I will never understand why people moan about things that they
By jugsjugs
@jugsjugs (12967)
March 16, 2013 5:52pm CST
could have prevented from happening.I feel that there are people out there that are forever saying that they have no money and feel that they are the only people, yet when ever you see or get told that they have been drinking their money away, it really makes you think that they must have plenty of money.
People will not have money if they use it for things that they could do with out.
Then there are people that moan about all the problems that they have, what they have caused them selves, yet they blame other people for them.
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24 responses
@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
17 Mar 13
Hi jugsjugs!! Ohhhhhh, so true! I can think of so many people like that. If they were just a wee bit smarter about their financial choices, they wouldn't be in the money pit they put themselves in.
I also will never understand how people will complain so much about their situations but they yap more about it than be productive in turning their situations around.
@jugsjugs (12967)
17 Mar 13
You are right about the people that moan, they should use their time to be more creative in finding a way to sort things out, rather than keep trying to sweep the problem under the carpet and think it will go away.
I have given up on a few people over the years, as I feel that they are the ones that have to act rather than popping to have advice of what to do next.
If I ever got in a muddle with money, then I would do all that I could to sort the problem, as in sell things that was not needed, make a few craft things and try to sell them, rather than sitting doing nothing at all.
When people put their minds to things they can always find ways to cut back on a few things that they can do with out, or ways to make a few pounds.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
20 Mar 13
Responsibility goes a long way as does ownership. The choices we make impacts our life, either immediately or sometime in the future, but while we're waiting, we have to live. There is time between goals and deadlines. I get what you're saying and I agree. I might be further ahead if I didn't rent movies for the kids to watch or buy certain brands or types of foods, but I remember I want to have a little fun between the here and now and it helps me to stick to my longterm plans just that much better. All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy (or maybe even depressed).
@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Mar 13
People do not realise that bills do not go away and if they think that by brushing under the carpet and ignoring them they are badly mistaken.I do feel that there are people out there that do buy upon impulse when they see something that they like they will buy it rather than paying a bill, or buying other things that they need.
I try to save money if and where I can, as you never know what is around the corner.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Right, those white collar crime people who steal, lie and cheat to get what they want. It's called White Collar Crime. Sad...they are always lurking around the corner ready to pounce on anyone in a vulnerable position.
I know exactly what bills I have and how much I owe everyone. I choose not to go through DHS though I would qualify, because I would rather do it myself. I get tired of everyone taking advantage of all those programs out there. Just start going once and you're pretty much sucked in for life, because they make it so hard to get out of it.
That' is okay. Life is going to change for the better this year. One thing we all need is Food and Soap, so we have to buy that!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
17 Mar 13
That's very true and one of the hardest things for people to see. I used to advise people professionally who wanted to get out of debt. They wanted some magic pill kind of answer, not to be told they would have to stop spending so much money.
When I would point out that they had created their own debt, they couldn't (or didn't want to) see it. They always had an excuse as to why they spent the money and it often was someone else's fault (so they said).
@jugsjugs (12967)
17 Mar 13
I have helped a few friends out in the past with advice of where they could save money, as well as how they could make a few pounds as well, but like with all things they either listen or they dont.
I am always looking for ways in which to save a few pounds, no matter what money I have, as I feel that you never know what is going to happen in the future.
@celticeagle (172308)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Mar 13
Their priorities are twisted. No money, no decent car, etc. It's the priorities they have. And it is normal for them to blame everyone but themselves for their woes. They are immature and need a look at reality. They live in a dream world and should have been taught in childhood how to cope and deal with their responsibilities.
@jugsjugs (12967)
17 Mar 13
I feel that it is all what they do is blame another person or even a few people on their problems and do not think of ways to solve the problem at all.
I feel that there are a few people that are immature and that think that they will get away with not paying for things and some one will bail them out, little do they realise that their spending has a nasty way of catching up with them in the end.
I do feel that there are a lot of them that do dream and think that there will always be a way out of their debt and they just keep doing the same and getting deeper and deeper in debt.
