I am a single mother of three children!!!

United States
March 26, 2013 1:41pm CST
I am new to my lots and I am a single mother of three children ages five and under. I have two boys and one girl. I live with the father of my three children. We do not want to get married until we decide that the time is right for us. We have so many relatives that are divorced. And my boyfriend has supported our three children and we split all expensives. He is a great and caring man and I do love him alot. I hope that no one on my lots thinks living together is wrong. To me happiness is what is right for the two of us. My boyfriend is a very good father and watches the three kids while I work at night at A BAR SERVING DRINKS. We are all happy. Glad to meet all of you.
4 people like this
24 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 Apr 13
Hi Kathy, Welcome to Mylot! Well, if you live with the dad of your children then you are not really really single. You just are not married. You aren't trying to do it all alone in other words. I don't see anything at all wrong with how you are living as long as you are all happy and making it work. Marriage is mainly a legal contract. How much you love each other is in your heart and you don't need a legal document to tell you that.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 13
That is how we look at it too.
@velvet53 (22545)
• Palisade, Colorado
19 Apr 13
As long as you are happy and things are working out good for all of you then that is what matters. It sounds like you have a wonderful man in your life and that means a lot. I wish you all the best.
@velvet53 (22545)
• Palisade, Colorado
20 Apr 13
Those are such wonderful words to hear. They are like music to my ears. May you two share many years of happiness together.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Apr 13
We have been together for ten years and have three children ages 5, 4 and 3.
• United States
20 Apr 13
He is a good man and we are best friends and agree on everything.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
9 Apr 13
You are really not a single mom coz you are still staying with the father of your kids. At least both of you are helping out with your family's finances. I wish that your relationship becomes stronger and that you would also get married soon.
• United States
18 Apr 13
Maybe some day we will get married.
• India
28 Mar 13
Hello Kathy and welcome to Mylot. You are really lucky to have a caring boyfriend and a loving father of your children. Bringing up children all alone is not an easy job. I am so happy for you that you have your boyfriend's support, love and care. Getting married now or later is absolutely the decision of two of you. Hope your love and understanding keep multiplying with each passing day.
• United States
30 Mar 13
We get along spo perfect and I know we always will. thank you!!!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
27 Mar 13
Your not a single mother a single mother raise her kids on her own and doesn't have a boy friend. The father of your kids is your boyfriend d your a couple your darting that doesn't make you a single mother. There are lots of single parents and its nothing to judge at all. Most people are impressed by single parents because they do everything on there own with no help lots of the, don't have anyone father or mother on the side to help.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
31 Mar 13
My kids have other family members as well. It helps some times to have lots of family members
• United States
19 Apr 13
You have cute children.
• United States
30 Mar 13
Very true. We have lots of help with the kids his parents are remarried and mine are. So that is 8 sets of grandparents that love the children.
@robspeakman (1700)
26 Mar 13
It is nobodys business but yours, your other half and your childrens. I have also got 3 kids and have never married - I have been with theie mother for 21 years. Marriage is not the be all and end all
• Mexico
27 Mar 13
Rob.... 21 years? I feel sorry for her. Ha ha ha just kidding. Marriage is just a title. The best thing is you love each other...
• United States
30 Mar 13
LOVE is all that matters in the end and every day!!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
27 Mar 13
I hope that you are enjoying excellent My Lot. It is lovely that you have got three children. It is wonderful that the father of your children lives with you. There is not harm in a living together relationship. Many of these sorts of relationships lead to a happy marriage. In the time together in the household the couple may learn they are fully compatible. I am glad that your boyfriend is a very good father. It is superb he looks after the children whilst you work as a bar maid. My marriage lasted just six years. I had a living together relationship which didn't work out either. I have a 17 year old son, a 5 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. You are right that many divorces happen and a couple have to be sure. I am glad to meet you. Good luck.
• United States
30 Mar 13
My daughter is 3 and the boys are 4 and 5. It is hard buying and caring for young children. But worth it.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
27 Mar 13
Then you are not a single mother because their father give support to all of them and you are living together as family. I am not against people who decided to live together without marriage. I think this is a good way of getting to know your partner deeply. You are very lucky to have your partner with you.
• United States
30 Mar 13
I tell all of my friends all the time how lucky I am.
• United States
27 Mar 13
Hi Kathy, I am glad to make your acquaintance. I was a single mother of one. I was married to my daughter's father and it was a total mistake to marry him. I feel it is your own business whether you marry or not. What you tell or don't tell is totally up to you. You will find there are a lot of people here just like you with the same struggles in life. Good to meet you too.
