I Do Get It...

Valdosta, Georgia
March 12, 2013 4:45pm CST
I have asked about divorce here, as in how do people just decide that one day... Well, I get it. Not that I am saying I want a divorce because I don't, I am just saying I understand sometimes why people think about it and contemplate it at times. If I did not have my faith, I might not still be with my husband at this point. We have just been through so much together, the thing that keeps us together is our faith though. Without my faith, I could see it. Never seeing each other, financial struggles, doing things apart, instead of talking-arguing, feeling like a single mother, etc... I can see how it happens. I heard something on the radio the other day though that made me think. What would you miss more, the way your feeling now or the way you would feel later? The answer is, I would miss him more. I would miss him more than the romance I long for right now that I am not getting. I think before thinking of getting a divorce maybe everyone should think about it, what would you miss more? What is more important? Your marriage or your wants? I was just thinking about certain things that bother me within the marriage. I do want some changes in our marriage-not with his work because he's doing good with it but more romance and more conversations, and possibly more effort from him. (Just to put this out there, I definitely believe in divorce if there is abuse or cheating going on, but I don't believe in divorce for MYSELF if that is not happening).
5 people like this
22 responses
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
14 Mar 13
You are AWESOME!!! If more women in America were like you, we would be 10x closer to Heaven on Earth!
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
16 Mar 13
*pop*..... A fuse in my head just blew... Wait wait wait.... you met your husband... online? Really? I apologize, I usually don't ask people personal questions unless they themselves bring up the topic, but... how does that work? "hey baby... the way you handle that mouse is smooth" "Hey I love the way you emote..." "Honey you look finer than a new LCD monitor!" Corny, but I just don't understand this... I sorry, I have always found this crazy. I can't wrap my head around falling in love with someone over the internet. I'd have to... I don't know... at least MEET them, before I could ever even think romantically about them. Dare I ask how that worked for you?
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
Well andy, we didn't talk like that. We talked about every day things, got to know each other through words. You can tell a LOT about someone through words you know. It is not always about looks or attraction through the eyes. There is so much more than that to a person. Then after we had some of the same interests and the same beliefs we talked on the phone. Then once the chemistry built he came here to meet me in my state. Hey, it obviously worked for us. God can do anything He wants, I am sure you know that. If God wanted us to be together (which He apparently did) he can bring people together through CB radios or in a chatroom online! It doesn't matter where we met, just that we are together...
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
I know you were being corny but I was being honest and telling you how I felt and how it happened. Yes I have been told on more than one occasion that I am too trusting... It is part of who I am. I have been hurt plenty of times because I am very trusting. But thats part of being me. =) If I had it to do again I would not hesitate to do it the same way...
• United States
12 Mar 13
I asked for a divorce after 11 1/2 years of marriage. My (now ex) husband took advantage of me-I was five and a half years younger, and so unprepared for marriage to a man who repeatedly made me feel like nothing. It is a horrible feeling to feel insignificant, to feel like nothing. He refused to defend me to his parents, made me feel like sh1t for being Catholic, and just exacerbated my guilt of two abortions I had previously. I was to a point where it was me or him-literally. I was accused of cheating at each of my jobs. He cut me off from family and friends. I was prepared to kill myself because he made me feel like I was nothing. As a result, I've been VERY afraid to ever marry again. In my last relationship, I would have been content to just live with him-I just wanted to be a part of someone's life. And in my current relationship, I started out hopeful-and actually began to plan for our future. I still have my doubts, but I really want to get remarried.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 13
Yes, being insignificant and 'taken for granted' is serious to me. It shows we are not important in their eyes. I too not happy that my husband do not 'defense' me when I was wrongly accused by his family. There are many occasions he put other things ahead of me. I am really disappointed with him. Aren't a man should protect his wife as stated in the Bible?
