Young, Naive Man in a Hurry to Get Married

March 13, 2013 4:56pm CST
I married at a young age of 23. The only reason I married my wife is I don't want our son to be illegitimate. I was so naive at that young age. I could actually acknowledge the child as my own, without ever entering the marriage trap(the problem here is that the child would be illegitimate). We have been married for 5 years now. Our marriage is on the rocks and I don't see any point continuing the relationship. The divorce bill is still on its way. Annulment, I believe is way too expensive for me(if you have a rough estimate on how much it would cost, please do post it here). I do love my son, but I have no affection left for my wife. I sometimes jokingly call her my "bitter half" from the back of my mind. What are my options here, guys? I really need your help. This is a life changing decision on my part.
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9 responses
• Philippines
13 Mar 13
sir if you love your son... then you have to love your wife as well remember half of the life of your son is your wife and the half is yours... now if you decided to leave just try to picture out killing half of the life of your son. im a married woman as well we have two kids already me and my husband went through the same situation and worst. leaving or separation is not an option if you love your son. if you decide to leave then you love your self more. because instead of facing the situation as man... you are opt. to leave your wife and your kid to ease the hatred and bitterness in your heart, and what is going to happen is the hatred and bitterness that you carry will be planted in your sons heart if you leave. im sorry sir I know im not in the position to tell you what to do but separation in never an option especially if you promised to the LORD that you will take care of your family. there is always a way I believe in that because it happend to our marriage by God's grace we are happy and our kids are happy. dont you want to see your son happy? remember you can give to your son everything in this world but that wont make him completely happy if his parents are separated. sir im praying that God will touch your heart and give you wisdom and help you out to fix your marriage in the right way. I have hope and positive that your marriage will change. ask God for help and He surely will. because he promised to us that if we ASK we will RECIEVE. I also believe sir that what happend before is a great plan of God to your life and to your wife and son, what is happening right not is just a challenge that you have to face.
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• Philippines
13 Mar 13
I respect your opinion about the subject, ma'am. I have no plan to file for separation since it will only further complicate things. I'm aiming for annulment to nullify our marriage. By the way, we never got married on the church, our local judge was responsible for our union. So, I do believe I never made an oath to God nor are we spiritually bonded. Did I mention my wife usually goes "berserk" when we have a big, serious fight. I mean, she's like a crazy lady. I am the kind of guy who would never lay a finger on a woman, so I just endured all her "episodes". So, I believe she's not fit to be the mother of my son. God knows what she will do to him if she loses her cool. I do believe in God, but sometimes we have to make critical decisions to save the welfare of the people we love. Thanks for replying to my post. I really appreciate it.
@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
14 Mar 13
Hi, One ground for dissolution of a marriage union is mental instability. If you can prove that your wife goes "like a crazy lady" then you have all the right to end it. I don't advocate separation, I belong to the "marriage should be forever" camp but when mental disturbance comes knocking, it is time to throw the marriage vows out of the window and you going after it. Just be careful you land on your feet to save at least your beloved son.
• Philippines
17 Mar 13
Yes! Thanks for your post, rog0322! I appreciate it! I updated my research and found out for myself that lunacy is indeed one of the grounds for annulment. I'm considering of using this fact to my advantage if I have made my mind about annulment. Once again, thanks for your post! It was helpful.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
14 Mar 13
i am a single mom and i braved the society's scorn 23 years ago because i didn't want to be tied up in a marriage that wouldn't have lasted long. have you ever asked your wife how she feels about your marriage? is she happy? or maybe she also married you just because she was afraid to be branded 'disgrasyada'. annulment is very expensive (the last i heard it costs 250KPhP). there are also parameters in getting this. talk with your wife and ask her about her feelings about your marriage. however much it's going to hurt, you should be honest with her. it's only in this manner that you can find an amicable settlement regarding the time that you can spend with your son in case you separate. i hope you're not having an extra marital relationship, this would worsen your situation. you're still young, you can wait for the divorce bill. anyway, after one failed marriage (in case you separate), i don't think you'll be in a hurry to get into another one.
