How can they tell these things with a smile on their faces?
By JanEdward
@JanEdward (68)
March 25, 2013 5:25am CST
I was in the city enjoying the hot and sunny weather,when a woman came up to me with a book in her hand,the bible.
She could tell me since im not a beliver, hell was waiting for me. She was wondering why i had sign of satan on my arm, she was refering to my dragon tattoo. I told her it has nothing to do with satan, and there isnt any evil symbolism in it, atleat not for me. Then she said that satan hides can hide inside everything that is good. My respond was if she really belived that,then she must take another look to her bible. The bible is good .right?,I asked. She said yes. Well maybe satan hides inside that good book of yours, cos we all know all the "good" that it has done.
But no, I was going to hell for not beliving and she as a good christian would meet her God,she said,with a smile on her face. It was a smile for someone who was happy.
How can someone walk around telling people they are going to hell with a smile on their face,and be truly happy?
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21 responses
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
25 Mar 13
(hahaha) this made me laugh, really. i do encounter these kinds of people too. they walk around with a bible reaching to those they encounter and they distribute leaflets about their religion/sect. they have this conviction that they have the way and the truth and if you don't follow them your soul will burn in hell.
most of us were born into our religions, race, country, etc. before birth(if this were possible), nobody ever asked whether we wanted to be born into an american, asian, european, (ans so forth) family and as to what religion we wanted to belong to. it all happened by chance. our mothers gave birth to us and we "landed" there, in our family with our religion and race all programmed beforehand.
there are several major religions in the world, each claiming to be the one and only way to salvation. do you think god is so unfair that he allows us to be born into the religion that is not the true path?
don't get bothered by these people, instead pray for them if you believe in prayers for they are the ones (in my opinion) who are going astray.

@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
25 Mar 13
" do you think god is so unfair that he allows us to be born into the religion that is not the true path? "
No , I don't think that God is so unfair , so he every time sent a prophet he made him say to the people who believed his message , that another prophet will come after him . but the people some can believe the other prophet when he came , some not believe , if God want all the people one nation , He can do that , but He let people choose by their free will
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@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
25 Mar 13
Lets say your religion in the right religion then.
And everyone else is born into a diffrent religion than yours.
Meaning, now there are millions of people who was born in a diffrent religion that is NOT the true path.
@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
25 Mar 13
I dont get bothered at all, i think it is interesting to hear what they have to say. I want to raise questions about their belives. Now i think nothing of what i said to this lady made her think much of what i said. Some are just too deep into it,and i guess it would be to hard for them to turn their back on a belief that they had all their life. But the thing is the hardest part for me to understand is when women are preaching for God. Have they read the bible? It is not very friendly against women at all. "well, it was a diffrent time"- this one i have heard many times. But it dont change a thing. "Thats the old testament, i belive in the new testament" As in saying- this is what God REALLY ment to say.

