Media has no soul!!

@allknowing (134099)
March 24, 2013 11:21pm CST
Media is ruthless inasmuch as it mourns when there are no cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and the like to report. It expects celebrities to falter, to have affairs, to earn income illegally. Murders, assassinations give them food for reporting. Child molestation even by priests is ‘good news’ for them which is relished by the public with a hypocritical sigh of disgust. Is the Media truly interested in peace between neighbouring countries? How is it ever possible if that were true? Where is the scoop that could well lead them to the victory of being the best International Reporter, the Best Journalist, the Best TV Channel. What do you look for?
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16 responses
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
Bad as it may seem, that is how they live from day to day. Morbid news, good news or blah news-- just anything that they come across with that they feel would be "juicy" enough for the people to read about, they are sure to be on it.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
But strange as it may sound, readers would be thoroughly disappointed if no mishaps worthy of reporting would be there in the news! And I belong there What's it with human beings that they derive some kind of sadistic joy to see calamities around them.
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• China
26 Mar 13
I think we should analyze this question from two aspect,even though Media is pleasure to have new resource about disaster,but it doesn't indicate that Media make disaster happen.About religion, I don't want to talk much.In China,Media has helped people realised the truth and plebs who in difficulty can get assists though reports from Media.Law can't convict everyone in some country,so it react the importance of Media.But as a Media,report news should be truly ,never mislead people.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
26 Mar 13
I agree with you that media plays a huge role in connecting us to the world. Without media we would be lost. We would just be satisfied reading books and watching movies. But in order to get rewards and ratings media has the tendency to chop and change what actually is.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
25 Mar 13
Media thrives on sensation and if there is no sensational news to report they will repeatedly telecast even some unwanted events and create a sensation out of it. I get irritated by the way things are presented ; by and large I read and get my information than relying on television except for some important bits of news.
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• Canada
25 Mar 13
@kalav...I have responded regarding the accident scene I had many years of that service, too.... ~ Trauma/accident scenes are a magnet! "Bystanders" stories related later...mostly persons' perception. ~ Your point elsewhere, with GOSSIP very well made! ~ Give the public what they want...if you want to stay in business! All sad but true...and the way of the world!
@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
I don't think family members of the victim would want that such scenes be made public.
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
25 Mar 13
My friend, I think I have added enough input, already here, and I feel anything else I relate will be of no creedence, as you have already made up your mind! Possibly you do not remember, but I worked in Media for many years, and there are TWO sides ....
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
I know what you are saying perga. I sometimes wonder what is it that makes human beings hunger for the goriest news ever!
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
Anyway this does not justify media publishisng distorted versions
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
The award givers and the public can help the Media get back its soul. And this can happen if all get together and lay down rules that do away with exaggerated versions of what has actually happened. Ban scenes that are horrifying. What benefit would be there if one reads or sees gory details of for example an accident scene?
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@cvodrey (225)
• United States
25 Mar 13
Reporters and networks seek the newest information that will bring in the most watchers and readers. They do this so they can pay the bills and their staff. Successful companies, of course, do it to continue pulling in riches. It's a complicated situation, but it isn't that media has no soul. The question you should be asking is: Why do media watchers and readers enjoy bad news? It is a human sickness, not a media sickness.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
25 Mar 13
so, from what cvodrey and thesids and allknowing have pointed out it is seen as a vicious circle.People see it; they give it. They give something ; people see it. Whether people really 'want' it is another question.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
The control is in the hands of the media. I understand that the readers and viewers want to get some juicy news but it is the media that gives a distorted version just to sell their product which you will agree is not right.
@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
May be the public is hungry for news but as long as media reports news without distorting it then I would not say that media has no soul. But that is not the way it is.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
25 Mar 13
The media would not survive if it didnt had takers. I mean, look at the news say 20 or 30 years back. There were still some good things which made to the top of the headlines and they still did well. and Compare it with those of today - 99% of it is the bad side. I am sure, it is we the takers of those media who have turned us this way today that we appreciate more seeing/reading the bad and ugly - this has what made the media change and go for such news today. Today the media is not complete without those rape stories, or scams stories or even the war stories or political conflicts... They did happen in the past too but people were more reluctant reading them but today we are becoming more sadistic - thanks to the 24x7 Channels on air, the Lifestyle, the war and actions in the movies. And again, today there are so many of the news channels, newspapers and other media... and so even if you drop a needle, it can be on some media channel as a news - just because the good is not appreciated and hence not taken into account!
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
25 Mar 13
why talk of media! Even when people narrate stories they add few details , colour an occurrence as much as an artist would do and we hear distorted versions of gossip ; even in a household, where some loudmouths are involved this problem rises. Media which thrives on sensation is bound to do it. I have chosen the safe way out.
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• Canada
25 Mar 13
I feel, allknowing, that you have made up your mind that the media is the badguy here...and they are dropping the ball! I don't concur! Media fills the need of the Public! How often do you watch any show related to GOOD? Most countries have enacted Freedom of the Press...and you are NOT mandated to watch the news. And if you have already formed the opinion that the Press is are prepared/armed, watch it with a grain of salt!! What higher you hold "reporters" to? And how do you control..people's interpretation....or MISinterpretation of what they have viewed/heard? Sit around with a group, watch the news...then ask each for their interpretation....amazing, the differences! Definitely open to perception!