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• Philippines
17 Mar 13
maybe his wife is just as frustrated by something/or the situation and he needs to know her side, too.
@rekhum (2420)
• India
14 Mar 13
I have never been married and thankfully I am safe. I can understand how you can feel about your marriage turning into. I guess marrying at a young age has its disadvantage. But anyone could have been in your situation. Back home, when you do not want to marry a girl whom you have impregnated, he has the option of raising the child himself. But, it's terrible you feel trapped now. Now, it's clear from your comments that you have already made up your mind to end the relationship with your wife. So there is no point of looking for options. I'd suggest you and your wife consult an Attorney or legal adviser because annulment may cost you most of your savings. Besides, while your wife will only benefit from the annulment, it may even leave you in rags, as happened with so many guys.
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Same here, but one of my lease person told me that at the age of 30 it's very hard to have kids. not sure still about divorce, though it benefits to those who really wants out of their respective marriages, it won't be good in the long run, because you'd never whether marriages are real or not. take a look at United States, people marry and get divorce for the sake of getting the Green Card or US citizenship
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
I did my research about annulment, and it turns that you have to spend at least PhP 100,000 to have your marriage annulled. It depends on the location of the courtroom. Some lawyers may charge as high as PhP 300,000 if it is within the metro. Hopefully it won't happen to me, rekhum. The only benefit she'll ever get is probably admittance to the nearest mental institution. I'm really doubtful about her mental state. She could pose a threat to both me and my son. Thanks for replying to my post!
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Hello Usemyname, I am single and though sometimes depress for not having some one in life, i still think am lucky to be free and making decisions on my own. Probably your story reminds me how fortunate I am that i am not tied to the responsibilities with a child what so ever. it's like when you are in that situation, there's no turning back. though sad,but your experience now has made me fear the life of marriage and commitment a lot more than ever
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
to be honest, it's alright for me to be afraid since i am not even financially ready yet so it's alright. besides, i don't think i have the maturity these days to handle such thing like break ups and all
• Philippines
17 Mar 13
You won't know it, unless you try it out yourself. Anyway, it's your call, it's your life, after all.
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
I'm so sorry to hear that, LetranKnight25! Please don't be discouraged because of what happened to my fate. I believe there's someone out there who would love you unconditionally. But, then again, the perks of being single can be liberating. Good luck to you, LetranKnight25!
@violann (436)
• United States
13 Mar 13
So you married at the young age of 23. Obviously you loved the woman you married at one time or you would not have married her. Using your son to marry her is a very lame excuse! My suggestion is this: why did you want to be with this woman in the first place (that you got her pregnant)? Was it love or lust. If it was lust shame on you!!! If love awesome. So now you have a decision to make!!! You can either choose to leave or stay. You need to stay or leave for all the right reason and you have to figure out those for yourself. Suggestions: find all the good qualities in this woman, things that you really like about her: smile, smell, sense of humor, reliable, etc. Work on that and you just may find that you actually love this person. Look for the good and compliment her once in awhile, bring her flowers or an unexpected gift and see what happens. You may just find that you two belong together.
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
I did loved her before we got married. Seriously, I did it for my son to prevent him from being illegitimate. At first I thought everything seems alright. But, after we got married, things started to get ugly. All her good qualities had drastically transformed to bad. She used to be sweet and caring, and now she's bitter. Even though, I bring her favorite chocolate or flower everyday, it didn't seem to make things better for us. Plus, when she loses her cool, it's like she totally transformed into a different person, a madman if you may. The sweet gal that I used to know before we got married has turned into a nasty wretch. Now, I wouldn't want to jeopardize the future of my son in the hands of that woman. It could have drastic effects on the childhood of my son. I think I would rather leave with my son than live to see the future of my son compromised. Thanks for your post.
