Survivor - Phoney Balogna Phil...drove me nuts last night!
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
March 28, 2013 10:54am CST
I couldn't believe it last night! They kept Phoney Phil!!! First, with the Reward challenge...he brags "I am the fastest runner so you need to put me first cause if I am last and I runner faster, then I'll be ahead of everyone dragging them" they put him first, and he WALKS!! Did a run then a walk...probably thought he was Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge..and then just walks...everyone is saying "can we run now?" and he say no he doesn't want everyone to tire. Then HE TIRES!! He says he can't keep up and even falls! They loose of course. And no one says anything! They bicker over his favorites, they all complain about how he treats them and they still keep him! THen on the Immunity I think it was Cochran, said..."here is is this supposedly amazing spy and he can't even toss a typical spy-related item like a gaveling hook!" He couldn't do that, and looses the challenge! And then tells everyone that he purposely lost so they could get rid of Julia! He went into great detail about how he made it look "real" that they just lost and that he didn't throw the challenge!
and then...says in tribal when Jeff questioned him about his ability and all, Phone Phil says he did show his strength when he alone picked up the idol statue BY HIMSELF and put it on the flag thingy, while the other team had to have 3 people carry theirs! Like that matters!!!??! They were neck and neck to that point anyway! And so what...he intended to throw the challenge anyway so why did it matter that he showed his didnt' help anything!
I just can't get over why they keep him. He is so annoying that I often leave the room or something while he is talking! I thought maybe they keep him so if he is in the final jury would vote for him...but that is a bit far...I think that they'd NOT vote for for anyone but him. His annoyance level is off the chart and he is not playing the game the way it should be played and most certainly doesn't deserve to win! His constant reference to Boston Rob..took BR three times to win, and I wonder..does Boston Rob cringy or smile when this phoney balogna Phil refers to him and brags as "doing it the BR way".
But they never vote him out. They complain and complain but keep him there...can't figure it out. He doesn't offer any strength for the challenges and the spend so much time and energy complaining about him, but they keep him. Go figure
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5 responses
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
28 Mar 13
The whole show is down the drain anymore. The best part of the season is when they all unanimously voted off Physcho Brandon and it wasn't even time yet. I hope they keep all of those Hantz jerks off the TV screen for life now, so sick of them making an appearance on my reality TV shows' screen every year on something nowadays.
As for Phillip he will also get his day more than likely.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Mar 13
I just wish they'd stop the fans vs favs. I am sick and tired of watching the same people every other season! The whole montra of surprise and watching those that have never done such a thing and how they make it work..that is part of the fun of watching. Those that have done it 2-3 times already...they obviously don't know how its done!!! But they just show to much of the bickering and arguing and the secret talks, that the mystery of the show is gone. And I'd bet that there is more complaining about Phil than they show...I mean come mean to tell me NO ONE said ANYTHING except Cochran about Phil's sudden lack of strength when he just 10 minutes earlier bragged about it and about his not being able to toss a graveling hook very well...after all his talk about how he just knows everything? Sorry, this whole season is a joke with him. He and his actions are just making a joke of the show and its history.
@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
28 Mar 13
Right, make me like to punch him in the face for his antics, he should be dumped by now. I don't know what the judges see in him, or maybe they failed to see what we saw or there are some other reason only they would know. Let's try to find it out.
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
28 Mar 13

