things that people can get fines for that they have no clue about. My husband once got a ticket for spitting on the ground. While I don't believe in littering myself, I also don't believe in giving tickets to people who obviously don't know some of these quirky laws. If everyone got a ticket for these offenses they would not have the manpower to handle them all.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
I think the same thing, and why the cop stay 15-20 minutes joking with him? I think that was wrong as well...
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
8 Mar 13
I should have clarified myself or used a different word but that's the one that came to mind at the time Maria. I don't think the laws themselves are quirky,they have good meaning. But so many people do these things day in and day out without a second thought. I see cops around a lot of the time and they never even blink an eyelash at these "perpetrators". The fact is, most of them are not cognizant of these laws. It seems certain cops will act on them if they are dealing with a suspect them don't like. If they can give warnings for speeding, which is dangerous, surely they can give a warning for a law that a lot of people don't even know exists.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
Not sure, but 65.00 is a bit high, I think.
@redredrose (1105)
• United States
19 Mar 13
I never heard of getting a ticket for tossing gum on the ground. I have done it before and seen others do it as well and never get a ticket for it in my area. Now some places may consider tossing gum littering but to get a $65 ticket for it no way that is too much. I am sorry he didn't know it was against the law and that he got a ticket for it. The cop talked to him and was so nice then gave him the ticket wow not good. If he was going to give your brother a ticket for that maybe $20 would have been better but in some places tossing gum may be littering and for littering in some places the fine can be up to $300 iv'e heard. Tho sorry your brother got such a large fine for just tossing gum. I'm sure he won't toss gum on the ground ever again but that cop could have told him he was giving him a ticket before being so nice and talking for 20 minutes. That seemed kind of sneaky.
• Mexico
19 Mar 13
Its a new law here, since Jan. You can also get a ticket for spitting now here.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
8 Mar 13
Wow! I wish police officer were this efficient in my country! There wasn't so much dirt on the streets if so. I don't think your brother should feel offended, he was guilty of breaking the law. And even if it wasn't in the law, he shouldn't throw the gum on the sidewalk. It's really annoying to step into a gum and then to try to remove it. I am sure it happened to you, too, and you didn't enjoy the moment. Maybe your brother will be more careful when he throws the used gum.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
8 Mar 13
I agree with you. It may be too much for a normal people but, hey, I am sure your brother will never throw the gum in an improper place. I think this is the idea. That's why they made such a high fine. If it was only $10, you would have been tempted to break the law again and again.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
Your right.. here 65.00 is like 300.00 in the usa. Very high to me.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
he knows he was guilty. But 65.00? seems alittle high, in Mexico.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
8 Mar 13
Wow! But I guess it was litering. You can get a ticket here as well. But $65 I am not sure how much it is here. But the fact he stood there and talked to him for awhile then handed him the ticket.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
8 Mar 13
I guess younger kids he would think they wouldn't know any better, whereas a grown man would.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
He was, funny thing was. While the cop was chatting 2 boys walked by and tossed candy wrappers. He didnt ticket them.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
True, but maybe he could have at least talked to them.
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
Wow I just don't get the police theses days they are giving ticket for any little thing. I hope that he will take the ticket at face value and the next time he want to throw something on the ground that he turns and looks around before tossing it .
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
true, but funny thing is 2 boys walked by infront of cop and tossed candy wrappers. he didnt even say a word to them. Seems unfair.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
Yes, or at least he should have said something to them.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
Okay well I don't think that was fair at all , The police should have got the two boy's as well. If I got the ticket and saw that I would have opened my mouth and smarted off
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
8 Mar 13
Ouch! Now there's a definite tale with a sting in it, shouldn't your brother charge the cop for wasting his time when he could have been busy in his cafe, that's 20 minutes worth of business lost, wasted talking to the cop and then the cop has the audacity to give him a 65.00 ticket. No wonder your brother was shocked, the cop was heartless and to be honest a little callous in his attitude!
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
I agree, he wasnt mad at getting the ticket. But 65.00 is alot for that. especailly here.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
8 Mar 13
If he is standing outside his business cafe, it is still considered as public property, not a private property, unless it is within his legally owned land perimeter. Next time, your brother need to litter within his own house and cafe; not in the public space, in that way, he will not get a ticket since he is breaking no law that endanger public health. I think he learns a civic lesson today with a learning fee of $65.00. Anyway, Mexican government want to have a new face-lift for the nation, you can't blame that on them, a law that keep you on the look out whenever you are thinking of littering in public space.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
11 Mar 13
I guess it could have been worse. Maybe if the cop didn't 'shoot the breeze' with your brother, he could have made the fine even worse. Nonetheless, the cop should have told your brother explicitly. That even though they were having their 'small talk', at the end of the day, he's still getting a ticket. It's an awful way to learn about the law.
• Mexico
11 Mar 13
no, the fines here are a set amount. But the cop should have talked to the kids that passed by and tossed papers.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
8 Mar 13
Besides the fact that he was littering, he was being disrespectful of others because someone could step in it and make a mess of their shoes. It was, also, unhygenic. It had his saliva on it. Gross.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
I agree, even though he did toss it where no one can walk. He understands what he did was wrong. But a 65.00 ticket in mexico is very high.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
8 Mar 13
The rules are very strict and they are enforcing it around the clock and looks good and also mind one has to follow the manners all the time to make sure they are disciplined everywhere
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
Your right, but most of the time they arent enforced here. And 65.00 is more than a speeding ticket is..
• Canada
8 Mar 13
Hi mariaperalta, While I do not like stepping on gum I think the officer here was a bit harsh. I do not like the fact he was acting all nice with your brother and then gave him a ticket. He could of asked him to simply pick up the gum and dispose of it properly.
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
I agree, and even my brother said no one could have stepped on it. he tossed in a puddle of water by a drain. but a law is a law.