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Mar 13
Making you feel small or unimportant is not a good or healthy way to live. And not wanting to defend his wife is not a good thing either. If you stayed longer he probably would have ended up physically abusing you as well since he wanted to keep you from your family. That is how it starts... I understand you being afraid to marry again after that. I do hope you get to marry again if that is what you want. =)
• United States
14 Mar 13
Yes Iriene88, you are correct. I married a man who claimed to be a born again Christian-I even tried to let him lead us spiritually. I was hospitalized for a stroke when I was 22, less than a year after having our daughter; during my convalescence, one of the other members of the church we attended (and a close friend of his-his best friend's wife) told me how I was not being a good Christian because I was working instead of staying home with my daughter, not allowing him to lead us spiritually, stuff like that. I was stunned-I could barely respond, and hunt up when I could. I was crying so hard-my daughter was being taken care of by my mother-in-law because I couldn't even pick her up safely! But I tried to stick it out-and he refused to agree to a divorce. It wasn't until I began threatening to write in and see Judge Mayblean on Divorce Court before he even did anything!
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
12 Mar 13
Like with any marriage, partnership etc, it's about the communication, if you can be honest and upfront and talk to your partner about your concerns, whether they are about the relationship or marriage itself, or if it's a concern about your partner and what they are doing, or not doing, then providing you can communicate without shouting, without accusations, talking calmly about what you both want from the marriage then it can grow and get stronger. So many times you hear of people divorcing, which is made all too easily nowadays, when in fact if only they had sat down together and spent some quality time, talking it over, then maybe the marriage could have been saved.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
13 Mar 13
I totally agree with you wolfie that communication is something that should be done in relationship. Like communicate with the other about concerns and feelings and what they can do to make the relationship grow and become even stronger.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 13
Hi, in my case I have even tell him directly and make sure it was communicated efficiently. He said he understand, but no actions taken so far. I am just tired of talking about it. I felt much better sharing it here.
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Mar 13
I agree with you wolfie, many problems can be solved by having discussions about them. I feel like some people give up too easily. I could have divorced my husband many times when things got really bad but I chose to stick it out. We talked about things, he grew up more and things got better. Now I am so glad I stuck it out because I would never want to be without him.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
13 Mar 13
You are completely right that we should all ask ourselves what would we miss if they were no longer here with us. I know that I would miss the good times that my husband and I have together, and I would just miss him as a person. Although there are plenty of time, I'm like why am I with him. Sometimes I take a step back and I see why I am with him and part of that reason is I love him and if he were gone then I would miss him as well. There have been times that I have thought about divorce too. But as like you if it weren't for my faith and so much more, we would have already divorced. And I see it like this, yes there are many things that he should change and there are many great qualities that he has. But also, I take a step back and look at myself and I see that I too have many things that I need to change. And I know that instead of asking him to make those changes, how about I make the changes in my life that needs to be changed and maybe he'll follow my lead and if not, then its okay. And I just pray for him daily and that is a key point that everyone should do before even considering divorce. Pray for God to change the things that needs changing in your spouse and then take a step back and look at the things that needs to be changed. I too on certain instances believe in divorce and that would be if he was abusive (which my husband has never been) or he cheated. (Which he almost did, but didn't and came to me first.) One thing that I hate that many couples say for the reason of divorce is that they have fallen out of love, but then you know what it would be better to divorce then to cheat on your significant other.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 13
Hi trisha27, thanks, very good advice. I will step a step back and look. Hope there are improvement within this year. I am praying and hope miracles happens! in a wonderful happy ways!
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Mar 13
I think you have made some really excellent points here and I hope we have helped at least one person. If we did, this discussion was well worth it! =) Let's face it we all need to work on things... No one is perfect. My husband also has things about me that he doesn't like either. It is up to us to deal with it or change it.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 13
Thanks a million for sharing this topic. This question has been bugging me for months and it was running through my mind yesterday evening at its peak silently. You are really God sent to answer my dilemma. So ... faith is the answer, family should come first! But how to make him understand that I need assurance and appreciation to go on.?? He is so .... 'take things for granted'. Hinting, spoken, communicated yet no response!
