people who seem to get excited about the end of the world

@cherigucchi (14876)
March 17, 2013 8:02am CST
I have seen lots of man in the streets with a banner that warns people to repent because the end of the world is at hand. This quite scary because their paranoia affects people around as well especially those who really get hooked on deciphering God's time in destroying His own creation. HAve you ever felt that the world is about to say goodbye with everything in it?
9 responses
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
17 Mar 13
I look at two things - global warming (the environment, actually) and science - physics and cosmology. With the second ones, dealing with science - our universe could continue expanding infinitely, until we are further and further away from stars (sun) and other things that keep life going. That could take billions of years. Or, a sort of reverse Big Bang could happen where there is a limit to expansion, and the universe could then collapse in on itself. Or get swallowed by a black Environmentally, it seems we are destroying our world more rapidly than many realize, and we will be responsible for it's downfall.
• United States
18 Mar 13
I think our generation will be longggggggg gone by then! LOL!
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
18 Mar 13
That is an eye opener. I have never thought about it that much. Those theories and prophecies make me real crazy and I do not want to get paranoid by thinking of that..hahaha
• United States
17 Mar 13
In my own opinion, I think the end is near. Just as the bible says, ' man can tell when the son of man will come...' '...when those things that do not happen begin to happen, be at watch because the end is near...'
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
18 Mar 13
I agree with that, no man can tell but there are self-proclaimed prophets predicting the end of the world.
• United States
18 Mar 13
That is even the major reason we should believe the end is near. "When you start seeing those strange signs, then know that the end is near".
@lampar (7584)
• United States
19 Mar 13
Probably the world is about to say goodbye not with everything in it except with those kooks with it. That is the reason these kooks/bozo are so excited about it as the time is near for them to see their makers, one thing you need to understand is that whenever you see these kooks acting out in the street, it has nothing to do with God or gospel.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
19 Mar 13
I think that it is quite interesting that there are so many people that are quick to proclaim that it is the end of the world and for that reason I find that I often laugh at people like that. It isn't something that scares me at all because I believe that No Man will know when the end of the world is going to be here. For that reason, I don't really believe that there is any way that we can prepare as individuals for the end of the world.
• India
17 Mar 13
No I did not feel like that, but I feel that one thing want to finish and that is our ignorance. we are going to know so many things about the life by these years and that is just starting for us not end...
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
18 Mar 13
I do not also feel that way. I am very positive that the end is not yet at hand.
• India
18 Mar 13
I think the world is not going to end in one day.we are destroying slowly in peaceful manner,every country wants to develop and to be first in economic rate so its leads to deforesting,global warming,etc.. its our mistake why people blame god for this. root cause of world ending is ours.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
18 Mar 13
I guess people get so crazy that they create their own time table of the world's end. Isn't funny?
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
18 Mar 13
some things on the news can be quite worrisome, but i don't let it bother me that much. north korea's bizarre behavior can be bothersome because it hard to really know if they are crazy enough to really use their nukes. i doubt it though as they probably would have already already done it. that's not to say they wouldn't though. still, i just can't let this stuff phase me much at all as this has yet to occur, and its be going on for hundreds of years,lol.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
18 Mar 13
i would be a hypocrite if i do not admit being afraid of facing the end of humanity. But I strongly have faith that God will not destroy man ever again. There might be consequences to those who do bad things, but the total destruction of the world, I am sure that He loves us so much that He would not allow it to happen again.
@danix1982 (593)
• Philippines
18 Mar 13
i never thinking of this end of the world, i make every day happy and God has only the right to get his creation. this is only one of the speculations of people, it is all in the hands of people if they want to repent or not nothing to do this rumors about end of the world. as long as we are living we should make our life more productive and have faith in God.