And the RACE is on!
By Loverbear
@Loverbear (4918)
United States
April 1, 2013 1:06pm CST
Yep, it ain't no April Fool's Joke!!! I crawled out of the woodwork and am giving the Lot a try again. Hope you enjoy what happened to me yesterday...Yes Bev, you're right, it's a Khuay story!!!
My big treat is having fresh shrimp...well at least as close to fresh as I can afford. I love the jumbo shrimp and lucked out last week and was able to buy some. I had done some heirloom mink teddy bears for a neighbor and I tried NOT to charge her. It didn't work...I was handed an envelope with four Safeway grocery gift cards...SCORE!!! I was able to get enough groceries to last through the month and some extra. One of the "treats" was a half pound of jumbo shrimp. It amounted to 6 shrimp, but what a banquet!!!
Yesterday I decided that I had worked hard enough preparing for the arrival of my new "used" sewing machine and cabinet. I stripped down the storage room and work room of the bear workshop and worked my tail off rearranging everything. Finally around 5 p.m. I decided to fix that shrimp that was yelling at me "EAT US!!!" I got the package out and got the water boiling...suddenly a little nose appeared. I popped the shrimp into the pot and waited, drooling anticipating my well earned treat! Finally, after an eternity (well about 5 minutes but with shrimp it's an eternity!) they were ready. I got out my plate and napkins (shrimp are a 10 napkin treat) and set them on my table. Suddenly a cream colored bullet shot out of nowhere and snagged a bit of my treasure and disappeared towards the workroom.
I gave chase and retrieved my treasure, stopping by the sink to rinse off the cat spit on the way back to the table. Sure enough as soon as I got within two feet of my table the cream bullet came chasing through and snagged ANOTHER bit of treasure, racing towards my bedroom. That didn't bode well for my dinner as Khuay could hide under the bed and gobble down my shrimp! I gave chase and found out WHY God put tails on cats. I grabbed that extra long appendage and fought to regain my treasure. Khuay wasn't happy about that loss and started back to the table...I wised up and shut the bedroom door before I went racing back to the table. I figured after the indignity of having his tail grabbed Khuay would give up, not that little schemer. I got back to the table in time to see the little thief grab yet another shrimp, racing towards the workroom. He shot by me like a rocket, growling that low menacing growl that cats will emit when they have something good and in two massive leaps went from the floor to the work table to the top of the acrylic fur mountain by the window. I had to work hard to get that shrimp back as the pile of fur he mounted was up to the ceiling! I got the shrimp back and hustled to my table and plate of shrimp. Somehow I managed to beat Khuay back to the table and protect my dinner. This time I collected my plate and hid it in the microwave so I could clean the cat slobber from the shrimp...
I FINALLY sat down to eat my wonderful Easter dinner. I wasn't alone though. Khuay forgot his manners and hopped up on the corner of the table and sat like a total gentleman. I started peeling the first shrimp and a little white and orange paw gently reached out and patted my hand, I looked up to see a pleading expression on a very dear face and was rewarded with a "Yeat?" Yep, I'm a softie. I broke off a piece of shrimp and offered it to the flaming thief. He gently took it from my fingers and gobbled it down like I had never fed him. So the dinner went, my peeling shrimp and Khuay joining me for our Easter Feast. Afterwards he not only cleaned his paws and face but also cleaned my fingers for me...for the last taste of the shrimp.
I finished my dinner and started back to work on the work room, and found my little fiend asleep on top of a stack of acrylic fur, dreaming happy dreams of shrimp dinners.
How was your Easter? Happy Easter a bit late, and even a HAPPIER SPRING!
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6 responses
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
1 Apr 13
OMG!!! We've been SO worried about you!
I'm SO glad to see you, and I got your gift!
I can't say that my brats got any kind of treat yesterday. I came home from church, went out to eat with my brother's girl friend, came home, went to sleep, got up and watched Doctor Who, ate my leftovers and went back to bed.
I can't believe you shared with the brat after what he did! I wouldn't have!