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
14 Mar 13
Dear LMB, Thanks :)
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Mar 13
Your welcome. I am so glad God used me to help you! That makes me so happy. =) My husband and I have been through so many things together, a lot of which he caused us. Like being homeless because he could not keep a job. We lived in a tent! We have been through MUCH more than just that but that was just one example. If I could forgive him for that and still want to be with him anyone can do it. There are some days I don't feel appreciated for all that I do. At those times, I have to look at myself and be proud of myself. I don't need his apprecation. I know God is proud of whatever it is that I just did and I am proud of myself. That is all I need. I am a good wife and mother because I want to make God proud, not my husband. Yes it's nice to have appreciation from my husband sometimes but I don't need it. Pray about what your going through. Vent here if you need to like I do at times, it helps a lot. I'm here if you ever need to talk! I wish you the best of luck, stay strong. =)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Mar 13
As I was growing up I have to say that I never believed that divorce would ever be an option for me, but now that I've been in those shoes, I have to say that it might be an option for me at some point. The reason that I say this is because I've seen that my husband has changed in the years that we've been together. Many of these changes have been things that are not good at all. My faith is what keeps me here right now, but there could come a time that my faith would fail me and only then would I consider divorce for myself.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Mar 13
A new study as just shown that a lot of baby boomers...people from back when "getting married and having kids" was the thing to do ...have now reached a stage where the kids are grown and they honestly have nothing in common with their spouse any longer. As was typical to the times...they stayed together for the kids and now have no reason to. The older ones are now creating larger divorce numbers than the younger ones.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Mar 13
And I want to add...I am not for divorce if there is any way possible to save the marriage. I really do believe that most marriages can be worked out if 2 people work together but it does take 2 people. People do change over time and often times those changes bring you further apart rather than together. Your personal happiness is important too. Just give it a lot of thought prior to making the choice to divorce, ok? It's not easy and dating after having been out of the loop for years isn;'t fun either. Divorce seems as if it would be the easy answer but it really is not.
• United States
13 Mar 13
Well you know me I don't believe in marriage for myself at all. You truly like and Love Hubby. Why leave? I think many get divorce because they don't Like their partner anymore.The love maybe stil there but they rather not be in their company. It Must be so hard to be in a marriage and feel all alone. I think this is a good reason to divorce.
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
I do love my husband. We have been through much worse times together so I think we can get through pretty much anything! =) I think it is sad that people just don't like their partner one day. Why does that happen? If you have known them and been with them for years, how do you just not like them one day? That is what I don't understand...
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Mar 13
While divorce is not the preferred outcome, it is sometimes the appropriate course. If there is abuse, neglect, unbearable conditions, imposed idleness (the husband prevents his wife from working when she desires to do so), adultery, etc., divorce is the appropriate course. Those are the conditions set forth by the faith I follow. "To force a woman to endure the agony of a cruel husband who abuses her is unfathomable. The self-same Torah of G-d which forbids the afflicting of others could surely not allow, or tolerate, a situation wherein afflicting of others is permitted to continue through the camouflage of an institutionalized union" (http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/560111/jewish/Wifes-Grounds.htm). Of course, relationships require work. It has to be a partnership, or it will not succeed. Oh, it may not officially break apart; however, at least one of the people shall go through life being miserable in the relationship. I am a big believer in couple's counseling. It is sometimes the best way to get two people to sit down and actually talk about the things that are bothering them. Otherwise, it is too easy to push things aside until it turns into a source of an argument; then, you find yourself fighting with the other person about something incredibly trivial.
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
We all have our own choices and that is fine. I was talking about for me personally. I will not divorce unless there is cheating or abuse going on. That is just my preference. =) Of course, marriage is a LOT of work! My husband and I have been through being homeless together and going through a miscarriage together. Neither situation was easy at all...And we have been through MUCH more than that, those were just two things...I think if you have faith and a lot of love for each other love can conquer most things. My husband and I pray together and that has done worlds for our marriage as well.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
Reading your post was just like reading my mind. And everything that you said you've gone through, I have gone through, too. It took me a lot of thinking before I really decided to give my marriage another try. My parents have even told me their support if ever that I would finally decide to give up. I thought that the kids are the most important in keeping my marriage. I didn't want them to grown up having a broken family. But reality struck me, that it was more than wanting to have a family together. I didn't think I would really be completely happy if my I was only half of myself.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 13
Yes, same here... especially my son having Government Statutory Exam end of this year. I do not want to upset him. I will look into faith and hope miracles happens that one day my husband will put effort into this marriage. Hoping and praying for the best.
