Don't Borrow It If You Know You Cannot Return It...

Valdosta, Georgia
March 16, 2013 1:25pm CST
So, a while back my parents borrowed some money from my husband and I. They told us they would pay us back by the end of January when my mother would get Disability. Well, it took longer than expected to hear back from disability and then yesterday she was denied...again. Now they are in bad moods because they got denied and their mad at the world over it. But the thing is, they are not the only ones suffering here. They owe money to many people in our family so we are all suffering with them. And, my sister's wedding is this Thursday coming up so now she is worried they are going to be grumpy and miserable for her wedding. I just feel like if you cannot know for a fact that you can pay the money back then don't borrow it...And you shouldn't be mad at the world and have a pity party because that is not going to change anything. They should be spending their time finding a way to pay everyone back!
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37 responses
@vandana7 (101438)
• India
16 Mar 13
LovingMyBabies...first and foremost, I am opining based on conditions that prevail in my country. So I am not sure they would be ok in your country. In my country, previous generation had fewer options for reliable investments. Many people didnt have proper jobs...they worked in unorganized sector, so they didnt have pensions and other retirement benefits. Moreover, there were no Internets, and other books to read which would have made them financially wiser. This is the reason, many of them were not aware how to manage their monies. Most of them trusted some of their family members, and got duped. Some invested and thought it would be enough but it turned out that they didnt do their math properly since they didnt have computers or even calculators. Given such a scenario, if my father borrowed from me, I would allow him to. In fact, my father failed to do any retirement planning. At the risk of sounding egoistic, I did it for him, and me. Not the best, but enough. It is only now that he has become financially wiser. :) I however would not like him borrowing from others. Reason? I dont like obligations. I dont like them behaving as if they own me or my father...and I wouldnt know who is telling the truth about how much is owed, and how much is repaid.
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@vandana7 (101438)
• India
16 Mar 13
And the rule I follow is...dont lend if you cant forego.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
Right, it is different in other countries. But here, just because you raised children does not mean they owe you anything. I have my own family with 3 little children to take care of. They don't. They have only themselves to worry about. It is not fair that we should have to help them when we are trying to help our own family... I didn't mind giving them money the first few times we did it but now this is the third time we did it and they are never grateful for all we have done for them. They have never thought it was enough... So, after a while of giving and never getting appreciation for it, it gets annoying and hurtful.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Mar 13
hi n vandy I h ate to say this but to me as an elderly lady it seems we parents here in the US have now a lot of us become throw aways as the adult children find it much easier just to stick mom or dad in a retirement center and pay the difference if their SSI and Social Security payments do not quite cover the monthly cost. What ever happened to families taking care of their own, in my case it was diffr4ent as my son did his best but when he was laid off he just could not get an job so we used saving til we ran out and got evicted from our apartment. He had no recourse but to help me to get in here.There were no programs for an adult son and his aging mom.,. So that was different,. but I see well off families that umped dad or mom in here so they would not have to bother with their care at all.wrong so wrong
@anklesmash (1412)
16 Mar 13
I would agree with you about not borrowing money unless you know that you will be able to pay it back, especially with friends and family as this can cause your relationships to deteriorate and possibly end.Though I would also advise people not to lend money to friends and family unless they can live with it not being paid back for similar reasons.I will never borrow money from my friends or family unless I really have to as I would hate not to be able to pay them back.I'm sure that my friends and family would help me out financially if I was in a lot of financial trouble.And I would do the same if I was in a position to help any of my friends or family of mine that were in some kind of financial difficulty.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
We have helped my parents a few times now and the first couple of times we really wanted to just help and not expect it back. This time we did say it had to be paid back. They swore to us no matter what they had to do they would give it back to us. I am not going to hate them for it but I just don't think it's right. They have 2 vehicles when they don't need 2 since neither of them are working, they have tons of things they could be selling to pay people back... They just keep expecting hand outs. The last time we gave them money my father had the nerve to say that's it? That's all your loaning us? I could have slapped him because at the time we were the only ones helping and he should have been grateful for what he got! $1,000 is a LOT of money to us!
