My Father Died

@cynthiann (18602)
March 21, 2013 1:37pm CST
Many, many years ago. I knew that he was dying of cancer and flew home whilst pregnant to spend about 5 weeks with him. My mother had converted a downstairs room into a bedroom. I was ill too so he would lie in his bed and I would lie on a sofa and we chatted for many hours each day. I was the youngest daughter and his special one. It was horrible saying goodbye to him when I left. He died when I was back on the Island and my first baby had been born just a week earlier. I could not go to the funeral. Evidently my mother went in to see him early in the morning and he was smiling and said to her that he was having difficulty imagining, 'My baby, (me) with a baby'. He repeated this again and shortly afterwards went into a coma. Those were his last words. Fast forward to an hour ago when my daughter called me and said that she had dreamt of him last night and the dream was so vivid. Remember that not one of my children had ever met him. To my amazement, she described the room where he had died, even to the colour of the sofa that I used to lie on. She said he was smiling and told her not to be afraid but she recognised him from photos and assured him that she wasn't scared. He asked her to tell his baby (me) that my sister Gill was with him and that all was well. He said he welcomed all members of our family when they died. My daughter did not know this house or room but described the house in such detail that it brought back so many memories. I don't know why this happened. I do miss my sister so very much as she was the only person left on earth who really knew me and had shared my life. Have you ever experienced anything like this? What do you make of it? Is there an explanation.
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15 responses
@robspeakman (1700)
21 Mar 13
I could offer some form of explanation, However out of respect for you, you beliefs and any comfort that the conversation with your daughter will bring to you, I will remain silent.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 13
I would accept whatever explanation you offered as my mind is open. Yes, I am a Christian and believe in an afterlife but I also respect you and your opinions or suggestions. Please feel free to chat.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Mar 13
I do understand. Most people say that a loving God would not permit wars etc. but we have free will and people sin. If miracles happened all the time then they would not be miracles. A miracle has to actually be miraculous. It is not God's fault when a drunken driver kills a child. That is the fault of the driver who sinned by driving drunk. Most people do not understand the ways of God and if we did then we would be like Him - not possible, The best book to me that explains the redemptive power of suffering is one written by a Protestant called 'The Shack'. It is slow going during the first three chapters but stick to it and it may just help. A work of fiction but very powerful. It also explains the Trinity too in an amazing way. I know that this is disjointed but it is late and I am so tired. But think a bit more about the 'what if'.
22 Mar 13
Even my cynical mind, which can reason and explain everything does have a very small part which is willing to ask.... What if? A belief in Heaven or a God would make things so much easier, however that just creates more questions for me.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Mar 13
I don't think anyone can provide an explanation as such. Best thing to do is to just 'run with it.' Personally, I think it's beautiful and reassuring, actually when something like this happens.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 13
I know what you mean. Just odd that is all but also comforting in a way. So vivid for my daughter ans she is a bit surprised about it all
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 13
Wow! That is something. Many people believe in reincarnation, don't they?
