Too many beggars on the road
By Nandita2013
@Nandita2013 (132)
March 10, 2013 12:59pm CST
Today MAHASHIVRATRI (lord Shiva) is celebrated all over India. So i went to a nearby temple it was crowded with devotees. I was really surprised when i saw many beggars on the roadside from small kids to old men. I felt pity and gave some money to them but after reaching home i felt wasnt i encouraging them to beg i should have given them food instead. What else can we do for them? The government should do something for them. They are increasing day by day. What do you guys think what measures should be taken? Do you have too many beggars in your city??
11 responses
@extremefun4fun (2908)
• India
14 Mar 13
I believe that money of poor one is in pocket of rich one. there is a way to finish this problem in the world if all of us we could follow this law and that is spending ten percent of our income every month for poor people and give it from deep of your heart and soul. that is the way you will get more money by blessing and those poor life also day by day will get better. but people do not do that, specially rich ones. becuase ten percent of their income, will be a perfect amount and for greedy feeling, they will not make that part away to give to poor ones. that is the reason we have poor people.
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
14 Mar 13
yes you are right. But there are some rich people who work for charity to help the poor while there are some others who do it just for publicity. Here we live in a counry where rich become richer and poor remains poor!
@LoKoMoMe (511)
• Belize
10 Mar 13
only a few on my city. when I see a beggar I cant stop myself to give them money not because I pity of them its because I know that their hungry and want some food to eat. but I feel annoy when so many beggars use their money not for buying food but for gambling. I saw them playing kara krus (Filipino gambling game). with other beggar. your right next time its better to give to them food not money.

@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
Its good your city doesnt have much beggars. Once whle travelling i gave food to a beggar boy and he asked for money.
• India
14 Mar 13
Well, I know some baggers really need some help but that does't mean that give them some food or money because bagging is just like addiction when a person start bagging he never think about working.

@lampar (7584)
• United States
10 Mar 13
Yes, we not only have many beggars on the street, we also have many homeless people. Every time i went to do my weekly shopping in my regular store by the corner, there are always couple of beggars asking for dollar, whenever i go to work in the morning, there are always people standing by the corner of the street, or in front of traffic light holding board sign asking for food and money, it is a sign that our economy is not as good as the government portrayed to us, life is getting tough for many people and the elected politicians had failed to deliver as promised in the election on prosperity for all except for themselves. I normally will gave couple of dollars to the beggars to alleviate some of their pain, as much as i like to do, i feel hopelessly unable to do more since i don't control the government institutions and doesn't has plenty of resources at my disposal to provide more helps to these beggars and homeless people, while the powerful government look the other way on these downtrodden and less fortunate among us, i can only hope God's mercy on them will bring some relief to them in every new day, personally i believe only through government proactive measure and sensible policy can bring some solution to this rising problem in every city across the land. 

@lampar (7584)
• United States
15 Apr 13
Yes, you are absolutely right, with so many people go unemployed, losing their job and home, and with a tanking economy without much recovery in sight, it definitely needs the vast resources of the government institutions or those big private multi-national corporations assistance before the situation can turn better for these down-trodden and less fortunate people in our country. Less people will depend on donation and pan handling cents to survive the day to day hardship, when the economy is doing well, the donors will be more willing to give and provide for charity causes, since they will have more money inside their big bank account, at least that is the case in theory, people are more willing to give when they feel secure in their job and a better future ahead. 

@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
Yes we cant help them everytime by giving them money only government can do it but they dont do so..

@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
I think that nowadays, beggars are everywhere. And I know that even New York City isn't spared from having a few. Kids here would be going inside public transports and hand empty envelopes to passengers to ask money. I feel sorry for them but I don't feel right giving them money. So what I would do is give them food instead. That way I know they can have something in their tummy instead of buying something else or gamble in the streets.

@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
Some kids do insist on asking money. If they intend to buy food for another family member, we really wouldn't know. So just ignore the kids and maybe just politely tell him/her that the food is only thing you can give.
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
Yes giving them food is a good option but as i told before i gave food and still the kid was asking for money

@devonavis (1854)
• Greece
11 Mar 13
One main solution for this is to educate them, teaching and letting them understand that begging is not a good way of living. This will not completely wipe out or drastically decrease the number of beggars but this will help.
I personally think that what you did is a great, I can sense that you're a person with a kind heart, but then you're also very right when you said you were encouraging them to beg more. These people need more encouragement than money or food, too bad no one is brave enough to do it.

@devonavis (1854)
• Greece
11 Mar 13
Really? Well, that's just too bad. One thing why these kids behave very different is the environment where they were raised. That is one of the main factors I think that influences these kids. If only someone will rescue them and treat them nicely at their very early age then it would be awesome.
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
12 Mar 13
What you said is right. Hope they are rescued and given a better life
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
When we see small kids we cant stop ourself from giving them alms. These kids are not interested in studying. Some of them misbehave too. There are many shelter homes set up by the government by some of them just dont want to stay there.

• India
10 Mar 13
I think as bagging in india is a crime all the baggers should be arrested. Now talking about government should do something, well they already did in a walfare scheme know as mgnrega which provides a guaranteed way of employment. Now they (Beggars) can use itif they want, but they don't because they just want to sit and eat. They don't want to work, so how u can help a person who just don't want to help himself...
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
10 Mar 13
You are right. They dont want to work and some are drunkards why they wil work they dont have to worry about anything
@LoKoMoMe (511)
• Belize
10 Mar 13
most of them want, but they cant. because they are luck out of school, care, and home so that they cant follow things that the normal person can do. especially for work, priority is common sense. so almost all interviewers can easily know that they are a street person. government is blind for that kind of people I dont know why..
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
Some of them have family and they put the children onto begging too. They are a great nuisance at traffic signals, bus stop,etc

@desertrose16 (600)
• United States
11 Mar 13
Here in the states, we have people begging. It is hard to tell who is homeless and who isn't. I have heard stories baout people who beg that have nice cars, places to live, etc. Having been homeless myself. Giving money is not helping. Give food and try to help in other ways. I know that jobs are hard to come by. Still, encourage adults to get jobs and children to go to school to learn.
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
I have also heard about rich beggars. Once my friend told to a beggar she doesnt have any change to give and he said he has. As you said giving money is not at all a good option but they dont understand the importance of work, house,etc.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
10 Mar 13
Sometimes we think that we are helping them by giving them alms. But when you look right down to it, are you really helping, or just encouraging them to beg more? To risk their lives and limbs frequenting the streets even chasing the cars just for some alms? I would prefer donating some clothes, food, and money in a charity institution that surely works for the betterment of those people who are homeless or kids who have been abandoned on the streets. I wish i could do more, but this is the best that I can do for now.
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
We cant do anything except giving clothes or food but only government can provide them with a better life
@nitinnair89 (2899)
• India
11 Mar 13
Lol. That's a common sight in India. They think they have nothing else to do except begging. We might never know what made them like this so maybe we can't help them.
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
Right bro. Yesterday a long line of beggars were sitting outside the temple. When i saw the old people it really made me sad. What a life
@ruchadhawal31 (228)
• India
11 Mar 13
There are many beggars here as well. They are really very irritating.Why should we encourage them to beg by giving alms instead we should encourage them to do some work for themselves. According to them its the easiest way to earn money. And now it has also become their daily business. Some beggars here dont leave until we give somthing to them. Somtimes i think these beggars are fake and selfish. It would be better if government dont look into this matter...
@Nandita2013 (132)
• India
11 Mar 13
Many of the beggars are fake. They are fit and fine but they wont work because for them this is the easiest way to earn money.Why do you think government should not look into this matter?its their duty to look after their city and people