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• India
17 Mar 13
Dear Loving MyBabies, It is really difficult to imagine how you might be feeling at this moment. I agree no one should borrow money unless they can repay it. However, there's an exception to this rule when it comes to parents and kids. I feel bad because I have taken so much from my parents that it would be impossible to repay them in this life time. It is said in India that there are two or three sets of beings whose debt cannot be repaid. They are (i) Your Guru (ii) Your Parents and (iii) God. Suppose I had to give everything to my parents including my blood and bones, I would be rather happy to do it. But then I think it is easy to preach than practice. I am not sure if I or anyone else would be ready to die to save the life of a parent, but my sincere wish is the development of my feelings to that extent. I agree no one should borrow unless they can repay. After all even banks check your credit worthiness before advancing loans to you. However, there's always an exception. Your parents do not belong to the category of "no one". But then the emotion is reciprocal - it is both ways. Just wanted to know if your father is your step father or real father. I understand the level of bitterness between you two can also arise between biological parent and child while a perfect emotional tie can exist between step father and child. I can see you have made great sacrifices helping your parents for which they have not be thankful to you. Is it possible to keep your old parents with you and tell them that you cannot lend them any money other than the minimal pocket expense but you will take care of them?
• United States
16 Mar 13
Do they have a disability lawyer? If you don't mind me asking, what was the reason she was denied? I know that Social Security is notorious for denying people-I've been turned down twice. If I go for it again, I know that I'm hiring an attorney that specializes in just that type of case. Most don't even charge you unless you win. It is demeaning to be unable to work, and then to be turned down twice for something that you've rightfully earned. While I know it was difficult for them to ask to borrow the money, I'm sure that they're going through an even more difficult time now that they've been denied. And I'm pretty sure that they didn't ask to borrow the money without intending to pay it back, but they were also expecting money from the government. I'm trying to change how we handle our finances, and I'm following Dave Ramsey's ideas. He says that you should never loan money to family. I've also heard that you shouldn't even consider it, especially if it's money you can't really do without. Your parents are going through a difficult time mentally, emotionally, and financially. I agree-there's no point in crying over spilled milk, but right now, they are hurting so bad that they can't think straight. Your sister is getting married on Thursday, and she deserves to have everyone there celebrating HER wedding. And try not to be too hard on them...drop hints about hiring an attorney. It could have been a clerical error.
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• United States
17 Mar 13
What is your mom claiming disability for? Is it a matter of retraining? I think in my case, that's what I'll need now. In 2000, I saw a neuropsychochiatris (however it's spelled) because I felt like I was losing my mind. All symptoms disappeared once I stopped my meds, so five years later, I started back to school. I went again in 2008 because something didn't feel right...I filed and even got as far as seeing the SS's doctors. I was turned down because I didn't have enough work credits (I think I was short 2 or 3), so after I was released from the hospital for a relapse, I went back to work. I think I'd get denied again, so I'm looking at retraining in a field where I can pilot my own destiny-as a dog groomer. It's my second choice-my first is working in an antiques center, but with my balance issues, I don't want to fall and break something that I can't pay for. Do your parents have a problem managing money? I hate asking for money, unless I know for SURE that I can pay it back. And if everyone else believes she can work, guess what? She probably can. If she can't prove it, she's not going to get it-and the bills are going to increase.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Mar 13
They are getting a lawyer now. And she was denied because everyone except her believes she can and is able to work... Plain and simple. She was also denied two times. They are going to go for an appeal. It wasn't difficult for them to ask actually. They came to us and asked for $5,000! When we told them we only had $1,000 to give them they got mad and said that's it? How are we supposed to live off that??? Does that sound like they didn't want to ask or does it even sound like they were grateful for what we could do for them??? Not to me. I told them about the attorney and they are going to get one...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Mar 13
They do have a problem managing money... Ever since my father got hurt and they got a big amount of money for it they think money grows on trees now I guess. I don't know what their problem is but my mother keeps putting more things on the credit cards that she does not need! It is ridiculous. If you don't have the money, don't put it on the card-even I know that and I have never owned a credit card in my life!