• United States
30 Mar 13
I would rather stay living together than get a divorce and do harm to my children. they are young 5 and under.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
27 Mar 13
Yes , if both are not yet ready , why rush and force ? All has its right time and place. One must hold on and have patience .If we will asked the church living together is a sin , but for me , i don't see it as a sin as long as the family are living peacefully , having love and respect for each other , i guess that is far better than seeing a family married together but the home is like a hell , no love and respect but all troubles you will feel and see. Actually marriage is just like a ritual and a social norm ,what is important is the relationship of two people, the ways they managed their family .
• United States
30 Mar 13
We are happy, the children are happy so that is all that matters
@neelia27 (895)
• Philippines
27 Mar 13
i am not yet also married with my boyfriend even though we have a son already.. for me marriage should be done if you are spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially ready.. and for now i don't think we are ready for it.. but i know we will do it when both of us feel that the time has come and we are ready..
• United States
30 Mar 13
I agree when the time is right you will know.
27 Mar 13
Hi Kathy...In our generation today..Its already normal to be a single mother..Your children must be proud of you or even you,you must be proud of your self,Taking good care of three kids is not easy..Stay positive and take good care of your children...Be Happy because you have the reason to be happy,Your an inspiration to everyone.Godbless you and your children.
• United States
30 Mar 13
That is the way that i look at it. Their father splits everything and sometimes treats them at night when I am at work.
• Indonesia
27 Mar 13
keep fighting, God is Always with You,,,,,
• United States
30 Mar 13
I will thank you!!!
@Hugsy25 (274)
• Canada
27 Mar 13
I think it is totally up to you when and if you get married. I'm also a mom of three and me and my husband are married but that was what was right for us. We lived together for five years before we got married and started trying to have kids. We actually moved in with each other the moment we started going out, that is what worked for us. I didn't want to have kids unless I was sure we could live together peacefully, since so many people can't do that. I grew up never seeing my parents hug or kiss or even tell each other they loved each other. It's horrible to grow up and not know that there is love in the house. Me and my husband tell each other and the kids that we love them many times in the run of a day. It's the best when my children out of the blue say that they love me. LOL. The bottom line is marriage is not for everyone it is up to the individual, I say as long as you are happy, and you are in love then do what works for you. Sounds like you have a happy family.
• United States
30 Mar 13
So far we are happy and I hope we will always be happy.
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
27 Mar 13
You have the right to be happy and I am also happy to know you're responsible with kids. The most important thing in this world is you live happy and with faith to the Lord. Now if the relationship is good why don't you try to get married for the kids. You will be blessed more and live happily ever after.. Have a happy life my friend! :)
• United States
30 Mar 13
We both come from divorced parents and that is why we want to be sure.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
27 Mar 13
Welcome to mylot! Raising a family is the hardest job in the world. I was a single mom of two girls and I had my problems but I got through it. Thankfully they are now grown and taking care of their own families now. All you do is take each day as it comes and be happy that their dad is there to help out. As for your living arrangements I have no problem with it and you shouldn't care what others feel about how you live your life. I hope you learn to love mylot as much as I do. We all help each other out when people have problems or need advice. Its a much better site then Facebook. Enjoy!
• United States
30 Mar 13
I love my lots so far. And I feel the same way.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
27 Mar 13
It doesn't matter what other people think as long as YOU are comfortable with YOUR arrangement with your boyfriend. It is true that half of all marriages end in divorce, but if the two of you have entered into this relationship 100% committed to each other, then you shouldn't have any problems. Your happy? Then live your life the way you want to live it. Nice to meet you as well.
• United States
30 Mar 13
Nice to meet you and I think we will always be happy.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
27 Mar 13
Hi kathy! Welcome to myLot! I am glad to know that you have a caring and responsible partner. Enjoy life and make the most of it. Have a wonderful day!
• United States
30 Mar 13
Thank you that is what we are doing. we take the kids everywhere together on our days off.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
27 Mar 13
Great to have you here with us. Im also a single mom of a 14 year old boy here in Mexico. Good luck to you at home and here at my lot.
• United States
30 Mar 13
I am not looking forward to the teen years.
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
27 Mar 13
Hi Kathy1981! Welcome to myLot! It's good to know that despite of not getting married, you and your boyfriend are very happy and that he's supporting your kids no matter what. Having 3 kids is difficult and it's good to know you were able to work things out. It doesn't really matter if you're not married. Although of course, there are still a lot of conservatives out there who believes in marriage before kids but don't mind them. What is more important is that you are all happy :)
• United States
30 Mar 13
I agree we are both very happy the way things are...