Change Of Opinion...

Valdosta, Georgia
March 24, 2013 5:52pm CST
We all think we know people or some people pretty well on here (MyLot). Or at least I find that certain people I know pretty well from being here and what they talk about, etc... Then, they start a discussion that blows your mind and changes everything you ever thought about them. Has that ever happened to you? You thought the person was one way and then you find something out about them that changes everything you ever thought? Offline I think it happens too. You think you know someone then they do something totally out of character and you think to yourself, do I really know that person? If you ever had this happen please share. =)
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32 responses
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
24 Mar 13
I think that can happen when you talk about different subjects. Things from the past can come to light and conversations can go places unexpected. The next day it can be something totally different again. The information we know about the person might not be enough though to understand them. We find out things as we go along. Then there are some that live double a life. Bond, James Bond.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Yeah I guess your right. Certain things can bring out different aspects about a person's character. Good point, I really didn't think of that. Well of course we don't know everything about a person here I was just talking about in general...
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
25 Mar 13
Of course we don't know everything about people here or for that matter generally in our real life either. I think that is what you meant by general? We don't know sometimes know the person we have spent many years with. This can happen.
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@robspeakman (1700)
25 Mar 13
It is rare for me to change my opinion about people - I am usually good at working folk out. Granted it is harder to do online, but you can figure other mylotters out after one or two posts. I accept and hope that people do have differing opinions to me - It makes for a varied conversation. However some opinions can be hard to accept or even comment on... Those people I tend to avoid. As for myself, I am aware that I make comments to make a point and to get a reaction..... I can't help it
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
I am usually a good judge of character but this time I was surprised... Yeah, most of us are like an open book, I know I am anyway. I am that way offline too though! I wear my heart on my sleeve so they say. Lol. Well, yes you do make comments to get a reaction but that is part of who you are. I see nothing wrong with it. If you changed that people would be like what in the world happened to rob? Lol.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
25 Mar 13
I could sound paranoid here and wonder if it's one of the discussions that I created that you are referring to that caused a bit of concern, amongst some of my friends here on Mylot, I think it was due to bad wording that people were wondering if Wolfie was cookoo! I like to think people know where they stand with me and hopefully I haven't shocked anyone, I am honest and open, sometimes too open maybe. I have only ever done a few risque discussions which I thought afterwards that I had written through emotion rather than intellect.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
25 Mar 13
When you find it, I hope you don't think too badly of me, it was pretty emotional looking back at it, but the support and advice I got was rewarding, so no real regrets ;0) Thank you my friend, putting me at ease.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
I don't think badly of you at all. Besides, I do the same thing. I read the explanation of it and yeah I always ASSUME like an idiot that people think of me in a bad way when they have not said that at all. I find that I always feel I am below others, no matter who they are. I feel everyone is better than I am and everyone thinks badly of me for one reason or another. I know in my head that its my own insecurity but when I am in the moment I still do it...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
No wolfie! It had absolutely nothing to do with you! I don't even think I saw the discussion your referring to, I don't think so anyway. I cannot remember if I did so if it was something that would make me think your cookoo I think I would remember. Lol. But now I am going to look for it! I am sure you have not said anything that would change my opinion of you at all...
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@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
25 Mar 13
i don't presume anyone be anything online. the online world is where people to come be either something different than what they are, or reveal who they really are. it's just impossible to have such high expectations from people online.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
25 Mar 13
uuuummm! say its not me.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
It is definitely not you bunnybon or you MoonGypsy!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
I guess I just thought someone was much different than what I realized. Like I painted this pretty little picture of them in my mind and then it was like someone stuck a knife in it and made it really ugly all of a sudden. That was the best way I could think to describe that sorry. Lol.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
25 Mar 13
This hasn't happened to me where it's been my opinion that's changed. No offense to the real people behind these names, but to me you're all robotic constructs of my imagination that just so happen to speak randomly for my amusement. So nothing changes that opinion. But I can count off and need more fingers when it comes to people I thought I was cool with, only to find that they started to get a little snippy with me here recently. And I think that's because I played in politics and people for a long time and didn't do the whole religion bit. But now that I tinker around in religion, I notice a change in people's attitudes toward me and with how they carry themselves in conversations with me in general. It's not enough to sneer at an atheist; one must do so while giving strong affirmations of faith and dropping prayer bombs. One does not simply disagree with another viewpoint. However, I will say there was this one time where a guy and I were discussing random troll nonsense. Par for the myLot kiddie course. But out of nowhere he dropped a conspiracy theory on me that made moon landing deniers writhe in side pain from laughter. I was dumbstruck by the stupidity. I've heard some whoppers in my day, but this conspiracy--a series of small ones forming a Voltron of dumbphuckery--shocked me to the point I'm still laughing about it. So in that sense, my opinion changed. I'm sometimes shocked to learn what people genuinely believe to be truth.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Mar 13
hi L MB me either as I have found that so many try to kill you figuratively in religion and politics if you do not agree with all they say and they always end up making me feel upset inside., I do not come to mylot to feel abused at all.I hate confrontations and am not a debater at all.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Well, thanks for the laugh. I have never thought of myself as a robot before but okay. LOL. I'm sorry that people have gotten snippy with you. That is really why I stay away from certain places here... I hate confrontations, debates, etc... I have my own beliefs, I am okay with that and I don't want to try to change anyone else's beliefs. We all have a right to our own thoughts and beliefs! =) I have no desire to step into the religion topics or the politics topics here...Lol.