@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
3 Apr 13
Yes, you sent me the one from the last Presidential election.
I guess the only cat that could lure a treat out of me was the late Star, since she was so feral it took something really special to get her to come beg.
The roomie breaks down for Ronnie, well she is very sweet.
Both of whom, while feral, were/are pointed cats.
Yes, you get yourself off to a doctor, wish I could get you here to go to one of the doctors I know are good... after all, Austin is now in the top 20 large cities in the U.S. and we are beginning to get a world class bunch of doctors.
I guess you remember I got some shots in my neck, and, sadly, they don't seem to have helped as much as I had hoped. I'm waiting to the middle of the month to see the pain doc again.... hopefully to hear the results of that lower back MRI I got.
ANYWAY... don't go dropping off the map again, I was in quite a state, I'll have you know!! If you decide to leave again for a couple of months, at least drop some friend a line... or friend me on facebook or SOMETHING!!!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
2 Apr 13
I couldn't help but to share with the guy! He was so darned cute sitting there like a perfect gentleman. He doesn't demand any of my food so this time it was really something very special to him. I wasn't wrong, he savored every bite other than gulping down the bits and pieces. Plus the little brat is the one who is right beside me when I need someone to cry on. He earned his treat even if he did steal it to start with. Besides I was laughing so hard at his antics that I couldn't refuse him!
Hope you liked the gift. I am searching for the other pins from the previous elections. They are very collectible and the only people who get them are people who work elections. So, one day you might get an even larger package containing a group of pins. When my county started giving the workers pins, back in the late 90's, Mom and I started collecting them and also would luck out and get the left overs.... I thought you might enjoy having one, two, ten.... or how ever many I find. I'm glad it got to you in one piece. I did send you the one for the Presidential election?
I wish I could say the time away from the Lot was a vacation, but between the loss of Murphy and the physical problems I couldn't even think of going on the Lot. I tried to get the supartz injections in my right knee for the arthritis and I got so sick from them that I ended up in the ER. My bridge constricted and of course my heart started hurting so I called Bill to take me in. I got to spend 12 hours in the ER having my heart monitored. I tried to report the problem to my doctors but they all state that the sodium content in the shot couldn't have caused the problem, that it was something that I ate... Sigh, I guess that I shouldn't be surprised after having the one doctor tell me that ALL my pain for the last 30 years was caused by constipation....I'm still in shock that I haven't exploded!!!!!!
I suppose I should get off my duff and get dressed. My right leg is hurting terribly and I have two masses in it. One by the ankle bone and the other beside the knee. NOTHING is helping the pain so I guess it's time to see my local quack.
OH, knowing fellow cat lovers, you would have taken one look at that sweet little kitty face and given in. He has NEVER done anything like that before, so I knew it would break his kitty heart if he didn't get to sample such a delectable treat. He doesn't even react that way when I give out the Temptations treats...Willy and Ding Ding go nuts over them. I can't even rattle a pill bottle without having that pair come racing to the bedroom an start demanding their share of the contents of the bottle... of course they don't get it but it is a riot to see their hopeful faces and having their paws grabbing at the pill bottles hoping for their kitty treats. Besides the fact that I am a push over when it comes to the critters.

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@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
1 Apr 13
Our cats usually aren't so bold as to actually swipe things from our plates. They will, however, try to position themselves to "help" us.
Earlier, our male cat was on his daddy's lap trying to "help" him eat an apple. He settled for just giving Daddy's fingers a good grooming afterwords. Mmm... apple-y!
I can be certain that at least two of the fuzzies will show up in the kitchen if there's any hint that there might be cheese (glorious, wonderful, magnificent cheese!). I suspect that they would be quite happy working in quality control at our favorite cheese producer.
We don't celebrate Easter, since we are Jewish. Well, I'm halfway there... We are now nearing the end of Passover here.

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
2 Apr 13
I remember in a book I read the author made a statement about one of his cats and its cheese obsession..."there is NOTHING cheesier than cheese!" Murphy, bless her, was crazy about cheese and the last few months of her life she and I shared a LOT of cheese from my late night snacks. Her favorite was medium cheddar, but would beg unabashedly for any cheese that I was eating. It is hard writing about Murphy as the wound of losing her on Feb 22 is still very open and raw. I am debating about getting another little girl as the boys have all started showing more love and closeness to me.
I didn't know that cats would eat apples...hum I learn something new every day! Of course I have a hard enough time remembering which cat likes their meat raw and who likes it cooked....Nah, my babies aren't spoiled...
I have one beside me on the arm of the couch and the other two are getting their "dibs" on their spots to sleep on the water bed. I get what's left over! I will wake up at night in some of the strangest positions because of the big lumps of cat sleeping in various strategic areas of my body. But they aren't spoiled, they just have me well trained! 

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@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
2 Apr 13
I don't know if he'd actually eat apple, but he certainly likes to try to "help" his daddy with whatever he's eating.
Humans are supposed to be well trained. We exist, after all, to serve our fuzzies.

@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
1 Apr 13
Oh, I can so see this happening. We were gone for Easter, so when we returned last night it was a present for our two kitties.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
2 Apr 13
My guys take the opportunity to sleep where ever they want to without worrying about their human Mom chasing them off the spot or her wanting to get something out from under them. They are totally in love with the new spots I created for them to nap in...they love being able to be up off the ground or table level and get some really great sleep away from the action.
Yesterday was a huge treat for the boys, Bill and I went to town and I got a refill on their kitty treats...they are now very very happy little bundles of fur.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
1 Apr 13
Just think how much Happier your Easter was because you could share it. Blessings.
Spray bottles kept on the table keep Jack Cat away, but there are two of us to help defend the Human's meals. And believe me it often takes two.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
2 Apr 13
I always love your cat stories and I guessed it had to be about good ole Khuhay again. That cat is a character. I would give anything to see everything that happened in a movie or small video. I'm imagining it in my head and laughing literally out loud. You should write a book, I swear you'd get paid bigtime for all of those stories! Seriously woman, they are funny.
Those bears must have been extra special for you to have sewn for that lady, kudos to you for offering her such a wonderful hierloom collection. She was so nice to offer you those gift cards too. 

@Hugsy25 (274)
• Canada
2 Apr 13
Thank you for this post! It gave me the biggest smile. LOL I can only imagine what eating shrimp would do in my house lol I have a lovely house full of 6 cats. Not all of them will eat people food, but my husband will bring me home chicken wraps from his work and I usually have 4 cats with me just in case I need help with the chicken. It's been a while since I had seafood, but I think my father said he went clamming and has a bag in his freezer for me so I'll have to see how many helpers I have for that. :)