At the time of Jesus Christ, the Jews were expecting someone, Who could it be ?
By juniorance
@juniorance (250)
March 30, 2013 2:36am CST
During Jesus Christ's period the Jews were expecting 3 people which were foretold in there Book.
1) Elijah
2) Messiah and
3) A Prophet
Yes its true that the Jews were expecting another Prophet other than John the Baptist [Elijah] and Jesus Christ [Messiah]. Who do you think it would be ?
" This was John's testimony when the Jewish leaders sent priests and Temple assistants from Jerusalem to ask John, "who are you?" He came right out and said, "I am not the Messiah." "Well then, who are you?' they asked. "Are you Elijah?" "No," he replied.
"Are you the Prophet we are expecting?" "No." " John [1:19-21]
Clearly the learned men of the Book, the priests and Temple assistants of Jerusalem were expecting a Prophet apart from the Messiah. So whom do you think it would be ?
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9 responses
@Hopefull90 (921)
• United States
30 Mar 13
They were expecting someone to run the Roman empire out of Jerusalem. This is also what Judas and the other disciples were thinking. Judas thought he would help the cause along by forcing Jesus to show his authority and set himself up. Then he would get the credit. James and John were trying to get Jesus to say which would be next to him when he sat up his kingdom. That was why they were so crushed when Jesus was crucified. My references claims Christ to be that prophet. The true function of a prophet is to reveal the will of God. Christ said, "The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." Who did this better Christ or Mohammed?

@moneylots87 (521)
• Indonesia
30 Mar 13
@Hopefull, isn't on that question they asking are u the Messiah? Are u the Prophet? So the Messiah and the Prophet logically is a different person, otherwise it would say this way: "Are you the Messiah and the Prophet?"
And read John 16:13
When the Spirit of truth comes, he
will guide you into all the truth, for
he will not speak on his own
authority, but whatever he hears he
will speak, and he will declare to you
the things that are to come.
Jesus was predicted someone will come as the comforter (periklytos) and Jesus said, that comforter : "he will not speak on his own
authority, but whatever he hears he
will speak"
And sure for us Muslems, our Prophet Muhammad just spoke what he heard from God.
@moneylots87 (521)
• Indonesia
30 Mar 13
Sorry correction from my last post,
So since John the baptist denied as the Messiah, if really the Messiah and the Prophet is one person, so why the the Temple asistent asking "are you the Prophet?"
because if yes the Messiah and the Prophet is a same person it would be funny when he still asking that are you the Prophet question since he knows John not the Messiah so he is not that the Prophet too, unless there is some other Prophet other than the Messiah.
I hope you understand my point.
@Hopefull90 (921)
• United States
31 Mar 13
What I am understanding is that you are saying that Jesus could not be both a prophet and a Messiah. I have to ask why not?

@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
31 Mar 13
Elijah.....Seven centuries before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Isaiah spoke of “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” (Isa. 40:3).
Elijah...Was talking about John the Baptist....They are not the same person... John was to become the God-ordained messenger proclaiming the arrival of the Messiah. Which he did.....
The Jewish people never believed that Jesus was the prophesied Son of God. So they are still looking for him. The Muslim people believe that he was Just a profit...
the Jewish people were looking for the messiah, Jesus Christ.... As Christians we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God the one that God talked about coming right from the beginning...ever since Adam and eve had to leave the Garden...
The only person we are told to look for since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ..Is of his return at the end of the Age..... We are also told that one would come before His return, that would claim to be him..This would be the anti-Christ..We are told not to be deceived by him.... This false Christ would come from the earth, and stand in the temple of God, and declair himself to be Christ. He will deceive many. We are also told that many false prophets would be on earth to try to turn us from the true God....
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
31 Mar 13
Peace be with you. God bless you and your family with good health and happiness.
No it is not Muhammad of Arabia they were referring, it is so very obviously. There are no basis, reasons and logic. Just think simple and use common sense. The messianic prophecy should be an Israelite Jew not from an Ishmaelite. Particularly at the lineage or bloodline of King David of Israel an Israelite of the Messianic Prophecies.
Read and study Prophets Messianic Prophecies to see if really Muhammad is the prophesied Messiah? Open your eyes and mind, and most all of your heart, soul, and spirit. This is for you to have, not for me.
- The Protoevangelium Or "First Gospel" . . .
- Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled . . .
- Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Christ . . .
Gospel of Apostle John 1:19-21 (New International Version)
John the Baptist Denies Being the Messiah
19 Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was.
20 He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Messiah.”
21 They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No.”
First, why John the Baptist denies? He knew who is the real Messiah and beside of that Jesus Christ is his cousin they are both Israelite. John the Baptist was the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1:5-25). Jesus was Mary's son, conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38). Mary was Elizabeth's cousin (Luke 1:36). So the relation between Jesus and John the Baptist was that of second cousins. Mary is a bloodline of King David an Israelite.
Second, why the priests and Levites asking John the Baptist about him as the Messiah or the Prophet? Because John the Baptist is an Israelite. Messianic prophecies has an ethnicity of an Israelite not Ishmaelite or even an Arabian.
Get it?. . . . .
Did you read, studied and learned the whole Gospel of John? . . . . If you read, studied, and learned about the Gospel of John, you will find out Jesus Christ admitted that He is the Messiah and the Prophet. Based on the Messianic Prophecies of the old scriptures or what is called Old Testaments of the Bible, like the book of Prophet Moses, Prophet Isaiah and other Prophets. And, of course Jesus Christ is an Israelite not Ishmaelite.
Please watch this. . . .
Muhammad in the Bible? John 1:19-21

