Who Has All the Money?

@mythociate (21435)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
March 22, 2013 7:59pm CST
A colleague asked "What's the Fastest Way to Get Money?" I thought about it, and replied, 'Ask for it.' But there's a trick to that solution: you've got to ask the right person ... Who is that? God? nope, He doesn't need money and so -doesn't see why you do. the President? the Legislature? the Supreme Court? Maybe, but I don't think so; THEY don't have any money but THEIR CITZENS' MONEY, and can't even contain their budget to that "limit." I don't know, but I heard that that's how Google got their start---asking some rich people to support them as they started to build their system of world-domination So who's got all the money?
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5 responses
• Philippines
23 Mar 13
The fastest to earn money is be in the Casino that is if you have the luck. The other way is to study the weaknesses of the people the likes and dislikes and invent things fitted for their vices.
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Mar 13
What people?
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
23 Mar 13
@teo, the fastest way to lose money is in the casino. Luck? why depend on luck when it is always on the other side? Study people's weakness and invent things for their vices? Those are dangerous ideas. How can one live without guilt with such ideas in mind? I really wonder.
• Penrith, Australia
25 Mar 13
No no, if you want to be rich, you don't create products. You create customers.
23 Mar 13
The only true to make money, and good money, is to go to college and work hard!! That's the only way to do and of course, pray to God.
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
24 Mar 13
that's just a cliche that is old and outdated. god, working hard for other people, or going to college doesn't make one rich. it makes you slave to the system that will have you working the rest of your life to keep you poor.
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
11 Apr 13
Nurse, you mean you used to think LIKE DANI? Yeah, me too. Steve Jobs & Bill Gates BOTH DROPPED OUT of college. College is good for you, if you're rich enough. (Although I'm sure that a Masters' degree can gets you people's trust ... that's what schooling gets you---proof that you're a 'good wittle boy or girl.')
• Penrith, Australia
25 Mar 13
I used to think that too, before college. Now I'm done with college, I'm like.. Meh.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
24 Mar 13
Hi Mythociate, your colleague might as well ask your boss for an increment. That is provided that she really earns it. All bosses, and rich people, will not give out money for nothing. They want their money to work harder, and if they pay you a dollar more, they expect you to make them 30 dollars in return. That is the way the rich gets richer.
@violann (436)
• United States
23 Mar 13
Well obviously not the common folks. Who has all the money, well in my opinion no one has all the money. What is money anyway? Money is just a means to survive. On the other hand who has all the riches or blessings, well that depends on what you consider rich. I am so rich and blessed and I am so thankful for all that I have. That includes family, friends, etc. I have so much to be thankful for. Also God provides for us what we need no necessarily what we want, He knows who can handle a lot and who can handle a little. As far as who has all the money, no one has all the money.
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Mar 13
I'm glad you're happy. But you're missing the mark; money is NOT a means to survive! Food, clothing, shelter etc. are means to survive, & money is a TOOL to help you gather those means. And--in that manner of speaking--ANYONE WHO CAN GET A VALID CREDIT-CARD has 'all the money.' I guess what I'm asking is 'who has lots-&-lots of usable credit they haven't used & don't need' ... my first two guesses: (country-music superstar) Garth Brooks & (pop-music wunderkind) Stefani "Lady Gaga" Germanotta!
• Penrith, Australia
25 Mar 13
Money cant buy happiness only quality of life. Its easier to keep yourself occupied and experience nice things when you have money though haha. (I know this is completely irrelevant but whatever) I dont think the superstars would give you their money, as the amount of money they have increases, their needs increase too. Everyone needs all the money they have even though they dont use it, i know so done who needs money in a sense that he needs to see it and to feel that he has money, saving money is his happiness, thus, it still is a need.
@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
25 Mar 13
Everyone has the money, its the willingness that makes it complicated.
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
11 Apr 13
Then who has the willingness?