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@celticeagle (172308)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Mar 13
And as long as others pay their way and let them get away with this kind of behavior they will never learn how to take care of themselves.
@tkonlinevn (6462)
• Vietnam
20 Mar 13
I'm too before. I can't understand why and I fee to hate them. If we want to have a comfortable life, we must think how to improve it. We must work hard. Right? We don't have any benefits if we only sit and moan about the bad things of life. But now, I feel more comfortable when I meet these people. Everybody have power to choose how we live. So, you don't need to think about them.
@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Mar 13
I do feel that if people were to think that they need to pay for other things that are more important than just spend it on rubbish, then they will also feel better in them self.I do also feel that some people are stuck in their ways and that they are the ones that have and always will blow money on tattoos rather than their bills, or even food for the family, shame really.
I have given up giving people advice, as they seem to get their self deeper and deeper in debt.
@tkonlinevn (6462)
• Vietnam
21 Mar 13
You did a good thing when you left advice to them. However, their status won't improve if they really didn't change in their mind.
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
28 Mar 13
I pay people like this not attention, I was sitting in the doctor office, and these old women talking about how they, waste their money at the casino, now these are women that get a check every month, and they have nothing better to do, with their money but blow it at the casino,and then they want some body to, give them money after they wasted their money, I don't feel sorry for people like this, and I don't give them anything either.

@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
18 Mar 13
There is always a temptation to get disgusted with people since many times it seems they got what they deserve: so to say. But, I wouldn't want people judging me in a way that is harsh.. I try to see that maybe they can't help it..and maybe even their moaning has become a perpetual illness.. it's a thing to pity rather than judge..
I know where you are coming from.. but really people become so much in a habit of things that they don't even realize what they are doing.. someone along the line said nothing to them about such ways and now it's a habit or disease 

@jugsjugs (12967)
19 Mar 13
I feel also it is the way that they have got into a habit, as maybe they were spoilt as a child and were also handed money on a plate when ever they wanted it and they feel that is what they do in life.
I also feel that there are people out there that tend to try to keep up with other people and all the things that they buy, rather than paying for their bills, shame really as some people get their self in such a muddle that they can not get out of it.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Mar 13
I think that you are right that there are people that buy upon impulse.I feel that maybe some people should look at how much money they have thrown away in one month, then they would see all the things that they would have been able to spend that money on, like the bills.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Mar 13
nobody wants to be at fault for their own problems... Actually the people you are talking about are the ones who never learn from their mistakes.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
17 Mar 13
I hear this all the time! Most of the people who do this have money.some don't but spend on things they don't need. Going to bars and drinking is another reason were the money goes! People are idiots! They don't want to face the truth so they take it out on others! Common sense,like with money,is no where to be seen nowadays!
With my problem is I pay my bills but never save money ahead of time for things,like car repairs and other things. I just have not taught myself this! I am trying now but it is hard to think differently after all these years!
Then there are the idiots who think they know what they are doing with their money and really don't! I know a couple who is always in money problems! The husband is the problem! He has done alot of different jobs,done some bad investing in bars/resturants places and now he just started his own realastate business! He thinks he is a money genius but is really stupid with money! Thanks to his investing blunders they have gottan deep in crap and almost lost their house! I can see the reality business being a disater,in the future,too! I wish the wife would wake up and leave him! I hope she does someday!
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Mar 13
I do feel that some people are stuck in their ways and can not seem to change their habit of spending money on the things that they do not need, but will then blame others for why they have no money.
I also feel that there are people that tend to think that their bills will go away and carry on regardless of the out come.