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Mar 13
I know! And I am sure that if he was a REAL spy...he wouldn't be bragging all around town about it like he is. I am sure there is some kind of code of ethics or something that says once retired or fired, you can't talk about the service or something like that. And the things he is saying that he "learned" any James Bond movie and you'll probably find the same things being said! Or in Phoney Phil's case..all you would have to do is watch a few episodes of Get Smart with Don Adams and you could talk just like him! And I am sorry, but I dont' think ANY secret agent spy person would be giving people names and all that crap-o;a either!
And for SURE wouldn't be parading around in red, baggy underwear!!!!
@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
28 Mar 13
the thing is during premerge, Castaways have a mentality to vote off the women because they were "weak" so we had seen so many times where athletic women who can offer something in the challenges gets voted off over the fat lazy guys who are just useless. Corrine's biggest mistake.... she decided to make an alliance with Phillip knowing he is a trainwreck, I bet Francesca would have gave her a better position. Phillip and Andrea are the worst people to align with. Brenda and Erik would have offered her a better position. Anyway Corrine's bad gameplay must have something to do with the fact she never watched survivor after her first try. so she have no idea who Phillip and Andrea were.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Mar 13
Even pre those that merge really want to merge taking him with them? I'd say get rid of him now and stop wasting your time being annoyed and having to constantly watch his antics. I am sure those guys on the other team...I dont' remember all their names, but they have some good least they sound like they do and they won't take his crap...they'll ban together and vote him off. So why do they want to take him, when they might be able to take someone else that could better help them in a merge? I mean, Julia did more than Phil did on the last two challenges..she didn't fall into the water, and she did her part in the Immunity instead of purposely loosing. And none of them have said a word about ...when do we trust him? First he says he is so strong and we believe him and then when we need that strength, he falls on his face, and did any of them know in advance that he was (supposedly) going to throw the challenge and cost them the hassel of wondering if they were going to be voted off? I just don't get Dawn buddying up to him. At least Cochran's got his number...playing along for his own safety, but still...he knows the number and will be ready to act when the time comes.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Do you really think no one in the jury would vote for him? I hadn't thought about it yet, but I'm not so sure. Seems I remember one winning that I thought would never get votes. Can't remember who it was. Didn't Sugar get alot in the final 3? and one other female that wasn't liked during, but got lot of votes in the finale. But they all seem to talk about him and what he says and say they don't believe him like on the throwing of the challenge..twice! They play along like they do, but then in their interviews say they don't believe. Seems to me,that they'd want to get rid of him as they now know they can't trust him. Last night when he said he decided right there in the game to throw it, even Dawn didn't believe him on that one! So they know he lies and can't be trusted, why keep him around and always have to wonder about him and his actions? But now that it is individual, he doesn't have the tribe at his mercy now so maybe things will change. HE is really nervous about those other 3 guys from the other team..Reynold , Eddie and ERic I think....and he should be, but and those better win immunity every time cause you know Phil is going to recruit his cronies to vote them out to save his own skin. I just don't see them all believing him and going along with it. I'd take the chance and get rid of him now so as to have the constant stupidity out of my hair and at least one down from having to always wonder if they are telling me the truth. I, for the first time, am now looking forward to next weeks...I know they had the first immunity with the eating thing..wasn't that cool that Cochran won....I was expecting Phil to cave...I mean, since when does the high and mighty king of the island and tribe do something so gross as eat that junk! with the physical challenges being the makers or the breakers..Phil can't use his "I purposely threw that challenge" excuse...and it will be fun to see how he spins his losses!!!
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@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
3 Apr 13
A lot of them seemed to want to use Phillip as their goat,(you know someone who cant win in the finals) They see him as a "Russell" or "Abi Maria" that they can take tot he finals and wont get votes from the juries. If I was there, I may see him as a threat because everyone wanted to be with him in the final 3 because he cant win, Why will I see him as a threat? because no one will want me in the final 3. They didnt see that a person who cant win the finals is as threatening as a person who can win.

@miadsoriano (884)
• Philippines
30 Mar 13
Ooooh...I haven't seen that episode yet. Been so busy, I have yet to watch all my recent recordings of my favorite shows. Yeah, Phil can be too crazy and annoying sometimes. Must watch that today.

@miadsoriano (884)
• Philippines
30 Mar 13
! What will the world come to without Philip and his baggy, old, and faded red underwear?! Thanks for the tip! 

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
3 Apr 13
What would the world come to without Phil and his "accessories"? Decency!!!! Altho since we can all use a good laugh at least once a week...I guess we can forgo decency for one hour a week, three months out of the year...or less!
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@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
4 Apr 13
I watch the insider videos (you know the things they dont show on TV but only show at the Survivor website)
Corrine, Brenda,Erik,Malcolm ,Michael and the 3 blondes who didn't reach the merge are actually more fun to watch and more entertaining than Phillip,as in their personalities are not boring and watching them is a breath of fresh air but The editors decided to think that we the audience wants to see Phillip,Phillip and Phillip.
Its frustrating that they decided to hide people who are more fun to watch on TV and make them "website exclusive"
Last season the editing is Devoured by Lisa. Now its all about Phillip.
they should bring back the times when the editors dont have favoritism and let us know each castaway in the Island.

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