Why Doesn't God Answer Prayers?
@mythociate (21432)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
March 22, 2013 10:12am CST
Because--long-story-short--He's not G*d With Us (Emmanuel). He's G*d-ABOVE-Us!
WHO is 'G*d With Us'? WE (humans) are! At least, as far as concerns 'answering prayers.'
For example, I pray for a 'wife' (not necessarily 'a government-verified coinhabitant' or whatever spouses are these-days, but at-least 'a woman who lives with me etc.') I pray as instructed by Jesus, behind the shut-door of my private room.
I've done that since I was in my early twenties, and am still single.
Now if I stood up in church this Sabbath & 'prayed for a wife' (in a section of the service where many of us are given a chance to stand up and announce things we've been given & -things we need 'to the Lord'), it may "work" because some single girl will 'hear the order from the Lord' to fulfill my prayer.
So prayers are only work-orders we give the Lord ... TO GIVE TO HIS OTHER CHILDREN.
E.g. some lady keeps praying for 'a car' (yes, she stands up and says "I need a real nice car real soon!"), but she's not going to get it until someone (a HUMAN) gives it to her!
Why don't people open their eyes to the fact that 'prayers to G*d' are actually 'secret ways of asking our brothers-&-sisters to share their stuff with us!'
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11 responses
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Mar 13
God will grant His children anything as long as it doesn't interfere with their lessons or the lessons of others. Patience. You will understand the reasons in time after you have acquired more wisdom. Life is more than merely having everything we want when we want it. There is so much more to learn and discover
What do you give the world? You want love but what do you give? Give everyone you meet unconditional love and kindness. Help those you can and encourage those you can't. The love you spread into the world will touch others then attract love back to you. Do this Unconditionally without wanting or expecting anything in return then watch the world change right before your eyes.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Mar 13
What if you don't want to " learn and discover"? Does this mean you will Never get what you want?
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
16 Apr 13
Something that's kind of implied in every prayer is the phrase Jesus used at the end of His 'Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane' (right after He asked 'let "this cup" (the suffering & execution) pass away from me'): "if it be thy will ... let thy will--not mine--be done."
@urbandekay (18278)
22 Mar 13
We should pray to God that he help us to accept his will for us, not our own. This is a good prayer and one that he may grant
all the best, urban
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Mar 13
G-d answers all prayers. Just sometimes the answer is no! G-d makes it easy or hard for us to get what we want. He Does not just grant wishes. He isn't Santa Claus! To get a wife you have to get out there and seek her out. She Is out there. As for the car lady, she needs human help but it is out there too.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
22 Mar 13
I know, I'm out there too! Should I pray for Him to show me what to do out there to make the right woman know that I'm waiting for her?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Yes! That is better for Him to just send her to you. Actually you have to get out there and search for her.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Mar 13
No! (Well, yeah; but I had to 'bring balance to The Force'
) Maybe He HAS sent her to me, but not 'to me'---i.e. He 'pushed her in my direction,' but sent her so 'hot' that I needed a 'millionaire's saffire-diamond oven-mitt' to catch her!
I know 'no man is an island,' but isn't that true for ladies too? Don't any of them need me to be the man whom they take care of?

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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
23 Mar 13
That's because there is no God. So-called God's are a figment of people's imagination. If you choose to believe in that kind of thing I'm happy for you,but praying won't help. If it's meant to happen it will happen.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
16 Apr 13
I agree with you if you mean to say 'there's no Hank-Williams-Jr.-in-the-Sky gonna wipe all the good lil` children's tushies & kiss their boo-boos etc.'
But G*d is bigger than reality. As Jesus said, Our Father G*d knows what He will give us before we even ask for it. The asking for it is OUR way of starting to find it (reminding ourselves what we're looking for).
@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
1 Oct 15
if you strongly believe in Him than you can be sure he will answer all of your prayers
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 Oct 15
Just like 'Rain-dancing works if you don't stop dancing `til it rains.'
@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
25 Mar 13
Every prayer goes answered sometimes the answer is just "this is not the best time"
it will be given in God's perfect timing.

