Some People Are So Rude...
By Jennifer
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
Valdosta, Georgia
March 17, 2013 10:17pm CST
So, as I have discussed before my aunt and her family are staying with my parents. Well, we were there today for a few minutes and all H*ll broke loose! My aunt was screaming at my cousin, they were cursing and slamming things. Things were being thrown, it was crazy and ridiculous! My sister said something to someone and then my aunt turns her anger towards my sister, yells and curses at her, my sister said stop yelling at me and my aunt says I am not going to your wedding now!!
Really? And we are supposed to be adults? I could not believe she will not go to my sister's wedding now because my sister told her not to scream and curse at her since she did nothing wrong.
This is not the stress my sister needs before her big day and my mother was in tears because it was all really overwhelming. I was shaking and wanted to get the heck up out of there.
So, my aunt told my cousin to pack her crap they are moving out of there this weekend coming up. It will honestly be a HUGE relief on all of us if they do move out because then I can visit my parents and my grandmother if I want to in a peaceful environment. And my parents can finally have their house back the way they want it.
I just think it's rude to behave that way in someone else's house.
It makes it so uncomfortable for everyone there.

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33 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
18 Mar 13

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
Yeah it is way beyond rude I agree. They are all acting like it is their house and it's not. They behave this way ALL the time my mother said, how unfair to my parents! My mother broke down in tears, I felt bad for her today. It was really stupid and immature on my aunt's part.
She wants to kick them out so badly but it will upset my grandmother and my mother does not want to upset her. My grandma lives with my parents too, she wants them there and my mom knows she is getting older and would feel guilty if she was mad at her...
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
18 Mar 13
I always tell my kids, before they live together with someone else, be sure to set down the ground rules and expectations before hand! Who will do what chores, or how they're divided, no aggressive behavior! Which includes yelling, etc! You can tell such things are not good for people at all! Their heart rate races, their faces get red or pale.. These are the things which contribute to illnesses and the like. Nope, humans may be somewhat prone to it, but it's not supposed to be that way!

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
They did set ground rules before letting them stay with them. My aunt just does not care who she disrespects. She thinks she is owed everything in life...
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
18 Mar 13
I don't know the whole story, but I'm glad that they're moving out of there. I used to live with my cousin when I was still starting out college, and my cousin and my aunt (my cousin's mother) were always fighting. What a relief when I got out of their house. They were both nice to me but their fights were really getting into me. I couldn't study very well, and I told my parents this, that's why they got me a new place. It was messier compared to my cousin's place but I'd pick that place over my cousin's every time.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
The whole story is my aunt is bipolar and has major issues. Everyone has to walk on egg shells around her because she will flip out at any moment.
Her daughter asked her to watch her son, my aunt said yes. Then at the last minute my aunt changed her mind and said no. So my cousin got upset and the war began!
The fight between them had everyone uncomfortable. I was shaking and felt like I was going to have a panic attack! I hate confrontation.
I hope they move out of there soon for everyone's sake!
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@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
18 Mar 13
she is just saying that she won't go to the wedding. she really will want to go. she is just mad.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
I agree with you, I think she will go but my sister and mother were both in tears and it was so wrong to even hurt them like that by saying it... But then again, my aunt is pretty stubborn so this could go either way.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Mar 13
Your Mother needs to put her foot down and tell them that they have to leave if they can't behave respectfully and stick to it. There is no need to act like that in someone elses home that is being kind enough to give you a place to stay. Oddly that the aunt and cousin that were originally arguing are the ones to bond together and move out because the aunt yelled at your sister who wasn't even a part of their argument. That is just crazy. I hope that they do move out and that they don't spoil your sisters wedding. I can't even imagine the reception if there is drinking going on and this is how they act? How long have they been at your parents?
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Mar 13
Wow...I hope this doesn't cause problems in your parent's marriage. 2 weeks that turns into 5 months is a huge and especially when they act like that. I imagine they at times feel like they wish they could just leave their own home which is so so unfair. Do they help out at all with expenses etc? They just sound like really bad people and it also sounds as if they've made themselves very comfortable at your parents place.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
My parents marriage is a rock, they have been through much worse trust me. =) They will be okay marriage wise but the stress is killing them.
It is a huge difference, they should have been out a long time ago.
They have said that many times that they don't want to be in their own home anymore...It is really sad.
They give my parents $100 per week to stay there. There is my aunt, my cousin, my aunts boyfriend and my cousins son.
They are WAY too comfortable at my parents house.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
Oh I agree with you, but my mother won't do that because of my grandmother. My grandmother lives there too and my mother knows my grandmother will be so ticked off if they throw them out! My mother doesn't want to lose her mother either... It is a tough situation.
My aunt did not give my cousin a choice (she treats her like she is 5 years old still), and they fight like this all the time my mother said so they get over it quickly.
Yeah I hope they move out too and I really hope my aunt doesn't show up to be honest because she might cause a huge scene there too! My aunt and her family were supposed to only be staying with my parents for 2 weeks and now they have been there for 5 months! Which ticked my father off too because he was not expecting them to be there so long...
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@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
18 Mar 13
I am sorry that your aunt is causing so much trouble and is making things miserable for your mom and sister. I have been married for a little over 5 years and remember my wedding day like it was yesterday. I know it is an exciting time and it can also be stressful. I had a little over a year to plan my wedding and I still feel like it was not enough time. I hope things get better for your parents and your sister. I wish your sister and your soon to be brother-in-law all the best and a very happy marriage.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
Thanks, it was horrible. Yeah she has enough stress going on without all of the drama from my aunt and her daughter! It was ridiculous to say the least.
Thank you so much! =)
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@princess8881 (1294)
• South Korea
18 Mar 13
Well I must admitt I dont really like some of my relatives!! sometimes its better not to meet them at all!! because I know what will happen when I meet them again and I dont want to get anymore stress..haha
So maybe it is much better if your aunt will not show up on your sister wedding