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Mar 13
Mum has often said that her grandson Tom is a reincarnation of her own Dad, ironically, called Tom as well..AND the same star sign!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Hi there Cynthiann, Yes, actually i did experience something very similar. I was also pregnant with my 3rd daughter when my dad had a sudden fatal heart attack. i had two brothers and was the only girl and we were very,very close. It was a devastating time. I had my 3rd daughter a month later and two months earlier than when she was due. Anyway, I had been home from the hospital just a week or two and it was late at night. I was up nursing my newborn and watching an old I Love Lucy re-run. Out of nowhere, I heard my dad's voice clear as day, say Sid, you have a very beautiful baby. I'm sorry I could not have been there for you. Startled, I even pinched myself to be certain I was awake...I was. He then said that he had to get going but that he missed us all very much. I asked him if I would hear from him again and he told me that he did not think so. And I have not. The next morning my 9 yr old had a lot of trouble getting up for school. I asked her why she was so so tired as she'd gone to bed plenty early enough. She said that grampa had kept her up late last night and then she could not sleep after he left because she missed him so so much. My younger brother also had a similar experience with our grandfather whom we never met. It was pretty weird and he was the only one in the family to experience it except for one incident with my gram. I have lost many loved ones and never again experienced anything like this. If I were to guess, I would say it is has something to do with an emotional connection? I've done tons of reading on the paranormal and worked for a medium years ago and there really is no concrete proof or answers to any of this stuff. If you experience it, you'll be a believer but good luck convincing anyone who has not. There is no way to prove it.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Oh I am sure that I will understand. The medium that I worked with was actually a very well known man...much more so than I had realized. He actually published a book with Albert Einstein which I knew nothing about until much later on.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Mar 13
I think our posts just crossed! So you will understand. The medium you worked with really sounds as if he had a gift.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Mar 13
No there is not way to prove it but it does happen. Two of children have actually seen their father and he spoke to my daughter - calling her by a pet name that only the family knew. Admittedly she was stressed at the time. Sid - I will pm somethngto you. Upon reading you will understand why it cannot be public
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Mar 13
I haven't, but I know so many people who have experienced something "other" that I have to believe there's something out there. Maybe not the Christian idea of heave and hell, or the Jewish, or whatever, but something.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 13
I have to think about it more too. But it was a little unnerving. I said maybe he was preparing you that I will be next. Without missing a beat she said that she would slit her throat if anything happened to me. forgive her but she has my humour.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Mar 13
Hmph, after everything you went through last year, you are entitled to a few good years first, I think. Like 20...
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 13
Ten would be good
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
21 Mar 13
That's pretty odd. My foster brother used to have dreams about like the old west.. back during cowboy and indian days, and he could describe things perfectly.. and described a particular war during that time.. and he was just a little kid at the time, too young to have known about it otherwise. Everyone thought maybe he'd been in that war in a previous life.
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• United States
22 Mar 13
Good thing she knew it was coming.. or you wouldn't be here today to tell us the story.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Mar 13
Oh she had severalmore incidents like ths. We lived in a Naval town by the sea so there were mnay raids.And you right - I would not have been here. They were bombed out three times
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 13
You know they say that life is stranger than fiction and sometimes I think it is. That is an amazing story about your foster brother. How would he have known the details? all a bit of a mystery
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
4 Apr 13
Wow! It's like something out of a movie, or a TV show. But my takeaway from this discussion is that it must be such a comforting thought that even from the other side, your old man is still looking out for you and your 'baby/babies'.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
4 Apr 13
Hi C! I miss you too! Just been busy with my offline work (and it's stressing me out!). I'm trying to catch up, that's why my responses are a couple of weeks late.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
4 Apr 13
And... if I could, I would like to be like this with my kids too! That when I pass on, I could watch over them, and come to them when they need help. Hopefully they wouldn't think that I'm just haunting them.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
7 Apr 13
Hugs on the passing of your father. My father passed away a few years ago and I miss him. He would tell me I could do it and not to give up. Its hard when people pass away that are important in our lives.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Apr 13
Yes it is as we have to learn how to do without them. Keep remmebering what he said to you and do not ever give up on your hopes and dreams
@AmbiePam (96337)
• United States
7 Apr 13
Wow. That is amazing.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Apr 13
I think the dream occurred because of the grace of God. Only good comes from God and He allowed this to happen
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Not quite like this by both my daughters have like dreams where they see their grandparents...or visualize them standing in room with them etc. They did know their grandparents so it's not a surprise they know what they look like etc....but sometimes they can feel their presence.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Mar 13
I have never felt the presence of my father but have of my husband and sister on many occasions. Odd, isn't it?
