Im so happy... ex and his new wife are separated already... serves him right....

April 1, 2013 9:57am CST
I told you all, how my son had a problem with my exs new wife. Well now, my ex called my son today... To tell him hes alone again. And his new wife, left to go back to California. Not sure why he told my son. Maybe he wants him to move back with him. Isnt going to happen. My son told him only, dad live with it. Bye Karma is a bit&&^^%%%%.
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36 responses
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
9 Apr 13
I guess he was just feeling vulnerable after they've split. And I guess now he knows what it feels like to be alone too. You're right, karma is a bit&&^^%%%%!
1 person likes this
• Mexico
9 Apr 13
Yes he is, and my son will not talk to him. Untill hes ready..
@alpha9180 (301)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
I do not think your son will go back to him. I guess he is more comfortable and happy with you. Son is usually closer to the mother, haha!
1 person likes this
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
Im almost sure of it( he wont). Im not sure he will even talk to him soon.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Apr 13
People just need to learn that the grass isn't always greener on the other side! We should learn to be happy with what God has given us. As much as I disliked my former mother in law, I never wished for anything bad to happen to her. First, her mother developed Alzheimer's, passing after more than ten years. I think it was just a few years after that she and her brother learned they too had Alzheimer's. It steals your memories, but in her case, she became violent as her condition worsened. All of the anger and bitterness she had shown me has finally come out, but I cannot be happy about it-instead, I'll say a prayer that she doesn't suffer too much.
• United States
2 Apr 13
Aren't you glad to know that you're no longer involved with a man with such a weak character then?
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
Sure am !!!! I hated to get up in the morning with him. Im better off now.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
Well said, he chose the new wife over his own son.. no he has not 2 but none....
@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
Hmmm.. there are always reason for everything. Maybe this incident will make him realize what he had done in the past are not good. Hopefully he can change for a better man someday in order for his son and you to forgive him. I know its not easy to forgive but just pray for him. Hopefully its not to late for him.
@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
Yes friend, time heals.. As long as he does not do bad something to you or your son. Never be consumed by anger.. Everyone makes mistake and he will sooner or later he will have to face the consequences.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
Im afraid of that. As he did bad things to me for many years.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
I sure hope so, but only time will tell...
• India
1 Apr 13
seems, you are still in love with yr ex. I wish all should go well.
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
In love with my ex?? Are you crazy?
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
Sorry dear, I was abused by him for years. I hate him more than ever for that. :(
• India
1 Apr 13
I think i m not wrong either.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Well, when he is lonely he wants back his son. That sounds unfair. And I believe your son is much better off with you here than being with him. He may have another one in the future, and your son may have to face the same consequence again. That is not good for your son...
1 person likes this
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
Sure as, as he didnt support my son at all. When he had a problem with the new wife. Now he is paying for it.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
2 Apr 13
Your ex sounds like he may continue to make the same mistake over and over. You are a solid rock for your son. Perhaps when he grows past the pain of this relationship your son will speak to his dad again. It is not like your ex chose to have her leave, he got dumped, just as he dumped his own son.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
I hope he does, as every kid needs a dad in his life. But mine has been hurt by him so many times.
1 person likes this
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
I understand that. I know deep inside my son loves his dad. But after he say all the abuse his dad gave me, and now this. he just want to close the door on his dad.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
2 Apr 13
Wow, that was short lived. Any idea what happened?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
2 Apr 13
Judging from how she treated your son, she wanted to run more than that...
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
My son said, that she wanted to run the house and the money. I know my ex, thats a nono with him..
1 person likes this
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
Very true, and my son told me it would last a month. lasted about 2 is all.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
1 Apr 13
Wooo! How old is your son? Haha, but seriously, I think sometimes stuff like this happens and it renforces that you weren't the problem there, he was. I like seeing an ex not be able to make it in life. Haha.
• United States
2 Apr 13
Sorry to hear that, no kid needs to go through that pain!
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
Hes 14 years old. His dad has hurt him over and over, since he was 5...
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
Your right, he went through it along time as well.
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
3 Apr 13
I read this after I answered your other post, Maria. It seems that your ex is the kind of person that you (and your son) want to stay away from. He is trying to manipulate him. Don`t let him. No wonder he wants a stepfather
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
3 Apr 13
He is old enough to be able to do it. It will hurt, but he will do what`s right.
• Mexico
6 Apr 13
I agree, hes a 14 year old kid. But he acts older. I think he can tell his dad how he feels.
• Mexico
3 Apr 13
Got that one right. I Made that choice 2 years ago when I left him. Now my son needs to make his own choice.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
He comes calling back his son now that he is free from the woman? Wow, such great dad! I hope he could build that broken bridge between him and your son.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
I can understand how you feel. He need to patch things up between you. I hope he realizes that he is not just your husband but a father to your son, too and that he should be doing his part as a father to your son.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
I dont care if I never talk to him again. But I want him to have something with his son..
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
She left him, and now he thinks he can get his son back just like that. Seems kinda unfair to me.
• United States
1 Apr 13
I definitely believe in karma, but I'm not in favor of dancing on someone else's misery, even if they do deserve it. I can't speak for anyone else, but that just isn't my thing.
