my BESTFRIENDS in LOVE and then GONE??
By febrose
@febrose (103)
March 22, 2013 3:31pm CST
Well first and foremost..i have 2 bestfriends a BOY and a GIRL
I will not name them for privacy purpose.. and have a FAST STORY sorry if way too long..pls have patience..
Anyways. Lets start with the GIRL..well she's been my Bestfriend since highschool
we are always together doing stuffs at school. Enjoying breaks and having common likes by staying at the library reading books to kill time. Although she thinks more mature than I am..we really get along well.
WE part ways when i went to college in the City, but still we communicate always until the time she became busy with the guy he met at her school who eventually became her boyfriend..
Since i was also busy at school, i let her have more time with the demanding guy..even though a little annoyed. I'm happy coz she have someone besides her now.
Assignments and Projects need Computers right? but when i'm bored i browse the net and sometimes PLAY games.
There i Met this BOY who at first became my friend because of common interest too..ONLINE GAMES...yeah we play a Lot whenever i go online. That's just it!! time passed and we became best friends..
TIME FLIES really fast, i was already in my 4th year in college when my GIRL Bestfriend contact me again..crying over the phone, heartbroken..
I told her he's not the guy for her..JUST CRY until no more tears will fall and MOVE on..
When its already over we share the times we've not talk..and that's the time i told her that i had a BOY bestfriend. Eagerly she ask me about the boy..SO i told her everything from the start. THEN I INTRODUCED both of them to EACH OTHER..and so on..
At that time i've become more busy at school because of my subjects, and since i was a graduating, i seldom chat nor talk to both of them..they understood.. paced..
WHEN i GIRL bestfriend contacted me for some reason, cRying again!!
AND i was very SHOCKED!! to know the guy who broke her heart that time is.. YEAH my BOY bBESTFRIEND..unexpectedly..Im so clueless and i dont know what to say..
I REALLY DONT KNOW what to do much as well say HECK!!
..because two important persons in my life is at that situation..LOVE really sucks!
She told me that they have a relationship for 3 months! and i didnt even know that!
anyweiz im not MAD its just that no words came out..
MY GIRL bestfriend is asking my help so that theirs will be SAVED..because she LOVE him so much.
When i ask my BOY BESTFRiend he told me that Yeah while im busy at school they started to communicate until they become lovers. I ask whats wrong? and HE answered had me totally surprised and speechless like an IDIOT!..
He told me that HE'S IN LOVE with me, but since im not into relationship that time that i keep on saying "only FRIEND" .he tried to direct his feeling to somebody else which is my GIRL bestfriend..that is available.
the END?? is SAD both of them part ways..and ive never heared of them anymore.
just recently in FACEBOOK after 3 years i learned that they both have relationships with other person.
WHILE ME?? they still communicate to me but not like before. just simple HELLO and What have youve been doing. PERIOD!..
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11 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Unfortunately, the story that you've shared here is something that does happen far too often. I tend to think that there are a lot of times when we are platonic friends with someone that is actually in love with us and when we tell that person that we don't love them, it is something that really does change the dynamic of the situation.
As far as your female best friend goes, I imagine that the main reason that the dynamic of your friendship changed is because she felt betrayed by you to a certain extent.
I'm sorry that this has been something that you've had to face in your life.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
23 Mar 13
I think the level of the closeness has lessened knowing that they have found love on each others different person. the level of communication decreases knowing that after this break up the relationship that was once close would never be the same again. i feel sad because this has happened to me as well and it's more sad when the person once close to you started distancing from you.

