What is the purpose we are all born in this world?

April 3, 2013 10:09am CST
In science.. it says, during human creation.. Among millions of sperms fighting to go into the ovum.. Only one winner will get there.. and then born as a baby.. In general, why do u think we were born? From my opinion.. we are all born to carry an obligation that are meant for us to carry. So its either we fail or success to our obligation, defines who we are.. Care to share your thought?
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18 responses
@lawdude (237)
• United States
4 Apr 13
You brought up the great metaphysical mystery of life. . .how to explain the reason for our existence. I was taught to believe as a Christian we are here to carry out God's will. I used to question that precept because mankind which has free will is capable of so much evil. I also could not understand the apparent dichotomy between religious belief and science. I have since reconciled the paradoxes I saw to understand we cannot explain God's will in human terms. We can express our faith in accordance with individual belief but are not capable of comprehending His divine plan. Not too long ago I was having fun with my pet cat (since departed) and thought how smart she was. I wondered how that adorable little complex creature with such a tiny head and brain could understand and manipulate me. I was then convinced there has to be a God. . .that life as we know it is too complex to be nothing more than a scientific accident.
• Malaysia
5 Apr 13
Despite we are all maybe believe in different beliefs.. All religion even an atheist has to carry their obligation.. When we are not responsible towards our obligation, means we fail our purpose of being here in this world..
@lawdude (237)
• United States
5 Apr 13
Before the concept of a single divinity, ancient cultures conceptualized gods and deities to explain their actions and earthly existence. In ancient Greece, Aristotle theorized that the purpose of existence is to lead a good life and to lead a good life is to use one's intelligence to rational ends. This concept has dominated philosophical and religious thought to this day and advanced science, material progress, and human understanding to our current levels. I do not believe it is necessary for an individual to follow a particular creed or belief to lead a good, rational life, and did not mean to imply from my own personal expression that others need follow my beliefs to find meaning in life.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 Apr 13
The same reason the dice land a seven---no perceptible reason whatsoever. We highly-evolved life-forms, we fool ourselves into thinking that there MUST be a 'reason' (as WE would never put an eternity of work into doing something for NO reason). But no reason (none that we'll ever understand) exists outside of ourselves. Oh, if you want to go 'Mother Teresa' and make all of your reason 'for the purpose of things outside yourself,' that's a great reason ... that you have within yourself! All the reasons we can understand fall far-short of the reason for creation---the reason we will never-ever know.
• Malaysia
5 Apr 13
We will never-ever know? that will be sad not knowing the purpose why we live in this world.. without a purpose, we are lost..
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Apr 13
Hi Cairalyssa, You have asked the age old question and one that no one has ever been able to answer. I suppose the majority of people don't think about it much, and probably that's the best way to handle it. Other's turn to religion and accept the answer that they find there. That is fine too if it satisfies them, but for true seekers there doesn't seem to be any answers. I have tried religion but it doesn't work for me. I do believe that we are spiritual beings and like other things can never die. We have I think lived many lives, maybe all of them here on earth and maybe some on other planes as well. As for the purpose of life, we probably won't learn that here but that doesn't stop me from trying. Blessings.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
4 Apr 13
i dont think having a housing project is the best thing to do for our government. it is much better to make more jobs for the people to let them do their own thing in making their lives better. giving houses to illigal squatters is just like saying that doing illigal things is good and government will reward you with a house for doing it. give them jobs and let them make themselves useful in the society.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
4 Apr 13
ooops sorry wrong answer.it should be the answer from another topic....
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
5 Apr 13
King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 12:132, " Let us hear the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of Man."
@Pegasus72 (1898)
8 Apr 13
We were born because we were all a part of God's plan.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
4 Apr 13
i think the main purpose for us why we have been created is to balance the life in the earth,to take care of the planet and all its inhabitants and to love it as our own. evreyone is a survivor since their conception in their mothers womb. loving everything around us is our main purpose in life. just like what God has said to love one another.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
4 Apr 13
I just take it this way...each and every one is a universe in it ownself...plants,humans,animals and as so we form part of the whole universe! and we are born to keep that balance not just on earth but the universe it self people are born every day and people die every day! every one of us have a duty to perform and when that duty is done our life here as we know it will cease to exist! do we have an after life after earth? who knows? I would like to think we do maybe in another universe some where some how.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
4 Apr 13
Hi, I think we are born because we meant for other I just thinking of my existance, I am here maybe because my husband needs me I still live till now maybe because my kids need me maybe that is the purpose to be needed and need
• China
4 Apr 13
we were borned just to find out why we were borned.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
3 Apr 13
Well, we are the world, we are alive! We have to make sense to stay in the world! In our way, we meet the right way and the wrong one, you know, the bad and the good. We obviously have to move towards the right, choose the right path of our lives. We must never groped us from evil! How do you then give meaning to our lives? Well, we are born, we are instructed to school, work and (if you will) we will create our own family. Everyone then staying in the rules of life, can live as they please. This is my point of view.
• Philippines
4 Apr 13
We were born for a purpose. In religious aspect, God created us to worship Him. He created us intended to be His son and daughter. He also created us with an intention for us to live a beautiful life like what he had did with Adan and Eve. And most importantly, God created us(He let us be borne) so that He could love us/
@cmania (207)
• Portugal
3 Apr 13
I think we were born to defie and to be defied by nature :o like to being tested yah know ? And gather the most information posisble to develop our race and the all world. We were born to be like a god somehow , how can I say not god but to be super strong well to be what we call surpernatural and make us natural with it, we were born to go higher somehow in someway in our lifes. :3 that´s what it calls purpose of living we try to know that
4 Apr 13
Life is an unending battle. You may lose it and start again. You may win but there's another level. To survive is enough but it is better to survive with the people you love and loves you. But, when and where will you find the finish line? You'll know it soon. Please remember that when money is spent, it can be earned but when time is spent, it's gone forever.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Apr 13
We were born to know Him, love Him and follow Him in this world so as to be happy with Him forever in the next. Just my opinion and yes, there are lessons to be learnt on the way and some of them are tough. Life is always a battle between good and evil and we have free choice to choose either path too. Blessings
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
3 Apr 13
As a young child I use to lay awake wondering what this was all about. Why am I here and what is the purpose of life. I had to give up thinking about it because I was afraid of driving myself crazy, because when thinking about this it would drive me to tears. Now at 56 years old I'm still wondering. Is it that we are here to live and learn to the best of our ability? To love and help others? To be the best possible person in God's eyes? I still don't know but I live my life being a good person and always there to help others. I do believe we have the option to keep coming back if we so choose to once we die.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
3 Apr 13
Life is a miracle. If it is meant to be we can wonder why that is yes. What is our purpose once we are here can be a huge question or a simple one I suppose. I will choose our purpose is to fill our cup with good things and our obligation is do what is right.
@roshigo58 (4856)
• Pune, India
3 Apr 13
Hi, Teachings of all religions say that purpose of our life is to find God. But I think everyone is struggling for living. No one is trying to meet the God. Everyone is busy in his work for earning money. It is very difficult to tell the reason why we were born?