@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
25 Mar 13
So I have told you that I am a muslim and we have these who think they are better than the rest of us too. I have a nasty experience with them when I was young and less wise (sounds nicer than me admitting I am stupid).
Now that I know more of my religion, I know they have mistreated me. I read a poster on facebook which says, 'I thank God for all the nasty people I meet, they taught me who exactly I do not want to be.'
They are the ones who you should pity.
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@buddha3 (1026)
• India
25 Mar 13
She was just blindly speaking the words of someone else. Or else nobody would say a
new born is a sinner. She is just retelling the story that someone has told her!
Smiling is an art that people like this are taught - Sometimes people get attracted to them and they think they have conquered the feelings and that they keep smiling in all circumstances.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
25 Mar 13
I think that the woman on the street knew exactly what she was talking about...and she did not tell a new born or a small child anything, she was talking to a adult.
New born babies and Children are covered with the blood of Jesus Christ until they reach the age when they can make the decision to either accept, or deny Him.
@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
26 Mar 13
Where you there that day??? Did you see my discussion with that lady?
No you didnt,dont tell me or other readers what that lady said cos you werent there.
Belive me im telling it like she said it, there is no need to exaggerate, the things she said speaks by itself.
She WAS talking about newborn babies NOT adults. "We are born sinners" she said"
And this is what i think is unbeliveable, dlr297. You and this lady are belivers in the same God , and yet you cant even agree what the bible sais.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
26 Mar 13
Most religious people I've encountered have been good people. Many have been intelligent people. I suppose it's just a "people" thing in that regard, some just happen to believe things I think are a little outlandish.
(Penn Jillette has a really great take on this. I'm usually plenty longwinded enough to flesh out my own thoughts on a subject, but he sums it up incredibly well. )
But for those whackjobs who approach people with this type of nonsense, I think they truly don't know any better. It was beaten into their brains since babies that this specific way is the way, to the point that they do not know any other way that isn't the wrong way.
If you ever wanted to know why the saying "ignorance is bliss" has been used so often, I suppose you only need to look at the smiling face of a maniac as they willingly damn your entire life and soul like it's nothing. They smirk and cheer like it's okay to do this to people because they're spreading the "good" word.
Thankfully these people seem to be the minority in any religion. Most people are happy enough to worship their own way, and to worship privately -- which is the way that any worship should be.
On a quick side note: (And I might have to start my own post about it now that I'm thinking of it.)
I've heard some Christians tell me that God will still let people into heaven if they were unaware of his "word" and the specifics. It's only if you know the right path and refuse it that you will go to hell.
Okay. So why not just STFU and stop telling people!?
When these smiling nest-jumpers make such an effort to convert people, they are, according to their beliefs, putting you on the trap travertine that's going to open up and shoot you into hell unless you abide their way of life.
If they really cared about your soul, they wouldn't tell you anything.

@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
26 Mar 13
Oh dont get me wrong, I mean this everyone who read my opinion on the matter. Im not saying religious people are all bad. You got good and bad,intelligent and stupid people on all sides.
I guess i will go to hell for refusing a God.
I would think you got murderers,psycopaths,thiefs in hell.... and God think i deserve to go there too.
I failed to see how fair God is.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
26 Mar 13
I wasn't trying to imply that I inferred you were lumping all religious people in together.
The reason I started off with a qualification is that I'm tried of being trolled by liars who say that I only try to make fun of religious people and insult them, etc.
So if I open with the qualification, trolls are going to be outed for their dishonesty when they try to bring their persecution complex to the surface.
I find that it acts as a decent troll repellant. Not impenetrable or anything, of course, but the willingly dishonest trolls I'm speaking about mostly wait until the qualification isn't there so they can step in and play the "you hate religious people" card.
It's something I've learned after a while posting in the religious section.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
26 Mar 13
Perhaps she's hoping for the best for you, that you will believe. But you know, as a Christian I won't weep over the Devil, who I know is going to suffer for ever in hell, nor over Adolph Hitler. Abraham wasn't weeping over the rich man, neither was Lazarus. Christ wept over Jerusalem, but He won't weep for ever. You can't expect every single Christian to weep over you, just because by your own fault you are refusing the Gospel of Grace. God is GLORIFIED in the dispensation of His justice when mercy has been refused.

@JohnRok1 (2051)
26 Mar 13
If you didn't know that the Devil is going to suffer for ever in hell, you should read the Bible properly, perhaps for the first time.
If you, a sinner, would want Hitler to have a hell to suffer because of what he did, think how much more a perfectly Holy God would you to have a hell to suffer because of what you did! But He sent Christ to suffer in the place of those who would repent and put their faith in Him. And by the way, it's either heaven or hell, none of this purgatory nonsense.
@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
26 Mar 13
Me, a sinner? Did you attack me on a personal level??? What is it that you claim i did? I didnt ask for it but i was born,and for that im a sinner right?
Man, you are in no position to tell me what i am or not.
But thank you for prooving my point about the behaviour of some religious persons.
@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
26 Mar 13
The Devil is suffering in hell? Thats a new one,never heard that one before.
How do we know that Adolf Hilter is not in heaven? Many claim he was an atheist but he was a catolic if im not mistaking. We dont know what he was thinking the last second before he pulled the trigger against himself.Nobody can say for surtain where anyone is after they die, it is just a silly claim. But ofcourse we would want him to have a hell to suffer in cos of what he did.
Anyway, I dont expect all christians to weep over me, i dont want them to weep for me at all. There is nothing to weep about.