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@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
16 Mar 13
That's why I never try to borrow anything from anyone. Because I know that it would be a hard time for me to pay them back. So, although my family always offer to help us out when we need it I don't let them. I agree though that if you don't know for sure that you can pay it back or return it, then don't borrow anything from anyone.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Mar 13
I don't borrow money either because the same reason. I don't want to take something that I don't know if I can return. We helped my parents many times before this but this time they told us they would definitely pay us back no matter what they had to do. Yeah, sure. I am not mad that they got denied. I am mad because they didn't tell us it was possible she would get denied, and their moaning and groaning about this to me when I am without the money now that they owe us, and they are in such bad moods over it. I think my poor sisters wedding is going to be a rough day...
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
17 Mar 13
I do agree with you, Loving! That is one reason why I really do not want to borrow money from people coz I really am not sure when or how I could possibly pay then and that I do not want to give them discomfort as well. If I do borrow money, I make sure that it is just small enough that I could really be able to give it back right away. My husband's brother in law once called me up and told me that he will lend me about $10,000 so that I can start a business of my choice. I was touched by his gesture coz I really never expected him to say that and I wouldn't even borrow money that much. Although it was really tempting coz he is a nice guy, but I didn't want to take advantage of his generosity. And so I declined. It would have been a great chance to really start something, but, I was afraid I must just lose the money.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Mar 13
I hate borrowing money because I hate that feeling of doing it. And then the stress and worry about not being able to pay it back, no thank you. We have helped my parents plenty of times before without asking for it in return but this time they told us they would pay us back no matter what they had to do. That was so nice of your brother in law to do that! I understand why you said no though, what if it didn't work out the way you wanted it to? Then you would be in debt to your brother in law for a while. I would have declined too. But that was super nice of him to offer! =)
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
16 Mar 13
If your mother has now been denied twice or more - she needs to get an attorney who will work with her on getting her disability. The attorneys collect no fee until you get the disability - and at least in my state, when one gets disability - a "back check" is sent with an amount equal to what you would have gotten from the first day you applied - even throughout the denials. A friend of mine got nearly 7 thousand in back pay once he got an attorney after two denials. That was after his attorney took one quarter - which is all they are allowed, by law, to collect on. and, of course, he got a monthly check after that. She needs an attorney.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
This was the second time she was denied it. I will have to tell them that because I think they were not getting a lawyer because they thought it would cost them money out of pocket. So, if a lawyer will do it and get paid after they win that's good. I will tell her, thanks! =)
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Mar 13
A quick scan through the yellow pages or the internet should be able to find plenty of attorneys who deal with this all of the time in your state - on a contingency basis. And twenty-five percent of the lump sum isn't too bad - considering most attorneys who work that way on other cases generally get one third! Good luck.
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
17 Mar 13
They say that you should not loan money to family, just regard it as a gift. I owe a family member money, and they could spare it at the time, but they will get it back, maybe just in dribbles but they will. I agree, though, your family should not be ruining everyone's life because they have a money problem. Your mother also needs to find a lawyer who specializes in disability cases and see if they will take her case. I have heard it often takes at least three attempts to get disability.
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
The one major problem is we have given them a TON of money in the past. In the 9 years my husband and I have been together if I had to estimate I would say we have given them about $10,000 in total. Each year we got our tax money we gave them a couple grand each time, my husband gave them money whenever they needed gas money, we paid rent to them for a little bit, etc... So, it's not just this time...It's been a lot through the years so it is a bit frustrating for my husband and I understand that. We will no longer be helping them until they help themselves. Once they sell a few things of their own to try to get by that they never use we might think about helping again. But you cannot live off of others when you have not done everything in your power to help yourself. Life does not work that way... She does have a lawyer now and they are going to file an appeal...This next time will be the third time she is trying.
