Why do people feel that it is ok to stay on their phone, pc on sites
By jugsjugs
@jugsjugs (12967)
March 8, 2013 6:44pm CST
when they have come to see you, how rude.It crazes me when I try to talk to people in my own house and they have their head stuck into the pc on face book of all sites, but when people come to see you they are also on their phones.
Why bother coming to see me at all if they want to be on a site using their phone, or constantly texting people all the time that they are here.
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24 responses
@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
9 Mar 13
A married couple were friends of mine (this was ages ago), and they came over one night to watch a baseball game. We all love baseball. The husband got on the computer. Like an hour after the game, he was still on the computer. I kept dropping hints that he needed to go because I was ready to go to bed. His wife just kind of looked at me like, I don't know what to do either. At midnight I finally said look, GO NOW! And he finally did. lol
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
My friend use to have one of her friends go and see her just to get to use her lap top, she also never seemed to get the hint to get off it and she was on it for nearly the whole day.She also in the end had to make excuses that she had to go out, just to get her off her lap top, shame there are people out there like that.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
9 Mar 13
Oh, my gosh you have pushed my "MOST ANNOYING" button! I swear it takes everything in me to not grab that gadget out of their hands and toss it against the wall. I agree...they are here to see me...why are they on the phone or Ipod or epad or iphone or ididn'tdoit...whatever! My daughter is so bad, and she lives with me..and has started her daughter on it! They come to the table first thing in the morning and both sit there tapping on their little gadget! When we are talking, and those phones are beeping and ringing and they stop talking to me and answer! HELLO....I was here first! I have been in resturants and sitting there and phones ringing and look and there is someone talking on the phone while their dinner partners just sit there.
I have been in stores where they were talking on the cell with a blue tooth and I thought they were talking to me...so I answered and they look at me like I'm nuts...and then when I speak again, they say "oh, I'm on my bluetooth". Embarressing!!!
I was at Subway last week, and there is a sign saying "Please no talking on cell phone while ordering". I asked about it and they said, yeah, it was so bad they had to put that sign up and still some don't read it...people will be talking on their cell while placing the order and at the end, they forget what they said or didn't say it right and the preparer gets it wrong and problems happen that the place has to fix cause the customer was talking on the phone instead of paying attention to their order
And in stores...I'm standing in line waiting whie someone ahead of me is getting rung up and isn't watching and complains something was rung up wrong only to find out they just didn't see it as they were on the phone or taking their sweet time to pay while they are on the phone...drives me nuts!
I was a the fabric cutting counter at the fabric store yesterday, my cell in my purse rang and I didn't answer it. The cutter person said "Your phone is ringing" I said "I know, but I am busy right now". She looked at me like a calf looking at a new fence...and then said 'really, you aren't going to answer it?" I said "no, I am busy doing a transaction here and telling you how much fabric I want of which fabrics. Unless you want to stop cutting while I take the call and hold up the line". She said, "Oh no, just never heard anyone not answer like that before".
And texting..again...stop pressing my buttons! I HATE that too! I keep telling my grand daughter to go to college to be a orthopedic surgeon...specializing in hands, fingers and elbows....cause by the time she is out of school and ready to start practicing...these hand held button pressing gadgets will have had everyones thumbs, fingers and elbow all jacked up with arthritis and carpol tunnel etc!
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
11 Mar 13
What also gets me jugsjugs, is ...how the heck do they have so much to say!! I mean come on...people on the phone for hours at a time..everyday! How do they have so much to say? Don't they repeat themselves, and don't the listener get tired of the repeats? And while you are there jabbering for hours, there is so much else you could be doing! Is all you are saying that important or necessary or even entertaining to do it for so long so often! ARGGGGHHHH! It just drives me nuts!
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I am shocked that people do not get something simular to carpel tunnel through all the use their hands and fingers get with the buttons they use constantly.
I also feel that people who constantly have their phone to their ear do not get problems with their ears all the time they are talking down them, or some actually shout down them.
I do feel like saying hello Im in, you have come to see me or just get a warm up.
