Can Islam is responsible for Corruption in Pakistan & Other Islamic World...???
By Tushavi
@Tushavi (2077)
Karachi, Pakistan
April 2, 2013 6:16am CST
hi to all
well, Today I'm surfing on Facebook, I finds the United Kingdom President stands in train because there is no more place left...HE IS THE PRESIDENT, but how simple he is??? Today I want to asks & discuss about what we see now in Islamic World??? where Islam arise you seen a corruption as well, In Pakistan corruption is on peak, but so called clerks asks peoples to pray??? how can pray stops the corruptions??? when you do nothing & pray??? can you all know the root cause of this corruptions??? Its the Fake & Illiterate Islamic Clerks, I'm sorry guys I also study in Islamic school, but I don't want to makes money by using a name of Islam, usually these clerks (not all) I find most corrupt as well, what they preach us??? "Live in Less Money God Helps you, Our Prophet lives likes a poor man" but what they do when any Secular & Big Business man came to them??? they do every efforts to makes him happy & then got paid a lot, I finds this is the main & root cause of Islamic Corruptions, you can easily buy them??? cannot you??? For me, Islam is not a corrupt religion yet our Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him live a life likes a poor man because he knows The majority of Muslims are poor, but that's not Islam preach us not to do any work & just pray God, I usually heard the lectures of Islamic Scholars as well, but within a seconds I can caught a corrupt one, its because I have a deep knowledge of Islam, anyway the Islamic clerk (not a corrupt one) say a Golden words...He Said that "God always do raining with water but never ever do a beans rain because he want us to work to gain a things" this is very nice for me, because I'm worried about If Islam is truth??? why Muslims are suffered & poor??? I got it they don't do work they want Free Money??? For me I believes Gods Helps those who help themselves??? here in mylot all kinds of religions peoples exists??? I really want to heard their views about the "Fake Clerics of Islam & Corruptions" have a nice day & be well...
14 responses
@moneylots87 (521)
• Indonesia
2 Apr 13
Why blame on the religion??? Why not blame the people?? Did Islam teached to be poor or lazy or be a liar? No right? Its just a people who followed the religion unfortunately to be like that. When you see Japan and South Korea, ,majority of them are Atheist, and those two country are so advance in both standars of living, technology, and economy. Why? Because they are Atheist? No! But because they are hard working people. Nothing to do woth religion or belief.
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@2aero2 (60)
• United States
2 Apr 13
hi buddy,
well, to me and im not sure if you feel the same but, science is the true answer and we can see this effect in different society's. when we promote science we become more productive. when we innovative we get better living standards. i could be wrong but if the islamic world, elevated science and they put more effort on helping each other there wouldnt be so many poor corrupt clerks maybe. let me know what ya think..
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
22 May 13
Came back to mylot after ages, and find it all different. Where the hell are my earnings.
Anyway found this post interesting, and maybe by a miracle the first thing I saw was about religion. My opinion is different from most of the others. I think religion IS behind most of the evils in the world. It creates a curtain for people to hind behind and do their evil deeds. In fact it gives confidence to sinners to sin, as they think that God has a ego, and will forget their deeds when they praise him.
I believe in the Buddhist teaching where you get rewarded for only the good deeds that you do. But even Buddhist have got used to worshiping Buddha which the Buddha never wanted them to do.
Of course naturally countries where many people don't believe in God, believe in themselves.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
6 Apr 13
Hi Tushavi, Islam is not alone in this, the same is true in all religions. The fact is we are all human, even the leaders and they can be bought too. It happens in Christianity as much, if not more than it does in Islam. Your religion should not be blamed for this, but the person who does not follow the true teachings. Blessings.
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
5 Aug 13
Yes, islam is to blame for most of the violence and corruption in the Middle East and some parts of the West.
As a moslem, you must know by now that it isn't at all peaceful. Read your koran and study the life of muhammad who your supposed to model every aspect of your life after. He was a violent barbarian. A "good" moslem isn't a good moslem unless he's willing to fly an airplane full of innocent people into a building full of innocent people.