@FireflyN (22)
• United States
25 Mar 13
Some people are so far enveloped into their religion that they can see themselves as better than everyone who doesn't meet their standards and believe in their religion. These kinds of people feel that if they tell you that you are going to hell or the underworld or what have you, then they are doing their duty and serving their ruler/king/god. Some of these people will even find joy in telling people how they are going to "suffer in the afterlife" for whatever reason. Oftentimes, with people like that, I wonder if it could be considered a mental illness. Sadly, things like that go ignored in the psychology and medical fields because it's related to religion. It's still not an excuse to be a jerk or to judge a person and tell them that they are going to hell.
I must say, though, that I liked your counter against her, in regards to the bible and satan. Sometimes what people like that need is a hint of doubt to remind them that not everyone believes what they do, and that everyone can speak their mind, not just those overly religious types.
@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
25 Mar 13
That is also my point when people like that comes up for a nice chat. I want to give them seeds of doubt,atleast make them think just for a littlebit about what they belive in.
I must add i was smiling too after that convensation. I mean after all, im not going to hell cos im an atheist.
She is the one who belives in hell,let her go there.
@Hopefull90 (921)
• United States
25 Mar 13
JanEdward: What do atheist believe is going to happen to them after they die? Not thinking there is a Lake of Fire would be nice.

@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
27 Mar 13
Ideally, she would be smiling because she has the answer that could rid you of the stain of sin and enable you to enter heaven with the rest of the saved. I believe that she should have chosen a much better approach. Telling people up front that they are going to hell is a sure conversation stopper.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
26 Mar 13
That woman is evil disguised under the pretense of being "religious" . There are many like her who call themselves christian. Then there are those who don't realize just how stupid it is to introduce their God to someone along with threats of hells. How can they expect anyone to have any respect or love for their God then? They should become non believers for day and hear themselves as others hear them.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Mar 13
Well,Well,Well. Another poor soul burning in Hell. My My. This poor lady has such a narrow view that she sees only her beliefs. Her Ego sees herself as total goodness yet does not realize what she does.
Let's get to reality. God, a Being capable of creating universes, has to be very intelligent. Shouldn't a Being that smart be able to come up with something better than frying the kids for something as little as beliefs?? Come on, people THINK. Frying anyone for eternity without the possibility of redemption even after the fact, could never be justice but the act of a tyrant. Once again, is that really an intelligent move?
The reality is that Hell does not exist,neither does the devil. Further, all God's children are very special. Their views are needed in the interactions and the learning. Yes,I said it right. Even the views of atheists are important. Perhaps, the true interaction is for atheists to bring religious people closer to reality and religious people to move atheists to the realization that there is more.
Those who are truly wise are those who are open to all views then search for the real truth. We are all capable of that.
JanEdward,When this kind of thing happens to me, I ask them some of those questions you do. WE can point them in the right direction whether they listen or not. There will come a time in their lives when the truth and reality will become more important. Perhaps, they will remember where you were pointing. In the meantime, don't let it bother you. Share your love and kindness anyway while you are pointing.
@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
26 Mar 13
So God sends me to hell even before im born, since he know before im born that i wont belive in him.He still create me,and then sends me to hell.
Thank you, nice to hear a voice of reason.
I will keep on pointing.
@mammots (3209)
• Philippines
25 Mar 13
hello JanEdward! the woman was very judgemental. she claims to be a follower of Jesus who never in His lifetime judged a man according to his tattoo or whatever markings on his body. to be a Christian one has to be Christ like in all aspect.
@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
25 Mar 13
Then i think we have to agree that there are too many religious persons who get that part wrong.
@BlackAmaranth (275)
• Romania
25 Mar 13
Good point(with the bible). And the answer is simple: It's easy to give up, harder is to keep looking for the truth.
I am a satanist and i'm going toburn in the darkest fires of hell because i have long hair, dress in black and listen rock :)) But i dont care and know that people always fear the unknown so if i want some space, just show the skull t-shirt;))
@Hopefull90 (921)
• United States
25 Mar 13
You should post more often because there are people on Mylot who don't believe in Satan. How can one worship something that is not? If Satan was not then you wouldn't be getting any response. I assume you do get responses from the god you worship. I don't think long hair is wrong on men and dressing in black isn't a sin. Don't preachers usually wear black and I know Mormon missionaries wear black while on missions. Now, the rock is hard on a person trying to be a Christian so you win there.
@ladysilver (370)
25 Mar 13
Well,this lady made several mistakes.First,God is the only judge here.Not a single person on this earth has a right to tell who is going to heaven or to hell.Or anywhere.Second mistake is that she's committing what we call "deadly sin".It's the sin of pride(hence the smile on her face which is the smile of pride).Pride slowly poisons the soul.She should be humble instead.If she sees someone who might be a sinner, she should pray for the salvation of that person and not judge him.Third,people have s free will to choose good and evil.We should care about what we do and not what others do.Little knowledge is dangerous.She has little knowledge about her faith.