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Mar 13
Yeah, sometimes we have to step back and look at the situation from a different point of view. Sometimes all it takes is thinking would I want to be without this person in my life forever? Are these things more important than the love we share? That is how I feel as well, I would not be happy without him...
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
13 Mar 13
for sure and you can feel the difference it is more like cheating in divorce and invariably arguing always
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
Yeah its not a good thing to argue all the time either but I don't personally feel like a divorce would be needed for that...Not for me anyway.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
Hi there ! All must well informed about this divorced . It's pros and cons. I know so much pain it gives especially in the kids part. It is a better and a bitter remedy for couples who are always in trouble , those couples which made their home not heaven but hell. No used in staying together if the scenario would always be like this . But lucky are those who don't need to resort to divorce because s they said , no amount of happiness can compensate for a failure in family.
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
It does cause a lot of pain for parents to divorce that is true. Well, for myself I only believe in divorce if there is abuse or cheating going on. We have been through a lot together but we meant our vows so we want to keep them... =)
• Canada
13 Mar 13
Hi I think it is all the hard times you and your husband have went through that will keep your marriage strong. Marriage does take hard work, however I have to agree with you about divorce as well if there is abuse or cheating it would easily become a choice for many.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Mar 13
I think so too. Our faith also has a big part to do with our marriage lasting. But my husband also knows if he ever put a hand on me or cheated on me we would be done...
• United States
13 Mar 13
It is good that you don't have a divorce, but it's even better that you have faith! Faith is all it takes to me your relationship work out and I'm glad to hear that from you.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Mar 13
Our faith in the Lord has gotten us through many hard times that is for sure. It has made us stronger. =)
• Singapore
13 Mar 13
I believe many entered into a marriage without thinking much about a future together with their partners, and perhaps did not intend to anyway. Divorce has lost much of its taboo and people hence marry thinking that if they do not feel happy with their spouse they can split anytime. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way, instead of working their issues out they simply choose to leave.
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
Yeah if you go into marriage thinking about a divorce then it probably should not happen in the first place. My husband and I have been through so much together, two of those things being Homeless and we lost a child together... Neither was easy and most people would have divorced because of those things but we didn't. We pushed through together. =) Now I feel like we can get through anything with faith and our love for each other.
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
12 Mar 13
That is a good question to ask. The challenge is when you want your "other" to change in some way because it's so hard to inspire change in people sometimes. I wish you good luck in your relationship. Too many end up parting ways, or maybe they should have never joined paths in the first place.
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Mar 13
Yeah it is not possible to change someone if they do not want to change. Some people are just not meant to be, your right about that. I personally would not choose divorce but for others it is the right thing. I don't care what others do, I was just talking about for myself and my life.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
12 Mar 13
It's really hard to try to understand what anyone else thinks or feels. Honestly, to say that no one should divorce unless they're abused is just being judgmental. You also can't truthfully say that it will never happen to you either. I once believed that any marriage could succeed with the right amount of effort and thought I'd never consider divorce myself. Then I did consider it for myself. I ended up in counseling where I eventually realized I don't actually want a divorce.. but I'm much more understanding of people who do divorce out of frustration and inattentiveness. BTW.. many of the problems that got me into counseling are the same ones you've mentioned in your own marriage. I can prattle on with my thoughts, opinions, and advice.. but not sure you want to hear them. For now I'll just say don't rush to judgment when you don't fully understand anyone else's situation, what they've been through, how long they've been going through it.. etc.