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
Yeah it was a very stressful situation. And I agree with you, it might be better if she doesn't show up because she might cause a huge scene like that!
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
19 Mar 13
If someone was a guest in my home and talked to my daughter that way, they would be laying out flat. I am not a violent person, but if I am kind enough to let you stay in my home and you think it's okay to behave like a child I am gonna treat you like one.
Your mom is a better person than I am, cause I wouldn't have just sat there saying nothing, I would have thrown that loud mouth out of my home.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Mar 13
I absolutely agree with you! My mother is not like that though, she basically lets everyone do whatever they want even in her home... It is crazy. My father spoke up and told them if they act that way again in his home they would be on the street.
They really should kick them out already but they won't for some reason. My aunt was supposed to be out this past weekend and that didn't happen either!!
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
19 Mar 13
Wow! I'm so sorry that your family has to go through all of this, especially since your sister is due to get married in just a few days!
If that happened in my home, I'd have thrown them out! That is NO way to behave in front of others, and especially in someone's home where they're guests!
Did they move out then? And is this the cousin who allows her toddler to put sharp scissors in his mouth?

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
19 Mar 13
Just whose home is it-your parents', or your grandma's? Would it be that bad if your mom and grandma stop talking? I'm sure that your grandma couldn't put up with that kind of behavior long term, but if this isn't her home, then your parents should put their foot down and stop accepting that kind of behavior.
I don't even you even one bit, and I'm getting stressed out just reading out this crap. Let's talk about something nicer instead.
What color has your sister picked for her wedding?
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
19 Mar 13
*envy*, not *even*
See, I'm getting upset just rereading your post!
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Mar 13
Yeah it has been quite crazy. My mother says this goes on all the time there! I could NOT deal with that at all. I would have thrown them out after the first time of it happening. But my grandma stays there too and my mom knows if she throws them out my grandma will be mad at her and possibly never speak to her again...
They are supposed to be moving this coming up weekend but they have also said that before so who knows with her bipolar a$$! Yup, same cousin.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Mar 13
hi thats just horrible of your
Aunt and your cousin to be acting that way in your parents house.
whatever were they thinking?And to treat your sister that way was just so wrong. I do hope that they do move out as thats just
way too much drama to upset your parents with. they will be glad to get their house back I can imagine.So sorry that that all
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
It is horrible and my mother said this is an every day thing that they have to live with! How ridiculous.
I have NO clue what they were thinking to be honest. I think it was SO rude of them to behave this way in my parents house. And it was so wrong the way my sister was treated as well.
Yeah, we are all hoping they will move out. My parents are SO ready for their house to be back to normal!
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
Yeah it is much worse when it's family behaving this way. I hate confrontations too, I was shaking so bad! I had to get out of there, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. It was really bad.
My father and my aunt both have really bad tempers. My father has really had enough of them living there. He told them yesterday if a blow up like that happens again they will be on the street and he doesn't care if they have a place to go or not! He was furious, rightly so. They all have to walk on egg shells around my aunt, because one minute she is fine and the next she freaks out like this!
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 Mar 13
I will never be able to understand how people are so very disrespectful when they are living under someone else's roof.
I really don't know under what circumstances your aunt and her family are staying with your parents, but if that is all the more respect that they are able to give to your parents, then I guess I have to say good riddance to bad rubbish. I just hope that their leaving isn't something that leaves your parents with a struggle.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Mar 13
I don't understand it either. My aunt was supposed to be here for 2 weeks, well in their house. That has turned into 5 months! Then on top of it they are this disrespectful!! So wrong.
They were supposed to be gone this past weekend and they are still there... My parents are never getting their house back apparently.
My parents will lose $400 a month from them but that was going toward the bills they were raising anyway honestly so my parents would much rather have their house back!
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
18 Mar 13
I just couldn't imagine how your aunt can behave that way in another people's house. And it is so childish of her , too to tell your sister that she ain't coming to her wedding.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
I have no idea, my mother said that they do this every day! How crazy. She is VERY childish and immature even though she is in her 50's.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
21 Mar 13
I do have to say that it sounds just like my family and my girl friends family. It ultimately sounds like those old italian families. It is childish and stupid to say something like that. Only little kids would come out with something like I am not going to your wedding. It does seem the older our parents and aunts and uncles get, the more they become children again.

