Uh Oh I missed the quadruple earnings....

@ardoy0731 (7308)
March 10, 2013 8:20pm CST
Uh oh I did missed the quadruple earning for two days,I do hope that most of you did earned quite good that time.I only found out about this quadruple opportunity the day after that.I read about it in one of the post that was included in the hot discussions.That two days was really a good chance for us to earn more here. I was pretty much busy in some other things especially at work wherein some issues are needed to resolve, clarify and give much time and attention.We really have to choose one to prioritize for meantime so there will be no conflicts in time.I missed the opportunity but still looking forward for another chance for this quadruple earning again. Morning Monday to all. Have a great time. And start the week positive and good.
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20 responses
• United States
11 Mar 13
It was a great time to earn money and since you missed out, I'm sorry. But hopefully there is next time. We'll see if there is.
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@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
It looks like you experienced the quadruple earnings. I am looking forward for the next oppurtunity of the quadruple earnings again. Lets just enjoy our stay here and be free enough to share here.
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@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
Sorry to hear that you have missed this opportunity. Fortunately, I was able to post some but only for a day because I was too busy last Thursday with my off line works. I just hope admin do it again sometime. Anyway, do log in from time to time so that you would not miss admin's surprises.
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Yeah your right, there are times when we have to give more attention to things that can not be postponed. Anyway, when we are free we can go back to our mylotting and when that opportunity comes maybe we can make up for the lost time we should spent here.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Oh that's what all of us wish for that it might happen again so soon, for sure I will not missed it when it comes.I will be more alert and aware on chances like this lol.At least you do have one day to be more active and earned higher than the usual.Well there will times that we will be going to choose one thing to prioritize but as long as we will catch up on other things, well it will be just okay and fine.Let us just be active here and enjoy our stay as much as possible.
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
I almost missed it, too. I read about it last Friday so I took advantage posting my responses and comments. I had some free time at work so I used my free time wisely. LOL. I hope we'll have more quadruple earnings in the future. Enjoy your week and enjoy myLotting.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Yeah more quadruple earning in the coming days and hoping that it will be very very soon.Opportunity like this should really be grabbed cause sometimes it just happen once in a blue moon.Well at least you have some time during Friday ti catch up.I guess I did some participation that day but not as great like the quadruple earnings last year.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Oh, you had it last year? Wow. It was just my first time last Friday. LOL. I guess I missed a lot. I started to myLot last year around July or August I think. I wonder when will be the next quadruple earnings... Maybe it'll be a surprise.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
12 Mar 13
Hi Ardoy I am not really active too in My Lot I don't checked it everyday but the day before, I think I am so lucky that I read their alerts ow, I have some notes too about quadruple earnings that I have caught on that was 0n 4th July 2012, 22 December 2011 maybe you can check around that date maybe at that date, you can check whether there is a quadruple earnings
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Oh you are really lucky.I was active during the last,July 4th wherein I really earned a bit higher that the usual and reach the minimum payout quite easier.This two days really mean a lot but sad to say that I missed it but there will still some days to catch up and earn as much as possible so I will reach the minimum pay in due time.Thanks for the reply and have great day ahead.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
Well, i guess you were busy at work Ardoy, so you missed it. So maybe you should from now one take a peek on what's new at Mylot everyday from now on. Me, i always take a peek here, even if i don't have time to respond. Thus, i came to see the notification about the quadruple earnings and was so happy about it, Ardoy! I never expected to earn that much, really!
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
With the quadruple earnings, i am assured yesterday , of a sure cash out on the 15th of next month.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Yeah a bit busy at work last week so I dont have much time visiting here. There are still some works to be done an issues to be tackled. I just have time last Saturday wherein i read the news in one of the post that really got lots of responses. I missed the chance of two days of quadruple earnings but looking forward for the next one again and hopefully I wont miss it and earn more then.
@else22 (4317)
• India
11 Mar 13
You were busy and so you failed to exploit the golden opportunity.And I failed to cash in on the golden chance due to the unexpected power cut that lasted for four hours and when the power supply was resumed,I had to leave for an urgent meeting.I was waiting for Thursday and then Friday and planning to earn as much as possible,but suddenly misfortune struck.The power cut shattered all my dreams and plans.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
A bit sad about that, four hours of power cut off was really a hassle the fact that we need electricity in doing things.Well sometimes there are unexpected things that might along the way wherein sometimes we can't do anything about but just to wait.Better luck next time to us who missed the opportunity. Lets still keep on being active here and enjoy our stay.
@else22 (4317)
• India
12 Mar 13
Wow!Looks beautiful.We have a river here at the outskirts of our hometown.It's full of rocks.The river dries up in summer.Chances come and go.often we cash in on them and often we miss them.That's life,my friend.
@buddha3 (1026)
• India
11 Mar 13
Don't use the word "quadruple earnings". They will state a reason "similar topic" and delete ur post!!! :D
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Well I hope they don't but so far it is still here.I hope it won't get deleted if it is that so.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
11 Mar 13
I had no clue about this even though I come here almost every day I have not been really looking around . Those two days I would have been very active if I know . I was probably here but unaware of what was going on so I do limited respond .
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
I have done few responses as well maybe can be just counted by fingers and a bit unaware what's going on that days maybe because I was pretty much occupied by busyness at work that were really needed that time.We really have to be aware of the alerts coming here in mylot wherein some are great news like this quadruple earnings that we missed.