My daughter use to be on her phone when she came to see me, but she has not done that since we hid her phone up and put loads of pictures on it, lol, she did learn also that night when we got on her face book when she went to the loo and her status was, Im at my mums using my phone like always, as it is stuck to my hand, she did not like that, but she did get the hint.
I also hate trying to chat to a person when they are on the phone, as you have to repeat your self loads of times until they concentrate on what you are saying to them.
My goodness it do get a tad annoying when they are always glued to their phone.
You can see why people get new phones when they keep wearing them out, lol.
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@celticeagle (172598)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Mar 13
You should say something to them. If they don't know it bothers you they certainly won't stop it. If it bothers you that much then make it a rule that visitors not text or even turn off their phones. Maybe they won't stay as long but so be it.
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@celticeagle (172598)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Mar 13
It is rude! And disrespectful. I would do that either. But people now days don't have manners or respect for others. And they need a wake up call now and then. You should say something. They should act better. I don't even own a cell phone.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I feel that it is rude to go to see a person and not get to chat as they are already chatting on the phone.
Its one of those times that you just want to say something, yet you feel that this person has always done it so they will not stop no matter what.
I would never dream of going to see some one and sitting there on one of the sites and constantly doing it.
I would not mind if there was a problem with some one and they were making sure that they were ok, but its not and never is.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
These new cell phones are great for people that are forever on the phone, as they can get nearly all the same things as their pc do.
It gets to the point that I am sitting in hope that some of the people who constantly use their phones whilst being at mine would drop and break them, lol, now I think that would stop them, but only until they got a new one.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Mar 13
I would find that extremely annoying I must say. In fact, come to think of it, we've been round to my SIL's boyfriend's house in the past and she was forever looking at her phone. She did it when we went on a night out a few months ago. I wanted to ram it where the sun doesn't shine. I can't understand why she needed her phone in the first place, to be honest. When you're on a night out you want to escape from all of that, surely? It's not as though her son is small or anything, he's a grown man and can look after himself at home.

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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
It really do get annoying, plus you also know as soon as they get here they will have their phone in their hand texting all the time, or looking at all the gossip that is going on face book or other sites.
I know what you mean that when you are on a night out you just want to relax and chat and all that rather than what you can do or they can do if they stayed at home.Some times make you think why they have even bothered coming out, where as they may have stayed at home and used their phone,.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Mar 13
She did let her hair down eventually (so to speak) but she still had her phone on show as though she'd be lost without the damn thing.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
9 Mar 13
I know what you mean. And I have noticed this with my sister in law. Everytime we visit his brother's house, she would be lying on their bed and just play with her iPad the whole time. The only time she gets out of the room is when she is called to eat. She does this when she goes to her other sister's house and also at their parent's house. She barely associates and when she does, oh gosh....the MOUTH!
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@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Mar 13
I get embarressed as well if a friend of mine is sitting on her phone, or my husband on his pc and not being talkative, or at least not go on the games.
I also feel that it is not nice for other people to have to put up with people who do that, as it is rather rude.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I feel that it is pointless for people to come here to see me when all they do is stay on their phone from the time they get here until the time that they leave.
I do get to the stage that I want to get mine out and start doing the same, to see how they feel.
I would never dream of going to see someone and stay on my phone the whole time that I am there.
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@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
10 Mar 13
I feel embarrassed with how my sister in law behaves in other houses. It is showing disrespect. I mean, she was invited to come over, of course to bond, but all she does is be in a corner and play online.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
9 Mar 13
I have an office mate who is glued to her phone and c she was a self confessed phone addict. So when you see her is either she is on candy crush, temple run, or texting with her phone and sometimes she is on her tablet watching movies or series.
So there was this time we were having a lunch what v we did was hide her phone and told her she can't always be anti social and stuck to her phone. The next time she controlled her urges to open or use her phone. Hehe
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Mar 13
hi jugsjugs it would be funny to see if they did get the trembles whenthey did have their buddy the cell phone on hand,.It has to be an addiction for sure.

@Eskimo (2315)
9 Mar 13
it just seems to be part of life now. I have the same problem, with visitor's phones going constantly with new messages, even in the middle of a meal, they still answer them straight away. It's almost as if the world would end if they didn't give an immediate reply.
