The cheaters!

United States
March 12, 2013 8:46am CST
Im watching tv right now and its all about cheaters! They do surveillance of the cheaters. They follow the cheater for how many days and show it to the wife/husband, bf/gf. Then they do a surprise for a confrontation. Its crazy why people do that. I mean they do have their own reasons but I cant seem to understand it. Your thoughts?
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18 responses
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
Well, there are those people who really cheat. For whatever angle we see, it's not healthy for a relationship. However the cheater defend himself/herself, it's still no good at all. There's only one thing I know why do people cheat, they love only their self and they are willing to risk the opportunity of being caught just to be happy to the things they want right now.
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@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
I've seen that show and some episodes were really crazy! Sometimes, some of the staff receives the wrath of the person being cheated or the one who does the cheating. But all the same, the end result is truly embarrasing.
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
12 Mar 13
Ive seen that show here in Mexico. Some of those men on that show are real dawgs. And the woman can be real.... Its a fun show.
• United States
12 Mar 13
Its a fun show. Its just crazy that in the confrontation, the cheaters always have reason why they do it. Its crazy!
• Mexico
12 Mar 13
Sure is, I read in usa that all those stories are real. Not made up.
• United States
12 Mar 13
Yes it is really real, not scripted or something.
@devonavis (1854)
• Greece
12 Mar 13
And what's the name of that TV show? Sometimes it's funny to watch these kinds of shows, seeing the reactions of these cheaters. Cheating inside marriages is, sad to say, very common now-a-days. One reason for this is the lack of love between the husband and wife. Lack of serious commitment is also one reason.
@devonavis (1854)
• Greece
12 Mar 13
Yeah, sorry I forgot one of the most important things---COMMUNICATION. Is it a TV series? Can I download it somewhere?
• United States
12 Mar 13
The title is "Cheaters". It is funny at the same time sad of course fot he person who got cheated. Lack of communication too.
• United States
12 Mar 13
Ahmmm I dont think its a tv series. I really dont know. I just saw it earlier this morning :) And I forgot what channel it was aha. Im sorry my friend.
@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
13 Mar 13
Oh wow I've never really seen cheaters but then it that sounds like an interesting show but then it sounds really mean for the person who was cheated on and it is also mean to the person that cheated too. I'm not sure if they really deserve to be shamed on national tv. Cheating isn't even a crime if you're not marred and it is something people can change about themselves if they put their mind to it. I find it really sad.
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@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
I hate cheaters of any form. But i do hate more when they show it in national television. Although I find the show amusing and different, i find it uncomfortable showing the whole world how my partner make me look like a stupid person in front of the viewing public.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
To me this matter is a private affair Between us both, my partner and I. So to me I wouldn't want to put my v story on National tv for everyone to see being cheated on and lied to. This is s crazy idea and if these people allowing their private life invaded like that are as crazy as the idea also it could true that they they were only after some money.
@devonavis (1854)
• Greece
12 Mar 13
Me too, I think that these things are something that are private and should not be shown to public, unless given the consent. Sometimes the media do crazy things just to attract viewers. I don't understand these channels allowing shows that are very sensitive as this.
• Canada
12 Mar 13
I used to be able to watch Cheaters a few years ago, although it's no longer available here. I thought some of it was really funny, as well! The thing that always amazes about that show is how the person caught cheating is very often SO angry about getting caught and blames the person they are cheating on! "How dare you not trust me!" or "How dare you hire someone to spy on me!"... that kind of thing. They are the ones in the wrong but they're ready to blame everyone else. Shows you some people's mindset!
• Canada
12 Mar 13
I saw one like that too! The girl was screaming at the boyfriend, "Well you're NEVER here! You're NEVER here!" So I guess, in her mind, that gave her the right to get in bed with another guy? Yeesh
• United States
12 Mar 13
Oh yeah! Thats it! aha. If he's not there it doesnt mean she should sleep with other guy. That girl, oh my!
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• United States
12 Mar 13
Very true! The one that I saw earlier, the girl got caught in bed with the other guy and she was the one who's mad on her boyfriend. I was like really??
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• United States
14 Mar 13
I don't know how much of that show is real. There was an episode that went all over the news being faked. I think if I mistrusted my husband or boyfriend to have them followed, I'd kick him to the curb and not bother having him followed. The trust is already gone when you hire someone to film him/her under cover.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
13 Mar 13
People cheat because either one they can't settle down or they are la king something in there relationship and do t want to work on it with the person they are with so they cheat.
• Indonesia
14 Mar 13
I have watched something like that on my local tv channel show. Well the show is not real, all the stories are fake, my friend who work at one of TV channel told me. The shows are made for rating. All of them are talent and there is no real relationship between them.
• India
12 Mar 13
Hi friend, we must be loyal to our partners, but in this days this kind of cheating activities are quite common, it is not a good thing to follow the cheating persons and coverage their cheating activities to show it to their beloved persons, surely this kind of cheating activities will give a great disappointment to the real lovers, better to give up this kind of following activities and proving the betrayal activities.
• United States
12 Mar 13
Yes you are very right! We really should remain loyal and faithful to our beloved partner in life. It is never good to cheat on someone. Never!
@patnopy (718)
• Philippines
12 Mar 13
i hate all kind of cheaters
@patnopy (718)
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
as every will same that too, i remember my wife do that to me by the time where both bf/gf and it is sounds like karma to me
@patnopy (718)
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
sorry i mean as every one will tell the same
• United States
12 Mar 13
Trust me! I do too :)
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
men and women who cheat has their own reason, but for me whatever it may be... no one in this world has the right to hurt other people's feeling especially the person we invested time and effort. but what can we do some people just don't care about other people or the people that the say they care for.. all they care about is their selves and their ego.
@ptrikha_2 (47595)
• India
13 Mar 13
There is also a TV show in India, which shows the same thing. May be it is inspired by the Programme you are talking about. However, the way these programs sensationalize things, they make themselves not so serious watch.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
13 Mar 13
I have seen tv programs like that and it amazes how and why people cheat! It is really crazy! So many people do it and think they can get away with it! When the bf/gf.wife/husband thinks it is going on they want proof so they can confront the other person! Then the cheater can't get out of the lie! Cheating is so wrong! It shows no respect,no love,they don't care and are idiots! If you want to cheat and are in a relationship,you should not be in a relationship in the first place!
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
Those people who want it to be televised are absolutely MAD. They no longer think of the consequences that may happen after publicly exposing their story. These couples really have no more chance of getting back together. If it was to happen to me. I'd probably do the surveillance on my own. And once I have proven the cheating, then off to the lawyers I go. No need to sensationalize and be the laughing stock of the whole world!
• Canada
12 Mar 13
I have never seen this show yet, wow there must be a lot of fights on that show, why would they put themselves in that situation? What people will do for money and fame. ha ha