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
16 Mar 13
my mother in law is like this. she will borrow money knowing fully well she won't be able to pay it back. i agree with you. if you do that, then you have to pay the consequence of everyone wanting their money back from you. they took it on faith that you would be able to pay back. that's why i don't lend out or borrow money, though.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
Yeah, it's unfair for the people that got borrowed from! I know, we probably should have said no but at the same time they are my parents... This is not the first time we gave them money though and regretted it... Hopefully we will learn our lesson now.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Mar 13
hi LovingMyBabies oh is that not the truth. Money seems like a two sword when its borrowed from family like that. As getting disability is such a touchy thing they should not have borrowed and based paying back on when she got disablity as the govermment does make it almost impossible to get it even if you are total disabled. I know as it took our getting evicted and made homeless for me to finally get disability although I was physically handicapped with my left leg in a brace, and having diabetes, and a balance problem my having to come to this retirement center as I had no home caused them to finally allow me SSI.,I credit the admins here for getting me the full amount as she knew what strings to pull and how to cope.So I get full disability plus my social security check too and that pays my monthly bill here at Gold Crest. Your poor ,mom, I know the hassle that they give one while trying to get disability. You are right they should not be having a pity party as that does not solve anything and figure out some way to pay back folks they borrowed from. its too easy to borrow and much harder to pay back when you get to be older.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Mar 13
They should have made it clear to us at least that it might not happen. We thought it would be approved, not ever been through it ourselves so we just didn't know...Now we do know better for the future... We have helped my parents plenty of times with no complaints from us about it. But they also never seem grateful for the help we give them, and they could get themselves out of their situation for now anyway and choose to live off other people instead. They could be down grading if they have it so bad but instead they are borrowing money from other people who really don't have it to give! I have 3 children, young children to take care of. I cannot always help them, one day they are going to have no one left to help and they are going to be in worse trouble when that day comes...
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Mar 13
By the time they get disability.. if they ever do, they'll owe everyone so much they won't be able to keep anything for themselves.
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
Exactly, not a smart move when they have an extra vehicle that they could be selling and a ton of things they don't need that they could be selling! I wish they would help themselves more than what they do...
• United States
16 Mar 13
Sadly there are a lot of people like that though.
• United States
17 Mar 13
Hopefully, they don't cause problems at your sister's wedding. Sometimes, people do get into difficult situations and have to borrow money. However, your parents have made a point of mishandling things really badly. They should have sold off what they could (such as the second automobile) and cut all extraneous expenses first. If they would have done those things, they may not have needed to borrow money from anyone... or, at least, not so much from so many.
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
We have given them a TON of money in the past. In the 9 years my husband and I have been together if I had to estimate I would say we have given them about $10,000 in total. Each year we got our tax money we gave them a couple grand each time, my husband gave them money whenever they needed gas money or money for a certain bill, we paid rent to them for a little bit, etc... So, it's not just this time...It's been a lot through the years so it is a bit frustrating for my husband and I understand that. We will no longer be helping them until they help themselves. Once they sell a few things of their own to try to get by that they never use we might think about helping again. But you cannot live off of others when you have not done everything in your power to help yourself. Life does not work that way...
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
17 Mar 13
In any possible way I always avoid borrowing money from anyone (not even to my family/parents/siblings) I know my capacity and I don't want other people to suffer once I failed to return the money. Borrowers should know that the lender also needs their money in due time.
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@Pegasus72 (1898)
18 Mar 13
We have borrowed money before and for the most part people were paid back right away but there were a few times when it took longer to pay back then what we thought which made us feel bad. I have many people who owe me money, and believe me having that money would be very helpful at this currant time.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
7 Apr 13
Trust is the important thing in any relationship as well as communication.
• Chile
19 Mar 13
we all have to pay debts and things like that, and life it is getting complicated but it is important topay the money back so when we need to ask for help the people trust us.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
16 Mar 13
My mother in law says that when one looks for sympathy over something that is their own fault, they can find it in the dictionary between sh#?! and syphillis. I agree with you, that if a person's situation is good or bad, then that's something that only they can put upon themselves most of the time.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Mar 13
I would feel bad if they didn't put themselves in this predicament that their in... But they did. We helped them out, they didn't feel like it was enough help so they got mad instead of being grateful that we helped at all. They should be spending less time feeling sorry for themselves and more time trying to figure out how to pay everyone back!
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
16 Mar 13
But... that would make sense... They probably think they deserve to have the money - and probably wasted it anyway...
