My daughter is seeing a ghost

April 4, 2013 1:13pm CST
My daughter just told me about some strange experiences she has been having for a few years now. When she wakes up at night she sees a lady in a white gown standing in her room. The lady is always holding a teddy bear. When my daughter sees her the lady puts her finger to her lips and says shhhh don't be afraid and then hands her the bear. I guess she sees her often.
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20 responses
@lpfoot (7)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Please don't be alarmed. I have been seeing spirits from the other side most of my life. It only occured to me when I was about 10 years old, that it was not a normal thing for most people, so I stopped talking about it. Then, when I got older, I started to do some research and found out that it wasn't as rare as I thought. There are such things as guardian angels or spirits, if you wish to call them, and I have had several throughout my life. As long as your daughter is not showing fear or stress over these sightings, it cannot be a bad thing. She probably has psychic tendencies. I only say this because, from my own experience, while I can see and acknowledge spirits, I can also sense other people's thoughts and feelings. I have also had experience with astral projection and telekinesis. Be supportive and whatever you do, don't let her be ridiculed or made fun of because of this. That would do more harm than good.
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
5 Apr 13
I think an ability like this is extremely extraordinary. Can you communicate with the spirits somehow? Can they pass messages onto you? Are they all benevolent, or have you met malevolent as well? What do they look like? Do they have a defined shape. I have zillions of questions. I must be honest and say I envy your ability.
• United States
5 Apr 13
Most of the communication from spirits or ghosts comes in the form of pictures or visions, rather than words. I have had a few run-ins with bad ones, but I usually block out the negative energy. Like tends to attract like. So, if you keep positive energy going, the bad stuff tends to stay away. Most of the time, I "sense" the spirits, rather than see them. Although, my grandfather did come to see me once after he passed, just to say goodbye. That was pretty cool!
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
4 Apr 13
this could be a person from family that she may know letting her know that some one is looking over here
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
9 Apr 13
I also think that most probably it might be someone who is looking over and stating that she wanted to take care if there is spirits in the world.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
4 Apr 13
Oh how frightening for your daughter. Maybe its her guardian angel watching over her. For a little girl though it could be scary. If this was happening to my daughter I think I would sleep one night with her to see if it happens and if you see it too. Then again if its her guardian angel she may not appear because you are watching over her. I remember as a teenager seeing a ghost only she was wearing a yellow golden gown standing near the boiler down in the basement. She also had blond hair. I had gone down to put a load of laundry in the machine. There she was standing there. I dropped the basket screamed and ran upstairs. Everyone said you are as white as a ghost. I explained what happened. My dad went down to investigate but of course it was gone. Never saw her again and never went down into the basement alone.
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@RahulRLP (178)
• India
4 Apr 13
may be this is just her imagination..... may be she watch lot of horror shows so they are all effecting on your mind..... may be its possible to someone use black magic on her....
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• India
4 Apr 13
This could be her imagination. You should try to understand her well. She might be disturbed. Dont leave her alone as she is in a situation where she needs you more
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@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
4 Apr 13
hi, pop. you said the ghost gives a teddy bear to your daughter, whose is this? is this your daughter's toy? does your daughter sleep alone in her room? what are her feelings regarding this ghost? is she afraid? if it is possible, try to let your daughter sleep with you. or you can also try sleeping in her room. ask her to wake you up when she sees this ghost again. if the toy bear is not hers and there really is one in her room now, then this is a cause for alarm.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
9 Apr 13
I think most probably if the ghost is real she might protect your daughter and does take care of her and most probably might be her guardian angel.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
6 Apr 13
Well ,at least the ghost or whatever it is, is not harming her.. The worst thing that could happen is the ghost, like in some horror movies might want your daughter or something, might want to claim her... You could call for a priest to bless your house though.
@grvdubey11 (1879)
• India
5 Apr 13
Since you mentioned Lady in White Gown,its a scenario we see in movies or read in books.So its a strong possibility that its just her imagination.Ghosts and spirits just exists in books not in real life.
@Hugsy25 (274)
• Canada
5 Apr 13
I agree with the others that the issue of the teddy bear should be checked out. If it is just her bear my guess is she is just dreaming. If you have never seen the bear before I'd notify the police because chances are it wasn't a ghost that brought it into your house. Dreams can be very vivid I once had a dream that I my grandfather was working at walmart and he hugged me told me he missed me and that I was to tell my mom that him and my grandmother were doing great.
• Poland
5 Apr 13
She should stop watching horror movies xd
@Imani46 (32)
5 Apr 13
My be the bear is possessed or I could be her angel since she young she my be able to see other worldly things .
@amundy8 (58)
5 Apr 13
I think your daughter really sees someone there. This may sound crazy, but bare with me. I don't know your spiritual beliefs, but Christians have known it to be called a "familiar spirit", which is not an angel, therefore, not of God. I have personally seen the difference. Sometimes they disguise themselves as an angel of light or as a familiar person who you knew has passed on. Don't take it lightly. You may want to try prayer. If you know of a minister who if gifted in casting out demons and spirits, ask for help with this. Usually if the child is not afraid and the spirit comforts her, it could be angel, except usually angels are messengers and ministering spirits. Although they tell you not to be afraid, they don't usually keep secrets or tell you to shhh. Angels I have seen usually worship, minister, stand as guardians to protect , depending on their title & the reason they are sent here. Either way, seek help from someone who can discern that type of presence.
• Canada
5 Apr 13
children have a wide imagination sometimes from things they have heard or have seen previously. not to say she isn't seeing what she is seeing. i personally believe in ghosts and if it does exist and it isn't harmful then there isn't much to worry about and i bet as she grows she wont see the lady anymore. Also take into consideration that she could be having a re occurring dream and she thinks its real.As humans we have thousands of dreams a night and we only remember the ones we wake up during.
@BarBaraPrz (48929)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
4 Apr 13
How do you pack a ghost? They generally stay put, don't they?
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
4 Apr 13
Is it a real teddy bear or a ghost teddy bear ? This is quite interesting as it may be a relative (passed away) or maybe some of the former owners of the house maybe ?
• Philippines
5 Apr 13
That's creepy. Our dog also sees ghosts. Often times at night, he would just bark on nothing. He keeps barking, then he would sort of charge to it, then pull back as if he was threatened, then he would bark louder. We though we was just chasing some rodents or insects but when I observed him closely, I saw nothing, just a blank wall without anything crawling on it.
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
5 Apr 13
Well this may be due to wild imagination, sleep paralysis, or vivid dreams. I personally however believe in the supernatural. Many authors believe children are more sensitive to certain supernatural vibrations! It might be that something is really going on. I remember when I was young I used to feel strange things in my room too.
• United States
4 Apr 13
First, determine if the "teddy bear" is an actual thing,and where it came from? Then if it is your daughter's bear already, maybe she is dreaming? I agree with others, maybe just sleep in her bed at night and see if she sees this lady with you by her side and if you see it. I believe in spirits, and children seem to be more succeptible to it. But, children also sometimes have a hard time distinguishing between dreaming at night and reality. Good luck.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
4 Apr 13
OMG, that is scary. Even for me, well I admit I am a big scaredy-cat so things like this spook me so easily. As a kid, they have a very strong imagination. But whether it is a true apparition or not, at least it is not hurting her or scaring her. It seems that by her gesture, she is not out to harm your daughter. I hope so.