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@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
25 Mar 13
I know lots of people that have this wonderful rep and everyone's just about all praises about her. Then when that time that I get to finally sit down and talk to her, and that moment that she opened her mouth, it just ruin my good impression of her. Sometimes I wonder if I am just expecting too much out of a person, or I am just plain inexperienced when it comes to knowing people and what they are. It is really hard, it is like getting disappointed and relieved at the same time. It does happen but of course I secretly hope that I will get someone right the first time.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
It happens to all of us Raine. What about her opening her mouth ruined your impression of her? The things she said or something else? Sometimes we all think we know someone and then everything changes in the blink of an eye. So weird how that happens sometimes...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Okay, glad I asked then because I took it totally different. I thought you were going to say she had bad teeth, like I do and that is why your impression changed of her... Anyway, I have been through that too with people. I think they are so gorgeous-then they start talking and they are mean and nasty so I no longer think they are attractive at all.
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@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
25 Mar 13
Well, everyone says that she is demure and so nice and she's so friendly. And she does have a very pretty face and she's got a wonderful smile. But when she started talking, it's all about trash talks and her vocabulary is so colorful I wouldn't want my kid siblings to be around her and hear her talk!
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@AmbiePam (90724)
• United States
25 Mar 13
I can think of one person. I actually ended up taking them off of my friend list. It had to be over a year ago. It was a woman. They started a discussion I never thought I'd see from them. It blew my mind. It went against everything I'd ever seen her talk about.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Yeah I think I am going to have to take this person off my friends list too. It was something that bad that the person said. Totally against everything I stand for and I took it personally.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
25 Mar 13
i hate these kinds of conversations as they always bring out my insecurities. Was it me? if so just pm me. That being said, yes has happened. in fact there are some that i would say that i disagree with a lot of what they say here and strongly disagree. my goal is to always find something that we have in come...anything and disagree in a respectful manner. that is not always easy but it is my goal.
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
25 Mar 13
oops, i meant....something that we have in common. geez.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Absolutely had nothing to do with you at all! I know, sometimes I feel like people are talking about me in these kind of discussions too even if I have not done anything, just me I guess. I promise though it has nothing to do with you. =) Yeah, this person made it feel as though it were a personal attack against many people here and I did not like it at all. I thought it was rude and disrespectful. I don't like how some people generalize a group of people without knowing them...
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Mar 13
I don't recall that ever happening to me on here. In life I have. When someone I knew for 35 years. She accused me of stealing. Something I would never do. It still blows me away. I am so hurt even now and it has been nearly four years ago now. Of course we are no longer friends and that is really a bummer.
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Mar 13
Really makes me wonder what happens to people to make them the way they are. Pretty strange.
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Yeah in life I have had it happen too. I am sure you remember the discussion of mine about the social workers being called on us, we never expected that from the person that called on us. That still shocks me too!
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
25 Mar 13
yes on here and in real life we always meet people that we can think, wow that person is just like me. i can so get into being friends. then one day they say or start doing something thats really hard to understand or believe and you think you never really knew them. ive met a couple like that online but LOTS off line then again theres people like myself that just totally change in time. like when i was young, total out going, party girl that loved to socialise etc., then i met my last late hubby and was a whole different person. still social but in a different way. if you know what i mean. its hard to explain and now ive opened it up, ive no where to go with it. have not the words to make it understandable
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Yeah I have done that so many times. I thought I could be friends with someone and then they act completely different than what I thought they were. I have changed from when I was younger to now as well. When I was younger I had more confidence in myself than I do now. Most people are the opposite I know. But I guess the confidence I used to have came from when I went out places and people would hit on me. Once I found my husband I didn't go out anymore so I stopped getting compliments...
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
25 Mar 13
There really hasn't been anyone here online that I thought they were one way then later on it came to find out that they weren't who I thought they were. But in person a person that I thought they were friend and I thought so highly of them and I thought they were a nice person, until later as the years went by, that it come to find out they were not at all what I thought they were. And now me and that person are no longer friends. I have met a very few people like that that were my friends.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Oh yeah it happens much more often offline. I have thought many times that someone was my friend and then it turned out they were not. That is the worst. I am a trusting person so I get hurt quite often...
