Darn PIG!!!
By Loverbear
@Loverbear (4918)
United States
April 5, 2013 1:10pm CST
Bill and I were heading home tonight from picking up my sewing machine and doing some errands. It had been an interesting day and we both were rather tired and not looking forward to the long drive home. It's only 28 miles but it takes an hour to make the drive because it's back country roads. True to the "country" in the country roads, I am cruising down the road and what should dart out in front of me??? A WILD PIG! I couldn't swerve to miss it, I didn't have time to hit the brakes, so with a resounding THUMP I hit the pig. It wasn't a small pig like the cute ones you see on T.V., it was a 2 1/2 foot hog! I was sure that it was air born, but fortunately it stayed on the ground and rolled out of the way of the car. We got home okay, and there was very little damage to the car, but because of my insurance I had to report the accident. The call went something like this:
Dispatcher: Patrol Desk
Me: This isn't the emergency accident reporting desk????
Dispatcher: No, do you have a situation?
Me: Yes, I want to report an accident.
Dispatcher: Do you need a patrol car???
Me: No
Dispatcher: Is the vehicle able to be driven?
Me: Yes
Dispatcher: Were you injured?
Me: No, but I scared the crap outta myself...does that count?
Dispatcher: No, then you just want to file a report?
Me: Yes
Dispatcher: Where did the accident happen?
Me: half a mile from the lake turnoff.
Dispatcher: Was anyone in the vehicle injured?
Me: No
Dispatcher: Was there another vehicle involved?
Me: No
Dispatcher: I need your name, vehicle license number and address.
I gave the dispatcher the information of course, I needed to do this for the insurance.
Dispatcher: Which way were you traveling?
Me: West
Dispatcher: What time did it happen?
Me: About 7:45 p.m.
Dispatcher: How fast were you driving?
Me: The speed limit, 55
Dispatcher: Was there anyone else involved?
Me: Person?
Dispatcher: (a bit miffed) Was there anyone else involved?
Me: No humans
Dispatcher: Then there was someone else involved?
Me: Well yes
Dispatcher: Were they injured?
Me: Well kind of
Dispatcher: Kind of?
Me: Well yes, they're dead as far as I know...
Dispatcher: (Very upset) You left the scene of a fatality accident????????????? That's a felony!!!
Me: Yes, I didn't think the victim would mind, after all they're dead
Dispatcher: (Very authoritative)It's illegal to leave the scene of a fatality accident!!!!!!
Me: I am very aware of that fact.
Dispatcher: But you left anyway?
Me: Yes, I didn't think the victim would mind
Dispatcher: Can you describe the victim?
Me: Yes, it was a pig.
Dispatcher: (she regained her composure and was her normal noncommittal self) A pig?
Me: Yes, a pig
Dispatcher: Where was the pig?
Dispatcher: You said a PIG???
Me: Yes
Dispatcher: A pig?????
Me: Yes, a pig
Dispatcher: A P-I-G pig???
Me: Yes a P-I-G pig.
Dispatcher: Was it a farm animal pig?
Me: No, it was a wild pig.
Dispatcher: I didn't know we had wild pig in the area
Me: Yep we got 'em bad! In fact all 50 states have huge herds of wild pigs
Dispatcher: What was the pig doing?
Me: Crossing the road
Dispatcher: What direction???
Me: (getting tired of explaining the pig decided to use my best Cop impression) The victim pig was headed west on the road, trotting at about 3 miles per hour
Dispatcher: What color was the pig?
Me: Gray and Black
Dispatcher: How big was it?
Me: Too big, I didn't get out of the car to measure it, but it was about 30 inches tall
Dispatcher: Wow, that's a big pig!
Me: Yep, my car shows it too! At least I hadn't washed the car...I would be very upset with having pig poop all over it!
Dispatcher: Did you check to make sure the pig was dead?
Me: No, it was a wild pig
Dispatcher: Are you sure it was dead?
Me: Not positive, but when I looked in the rear view mirror it wasn't moving. I couldn't safely turn around and go back to check.
Dispatcher: Then you can't be sure the pig is dead?
Me: No, I didn't go back and check its pulse and I didn't have a mirror to check its breathing.
Dispatcher: (Laughing) I'm sorry, it's the form I'm filling out about a fatality accident...there is no option for a "PIG"
Me: Well there is another point about checking a wild pig to see if it's dead...wild pigs are MEAN!!!
Dispatcher: OH! I didn't know that, I figured they would be like tame pigs.
Me: NO, wild pigs have a temper. Plus it is spring and well wild pigs get horn_y and when they're horn_y they're really MEAN!
Dispatcher: Giggling helplessly...I never thought of that!!! Then you acted prudently!
Me: Thank you!