@ladysilver (370)
25 Mar 13
And talking about the tattoo,you can see Loy Machedo video called Stone of Judgement on Youtube.You will see a guy with lots of tattoos talking about how people judge him.
@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
25 Mar 13
There is alot of religious people who cherry pick their bible. Maybe pride wasnt on her list.
But i agree with everything you said.
Only God,if there is one, can judge us.

@roshigo58 (4856)
• Pune, India
27 Mar 13
It is very bad behavior of that lady. No one can force anyone to believe in God or religion. Saying with smile that the people who are not believer are going to hell is very unfair. It means that lady is not true believer of a God because when we hurt someone with our harsh words it means we are hurting God. God is everywhere and in everyone's soul.
@extremefun4fun (2908)
• India
25 Mar 13

@JanEdward (68)
• Italy
25 Mar 13
I agree, it is very funny.....
Telling people you dont know they will burn in hell.
I remember she also said that all newborn babies are sinner and need to be saved. I cant imagine what harm a newborn baby has done other than being born. "Yes, we are all born sinners",she said.
... but it is also very sad.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
26 Mar 13
Simple. To these people there is only way to heaven. and if you say no thanks they feel free to say you are going to hell.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
25 Mar 13
Insanity comes cloaked in the form of religion. Heck, look at some of these fruitcakes that take these poor misguided fools all the way down to killing themselves... Jim Jones and the Branch Davidians comes to mind.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
26 Mar 13
I wonder what church this person belongs to that they try to minister to people in the street. Either way, that is the exact reason that religions get a bad rap.
Jehovah's witness can be the same way. I think it's disrespectful and even arrogant their attitudes towards people.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
26 Mar 13
I am not sure if that woman truly understand what she is preaching. I understand how you must have felt that day. I am a Catholic and I do not go out telling people straight on their ace that if they do not belong to the same Religion as I am that they will suffer in hell.
@moneylots87 (521)
• Indonesia
26 Mar 13
Oh man, i know how that feels! U will not believe how many missionaries here in my country (Indonesia) i met baptism missionaries, Jahovah witness missionaries, seventh day adventist missionaries, mormon later day saint's church missionaries, any MANY other missionaries! Some of them are nice, kind and good people some are just really ignorace, and always think that just only their group of religious system will go to Heaven, other will go to Hell!