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Nope, my son is already six years old. I know someone who have actually experienced post mortum stress. Man, it's not a pleasant sight. But, I don't think my wife suffered from such stress at all. Thanks for the advice, though.
@violann (436)
• United States
14 Mar 13
I don't know how old your son is, however if he's under a year your wife may be suffering from post mortum stress. If this is the case then she really needs to see a doctor as this can cause a lot of haveck in your life's. Which it seems to be causing right now. Try to get her to see a doctor regarding this matter as it can be very serious. This is something that can be treated. I personally never went through it, (if I did it was very short lived) however I do know there are women out there that suffer from it (why I don't know) and it can be dangerous. So if you love or loved your wife (I know you love your son)have her seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
To begin with, neveer consider getting marriage just for the sake of legitimizing the status of your child. Even if your son is illegitimate, he's still entitled to everything you have, unless you have other kids from differrent women. But in your case, try sorting out your issues first with your wife. Consider going into marriage counselling. Annulment proceedings are really expensive and can take years before the marriage gets annulled. The State are not really in favor of annulment because of the "inviolability of the family as an institution" so the family courts will exhaust all the means possible not to grant the annulment.
• Philippines
17 Mar 13
Yes, and I regret doing that. Fortunately, I have no other sons from other women. Actually, annulment proceedings could go as fast as one year to finish. That's what a lawyer friend told me. We already underwent marriage counselling, but without any success to fix our marriage. Plus, I think she psychological issues. I can't bear to deal with that for the rest of my life.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Hi there usename, i have always thought that marrying for the sake of the baby (out of marriage of course) is never an answer. it is wrong from the start as it can always lead to despair especially if they are a young couple. Enough of the past, though because we know this is long gone, now let us look into the future. You say you no longer see and feel happiness with your wife (bitter half as you have said so yourself... why is this? do you even love her as much when you married her or that you only married her for the coming baby? Your son is now at least 5 years old, it is too early for him to understand what's happened. If you love him and don't want him to be hurt could you even try to understand your very own situation and see things in a different way? your wife may have felt this, can't you both try to talk and work it out? Or have you found someone else? Usually its really about someone finding someone else...
• Philippines
21 Mar 13
It's easier said than done, chiyosan. My main priority right now is my son. By the way my wife has been acting lately, I'm having doubts about if should let her rear my child. I mean, come on, she's got trust and mental issues. I can never rule that one out. I just hope my son would understand my decision. Actually my son sort of loathe his mother by the way she's acting recently. Thanks for posting!
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
I am sorry that this has to happen to you. But reading the posts and your responses, i am wondering if you have tried to let your wife be checked by a psychiatrist. You said she was formerly sweet and loving, and suddenly changed into like that. So , there could be an underlying reason why she suddenly became like that. Let her be treated first by a psychiatrist, maybe she will be back to her former self once treated.
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Ok. I'll do that if it would bring back my sweet better half. Thanks for your advice, SIMPLYD! I hope it works. Come to think of it, isn't psychological incapacity or lunacy grounds for annulment? But, if doctors could bring back the sweetness of my wife, I would definitely welcome the idea. Thanks for posting!
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Well, i experienced what you experienced, i married at the young age of 19 but the big difference is that I Love my Wife. We've been married for almost 6 years. We got married when my first child is about 6 months old. Well, as of now you did'nt feel any love towards your wife, it is either some factors affect you both. Try to understand each others feeling. You can not love someone when you are always looking for something that she doesn't have. I don't know what's the real reason but before you make any actions try to consider things and most important of all consider your son's feeling it may affect him as a person.
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Good for you, man! I wish I had the same fate as you did. I did consider that, jembizz21. And by the way she's acting lately, I'm having second thoughts on living the child alone with her while I go to work. I have thought about it long and hard, and I opted to go for annulment. Maybe I could find a woman who could replace her and be my child's second mom.