choosing the lesser evil

@cherigucchi (14876)
March 24, 2013 11:27pm CST
This year, we are going to elect new leaders. Campaign has just started and politicians are on the loose giving away promises to the public. Banners, streamers and jingles for the campaigns are everywhere. Politicians seem to be all the same. They keep on promising all the things that they can offer the voting public but later on forget what they had promised once they had already secured the position. As a citizen, you need to practice your right to vote. The only problem is, the choices given to you are not really good. You are in the dilemma of whether to vote or not at all. When this happens, I have to choose the lesser evil or may be ask myself a question like, "which one would you vote, the evil you know or the evil you do not know?" Whatever the results of this election on May, I am very positive that politicians fulfill their promises to the voting public.
8 responses
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Mar 13
I will be choosing the devil that I don't know yet hehehe who knows he is lesser than the previous one I have experienced and witnessed already and it is okay.. well that's politics the reason why they are running for the office is for them to reign and put all people in hell .. oopsies... too much words. hehehe
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
25 Mar 13
can we just vote for face value. hehehehe... at least we will have gorgeous politicians...
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
So true. With all those experiences we already had in the history of our time, we are always put in a hot water in choosing which one is better when we already know that they are both evil hiding inside an angelic facade.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
Your title really caught my attention. It makes sense actually. I hope politicians in our country would be more noble and have integrity. The truth is I don't know who are to vote. I can't think of people who really are true to themselves.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
Thanks for the response. It is really difficult to choose which one to lead the country because most of them have hidden agenda. They would throw away hard cash during the campaign and pretty sure that they are going to get it back when they are already in the position.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
That is true. I wonder when would they change and have conscience too. We desire for people who really have heart for the country, for the government, and for the people. Hope they would wake up one morning knowing that everything in this life is temporal and they should do thing things that can benefit them eternally.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
Whatever the results of this election on May, I am very positive that politicians fulfill their promises to the voting public.[i][/i] sad to say most do not keep their promises and quite honestly i am fed up. I am in Zamboanga city and most people probably know that here in my city brown outs are quite very rampant and it really is THAT BAD and most politicians are where right now? NOWHERE even if it is campaign season because they are ashamed to show their faces that they could not justify what is happening. They know actually what is happening, how grave corruption is BUT they don't have the balls to stand up against it.. especially those people i chose before who are of the lesser evil. I was even thinking about this the other day, if i would vote, probably i will chose the lesser evil.. but since things are still that bad here, i thought what is the point? evil or lesser evil..all of them don't have the balls to really make a Good difference. I have not seen one politician who is worthy of my vote in fact.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
Heard so much about bad news there in Zamboanga where rampant issues on bad elections happen. I agree with you on that. It does not amke the difference whether you are going to vote anyway. but still we have to vote...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
27 Mar 13
I am the kind of person that doesn't always exercise my right to vote on a regular basis. The reason for that is that I don't really have a lot of interest in politics and therefore I sometimes feel like I'm making a decision based on the wrong criteria and if that is what I am doing, then I don't think that I need to vote at all. That said, I do think that when an election takes place that the voters really are voting for the person that they believe is the lesser of the two evils.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
It is very unfortunate that we do not have enough time to really know each candidate well. We might be missing people who are really that good and dedicated but how are we to know each of them? So what usually happens is, I just vote the people I know. If there is a category or post that I am not able to foll up due to not knowing the candidate that much, a just place a long line over the space.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
25 Mar 13
I have the same problem as well. Our elections are going to be next year. The only thing I know is that I do not want to keep the party which makes the government up. But none of the parties available offers a really good alternative. Most of them just seem to care about their own hunger for money and power, and I don't agree with most of their programs and profiles either (I'm not a raging, radical, foaming-mouthed, racist and antisemitic localpatriot, but I'm not an all green all lovey-dovey, overly tolerant and overly liberal hippie, either). I'd just like a golden means party who cares about the hard-working and honest individual, and doesn't put all the burden on us when the country is in sh.t.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
Me, i will choose the candidates (senotariables specially) according to how much they have done in the senate. If they are new ones, i have to hear about their credentials.
• India
25 Mar 13
Good to know about your attitude on election and voting. I am also in your sort. Don't believe the fake promises of the politicians. Always i think a lot before casting my vote. We must select the proper person and use our voting rights in a good way.