@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
1 Apr 13
Is the last 6 words of Matthew 21:42-43 party of verses? What version of the Bible you get this verses?
The last 6 words I referring to is -- thereof." will go to another nation -- . . . Where did you get these?
Here the verses of Matthew 21:42-44 (New International Version) . . . Take note I add verse 44 of the verses you gave above.
41“He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”
42Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:
“?‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’ h ?
43“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
31 Mar 13
Sure he know him, but as I said to JHumphreys , they asked him about three persons : Elijah , Messiah, that prophet , Muhammad was the third Person ( that prophet) .
I know that Jesus is a prophet , he a great than a prophet , he is a messenger , He said to Jews that the Prophecy will go to another nation :
Matthew 21-42:43 "Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." will go to another nation :

@donatello123 (326)
• Philippines
30 Mar 13
They were waiting for the Christ, the Son of God but when they met Jesus they couldn't accept the fact that someone who belonged to the below average family would rule over them. They expected someone from their own kind perhaps so accepting Jesus the carpenter was a sort of ridicule for their race. As far as I know, until now they're still waiting for another Christ. It's just hilarious.
@juniorance (250)
• India
30 Mar 13
Can't you see brother they were expecting s Prophet other than Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Messiah means an anointed one or the chosen one by God, the one whom has been predicted in the Old Testament in many places.
Of course they were not ready to expect Jesus as the Christ [Messiah] because as you said they were expecting the Messiah from among themselves.
And again the People of Book, be it a Jew or a Christian, they are not yet ready to accept that Prophet whom they were expecting is Prophet Muhammed PBUH because they were expecting that prophet from among themselves [Jews] and not from their brotherin [Arabs] whom were the descendants of Ismail PBUH. If you still got any doubt, you could see that Prophet refers to the prophet metioned in Deutronomy 18:18. See for yourself whom those verses refers to ?
@JHumphreys (22)
• Japan
31 Mar 13
In the King James version John 1:21 reads "Are you that prophet?" where the word "that" seemingly refers to the previous verse. That is, in this interpretation, those questioning John are making sure he is not Elijah, by asking him a second time. I believe this is the usual Christian view. That is, many would dispute that there is a third person being talked about here.
It is clear that the Jews were expecting the return of Elijah and the coming of the Messiah to happen at about the same time based on the book of Malachi, chapter 4. In Matt. 17:10 Jesus' disciples ask him "Then why do the scribes say that first Elijah must come?" showing that Elijah's non-appearance became a problem for Jesus' status as the Messiah.
It is true that Moses spoke of God raising up a prophet like himself. I really don't know if the Jews considered that prophecy to apply to the Messiah, or a different figure. However, Jesus probably thought the prophecy referred to himself, so it is natural for Christians to accept that:"If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote of me." (John 5:46)
@wapewe (173)
31 Mar 13
I ever hear that in one of the bible, there is a name of "Ahmad". Isn't it?
Yesterday, I read in Facebook fanspage that this bible was hide in Turky for almost 12 years.
Whether it's true or not about the bible hidden in Turky. Only that bible who could told the truth.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
31 Mar 13
In the copy of the Bible, Christ told a priest asked who his successor, he said, "Mohammed holy is his name"
The newspaper "Hurriyet", a major Turkish newspapers, in its report, that this Bible is one of the original copies of the Bible, known as the Gospel of Barnabas, is recognized by the Christian denominations.
@moneylots87 (521)
• Indonesia
31 Mar 13
In the gospel of John, 14:16, 14:26, 16:7 on New Testament lot of accounts, Jesus said about the coming of the 'comforter' which was mistranslated and misunderstood by Christians. The word comforter in Greek translation is Periklytos, which is interstingly means 'the glorified one' and Muhammad in Arabic means the glorified one too.
But because the mistranslation in Bible from Greek to English, and the misunderstanding the comforter as the 'Holy Spirit' so yeah, Christians never know our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was foretold by name by Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Moses had prophesied how God would send "another prophet like me" - someone from among the people and who God talked to face to face.. It has always been understood that this is Messiah. A prophet would be a prophet, but THE prophet was Messiah.. Of which John the Baptist said he was not him.
@moneylots87 (521)
• Indonesia
30 Mar 13
They are waiting for Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was known as the Messiah.