Dispatcher: I will send an officer out to finish the report.
Me: I would prefer that you didn't
Dispatcher: (Suspiciously) WHY NOT???
Me: Because I live through two locked electric gates and it would be very easy for the officer to get lost, even with a gps system.
Dispatcher: (still suspicious) They can find their way, you've got street lights don't you?
Me: NO, I live out in the country, it's as dark as the inside of a cow now!
Dispatcher: OH. Then you can come in and finish the report?
Me: Yes, would Monday be okay?
Dispatcher: Yes, you have ten days to fill out the report...you really hit a pig?
Me: Yep, I don't have a normal life. Most people hit deer, I have to do it up right and hit pigs!
Dispatcher: (Laughing uncontrollably) This is the first pig report I've taken
Me: SEE! I'm an enigma
Dispatcher: I am soooo glad this is on tape. They won't believe it if I tried to tell them.
Me: I suppose this is going to make the paper in the off the wall police reports.
Dispatcher: See, at least you'll be famous
Me: Yep, for hitting a pig!
Dispatcher: Well, I see your point...
Me: I was considering loading the pig in the car and taking it home to butcher
Dispatcher: (Hysterical laughter at this point all she could do is laugh)
Me: But I had a sewing machine table in the back of the car and the pig wouldn't fit.
Dispatcher: Oh my gosh! I ache!!! It would have been illegal to remove the pig from the scene of the accident.
Me: Well that's okay, I figured the pig would be tough anyhow and I didn't want pig poop in the car
Dispatcher: More laughter
Me: Besides it would have had a horrible case of road rash anyhow. PLUS, I wasn't sure it was dead, if it was just knocked out it might be a bit difficult...nothing like a pissed pig waking up in a Subaru Station wagon!
Dispatcher: (Even more laughter!)I wouldn't have thought of that.
Me: I'm almost positive the pig is dead, should I contact Fish and Game?
Dispatcher: No, we'll take care of it. I will also send an officer out on a "check the welfare" call.
Me: (Laughing) I really don't think that is necessary, the way the pig landed I am nearly positive that the pig is dead.
Dispatcher: Well we will check anyhow, we have an officer that complains that nothing "interesting" happens on his shift, this will do him proud. He'll have to write a report on the "check the welfare" call...and it will serve him right when he has to fill in the "subject" box and he will have to write in "PIG" (More laughing)
Me: Isn't it kind of a waste of tax dollars?
Dispatcher: No, if you think about it if the pig isn't dead it could attack people or cars...
Me: Yep, you're right. The officer might not be happy about having to check the welfare of a wild pig...
Dispatcher: That's okay, he's probably bored anyhow. (More laughing) Sorry about the pun... Oh, how much damage to your car? I forgot that box.
Me: I'm not too sure. I could still drive it but my boy friend says that there is damage. We'll have to check in the daylight.
Dispatcher: I think that about covers the report, come in Monday to the office to finish the report...Thank you for a fun evening, your boyfriend must love your life...not everyone gets to hit a pig!
Me: He does have some moments with me, this was one of them! Well have a great evening.
I have such admiration for people who have semi normal lives... I don't relish filing the report and calling my insurance agent or even getting estimates on repairing the damage..Can you imagine telling the people that you hit a "PIG" in the middle of the road? Even as I was driving home I had to ask Bill if I really hit a "pig". The really odd thing is that I asked the person who does the newsletter for our HOA to put it in the newsletter to be careful driving because I had sighted herds of wild pig a couple of weeks ago...so I have to come across the dimwit that was crossing the road in the dark in the middle of the busiest section of road in my area.
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9 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Apr 13
Loverbear, not even Khuay's adventures brings tears to my eyes the way this story did. It was funny, but when I got to, "Dispatcher: What was the pig doing?
Me: Crossing the road" It seems every other line I had to stop and laugh before going on, so it took me a while to read this.
If the dispatcher ends up sharing this, like on a TV station or video, PLEASE let me know, I would love to listen to it. I found this so funny, I wonder if you mind that I post this in my notes on FB, because I know a few friends who would love to read this.