• United States
1 Apr 13
No I don't know, and I'm very sorry that you had to endure abuse from him. He definitely won't prosper from his actions. You've always seemed to have a great heart from what I've read from you here on Mylot. That says a lot about your character. Even though you've dealt with abuse, you've still maintained a good heart. Stay blessed and beautiful.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
I try and be tough, but Im not really. I love to help people when I can. But alot of the time I have a hard time helping myself.
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
I understand you.. but if you knew all this mans abuse has caused me..........
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
Your ex is a loser. He cheated, right? And now that he is lonely, he turns to your son, maybe to give him a clue to keep him company? He deserves to be alone. I think your ex doesn't deserve to be with your son the moment he chose to be with that new wife of his.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
3 Apr 13
It's just as awful. It's a blessing that some other woman took him away from you, isn't it? Anyway, I'm glad that you are doing okay now. I hope that ex won't bother you anymore.
• Mexico
6 Apr 13
Yes, but she only lasted 2 months with him. i was with him 11-12 years.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
He never cheated on me.. just abused me for 2-3 years...
• India
2 Apr 13
Hi maria. Well I am not aware of what happened between you and your ex husband but I think it is only good to forgive him. As you can see that karma is already taking revenge on him. I am not saying that you should move back to him or let your son go to him but at least not feel happy at someone else's pain. Isnt that a bad thing to do no matter what the person had did. Let god do the justice and let us do what god has asked us to..."To forgive and to love"
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
His ex wife told my son he had to call her mom after she married my ex.. was less than 2 weeks after they married. My husband told me son she had every right to tell my son that. SO my son left and came her to his mama. No forgiving this time around.
1 person likes this
• Mexico
6 Apr 13
Maybe not, but after 2 weeks? and she didnt ask him to.. She told him you wills tart calling me mom now...
• India
3 Apr 13
Hi maria. Don't take me wrong. May be it is because of difference in culture but I think there is no wrong if she asked him to call her his mom. But if she was demanding that then ethically it might be wrong but still acceptable. Actually it is an honour for a person to get someone who would treat him like a mom. But if she was asking him to forget you and call her mom instead, then it would have been very wrong. Have a nice day !!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Apr 13
hi marika wow karma really does work so good for karma so it bit him where the sun doesn't shine, goood for karma.And you keep your son he is hap piest with you I can tell. His dad did not want him before and hurt him really You do want him and hw wll be happy
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
I agree.. serves him right !!! he made my son sad. My son still isnt over it. have a super week my dear.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
Im happy the way you are. God bless you and your son.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
Im happy the way we are now... together.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
1 Apr 13
As I read the title of your post I said to myself it is karma. Please don't let your son go back to him as he was unhappy with him before wasn't he?
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
I dont think he ever will. Hes now been hurt bad 3 times by his dad. He told me today. He wants nothing to do with him.
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
Might be, but its the way i feel about this.
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
haha... your subject is a bit mean. Well, that's karma! It always comes without any sign...
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
7 Apr 13
OMG I can't believe that happened. He definitely got his karma fast. How long were they married? You must be feeling so good because that just goes to show. What goes around comes around. I wonder now is he going to try to get you and his son to come back and be a family again. You know men are not good at being alone. They will do and say anything to get us back so they are not alone. I'm so proud of your son to tell him that. Especially after he treated him like he did by choosing the wife over him.
• Mexico
7 Apr 13
They were married like 9 weeks. And she left and took almost all of his things as well.
@FrugalMommy (1438)
• United States
1 Apr 13
Wow, that's pretty sad. He put his new wife first and alienated his son, and now he doesn't have either of them. It sounds like he thought your son would jump for joy and come running back to the US or something... like her being gone would erase everything he did to your son. I'm so glad your son told him off like that. Isn't karma great?
• United States
1 Apr 13
I think their relationship has to be pretty similar to the one my husband has with his dad. His dad took off when he was in his teens... never paid child support, was in and out of jail for DUI and grand theft auto... typical deadbeat stuff. He kind of made a half-hearted attempt to make things up to my husband after he graduated from high school. Which I guess was okay, but he totally ruined it when we took our daughter to see him and the first thing he said to us was "Well, get it out of the car." And he wonders why we haven't bothered contacting him since then... sad that guys like that just don't get that it's them, not us.
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
Yes i think it is, plus my son can be very stubborn at times. Have a super week there.
• Mexico
1 Apr 13
he sure did, and now seems like he has no one. My son doesnt even want to talk to him. He listened today is all.
@grvdubey11 (1879)
• India
2 Apr 13
Its a great feeling when someone who has done bad to you or your family suffers.Good that you and your son have pragmatic approach to that rather than having sympathy,keep smiling and best wishes.
• India
2 Apr 13
Well you are kind then, at-least more that me!
• Mexico
2 Apr 13
Not so much a great feeling, but he deserves every bit of it...
@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
8 Apr 13
See, thats how Karma works. What goes around comes around. There was a brief break up with my evil ex and her bozo boyfriend this weekend. My son was real happy but she took the @ss back. So my son is way disappointed. But her day will come, I am sure of it and waiting to see it play out.
• Mexico
9 Apr 13
Sure does, hes called 5 days in a row now. And Miguel will not talk to him..