31 Of the 34 wars today involve islam.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
2 Apr 13
President? You mean Prince of the Lord President of the council?
Religion doesn't cause corruption. Its people. You don't even need to be religious to be a bad person. .

@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
3 Apr 13
Dear Tushavi,
The United Kingdom does not have a president. The head of State is the Queen and the present Prime Minister's name is David Cameron (he has the governing power with the elected parliament)
In answer to your question I would like to say that corruption is rife in countries that are dictatorships and have a poorly paid public service. I do not think Islam has anything to do with corrupt clerks. I could name many countries where you get absolutely nothing done unless you give out the bakshish, i.e. the bribe.
I visited a country two years ago where the highways and roads were so bad and full of potholes that could have swallowed a car. The monay for roads just evaporated. No one knows where it went. Also along the side of the roads were so many crosses, an indication that people were killed in that spot. I asked our hired driver why so many people got killed on the road. He told me that people do not want to pay for driving lessons so they bribe the clerks who issue drivers licenses and then they drive without knowing how to drive. When they get stopped by the police for an infraction they bribe the police not to give them a ticket and keep on driving and one day they make a big mistake that costs them their life. Sad isn't it.
I can see your frustration but there is really not a good answer unless a country becomes a democracy with elected representatives who get punished and tossed out of office if they are part of corruption. This also means a public service that is well paid and governed by strict laws.If a clerk should break this law and take money he or she should be fired immediately and loose their good pay, health insurance, paid vacation and other benefits. In this scenario people who offer bribes also commit an offence and can be prosecuted.
Myself I am a retired public servant in my country. I was never offered or accepted a bribe nor did I know of anyone who did. There are cases of course, where this happens, let's be honest but I would say it is rare.
So, in conclusion I think it does not depend on your religion but on your integrity as a human being.
@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
2 Apr 13
Hi, Tushavi:
Do you want to know the truth, Islam is the approach the Lord revealed by God Almighty to His Prophet Muhammad, it is a way of life in what was revealed from the Koran and all the heavenly books.
Do you want to know the truth, the problem is not in Islam, the problem of those who call themselves Muslims, but in fact, they are far from the path of Islam.
Do you want to know the truth, the problem lies in those who are afraid of Islam approach because it is contrary to their own their approach.
Interest of all these people, to show the image of Islam combined with terrorism, making the people are moving away and afraid of it.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
2 Apr 13
Corruption is a human thing, and it isn't specific to one religion. There are fake prophets and crooks in every religion, every type of government, etc.,
@aryajayaprakash (1643)
• Japan
3 Apr 13
Religion is not responsible for corruption. Corruption is a basic human nature. To control such bad habits, religion can enforce some measures. Religious teachers all over the world should think on that way.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
2 Apr 13
There is no President in the United Kingdom. The country is under monarchy. So far corruption Islam is not responsible for corruption. Some followers of Islam are corrupted. They damaged the image of their country.
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
2 Apr 13
Hi Tushavi,
It's not the religion, it's the lack of knowledge and cunning people who are using everything for their own purpose and they are not hesitating in using the name of god or religion also.
If you talk about Islam religion, look at gulf countries, those are the only countries where you won't have Tax, higher living standard and king size life. That's what Islam or any other religion can give you if you understand it properly.
A$$hls are everywhere let it be Pakistan or India or any other country. You think your country has got more corruption, we think our country is more corrupt, that's how it is everywhere.
We don't have eternity to live here on this planet, a little bit time that we've got, we should make sure that whether we understand or not, we should never question God. Though we should not have blind faith in any religion where others can use it against us to spoil our life.
All of this is happening because as a children we are not being taught moral values and it's importance in our life. 

@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
2 Apr 13
hi. tushavi. i don't think ISLAM or ANY OTHER RELIGION is reponsible for corruption in your country and worldwide. the priciples of good and bad are common to all religions. we are taught to distinguish between these two and we are also given free will. we have a choice whether to obey or disobey the good teachings in our religion.
people who are corrupt choose to live a dishonest kind of life. some others choose honest ways to earn money.