@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
@ dorannmwin :
Yeah unfortunately that's one of the saddest part of my life..
But the thing is,,. isn't I the one being BETRAYED? coz i know of nothing going on..
Actually i will be happy for them if that turn right..coz their very dear to me..but Long gone is friendship and what is Loss,,
I MISS them..but,,i dont know what to do..coz i tried but..i failed..
they've gone ways..SO IVE START TO DO MINE =(
wow..i've thought that not many had this HOW DID YOU got over it?
i mean what you've done... so everything will turn just fine for all...or is it..that has turn BAD just what i have been?
@firepanther91 (186)
• Italy
22 Mar 13
What to say.. Well surely it was not love between your bestfriends.. From what you told me, I believe that your girl bestfriend was really in search of a boyfriend... Because so fastly she switched from one boy to another.. in facts it ended badly.. Well i'm really sorry for you because you were between them... But now 3 years have passed you say?
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@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
..its been a year since i talk to my GIRL bestfriend..from what i know well i think she's happy now with the current guy. And busy with her current friends. now that im back in town. She is now in the City, together with her new PALs..i tried texting her but she never replied.. ive become an acquiantance..i just know her wherabouts through facebook,,but Hell i mean i think our friendships gone..same with my BOY bestfriend...
@firepanther91 (186)
• Italy
25 Mar 13
I'm sorry to hear that.. I wish you to find some new best friends, who can stay with you even if they find a boyfriend\girlfriend.. Real friendship should not end this way..
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
23 Mar 13
Your girl best friend should have told you that they are having an affair that time as a respect. Even though both of you didn't have a relationship, you should at least know what was going on in your surroundings. I think your girl best friend the boy didn't respect you nor treat you as a friend.
@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
didnt treat me as a Friend?..I HOPE NOT..
coz i TRUST them..its just that, HAPPen
actually im not happy with the way it goes..or END but
i think that they still considered me as a FRIEND..
as well as i am although we stop communicating with each other..
anyweiz thankz for yor time,.'^^,
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
23 Mar 13
Your guy best friend, forgive me for saying, was really stupid. He used your best friend of all people to try to get over you. What a jerk. And your girl best friend really needs to be more careful of guys she chooses as her boyfriend.
If only they made better decisions, they wouldn't have gotten hurt.
@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
BETTER DECISIONS...absolutely right!
hmm i give him benefit of the doubt
i mean really IF people are in LOVE they do something stupid..without thinking what will be the end of it..
im not trying to defend my BOY bestfriend but i think..he's not that bad at all..maybe just maybe he thought that it was well as what he felt for me..because reality is once they mature enough i think that's the time..they can think well enough..with less consequences as well..its just things turn just that..i no one can controlled it..
Ive read the replies and it helps me alot ..thinking about it..
What EVER will be will be,,,^^, anyweiz thankz so much!!
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
24 Mar 13
It seems that your guy best friend was confused so he did things without thinking them thoroughly. He is not a bad person, but he made a bad decision still. You are all young so it is natural that you tend to get confused especially when feelings are involved.
It's all in the past. I just hope your friends are already alright.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Sounds like a love triangle and a sad one at that. Even though your boy best friend wants to be with you but your girl best friend wants to be with him, maybe the best thing to do is to let them both go...Poof! Who needs that kind of drama? In the future when they have grown up a little and moved past each other you can pick up your friendship again.
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@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
Yeah..actually LOVE never crossed my mind that time. I live simple, enjoy like any other students. But they??..well cross the boundaries of friendship although they've never met before.. actually i introduced them through phone..that's just it..i dont know what happen next. AND i dont ask the details WHY..coz i think its their privacy..unless they told me..which isnt the case until too late,,
DO YOU THINK SO?? about letting them both go?
i mean I'm HAPPY as they are but remembering the enjoyable memories we had together of past Just reprimand me,,,=((
pathetic right?!
@avers27 (31)
• Poland
23 Mar 13
Maybe try to forget this story. It is horrible that people only think about themselves. Egoism is the reason. So calm down and be in peace. Events do happen this way sometimes. And I was surprised for the boyfriend to have no patience at all, in our country people are saying: impatient like sitting on a hot nail. Excuse me but maybe this proverb is true about him. My compassion.
@jonastabuena (2307)
• Philippines
23 Mar 13
Love really is an unpredictable thing and full of surprises. We give love to someone, you must be also prepare your self to be hurt. In my case I've been to a lot of relationship that ends in breaking up, maybe we are not meant for each other or suddenly me and my partner realize that we don't belong to each other.
In your girl best friend case will its really painful, because i think that she thinking that your boy best friend is the right man for here, but as we can see they still broke up.
Maybe the best thing to do, is enjoy the relationship while it last. And if it ends, enjoy the happy moments with the one love. Memories that will be in heart and mind while your still living.
@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
Hmmm..optimistic view eh?
like it..but well nothing to regret about anyways unless the parting ways
WHAT happen to them is their choice..the only problem is that that they've distance themselves..
LOVE such broad term...has really different ENDINGSS
i mean not all will be at your will..too many roads of choices and each has consequences for such actions..
sigh...just painful as you say..NOT the breaking-up part but the SITUATION it ended
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 13
hi febrose If hes just a best friend then you are noit broken up over him. Your friens find the ones they really love.these things often happen and you will be left wondering what happened.
I am glad you are pursuing yu r college degree.

@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
Well yeah tnx..Actually Ive been working in a company now..that its been 2 years that has passed..
Since im busy with my Life ive only wrote this last night..coz'
thing is "satus said so" they did pop on my FACEBOOK account which i just open recently..and ive been thinking since
I KEEP wandering why that has to in GIVE ME A BREAK!! so little time..they became a couple and then what?? part ways ..then distanced themselves from me..(alright some fallove fast but LOVE?? it takes time for me)
from what i GIRLBESTFRIEND told me that,,eventhough she never got to be with HIM..will always be eventhough she had a new one..ACTUALLY i dont know now coz its been years since she said that to me and u'm clueless on whats on her mind right now...
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
23 Mar 13
Hello Febrose, Ah, Love, can't explain can't predict it, but who are we to say that when love becomes mature or nurtured. probably even at college times, most often people would search for some one compatible or completely opposite of them. how can he do that having a good relationship for three months only to find out that you are the one he fell in love. he should have been honest with you to begin with and courted you instead. i think they will keep on searching for relationships and find true love one day

@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
Certainly true..when LOVE is involved you don't know what to expect or how it will happen GOOD or BAD way..
But for the BOY bestfriend told me that he's been in love with me since we've met ..i think second year college.. but honestly in a joking way so i didn't take it seriously,, until that time.
WELL i supposed that i wish they will find the one for them.. and i think this is that time probably.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
23 Mar 13
Well, that's just how life is sometimes..... And all we can do is hope to have better friends , better things, better job and a better life.
@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
who wouldnt want that LIFE?? success and no worries at all??..
its just that i feel lonely whenever Ive thought about it..but im starting to accept what happen..
certainly not a good thing to remember but i didnt regret having them..
Anyweiz thankz^^,
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
22 Mar 13
Wow. I'm not envying you. This IS the drama. Especially that your guy bestfriend is kind of putting the blame on you partly... I don't know why people are like that, if they can't get someone, they are getting together with someone else, without loving them. I think you should talk to both separately about your feelings, like that you like both, or whatever. That would help, if you tell them what is on your mind.
@febrose (103)
23 Mar 13
DRAMA huh?
well it really did,..a pail of tears my GIRL bestfriend said so:
Hmm thinking about my BOY BESTFRIEND, i dont think that he blame me for it. coz eversince weve met he knows that i do not entertain such.."relationship" maybe ive become too insensitive..but before we part ways he said that He's now okay..unfortunately didn't turn the way he wants but..not BLAMING it to anyone..
He's now happy with his girlfriend who happen to be a schoolmate and childhood friend of his,,and i think ready to settle down for good.
whenever he has time..he message me..greetings and comments