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
5 Apr 13
I won't mind if you post this on FB. I might as well be known as the "Pig" lady!
The whole thing reminds me of the Dragnet comment of "Just the facts lady". I was so tempted to state that the pig was in the road having a party and dancing is his ballet slippers and tutu....but I tried to be straight and professional about it...and of course it didn't work.

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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Apr 13
Thank you Loverbear, I know this will be a big hit...

@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
5 Apr 13
@Loverbear oh my, oh my... did you just hit olivia? the kids will be furious with you.
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@timetravel (1425)
• United States
5 Apr 13
Wow, that is some tale! Believe it or not, I once saw a wild hog or something in our city. Several years ago, that is. No one believed me but my husband who also saw it.
I can't top your animal hitting with a car story, but once, about twenty or so years ago, I had a bird fly straight in to my windshield while I was driving. The windshield survived, but not the bird. The damn thing flew so fast, it was splattered across my windshield before I even realized what had occurred!
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@timetravel (1425)
• United States
5 Apr 13
Forgot to add - maybe your pig was trying to "hog" the road for himself?
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
5 Apr 13
I did have a buzzard fly into the section of roof that connects with the windshield... the windshield survived but the buzzard bought the farm! I also have hit a skunk, but this is the first Pig.
I love your comment about the pig trying to "hog" the road for himself! I can't wait for the rest of the "Pig" jokes!

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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
7 Apr 13
This is so funny!
I can't say I've hit a pig, but they were building the tollway east of town and had to stop because of a herd of wild pigs that were tramping through the building site.
I don't know how they resolved the problem, but the road is, I believe, built now.
I won't drive on them... we voted against the darn things!
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@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
5 Apr 13
it's not so strange that you hit a pig, since you live in the country.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
6 Apr 13
Thank you for realizing that hitting a wild pig isn't that unusual because of where I live. I don't know if you happened to see the program "Pig Bomb", but it is about the increasing herds of wild pigs in this country and the devastation that they create. As it was stated all 50 states have wild pigs and if something isn't done soon we will be totally over run by the beasts. Driving to and from town we have seen herds of over a hundred pigs with boars that weigh in at 1500 pounds or better. The larger pigs don't have natural predators, and so they can breed as much as they want. It's the smaller pigs that get attacked but that isn't too often because the sow will attack the attacker.
I got such a kick out of the reporting process that I had to share it!
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@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
6 Apr 13
Well, you did 2 unusual things. First, you hit a pig. Second, you made the pig fly.
Your post is so damn funny I just sprinkled soda on my tablet.. through my nose.
You should've told the officer that you got confused with what you hit, a pig or Rosie O'donnell.

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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
6 Apr 13
OMG!!!! I totally lost it reading your response! I had taken a sip of tea and did a spit take on the note book, myself and Khuay (the cat)! My favorite expression is "Sure, when pigs fly!" I guess there are a lot of things going to happen now because the "Pig flew".
Sigh, there goes my favorite statement... but I can take solace that I actually had a pig fly!
Thank you so much for the wonderful laugh this morning!!! I love the confusion part, except I had a hard enough time convincing the dispatcher that it was an actual pig that I hit...I would have had the whole herd of highway patrolmen at my door if I told her I may have hit Rosie O'donnell!!! We don't exactly get the brightest bulbs in the bunch here.

