There's more myLot for ME!!!!

United States
March 9, 2013 6:10am CST
Many of us have tried to share our love of this site-with friends, family, heck, even with total strangers! But have any of the joined myLot and stayed? I've been here quite a while-I'm even on my second relationship! I always mentioned the site too, but neither guy viewed it as anything more than as something to occupy MY time. I tried sharing it with my daughter too, heck, she even joined for a short while. Eventually, she quit-Oh Mom, I forgot my password! I guess I'll be the only person in my circle that wants to meet new people, make friends, and earn a bit of pocket change. That's fine with me because there's more myLot for me!!! :)
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11 responses
@suni51 (3429)
• India
9 Mar 13
You said it, you said your daughter forgot her password which is not allowed to retrieve on MyLot but in my case my wife said it's not good for women as they get strange ideas here. I never forced her to carry on because she would have found a real strange idea if stayed here for longer(I was in no mood to see her leave me). So, I am the only one in my circle who is here on mylot and going on for ages.
3 people like this
• United States
9 Mar 13
suni- it sounds like its better for you that your wife isn't a member here for YOUR sake. I'm a woman, and if there's any strange ideas here, chances are that I'm not far behind! I don't think I've ever encountered a strange idea here though-its more about meeting new people, and being exposed to their beliefs and ways of life. Like I said before-there's more myLot for me! :)
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• United States
9 Mar 13
Thanks for sharing Lamb. I don't think my daughter is that interested in the pennies we earn here anyway...
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@topffer (42156)
• France
9 Mar 13
I have not forgot the laughing fits. I don't know if it is to avoid a divorce, but you become rare at myLot in your last incarnation, suni.
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• United States
9 Mar 13
I had a referral once upon a time, but he was actually here long before I was, so it really was not difficult to convince him to join ... convincing him to stay in the same form for more than a month or two is an entirely different story, though. I have mentioned myLot to people that I know offline, but I have not really tried to get any of them to join it. If my sister were still alive, then I think she would definitely be on here, and we could have had a great time while making a few cents.
3 people like this
• United States
9 Mar 13
It sounds as if you and your sister were very alike; you were fortunate that you both got along so well. My sister and I are not alike at all; I can't remember a time that we did get along. I got tired of telling everyone I knew of myLot-they would get angry at me because it didn't pay better, but many of them were quite spoiled too.
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• Canada
9 Mar 13
G L O R Y B E !!!! 'Tis my favourite Purple! Did I tease you out of the that you, popping up as that GLORIOUS, glorious regal in Royal Purple...brilliant mauves..and soft lavenders! NO Grape Purples...! There are times that I have laughed so hard...and carried with Giggles thru-out the day, because of the tremendous "comics" here! I think it has been a lifeline..and life blood for me..and I so hope that changes that are acoming..are user friendly to some-one of my limited knowledge! The sight of as Welcome as the beautiful sunshine today..HAPPY SPRING!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Mar 13
hni scorpiobabes and pegammano purpl;e alabasters flower is a petjunia not crocus so there lolgald she showed up again.
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
9 Mar 13
I do not have any active referrals, either, but on the other hand, I have actually met in person some of the online people I have known from here. How cool is that? My husband occasionally posts here, in almost seven years he has made payout one time. I think it takes a special person to enjoy this site. I have family members I would not want to see on here.
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• United States
9 Mar 13
You actually got to meet someone? That's so cool! I've only chatted with one outside of myLot-she became a customer of mine (we were good friends), and one other friend is friends with me on Facebook, but that is it. I agree-it does take a special person to enjoy this site.
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
10 Mar 13
Every time I go see my daughter in Minnesota, I also go see Grandpa Bob (Webieishere) He is not active here anymore, but probably reads the notifications. I have met AmbiePam in person as well. Just once. ElicBxn came to Kansas to visit with her roomie's family and we went to Dodge City together. Marsha 32 lives a half hour from me and we get together. It is fun. I almost got to meet with daeckart once.
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@cvodrey (225)
• United States
10 Mar 13
Gerty, I agree. There are a lot of my family members I would not want to see on here either. This is the one place where I post and actually feel a sense of anonymity. With my article sites I feel a bit restricted because it's MY name out there, ya know? I hate to say I care what people think, but I do. And it's not that I have anything really bad I would say on here, but I definitely have more freedom.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
9 Mar 13
Only a few people are English speakers around me. I offered to a friend who wanted to improve his English -- I think his English is already better than mine -- to join. He visited myLot, read a few discussions and decided to not join, telling me that it was not a site for him. I enjoyed myLot the day I joined ; I have not always been very active, but I would miss several friends here if I had to leave, and I use myLot like a club. However, seeing many new members leaving after a few days, it is sure that this site is not convenient for everybody.
