Obama tells banks to make more bad home loans... WTF!?

@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
April 3, 2013 12:45pm CST
Why are people so stupid as to support this guy? We KNOW the housing crisis happened because banks made bad loans. We KNOW they made these bad loans under pressure from the government. We KNOW people with bad credit are too stupid to realize they can't afford these houses. So why are people supporting this? Was one housing crash not enough? Are you guys eager to see another crash, followed by another bailout? Do you guys want to see more people get foreclosed on when they stop making payments on a house they couldn't afford to begin with? I can tell you why Obama's doing this. It's simple. He wants to make low income morons think that he's helping them by getting them into houses they can't afford. Then, by the time they realize they can't afford their homes, and get foreclosed on, someone else will be president, maybe even a republican. So what will happen if a republican is president when this manufactured mess blows up in his face? Everyone will blame the president, and a democrat regardless of experience or intelligence, will sail into the White House as most people are too stupid to look at what led to the mess. We know this because it's exactly what happened last time. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/obama-administration-pushes-banks-to-make-home-loans-to-people-with-weaker-credit/2013/04/02/a8b4370c-9aef-11e2-a941-a19bce7af755_story.html
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9 responses
@crossbones27 (50297)
• Mojave, California
3 Apr 13
Really it was all the government, the banks would of never taken part in these bad loans if the government did not twist their arms behind their backs. I think it was more of a mutual agreement. I just want to know why you have to belittle people while you are making your point? That does not help anything. I actually just wrote a post on what they could do to get low income people into their own housing. Maybe it would behoove everyone to look into this type of living. To me its much more economical for everyone helps the planet and would make everyone more free. Instead of bashing people lets use our noggins. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2760550.aspx
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Apr 13
The banks made these loans because the government pushed them to, and told them they had nothing to lose since all those loans would be insured, thanks to the government. The banks played along, sure, but they NEVER would have made bad loans like that if not for the government. Keep in mind, the race-baiters were out there too, claiming that banks were refusing to give home loans to black people, as if it was skin color, and not bad credit ratings, that made it harder for black people to get home loans. So banks had to decide if they wanted to be known as racists, and get shut out of government insured loans, or make the loans, figuring they couldn't lose, and be known as "fair" to minorities. "I just want to know why you have to belittle people while you are making your point? That does not help anything." Anyone who thinks that it's a good idea to make bad loans DESERVES to be belittled. It's the dumbest idea on the planet. "I actually just wrote a post on what they could do to get low income people into their own housing. Maybe it would behoove everyone to look into this type of living." The problem is that too many people in this country have a sense of entitlement that's been fostered by the government. The idea of living in a small home or, god forbid, cutting the cable and internet, is treated as ridiculous. When I tell people they should cut their cell phones to save money, they act like it's impossible to LIVE without a cell phone. I think people should save money by living in smaller homes, but they won't do that. Even people in this country under the poverty level have larger homes than the average European.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Apr 13
You'd be surprised how effective a tool shame is. Shame is what used to motivate people to get off of welfare and food stamps before the government started giving out covert debit cards and running commercials telling people how great it is to be on food stamps. Shame is what many collection agencies use as a tool to get people to pay their bills. It's not about teaching. People already know that they shouldn't buy things they can't afford. People already know that making bad loans is a bad idea. People already know that banks won't loan to them because they are a bad credit risk. Why bother teaching people what they already know, but refuse to live by?
• Mojave, California
4 Apr 13
Actually, no, it just makes you sound like a jerk, but if that is the way you want to live your life. Its one thing to be like that to people that deserve it, its another to do it because you just think you are better? Do you ever put yourself in others peoples shoes. I do not care if you answer me or not. I am not the one that needs convincing.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Apr 13
That is because they think the reason they did not own their own house was because they were black. And they blame everything on their race. And when they get foreclosed, they will put the blame on the administration that is in power then. And then will go and vote for the administration at the time they got their loan. So why have not any of them heard of Habitat Humanity? In that, if you are a low class or low wage person, you work on other houses and put in sweat equity to get a low mortgage.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Apr 13
We do not have that problem in Winnipeg and I do not know about the rest of Canada. We have some built on our main street and it is not in a lower class, but more or less a working class area. But I guess things are a bit different down there. If you buy a house from Habitant, here they would expect that you are working at a low wage job, and that you wish to own your own house so it is not a welfare thing. And of course by doing the sweat equity, one could apply for a job as a contractor's helper or whatever skill they had.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
3 Apr 13
I looked into Habitat for Humanity. They only build in the worst area and having a house cheap is not worth the danger we'd be in living there.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Apr 13
The homes built by Habitat for Humanity arent that bad. I guess it depends on the area though. I know they build houses with volunteer labor and I think they get donations that helps with the materials.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
4 Apr 13
At first I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe he thought that allowing more people to buy homes they couldn't afford would somehow be good for the economy. After all, he's going to teach our kids how to handle their money this month, so he must know something about economics, right? Anyway... yeah, you'd think people would learn. How does it go... something about being crazy because you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result?
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Making the same mistake twice. No wonder, people keep blaming Bush. President Obama keeps confusing them with the same exact mistakes. It didn't work the first time. It has been proven not to work. It wasn't like it was a small failure. No, this failure took the entire economy down with it. Worse, this is being done in a depressed wage situation along with a very high (and ignored) underemployed/unemployment rate. That only makes it that much more of a potential failure. This has one word written all over it. D-I-A-S-T-E-R
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
6 Apr 13
He doesn't have enough common sense to know better. Obama is just street trash in an expensive suit.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
13 Aug 13
@shorty08322 When "trying" means inflating our currency, making foreclosures a guarantee, and causing a temporary bubble that screws up housing prices then yes, I CAN hate someone for trying. He's not trying to make anything better, he's trying to get more ignorant people to support him.
• United States
13 Aug 13
I want to see u try it and make it batter what would u do u can't hate someone for trying
• United States
4 Apr 13
This is why the government has no right telling young people how to manage their money and live on a budget. "Financial Responsibility Month" LOL.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Apr 13
"Financial Responsibility Month" LOL. Yeah, I thought that was an April Fools Day joke when I saw an article about Obama saying that.
• United States
3 Apr 13
When I see or hear the name Obama it makes me physically ill . He is nothing but a racist, Muslim crook who wants to bring the United States to it's knees. He is such a danger to the USA and it is the fault of the ignoramuses who put him in office and kept him there. He is the only person who I can truly say I despise!...
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
3 Apr 13
I thought the same thing when I saw the headlines in it. Obama is playing political games again on this.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
3 Apr 13
Just like him to say that. i think he has his head so far in his behind. The man is smoking some good stuff there.Less than 4 years and counting. Thanks god !!!