Do you believe in Judgement Day ?

April 4, 2013 1:07am CST
If you believe that, salvation is in believing that Jesus Christ died in the Cross for your sins, then do you believe in the judgement day where all the human beings which were on this earth right from Adam to the last man will be judged. Do you believe in that day where all the man will be judged what they have done on earth ? That they will be questioned on That Day and finally will be given what suits him either heaven or hell according to his deeds. Actually whats your belief on Judgement Day ?
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12 responses
• Indonesia
4 Apr 13
Yes I believe, everybody will be judge, even Prophets! All human, since the first human until the last human will be judge!
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@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
4 Apr 13
Judgment Day is Today Termination for all beings on this earth. Judgment Day is a day in which all men are gathered from as early as the beginning of the birth-namely humans since the time of Adam and Eve until the end to man once came and turned off by God. On that day people judged righteous deeds, Doomsday is something that really matters as truth that free every human being will die.
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@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
10 Apr 13
Jesus didn't die for my sins because I wasn't even born yet. No, I don't believe in judgment day nor I believe in heaven or hell. I'm still puzzled about how can a grown up person believe in something as ridiculous as that.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
11 Apr 13
What is you religion?
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
11 Apr 13
Esoteric Order of Dagon
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
5 Apr 13
I believe in judgement day. I believe when we die we will be judged for what we did or did not de on earth. I believe that if we didn't get it right this time around we can have the option to come back and try to get it right. I believe if we choose not to come back then God will tell us that we can be angels in heaven. I believe people who have killed, raped, or abused a child don't get the option to be judged, I believe they go straight to hell.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
6 Apr 13
I don't find anything about a second chance in my bible.
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
27 Apr 13
of course i believe in my religion, Islam, God had created one day ,Judgement day for the calculation for what we have done in the world.. if we make goodness, God pay with the good too if we have many sin, we know that the hell is the place for the sin man
@RAJASB (109)
• India
27 Apr 13
Judgement Day is where you are decided by your deeds on Earth while you were alive and every person should be extra careful and do all the good to escape from the wrath of God. If everyone believes the same, then no crime will ever happen in the world, no one firmly believes the same, just pretend.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Apr 13
Hi juniorance, All judgement comes from self, no one else will judge us. People are not good and bad but just different-so how can there be any judgement? We all make mistakes but much depends on our upbringing and our culture as to what we consider right and wrong. Many things that people considered okay a hundred years ago would be a crime today and vice versa. No, there is no judgement day. Blessings.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
4 Apr 13
If a person believes the bible as a whole, then he has to believe in a judgement day because bible says so... If any part of the bible is omitted, then the person can't really say he's a true Christian... You don't have to be a Christian to believe in some sort of judgement day but as a Christian, you should believe in it... But I believe there's a little twist to the term "judgement day"... Just like any other judicial system, you have to have a reason to be judged... If there's no sin, there's no cause to be on trial/process of being judged... As a Christian belief states, our sins have been forgiven by Jesus being crucified on the cross... That implies that as a "true" Christian, there's no reason to be judged... Judgement days is reserved for those who don't believe... Sin isn't something you do... Well, technically it is but not what people may think... For a person who was a murderer, rapist & a thief, man to the right side of Jesus's cross was still saved... In essence, sin is a belief system... If you believe Jesus to be your lord & savior, then you have no sins... Now, of course if that's what you truly believe, you do wanna follow his teaching so naturally you're gonna shy away from all those wrong things... By that theory, you can live your life like saints & do all the right things like donating to charities, helping other people who are in need, going out of your ways to do whatever is needed to help people but refuse to believe in God & Jesus, then you're a sinner & you'll be judged... You can live your life doing all the wrong things like killing & raping people but at the last minute, truly come to terms with what you have done & accept Jesus, then you are not a sinner & won't be judged... Because bible says all our sins are forgiven & the price for our sins were paid by Jesus on the cross so as long as we accept him, we're not sinners, right? So we can't be judged on judgement day if we are not sinners...
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
6 Apr 13
The bible states that on jaugment day the people will be separated like sheep and goats, the sheep to the right and the goats to the left. That is only one very mild comparison to the judment scene given in the bible. The bible states that there is to be a jaugment, and I believe it.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
27 Apr 13
I do not believe in any judgement. Life in this physical world is only a crazy movie, without any meaning or purpose. Therefore, judgement is not needed. In our true nature, nothing can affect us. Whatever injustice anybody has done to us in this physical world- no matter how horrible that injustice is- , our true nature is not affected. The true being is impenetrable. So there is no need for any judgement.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Apr 13
On the day of judgment you will have the strictest judge of them all, YOURSELF! When you meet, God, you will want to be just like God. You will see where you are and where you need to be. You will request more lessons. God's Unconditional Love heals all hurt. It feels so good you would do anything for it. See, God has never needed threats, fire and brimstone in dealing with His children. Further, why condemn your children? Teach them instead.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
4 Apr 13
Yes , I believe in Judgement Day . It is a part important in my faith as a Muslim .