Non-Custodial Dads

United States
November 22, 2006 3:00pm CST
Any other non-custodial fathers out there? Let's share tips on how we maintain contact with our kids.
3 responses
27 Nov 06
some people weren't meant to be parents in a lot of cases for those that want to be part of there childs life should never give up
• United States
2 May 08
And make sure that you lie in court, that you withold insurance information from hospitals so your daughter can't get her serious heart condition checked out. Call the childs mother often with threats of taking her to court over and over and over and over. When the child finaly succums to her heart condition and passes away that will teach the mom a valuable lesson and you'll be such a man for doing it. Oh wait, that's just what Bobby does. Way to go bobby, way to parent
@binitkedia (1172)
• India
24 Nov 06
24 Nov 06
Well for starts don't believe anything your ex has to say if you look at my post you will know why second get everything in writing third never ever and i meen ever Give up no matter what. you have just as much rights as any female to many people think that females should be the ones to raise children and thats bs fathers can do as much if not more i raised my daughter from the time she was born My ex didn't want anything to do with her because she had raised kids sense the age of 16 there is alot more i can say but won't right know we are going through court becouse she wants to use my daughter to hurt me becouse i left her the only one she has hurt is are daughter in more ways then i can say so my advice is always keep contact with your children and every chance you get take them to court money don't meen a dam thing when it comes to your kids that you love