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Mar 13
I never said if anyone divorces for any other reason it is wrong. I said for MYSELF it would be wrong to divorce if there was no cheating or abuse going on. The key there was for MYSELF. That is MY opinion for ME and MY life. I would not divorce if those two things were not happening, that is MY choice. Never said it would not happen to me either, not once did I say that anywhere... I have been through being homeless with my husband-he got us there. We lost a child together. We have lived with family who hated the other one. We have lived in motels. We have moved at least 15 times with kids. He has quit more jobs than I can count. We have always struggled to pay bills or give our kids things they want. We barely ever go out together to do anything because of lack of money. He is never home, so I am left feeling like a single mother. So, I have had PLENTY of reasons to divorce him-trust me. But I didn't choose to. We all have to make our OWN choice and I am not judgmental at all. I was saying what MY thoughts were for MYSELF and MY marriage. I did not say anyone else is wrong for the things they choose in their own lives. I do not want to divorce because that is what I choose for my life and marriage.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
12 Mar 13
I don't know that faith has a lot of weight on staying together or not. Knew a woman (our children carpooled together) and she was a devote Baptist. There were struggles in her marriage and she went to her minister. Her minister told her that her husband has already broken the vow of marriage, so she shouldn't feel obligated to stay with him because of her beliefs. She was shocked by this and it even shocked me when she shared it. I've looked back on my own divorce and knew that being unhappy with a person wouldn't set any good example for my children on what a marriage is. There is the factors of cheating on or abuse but there are other just as valid points there. I think what it all boils down to, for me anyway, is it hurting your children more to stay somewhere that you know it will never work out.
• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Mar 13
Well I do know in the Bible (which is what I believe in) it says adultery is the only grounds for divorce. But I do believe God would not want us with anyone who was beating us either. For me and my life, that is the only two things that would make me get a divorce. That is your choice, of course. We all have to do what is best for us and our children. I was just talking about my choice and what I think is best for me and my life. =) I hope you are much happier now.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
17 Mar 13
Well I am now no stranger to divorce. The evil ex obviously wanted her wants more then the marriage. She got money from her uncle and now that I look back, that was the beginning of the end. It seemed that the money was more important to her. So, not only did she take that money but half of everything we had as well and all the furniture. She is currently pursuing a career in nursing and it is going to be some years before she finishes. By then she will be old. But she is with someone that in her mind is replacing me. He reminds me of me in some ways. He has my build, wears glasses, slightly chubby and a sick sense of humor as I do. So she just removed me and added someone to play dad. But my kids don't like him and never will. She is a sick individual really. There is something mentally wrong with her I believe. But that is done with now. My kids know who their father is and thats all that counts to me. And let me add that she was very sneaky and cheated numerous times. One that I knew only part of the story because she confessed to only a small part of it and denied anymore. Then it happened a few years later. And strangely, after the kids were born. Then she decided to leave. That makes no sense to me and to this day she never answered the question I asked, why did she go through 2 pregnancies and then do it again and leave. Just a blank stare. So, I will never go down that path again in my life. Even though I am with the perfect woman now.
• Indonesia
13 Mar 13
I do agree with you, sometimes we need change in every situation that we feel is already boring, but not change status in marriage into divorce. Chosing divorce is terrible, for the kids especially. It is so sad that sometimes couple decide to divorce because they feel there is no agreement anymore in their marriage, I think they could make a better decission than divorce. But may be for some people divorce is the only choice.
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Mar 13
Yeah change can be worked on as a couple. There is communication which is the key to any relationship. If the couple would just talk things out things could improve greatly!
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
12 Mar 13
I really like your stance about divorce. I hate it when someone is like, "oh, he/she doesn't want to do what I want, I'm gonna divorce"!... they just haven't understoof their vows then. Perfect doesn't exist, so there's no need for chasing that. But if you have a good relationship, appreciate it! But if the relationship can't be saved, and there's constant tension there, it's sometimes better to divorce than trying to live together because that's the moral thing to do... that could be even worse.
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Mar 13
I do think some people get divorced too easily now a days. But I also think people have their reasons. Divorce is not right for me unless I am being abused or cheated on. That is just my preference. Everyone has to make their own choices...