• India
22 Mar 13
OMG i cant believe this but it seems its true. Mam your story is like the ones in a Hollywood movie. I was moved by the story of your father. But i am quite happy for your daughter as it looks she really loved your father... I think your story its like a movie.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Mar 13
I believe that these things are more common than we think but we are afraid to discuss them. If you read some of the other responses then you will see that many people do have these experiences
• United States
24 Mar 13
WOW, that is really something for her to be dreaming that. Dreams can be really be strange. I don't usually have very good dreams. I had just as soon not dream some of the things i do.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
24 Mar 13
I'm sorry that you do not have good dreams
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
31 Mar 13
Dearest Cynthie thats just wonderful and comforting. How I wish I had a similar experience. Like your daughter I also didnt know my maternal Granddad as he was missing and obviously killed in WW II. My mother had been able to save a pic of him and that was on her nightstand so I grew up seeing that pic and having my mom and my grandma tell me awesome stories about Granddad. It was for me as if he is still part of the family. I got to know him quite well with all my mother told me about him and as a kid I would often ask my mother, what would Grandpa say or do in this and this situation. What would he tell me if he could give advice to me now. My mother tried to answer as well as she could, and later when I had moved out of her house into my own rented apartment she put a small passport portrait pic of me in the corner of the frame of my granddads pic. I asked her why she did that and she said, you are the only one of his grandkids who ask about him as my cousins who are three years older than me never were interested in their grandpa. My mother passed away in 2011 and due to conflicts with the extended family I turned down the inheritance and left the place. So I am very sad that I dont even have that pic of Grandpa........ How I wish that he came into my dream talking to me like what your daughter experienced...........
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
4 Apr 13
I am glad though that you got to know him through your mother and grandmother. Yes, she was happy with the dream and not at all scared or anything. What a senseless war it was. I lost my GF in WW1 plus his eldest son. and in WW11 I lost five uncles. So many deaths on both sides I really wish that you had that photgraph as whoever had your inheritence may have even thrown it away as it would have had no meaning for them I am so sorry
@kokomo (1866)
• Philippines
22 Mar 13
It only explains that the dream of your daughter is true and the soul of your father visited your daughter in her dreams. maybe, he wants to meet your daughter since he have not yet meet her.Our dreams is really powerful because we can be able to see again our loved ones who has just passed away.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Mar 13
Yes, our dreams can be very powerful but sometimes they do not walk straight and need interprating. But this dream that my daughter has was very explicit
• Canada
22 Mar 13
Hi Cynthiann Oh I sure understand all about this, before my father passed away I had a dream of my grandmother (my fathers mother) and in my dream I was brushing her hair and it was red and thick and full, when my grandmother was alive she had to wear a wig so I never had seen her like this and I never knew she had red hair I had told my mother, oh and in my dream my grandmother had told me not to fuss so much (with her hair) so when I had told my mother she could not believe it. Two weeks after that dream my father had passed away. My father loved his mother so much he was lost when she passed away 25 years ago. So when my father passed it gave me some comfort to think he was with his mother somehow. I sense you miss your father too I sure miss mine. My mother passed only 10 months after my father they were both young my father was 73 and my mother had just turned 71 it will be 6 years this June for my father my father passed away on Fathers Day that year and my mother will be 5 years next month I still miss them so much. Sorry I got carried away here.
• Canada
22 Mar 13
That is wonderful cynthiann that you have that with your father I think it is amazing how he communicated through your daughter to let you know about your sister.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Mar 13
It certainly is and I give thanks to God
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Mar 13
hi cynthiann I have never experienced that but I remember a saying "there are more things on heaven and earth that were ever dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio" and I have begun to think it meant that there's so much we do not know like what your daughter dreamed of. I once was on a trip with my parents through Colorado and we stopped at a small town and instantly I knew there was an excellent restaurant up a certain street and I walked in.Immediately the manager said " You have brought your parents Patsie" I had never met him before yet we did know each other., How I could do this I did not know. It was scary but they were so pleased to serve us and we had an excellent meal. they would both keep bringing us goodies until we had to leave.I never did know just what happened or why I knew this town or the people running the restaurant either.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Mar 13
Another amazing story my friend. I just said to someone that we are often shy or embarrassed or scared to speak out when these things happen. We are scared of being to look foolish or telling lies. I believe you Hatley, other things have happened in my family also