@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
16 Apr 13
No, because the prayers are only 'answered' if they are asked in line with the will of G*d. The Book of James says something about that, I think: 'if you ask and do not receive, you ask amiss.'
@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
16 Apr 13
but lets take into consideration that "no" is an answer too
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
22 Mar 13
I don't share prayers in a church and I've had plenty of answered prayers. I don't know why some prayers are answered and why some aren't except to say sometimes of course the answer is no, or not now, or yet. I rather believe He knows all and thus knows the best, and the best time.
Some hindrances can be a lack of faith I guess, as Jesus was forever saying "according to your faith so be it". And I guess the closer we draw to Him and get to know Him, the more our faith would grow concerning some things, perhaps..?
All the best, hope your prayers be answered soon

@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
23 Mar 13
lol. i love your take on this. you are right. god won't answer your prayers. things happen because of cause and effect, not god.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Mar 13
Amen! 'Cause & effect' is the basic meaning of Renge---part of the Buddhists' chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo-Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo-Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo---
one meaning of that is 'I listen, I hear what I'm supposed to accomplish and I go out aiming to do that, but people are already doing things out there & things are already moving out there, so there's a lot of information I have to work my way into,
'So I listen to the whole cacophony of that to pick out what I'm supposed to do, I hear where I can get in & do what I think I need to, but people do what they think they need to and so stuff still moves independent of my influence, so there's still a lot more information to hear,
'I listen to that and hear how it's-closer to the way things should go but -there's still a little work to do, so I get in there & do it the best I can, but not everybody follows suit (being too busy with what they were trying to do without me) so they're still moving stuff and 'I don't control EVERYTHING' yet (i.e. I don't quite yet know whether everything's the way it's supposed to be), so I've still got some listening to do ...'
(& they chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo way-more than three times in a row, so you can kinda see how the pattern goes there---more-&-more 'mission-strength' as the follower learns more & more!)
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
22 Mar 13
It depends on what you call: answering. I think most people who have a question (or ask advice) already know the answer themselves. It only takes (someone's) approvement to go for it (or to blame that person if it doesn't work out the way they want it to be).
This besides of the fact many of the prayers are just there in times of need or the kind of prayers that shouldn't be. For example asking for a good graduation, job, income, etc.
If you have brains, a body, you can plan, set goals, be active, work to get what you want, instead of being passive and praying and waiting for better times. The most succesfull people and the most happy people are those who take responsibility for their own life! Who are willing to take risks, who keep focused on their goal(s), no matter how or long the way is they have to take. God is not Santa Claus! So if you like to pray then you better ask yourself first what you want/need again!
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
22 Mar 13
Having prayers answered was compared (by astrophysicist/Master-of-the-Universes Stephen Hawking) to when Vikings--during a solar eclipse--saw their god swallow the sun, yelled at him to bring it back, & saw him return it!
(When we 'know' what they really saw.)
@Jayajael (11)
• United States
23 Mar 13
Jehovah doesn't answer all prayers if they're not sincere or have something to do with his will. Read these scriptures in your Bible and maybe get some answers. Psalm 65:2 Luke 11:2 John 14: 6,14 says: "Jesus said to him,'I am the way and the truth and the life, No one comes to the father except through me, If you ask anything in my name, I will do it"
So there are many reasons why Jehovah doesn't answer our prayers. At Proverbs 28:9 it says "He that is turning his ear away from hearing the law of God, even his prayers are detestable"
People pray for any and everything, but we must realize Jehovah is granting us life and forgiveness, so he's serious about prayer and what we must do as imperfect creatures. He wants us to find out what he wants and the Bible is his way of telling us, so read those scriptures and take time to meditate on them.
Jehovah's WItnesses are happy to help anyone learn or just get familiar with the Bible, there are some in your area I'm sure. Ask them and they'll be glad to help you learn more. Or better yet, sincerely pray to Jehovah to send you someone to teach you basic Bible truths.
@avers27 (31)
• Poland
23 Mar 13
Well, I have the same feeling sometimes. I feel like am abandoned by God. I take medicine which slightly decreases thinking activity. Thus I can not pray. Something does not alow me. I mean mentally. But I am aware of God. Also asked Him for a wife and now have Her. Prayer realisation is subconscious process. While praying I prefer not to wait till God will give me something on a plate, when I can pray (there are times when I can) I am strategically thinking of my prayer realisation and ask for METHODS of realisation. I rarely ask in my prayer a goal. Just methods of its accomplishing. Regarding your situation I consider that this brings you lot of grief. Stop thinking about grief. This will not help. Believe in impossible. And ACT. Often people just value us from the outside and never have enough insight to see us from inside and value us. Girls and boys, adults no matter.