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
No idea about the quadruple earnings here so just like what most mylotters here, I also missed the opportunity, hope there will be next time and I will be here also to take my chance to earn :) Happy mylotting to all!
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Oh well let us just wait for the next opportunity to catch up and hope that it might be very very soon.Keep on going to earn more everyday and just enjoy our stay here which is important.Thanks and have a great day.
@anuraa32 (2446)
• India
11 Mar 13
I am sorry you missed it. I wasnt able to fully make use of it either, but it was good enough. Hope there is a next time.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Yes lets hope for the next time and look forward that it will be so very very soon.I am glad that you still have a good time that days and for sure you earned a bit higher that the usual.Let us just keep on working here and stay here not just to earn but to enjoy as well.
• United States
11 Mar 13
I had done well during those two days, but I am glad that I did come on. I stayed up late on Thursday so I could post for a while. I am now done with school so I have time to get on here more as well as work on my crafts. I am so sorry that you missed out, but it is early in the month so you should still be able to catch up.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Oh well that's what I am doing to reach the payout before the months end, there will be still more time to catch up.Glad to know that you did take the opportunity of the quadruple earnings and seems that you really earned a bit more and higher.Good luck and enojy the day.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
11 Mar 13
I didn't even noticed that you were not able to participate during those days. Sorry to know that. Well, anyway let us hope that there will be another quadruple earning days to come. Have a great day!
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Oh yes I am looking forward for the another one and I hope that it might be very very soon. Busyness in work make me quite absent and inactive here during those days and just reply few comments on my post.Well, at least I have learned that I really have to be aware on alerts of mylot.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
I read the admins message the day the sent it but I was not able to focus on this quadruple earnings because I was too busy with other things. I did made a couple of comments here but have not earned a lot and so I kind of missed too.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Oh sad that you missed it as well.I did reply to few comments on my topics but that was really so few and can count by fingers. I was busy as well in other things especially at work so I didn't noticed the alert or should I say that don't give much attention on it.Well better luck next time to us and hope it will be so soon.
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
it is ok.. you still have a lot of chances to earn more!! :) have a great day!
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Have a great day as well. Enjoy your stay here and hope that you are having a great time here. Welcome to mylot as well.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
Agree, It was such a day that we all (logged in to mylot) have experienced. you could see mylot really busy those two days, and boy did i see a lot of people complaining about what the new mylot would like as well. I hope you chanced upon those discussions too, they were able to share a couple of screenshots so it looked like it is twitter. hehe :D Welcome back!
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Well so far not yet seen those of the discussions that you have said about that matter. I really have to give much attentions on mylot alerts so I wont any opportunity that could make my earnings higher and bigger. See yah around and enjoy your day here.
• Marikina, Philippines
11 Mar 13
Maybe we could have quadruple earnings again, but we do not know. Do not worry if you miss those chance about quadruple earnings here on myLot. There are still positive result when it comes to money, but in just other ways and not in myLot.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Yes lets all hope and look forward for the next quadruple again and hope it will be soon. I did earned more during the quadruple earning last next before this two days of quadruple earnings last week. Quite sad about that since I missed the chance but still keep on going and doing my best to participate here and most important is enjoying here with people around.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
I was blessed in having extra earnings on those days. And I was really happy coz it sort of gave me a boost in getting more active again coz the past week, I seem to be getting a it slow with Mylot. Had lots of things in my mind. If I was just in the mood of writing all of the things in my mind, then I could have earn a lot more. But, I didn't. I was just mostly thinking about the problems and was hoping that a miracle would happen to relieve me from worries. The quadruple earnings just made me take off the worries in my mind. So I just participated as much as I can and hope that by next payout, i'd be getting a bit more.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Nice that you earned more that time and grabbed the opportunity to reach the payout. Well dont worries that much and be positive enough that every thing will be okay in due time. Lets enjoy and be more active here so that we could earn more and more here. There will be times that we are in the mood in writing so many discussions yet sometimes we cant write anything but still lets enjoy our stay here.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
11 Mar 13
Oh man, that's too bad. But at least I know you can still catch up because the month has just started on its second week and you still have enough time to make it to your payout, I think. At any rate, it would have been easier if you happen to participate in even one of the days during the quadruple earnings. But hey, I didn't mean for you to feel that bad about missing it.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
A bit sad since I missed the opportunity wherein I could earn more and higher but that's life. We reallg missed some things sometimes but what's important is that we are positive and looking forward for the next chance. I still also have enough time to catch up as you have said. See you around, enjoy mylotting and have a great day Raine.
@tech40 (23121)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
Same here, I also miss the quadruple earnings LOOOOOOOOOOL! sort of being busy on doing school jobs,
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
Oh school days here is quite busy as well since holy week is quite early and summer is already approaching. My niece and nephew is a bit busy reviewing for their final exams as well as our youngest brother who is in college. He stay late at night to read and review some lessons cause his finals will be on the coming days. As well in my work since there are so many things to do so.
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
11 Mar 13
I worked here on Mylot, only on Friday when I heard about,the quadruple earning so I didn't do, a lot of work here on Mylot, I had to go to church that evening, and by the time I got back home, I was very tired, and I didn't do any more work, here in Mylot that evening.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
Oh at least you still have one day chance to earn and participate more, for me none at all. I just drop here last Thursday and Friday to check for a while yet didn't participate in any posts or discussions. Well that's life i guess, maybe I missed this time around but looking forward for the next opportunity and make sure that I will not missed it.