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 13
Yeah of course...why would I expect them to actually make sense? Silly me... They do feel they deserve it because they raised us. And I don't know if they wasted it but they probably did. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
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@dandan07 (1906)
• China
17 Mar 13
When I find that I really need something, while I have to get it from my friends or family members, and I can not return it after borrowing, I will ask them to give it to me directly. Trough it is hard to accepted it for many people, I think as I tell them the truth, they can keep the trust on me. After use the thing, I will bring them some gifts and thank them for their kindless help.
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
I don't borrow money because I don't want to owe anyone like that. If I need money I figure out a way to get it. I have had to sell my favorite things at times to pay bills but at least they got paid and I did it myself!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
17 Mar 13
I would not be surprised your mom will never get on disability! I know people who are on disability who should not be just so they can get out of working! They convinced their doctors they can't! I also know people who need to be on disability but can't like your mom has been trying to do! Then there is the husband of a co=worker who refuses to get disability but wants to continue to work! He has a nerve problem in his lower legs,feet,hands and lower arms. He has to wear leg braces and can hardly use his hands anymore! His wife can't stand this but can't do anything about this! I have always heard stories of kids borrowing money from parents. This is one of the few times I heard parents borrowing money from their kids! You parents sure are in a mess! They should not borrow money from anyone unless they know they can pay it back! That goes for everyone!
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
Many people abuse the system which is so wrong. I have no idea how they manage to do that because it is almost impossible to get it! My mom has been trying for 2 years now, and some people have been trying for many more years than that I have been told! We have given them a TON of money in the past. In the 9 years my husband and I have been together if I had to estimate I would say we have given them about $10,000 in total. Each year we got our tax money we gave them a couple grand each time, my husband gave them money whenever they needed gas money, we paid rent to them for a little bit, etc... So, it's not just this time...It's been a lot through the years so it is a bit frustrating for my husband and I understand that. We will no longer be helping them until they help themselves. Once they sell a few things of their own to try to get by that they never use we might think about helping again. But you cannot live off of others when you have not done everything in your power to help yourself. Life does not work that way...
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
16 Mar 13
Perhaps they should consult a disability attorney to help with their claim. Most disability attornies take a percentage of the retro payment as their fee, and if they don't succeed, there is no charge to you.
• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Mar 13
Yes they are going to do that and file an appeal.
• United States
24 Mar 13
Hello Lovingmybabies I deffinately understand where your comming from. I'm a generous person so I'm always lending people money. Majority of the time they don't pay me back the money. That's why I don't lend anybody money except my family. That way when they don't pay me back it's more acceptable because family stake together. The funny thing is I never ask to borrow money no matter how much I need it. I which people were more responsible and do what they say there're going to do. After all that's the way I'm. I pay my bills I do what I gotta do why can't they do the same?
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
17 Mar 13
I agree with you, if people can't pay you back, then they shouldn't borrow money from you, I have lean my lesson in borrowing, from any one I have stopped borrowing from people, if I need money I come right here online, and earn what ever I need, I have been turn down, when I needed to pay my rent, and when I did not get the money, I have decide never to depend on people ever again for what I need I turn to coming here online for what money I need, people wonder how I do it, I tell them I won't be broke again, but I don't loan them money either, to anyone because I know I won't get my money back,there are 2 things I don't do, I don't borrow and I don't loan out, I think your parents, should pay back everyone, they got money from, and stop taken out their angry out on everyone else, it's not fare to the one who tried to help them, people will always try to hide, from you when they owe you money.
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
We have given them a TON of money in the past. In the 9 years my husband and I have been together if I had to estimate I would say we have given them about $10,000 in total. Each year we got our tax money we gave them a couple grand each time, my husband gave them money whenever they needed gas money, we paid rent to them for a little bit, etc... So, it's not just this time...It's been a lot through the years so it is a bit frustrating for my husband and I understand that. We will no longer be helping them until they help themselves. Once they sell a few things of their own to try to get by that they never use we might think about helping again. But you cannot live off of others when you have not done everything in your power to help yourself. Life does not work that way...