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
25 Mar 13
I'm not going to call names (especially as I'm not really in the bunch of really closely bonded people on mylot), but yes, I've seen some tendencies like that. Not necessarily out of character things, I ould say, because who am I to judge someone's character out of some posts, but more like contradictions. Like someone is really obsessed with a person, and like a month later, they are like I hate him/her... it's really weird to me. I don't change my mind about people that often.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Yeah, they seem to be for something or really against something and then it switches when no one is expecting it at all. I am not judging, it is just an observation.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
different situations usually bring out the different character in us. That is understandable. Sometimes we even surprised ourselves by thinking or doing something we never thought we could. Believe it or not, we applaud ourselves sometimes and there were instances that we realized how bad we could be. Nevertheless, that what makes us quite unique in our own way. we cannot expect everyone around to accept us the way we are...
• Valdosta, Georgia
27 Mar 13
That is true. I don't think all people change in different circumstances though, only some people that don't really know who they are yet.
@mawee79 (403)
• Italy
25 Mar 13
Oh yes. It happens to me so often.. I think a person is in a way and, after he/she writes something, well I change immediately my mind..
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• Valdosta, Georgia
27 Mar 13
Yeah me too, but this is the first time in a while that is happened here...
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Mar 13
Yeah this has happened to me and I can accept it to a certain extent but then I think...hmm, I like this person but then I discovered that their standards and values were so different to mine. Do I still like them? You know what? Most of the time, I cannot answer that question.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Mar 13
You have to stop and think a fair bit when it happens. That person is still someone you liked. Has this new perception changed your whole perspective of this person? One of the people this has happened with to me just goes on as if everything is fine, if not perfect. It's as if nothing has happened and to keep the peace, I'm drawn into pretending everything is fine too. It can be very hard.
• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Mar 13
Yeah, I hate when it happens. I thought this person was cool but then they said something that I cannot look past. I do not feel the same way about them anymore at all... Everything I am and everything I stand for-they went against it...
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
28 Mar 13
Yes, I have also observed that some mylottters sometimes behave unpredictably on mylot, contrary to our belief and notions about them. I do not feel comfortable when any of the friends on mylot does something unexpected, however, I let it go as an abrasion. I remain cautious while dealing with such friends in future.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
29 Mar 13
It is better to avoid such persons.
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Mar 13
This person was offensive and rude. I was so shocked by the things they said in their discussion. I honestly think a lot of others felt the same way too about this discussion...
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
25 Mar 13
We see many people with personalities we can never fathom. Our perception of certain individuals might not fit in well to their true selves as they assume the roles of 'still water runs deep'. They are people who are known to be reserved, never show their true colors in actions or speech can rise to the occasion and exhibit the other version of them that can be truly shocking.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Well I just thought this person was different... I could not believe it, I feel like a fool I guess. I just never thought this person would be this way.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Mar 13
hi Lovingmyhbabies yes I did with certain user here as I thought she was really a sweet kind person then suddenly she started to make the most insulting responses to almost any discussion I wrote and I felt like she had two different personalities for sure. Even her own discussions went from mild to sort of pompous and overbearing,. As you can see I am no longer her friend though I never deleted her from my friends list. She does not like me after all, Nor I her,..
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Yeah, I have been through that before. Also, I think I will be taking someone off my friends list because they said something I am totally against and I took it as a personal attack.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
25 Mar 13
This has happen to me on Mylot and in real life. I had a friend here on Mylot who called me a friend. Had great discussions and was helpful! Then one day this person was not on my friend list anymore! I was deleted and had no idea why! If I had said something wrong and pissed the person off I had no clue! I even thought they left Mylot which I found out was not the case! I should of tired to get in contact with the person to ask what happen but I never did! I felt back stapped and it took awhile to get over it! Here I thought I had a true friend but in the end it wasn't!! I've had that happen in the real world,too.To many times! Thanks to my bad experiences I have trust issues! Of the true friends I have there have been cases of them doing things totally changed my opinion on them! Same with siblings!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Well, you are very honest sometimes...maybe somewhat hurtful at times. Maybe your not trying to be that way or maybe you don't realize that you are but possibly something you said hurt the person and that is why they took you off their friends list. Maybe they didn't say anything because they did not want to make you angry with them in return... I have had it happen in the real world as well. I thought someone was my friend and turns out to be a totally different scenario after some time. Eventually you see people's true colors come out...
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
We see people a certain way. And then we get this picture in our heads who they are. But some circumstances occur that may make them do things that you have never thought they are capable of. Then you stop and realize, yeah, he/she must have done that a long time ago but tried to be a better person or he/she should have done that. But in all honesty, no matter what the changes I see in a person, I still have the respect that I have for him/her.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 13
Yes we do. Some people just do things that are unexpected and sometimes it does change my opinion of them...