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
Readers and viewers will only get attracted to what is available and who would not want to watch and read something that is thrilling! My point is let the media report what has actually happened and not their version and interpretation. And what about hiding facts from the public when they are heavily bribed to do so? What about there being partiality depending on which political party they belong to? It is unfortunate that the public gives a blind eye to these and many other wrong doings of the Media just for a moment of satisfaction reading or viewing news that is meaty and chunky.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
26 Mar 13
hi there, well yes, there are so much bad things in the news and its more like that than there are good news around. I think these are just all here because that is what media wants us to believe... and to of course partly scare us too. i think they are also interested in the good news and to share it with us... but then its more likely that people are watching out for news such as this because they want to feel more careful when they are outside, etc.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
26 Mar 13
Media is indispensable to us as we depend on wanting to know what is going on around us. But they should give us untainted versions without adding or taking away facts just to attract readers and viewers. I sometimes feel it is unfair to victims's family and friends to display images of accidents. I wonder if they even take permission before doing that. All this is happening because there are no rules that dictate how far media can go
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
25 Mar 13
Everything may get two coins and it's pros and cons.Media sometimes can be cruel but sometimes bring us news and is comvenient to know what's happending in this world.So i think maybe we need to use attitude to adjust it.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
Media is important for us but when they go overboard just to attract readers and viewers by distorting events that is what we need to discourage.
@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
I'm tired of media too. Celebrities are always part of headlines like they have this issue and the whole archipelago needs to know. They break up with these and that and like who cares? Do I really have to care about their lives? I hate it when people sensationalized issues just for media coverage.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
What I dislike the most is their sting operations a disgusting mode of exposing wrong doings by those that matter. This is the worst approach that Media can resort to and yet it is going on with gay abandon!
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
25 Mar 13
Media is usually just caring about view numbers. If it needs scandal to get those viewer numbers, they are gonna do it. Bimbo stars in the official news program? Why not? I am disgusted by this. (but I don't quite agree with you on the child molestation thing. If somebody, anybody molests a child, it should make the news, because it's everyone's interests not to let our kids close to a person like that. Especially if it is a priest who talks about Christian values. I'm not hypocritical if I am disgusted by this, I think. Btw, in my country, Christianity is still over-represented and overpomorted in my country even in news channels compared to other religions, who do the same kind of charity work and stuff).
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
26 Mar 13
You are right about child molestation. Not everything that Media does is wrong. They do a good job but their motive should be to inform and not collect numbers.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
meaning of news is something new happenings to broadcast or aired to the media or to the people. they need to sensualized the story to add some spice so that they can convince us that what they are saying is true. most of the times maybe, they dramatized the story more so the impact is great. for me, it has a negative and positive outcome. positive is, the people will feel the story, or yet, they will believe it or such. and the negative is that, there are news that just simple but the impact of it will be exaggeratedly laden to the public and might scared, believe it madly which is bad because those stories that have a simple thought will be emphasize more. so all of this are just my opinion ;) thanks
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
Reading and viewing news interests most but sensualising it sometimes even distorting to the point of destroying facts is what I feel could be avoided.
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
I want to know what's happening, whether good news or bad news. I don't really give premium to news based on how it makes me feel. I figure, if I don't feel anything if I hear bad news, then I have given up hope on humanity. And I don't want to hear just good news, especially if it is manufactured by spin doctors. Tell me how the world is, not what happens in press conferences or based on speeches. Maybe the world is a terrible place, I would like to know. I like knowing urgent news such as disasters or deaths as soon as possible, but I don't like the bare facts being repeated to me all day long. I am looking for investigative journalism.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
26 Mar 13
Media is not taken to task when they report distorted versions to attract the public. Every one likes to know what is happening around them. Media should report facts and that is not happening.
@avers27 (31)
• Poland
25 Mar 13
I worked as a journalist in a very friendly group of colleagues. Love was everywhere in the air. I had an impression I was working in church not in a newspaper editorial. Unfortunately we can not earn being journalists a single coin, a single cent, unless publishing - shocking, embarassing, sensational news. That is our lot as journalists. And I understand you perfectly, because we also knew many topics, for example political affairs are mud, pollution and treated them accordingly, but that is the only way to make salary. Excuse me. I agree that media has no soul, although this depends, but media makers do have soul for sure.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
What you are trying to say is that the media policy has no soul but those who work there have a soul. This is a debatable issue and perhaps I will pout up a topic whether those who abide by policies of an organisation however wicked they may be whether they also commit a crime!
• United States
26 Mar 13
What I have noticed is that bad news gets more viewers attention. Bad news will get higher ratings all the time. Perhaps it has gotten to the point where the people want bad news instead of good. It is much easier to remember the bad in people than the good in people. To me it is sad thinking that our society is heading towards that direction.
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
25 Mar 13
Hello Allknowing I hope that you are fine dear friend. I think media has no soul, most of the cases they are very evil. They just look to sell their note. I have at least a decade that I don´t look to the news but to the titles. No more. They make me sick with their negative news. I don´t buy they news. I prefer to look by the web for titles of the most important agency, that´s all. Blessings Allknowing... dainy
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
Unfortunately there is demand for such news. If there is something spectacularly sad to report papers would be sold like hot cakes I remember the Tsunami news in 2006. Even I was glued to the tv for hours together. And what about the mishap in the US when their pride was brought to the ground. There is no end to how we the readers and viewers hunger for such news!
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
25 Mar 13
I can't stand the media. They are so ruthless in the pursuit of the next big negative story out there. They don't care if the facts are true or not. They cheat lie just to sell the papers or magazines. They cause more problems in the world then we need. They have no moral obligation to report truth and compassion. Its all about the biggest scandal and who can make the most money from them.
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@allknowing (134099)
• India
25 Mar 13
Media stops at nothing to be at the top, sending ‘sniffer dogs’ in the form of young reporters men and women alike who risk their lives travelling rough terrain, travelling distances, for days on end sometimes even without food to get a glimpse of the holocaust wherever it could be. After all they need images to authenticate their oft-exaggerated versions. Anything to be in business!
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