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Mar 13
She is so ridiculous. That family needs to be kicked to the curb! She did not go to the wedding but my sister was glad about it because there was less drama without her anyway. She is such a stupid witch that lady. They were supposed to be gone this past weekend and they are still in my parents house. My poor parents are never going to get their house back apparently...
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
21 Mar 13
Wow, that is really crazy. I'm sorry to hear that things are that stressful. You would think that most people would think not to act that way when your sister's wedding is coming up. Be there for your mom and sister that is the most important thing.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Mar 13
Yes it is. I wish they would move out but so far they still haven't done that. My aunt is such a liar its annoying. The wedding went nice because she didn't show up, thank God!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
19 Mar 13
Wow, I agree with you. That is just crazy and for adults to act like that is very childish.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Mar 13
Yeah, it was crazy and very immature. And my aunt lied about moving, they are still there unfortunately!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
26 Mar 13
If some one told me they where moving out and didn't I would kick them out.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Mar 13
Too bad my aunt lied since they are still in their house!! 

@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Mar 13
Sounds like a lot of stress and streain going on. THis wedding is going to be something. Your aunt must be under some stress. I bet you folks will be glad when all of this will be over. Whoa!
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Mar 13
Yeah this has been going on for a while my mother said. She said it happens a lot. We are hoping that my aunt doesn't show up at all because she might cause a scene at the wedding!
My aunt is VERY bipolar. She is fine one minute and flips her lid the next. It is crazy.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Mar 13
Sounds like she isn't on any medication or she isn't on the right one. My daughter and granddaughter are both bi-polar. It took a long time to get my daughter on the right meds. When they 'go manic' it can be pretty scarey. If they are on meds those times are so often.
@changjiangzhibin89 (16886)
• China
19 Mar 13
If I may say so, your aunt were very grumpy then,What’s the matter? Anyway, it was not proper for her to give free play to her feelings and shouted angrily at her daughter in your parents’ house, no matter what has happened.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Mar 13
She is not just grumpy she is crazy. And you should not act that way in someone else's home. What you do in your own home is your business but you should not act like that at someone else's place...
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
18 Mar 13
I just cab't believe it. They are staying at your place, they disrupt your peace, and then your aunt thinks it's right for her to shout at your sister for nothing, and then blackmail her with not going to her wedding? It seems more of a good thing for me, haha, that she wouldn't go to the wedding, it would save the drama. Oh, some people just have the nerves... she seems a bit of a nutcase, I'm sorry.
Look, just tell your sister that she's going to have a perfect day, and no one should bring her down.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Mar 13
No not at my house. They are at my parents house. If they were living here they would have been kicked out a long time ago!
But yeah they were so rude, acting that way in my parents house and then being mean to my sister about her wedding.
We are hoping she doesn't come because your right there will be less drama if she didn't come.
No, I have no use for her. I think she is an absolute waste of a person. No offense taken from me...
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
19 Mar 13
Wow! If I was staying at someone house like that, I guess some people do. I have a friend act like this. I guess being family your parents didn't want to tell them where to go. I hope they stick to their word, and move. Maybe, it;s best that they don't go to your sisters wessing.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Mar 13
Yeah they are as rude as they come. My parents told them a little while back that the lights might be getting shut off soon because they didn't have enough money to pay the whole thing. My aunt turns around and says well if that happens we will just go to a motel! Why not say, we can help with that since we are using the lights too?! Because that would be the right thing to do of course!
We are all hoping now that she does not show up because it will just be more problems if she does. But my sister paid for her plate and everything which stinks!
@Laurenlynn (712)
• Canada
19 Mar 13
Oh as I am reading this all I can think of is I feel so sorry for your parent's and your sister sure does not need this before her wedding. Shame on your Aunt acting like this in your mothers house she has no right throwing things it is good they are leaving maybe you will all have some peace.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Mar 13
Yeah these people really need to find their own place. My parents are sick of them being there because they are just so rude! I can't blame them at all. They were supposed to be out of there this past weekend but of course that didn't happen, it was all lies!