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• Canada
9 Mar 13
topffer...I enjoy this site, for many reasons..and YOU, I just enjoy, as you have made me laugh soooooo many times, there are days that you have a sense of humour that just won't quit! And it's usually those days..I need some levity..I read a great response of yours!
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@topffer (42156)
• France
9 Mar 13
Thank you Perga. I return you the compliment : you are not the last one when it comes to humor. It is amazing how we can discover an affinity with people that we will probably never met, and how these people are nevertheless taking a place in our lives. I am not always in a good mood, but if I find a discussion with 2 or 3 friends having fun, it is all that I need to make my day. It is the magic of myLot.
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@suni51 (3429)
• India
9 Mar 13
Hi guys- I am sorry to say that you forgot me while talking about humor. I some time think of those old days when we used to dance around laughing and having fun. Cheers
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
9 Mar 13
Heh and more free time for me too. I never have shared mylot to other of my family members. But, now when I will finish my website I will promote and recommend mylot for everyone who will be interested. I think people who will be interested will join in our community and stay for all time.
• United States
9 Mar 13
Do you think that with the increased popularity of myLot that our earnings potential will be hurt? I've been here about six years, and it seems that I'm spending more time here to earn less each year. What is the topic or purpose of your website?
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
10 Mar 13
I came here not as a referral of anyone and I have not had any referral either. I actually use this site to 'hide' from those who know me offline. So I definitely don't attempt to introduce this site to anyone around me.
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
11 Mar 13
I know and now I feel somewhat exposed here although not totally, borrowing Lamb's word, "nekkid"... Yeah, I landed to myLot while searching for ways to make money online... I've been addicted to this since and completely left the search attempt.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
9 Mar 13
Morning...scorpiobabies..I am NOT sure how long I have been here, but I think I joined shortly after being introduced (late in life) to the computer world! Possibly 6+ years..and have yet to sign-up anyone else from my circle, but then most of my associates, are a heck of a lot more savvy than me about the cyber world! I just enjoy the comfort here...and my cyber friends!
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• United States
9 Mar 13
pergammo-I've been here six or so years too. I HAD two referrals, neither of which earned me anything. I have scads of fun with my friends here, probably more so than with live people!
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• United States
9 Mar 13
I must admit that I was very reluctant to try out this site for several reasons, but after some insisting and a few tantrums and arm-twisting I decided to try it out and have loved it ever since.
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@suni51 (3429)
• India
9 Mar 13
Hi big sis- Found you enjoying your stay at MyLot.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Mar 13
hni scorpiobabes I tried to get myh son ibnterested too but no he prefers his Facebook as hes ben there for ages and knows all the newest things there.So yes theres just more mylot for me too. I just hope i do not hate the new changes mylot is making as I liked Mylot the way it was. well maybe it will be fine as I can only hope so.
• United States
11 Mar 13
I'm worried about the new 'changes' they plan to make here. I liked it the way it was too-the last few changes weren't too noticeable, at least. I'd love if they could start culling the inactive users-perhaps by sending out a mass email, letting them know they have X days to sign back in or forfeit their earnings. If the original message bounces back, delete them from the system. I seriously doubt that there's 260k active members here; too many of my friends are now inactive.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Mar 13
I know! I have told many people about this site, and the most luck I have had was someone who tried it for a couple weeks then they were gone too. Ugh. Oh well, I am glad I have a home here on MyLot. =) The Heck with the rest of them, they are missing out!
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Mar 13
Same here! I've actually spent more time here today than anything else, except maybe doing the dishes! I'm kind of glad that neither of my referrals stayed either.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
10 Mar 13
well mylot for me is earning and gaining friends. to each is his yes, go on and do what ever pleases you as long as you are not distracting and offending others. anyway you are using your time and not theirs right?
• United States
10 Mar 13
Sometimes we want to share something that we enjoy with those we love. I guess I'm more of a geek because I'd rather spend time talking with people I've never met face to face. The money I earn is just icing on the cake in my opinion.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
11 Mar 13
ahhh that's for you. I don't think I will be spending much time here if I am not earning. please pardon my thoughts about it. It is not that I am not a friendly person. I like the people here too.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
11 Mar 13
In fact I have met a few friends here and we continue communicating through emails and facebook.
@justyou (68)
• China
10 Mar 13
Even to talk with strangers is good,because people here are all kindly.You dont need let some guy to go here like you,just myLot can take you some happiness,it's enough.I'm here to pratice my english,now,i think it's not only a place to learn english,but also a place to enjoy in my life....oh,it's also a good place to earn pocket change^^^^
• China
11 Mar 13
Chinese,six years you'v been here,it's so long!six years later,i must be learn my english very well,haha