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@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
5 Apr 13
i was laughing so hard and i had to stop reading your post several times. this is very, very funny.
indeed these are the questions the police asks when you report an accident but your sense of humuor has made it seem light.
it was good that you weren't hurt. you could have ended in a ditch and hurt when you swerved to avoid the pig. as you said, the road conditions weren't exactly ideal so there could have been grave consequences. i'm glad the damage was limited to the car. your insurance will take care of the bill.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
5 Apr 13
Bill (my boyfriend) stated the same thing, that if I tried to swerve to miss the pig I could have rolled the car or ended up in a ditch. If I tried to hit the brakes I would have had more serious consequences so in a no win situation I had to sacrifice the pig.
I do have to admit that I learned long ago not to take things too seriously, and one of the challenges I set for myself is to make some uptight person laugh. The poor lady that took my report was trying so hard to be "professional" and she totally lost it over the pig...and her supervisor heard her giggling and had to find out why...even the supervisor was laughing in the background.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Apr 13
Same here dagami, and it even brought tears to my eyes which is really rare, I usually don't tear up when I am laughing..
Can't wait to share with my son, he loves her Khuay stories, but this one is much funnier. (sorry Khauy, still love you and think you are funny too

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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
7 Apr 13
Personally, I am not sure I would have wanted to be on either end of this call as this must have been a hard one to get thru, and hope you can get something done about your car, and move on.
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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
1 May 13
Hello Lover bear,
I find it puzzling as to why the desk clerk was so Lolled about the whole incident - while it may be uncommon to hit a wild pig, it is not unheard of and I surely don't find it funny, but rather sad, for both you (due to car damage and shock) and for the poor animal.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
22 Apr 13
Thank you so much for giving me such a good laugh tonight. I may share this on Facebook, too. I've already shared this with my husband.
We used to attend a family camp on Catalina Island, and their were wild pigs that used to run through the camp at night. At that time, all the campers slept in open air cabins or tents on platforms. Some campers reported pigs running through their cabins at night. They may have just been telling tall tales or it may have really happened. They did feed the garbage left after meals to the pigs outside the back door of the kitchen every night, so the pigs were in camp. I saw them once from a distance. Usually at some time during the month camp they had a luau and roasted one of the pigs on the beach. I was never there for one of those camps, so I can't tell you how it tastes. Most people I talked to said it was good.
When I was very young, three years old, my mom bought me an ice cream cone and then we drove home. That would have been about 1946. Just as we rounded a corner, the ice cream started to drip on my new coat and mom got distracted and hit the porch of a house on the corner. Her insurance agent kept asking what it was she hit. When she said house, he'd ask "horse?" and she'd say "no, a house." He had the same problem getting it was a house as your agent had getting it was a pig.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
22 Apr 13
Thank you for my morning laugh! I love it when I can start a Monday with a laugh!!! I can believe pigs running through the cabins at night...with the cooler temperatures at night the pigs are much more active and of course if the campers are feeding them....when the food runs out they are looking for more; of course, they're pigs!
Just be careful when you're driving at night! You're also in the pig area... I've seen them in the area of Templeton!!! Especially since there are really good restaurants in Templeton the garbage is too tempting for them to miss.
What is really worrisome is that it was a CHP dispatcher that couldn't get it that it was a PIG I hit!!! Fortunately it wasn't a serious accident otherwise it would have been worse!

@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
23 Apr 13
I've never seen a pig here -- but plenty of deer greet me almost every time I drive into my driveway at night. I've never heard anyone else I know here talk about seeing wild pigs. But I'll keep an eye out. All I need is a wild boar encounter -- in or out of the car. I'm supposed to avoid all accidents right now.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
23 Apr 13
I did have an experience once when I was sure a car was going to hit my VW Bug. The kids were in back and I saw the car coming at us from the side to get in front of us from a side street. I had no idea how we could not be hit. I stepped on the brakes with all I had and missed the car by an inch. I've always believed an angel gave that car a small push so we would miss hitting it. It just wasn't our time to go yet.