I know what you mean when it come to extra things like car bills, oh it seems that no matter what go wrong on a car it seems to be really an expensive thing.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
17 Mar 13
I know of a few people like that. They complain they don't have any money, but the money they do have they drink or gamble away. I know of one woman that is always broke, but she buys gifts for everyone she knows. and every holiday, not just Christmas and birthdays. That is nice to do if you can afford it, but don't complain that there is no money if you can't.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Mar 13
I know these people always seem to have money to drink, get tattoos, take aways, getting their nails done and many other things that they waste their money on.Like you say why do they moan that they have no money when they are the ones that have wasted it and they only have them self to blame.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Mar 13
This goes with my disdain for people's sense of entitlement. Some think that the world owe them for having to go through hardship. Hardship, which in the first place, they've created themselves.
And then they moan about life being unfair.
And then the drinking comes...
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Mar 13
This goes with my disdain for people's sense of entitlement. Some think that the world owe them for having to go through hardship. Hardship, which in the first place, they've created themselves.
And then they moan about life being unfair.
And then the drinking comes...
@GardenGerty (162427)
• United States
17 Mar 13
Yes, friend you are very right. Some of our problems are just a matter of how we choose to use the resources we have. If we choose to be wasteful and foolish then we have no one to blame but ourself.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
17 Mar 13
Is pretty normal if you ask me. People are all different and often things we do does not coincide with others. EspecialI when itcomes to dealing with life's proble. But yeahitcan beannoying to see someone who Alwaysblame othersfor b what hasbecome of their lives. It is their own doing and they shoshouldn'tblame it on others.
When Idon't have anythingor when Idon't know how to go about something I just work on it and I don't go allover the place whiningand yakking about itt. I try to find ways.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Mar 13
I think that it is good that there are people out there that do try ways of trying to help them selves out of a muddle, yet there are people out there that seem to not bother until things get so bad that it is some times to late to do anything about their problem, also these people tend to blame other people.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
17 Mar 13
'no money' seems to be a popular phrase that comes out from people's mouth unconsciously. My mother used to tell me not to utter these words as it will be a curse in itself. Think positive or think rich and will always be happy with what ever little money we have.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Mar 13
You are right there.I look at some programs on tv and you see loads of families that are a lot worse off than other families.
I am thankful for all that I have and I feel grateful for the way my family live.
But some people should really sit back and look at all the things that they tend to waste their money on a month and that way they could also see what money and where they could save money in each and every month.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Mar 13
I do feel that some people try to burie their heads in the sand, rather than try to sort the problem out and think that the problems will just go away.
If some people were to think about what they were doing before they done things, then, perhaps people would not get them self in such a muddle.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
17 Mar 13
Overall I feel the same way and for many years I have helped people in these situations when I had more money but now that I am going through my financial woes, I can barely get any help at all from these people. At first I was angry and felt like they were doing me wrong. Then I began to change my focus and ask myself the hard questions.....What did I do to contribute to this? What could I have done differently? Some savings maybe? Setting reasonable limits by saying no sometimes? What can I do now to make things better? It is hard facing our own contribution to our problems but I believe that is the best way to resolve them. For me it's much harder as I am older with health issues that slow me down, but I learning not to rely on others to help and that I may have to crawl before I can walk again. It keeps me humble and every day I try just a little bit harder but mostly I hold myself accountable to get back on my feet.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Mar 13
I have found that no matter how much you try to help some people they tend to get back to the same situation no matter how hard you try to help.
I do feel some people do not try to do anything to help them self out of the muddle they are in and it is them that could have prevented the muddle they are in, where as there are people out there that are really trying to find ways around their problems and no matter how hard they try there is nothing much they can do.
@marguicha (225282)
• Chile
17 Mar 13
I try not to judge what other people do with their money as I don`t like anyone to judge what I do with mine. Yet I Don`t like those people that moan, as you say, behaving like victims of destiny. Even when life is not as we wish, even when there`s pain inside us, we must try to learn to count our blessings. To put it in a light tone: Those people that drank their money should remember how happy they were when drinking

@jugsjugs (12967)
17 Mar 13
I feel that some people should put things that they need first or what their children need, rather than what they want.
I feel that there are a lor of children missing out on things due to the parents being ignorant with their money and would rather get things they want, than taking in the needs of a child.