Personally, I think it is very rude to even have a phone switched on when you are visiting, and certainly not if you are eating.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I feel that some people would get withdrawal if they were not on their phones.What is the point of coming to see me when allthey are doing is either texting or on sites on their phone.
My daughter use to be on her phone all the time, even at meal times, I would not mind if she had to use it for a good reason, but that was never the case.
@BarBaraPrz (49026)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
9 Mar 13
I haven't that problem but I do have a friend that likes to phone me while she's eating. Just as rude.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
9 Mar 13
I agree! It can be VERY annoying! I have an aide that comes and helps me with things and she spends a lot of time on her cell. I hear her talking, but sometimes I'm not sure if she is talking to me or is on the phone.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I feel that there are people that constantly use their phones no matter where they are, just incase they miss out on anything that is going on.I also feel that at times it can really get on your nerves if you are trying to make a conversation and their main things they want to do is check on their phone on the sites that they go to all the time.
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@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
9 Mar 13
I know it is rude. I hate it when people use their cell phones and computers while visiting their friends. It also bugs me when people use the Internet while they are out to dinner. When Randy and I were dating we both left our cell phones behind (randy carried his in the car in case his mom called). We felt that we were out together and that is all that mattered. If someone needed to get a hold of me they would leave me a message and then I would call back.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I feel that if people want to be on their phones, pcs or any other divice then they should really stay at home, rather than using them when they are supose to be socialising with other people.I use to carry my phone in my pocket when I was out, but only incase my children really needed me or other family members, never to sit on it all the time I was out.
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@mrswhitfield (2044)
• Indonesia
12 Mar 13
It's annoying indeed. When I talk to someone I want them to pay attenttion to me even though I am not their family or friends. They have to respect when someone is talking to them. If they feel disturbed they can tell me directly that they are busy on something.I hate when people just ignoring me when I talk to them.
@jugsjugs (12967)
16 Mar 13
I feel that if people have come to see me then they should at least not sit on their phones from the time they get here, until the time they leave.
The other day I had to repeat myself three times before the person that was on their phone realised what I had said.
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@roshigo58 (4856)
• Pune, India
12 Mar 13
It is very annoying when people come to see you and don't want to talk to you and engaged in talking on phone, or looking on sites etc. Sometimes we go to see people at that time also we have such experience. they continue to watch TV.And don't give attention to you. It is very insulting experience.
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@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
9 Mar 13
that is rude if your visting some one your there is no reason that they should not put the stuff out of sight and mind till the vist is over
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I would never dream of sitting in another persons house and sitting on my phone on face book, or constantly texting people.If they wanted to do the sites on their phone or constant texting, then they should have stayed at their house, rather than coming to mine to do it and be so rude.
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@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
9 Mar 13
I am with you all the way your there to vist not to play on the phone or pc
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 Mar 13
yes my youngest son does that. then he wonders why im always so upset with him. acts like i dont even matter when im trying to talk to him. and now hes just coming around once in a while. dont know why i ever miss him when hes not really here with me even when hes physically present
so i know just what you mean. people never really relate to each other these days with all the phones and pcs handy.

@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Mar 13
I thought that my daughter was bad having her phone on the go all the time, but she has now stopped using it here when she comes to see me.
Some people seem to not be able to cope with out having their phone in their hand using it all the time, I feel that it is sad that people think that they will miss out on something if they are not on their phone or on a site like face book all the time.
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@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
6 Apr 13
that is really annoying,because it also happen to me,i was talking to that person but she was concentrating to text or something in her phone,so when i know that she/he is busy doing that i will not talk to her/him unless she/he is finish on what she/he do.
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Apr 13
I know it really gets to me when people feel that they need to be on their phones, or on their pcs when there are people that have come to see them or them go to see people.
I try to chat to people when they are with me rather than people on the phone, as I feel it is rather rude also disrespectful.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
9 Mar 13
They shouldn't come to your house if they only want to stay online and use their phone while your talking to them. I think it's time to talk to them about their bad habits and much better to stay in their own home than bothering you.
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
9 Mar 13
I agree, I have family who do that to me here. it drives me crazy. Very rude like you say here.
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