Fighting Temptations (Fellas?)
By jmcneil0703
@jmcneil0703 (46)
United States
April 5, 2013 9:52pm CST
So I like to think that i'm a pretty awesome boyfriend and my gf tends to think the same. Now regardless of who you are or how perfect you may seem everybody has issues. I LOVE women and it used to certainly be a problem before i got into a serious relationship but I've gotten it together for the first part. My thing is, we're all human and being at least a decent looking man, temptation can be something serious.
Have you guys ever faced temptation? What do you do to keep from falling into something?
6 responses
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
6 Apr 13
Avoiding temptation is mostly what I do.
Haha, it's not that hard for me since there are not that many guys who could tempt me anyway. However, for guys, I can understand it is harder because there are many great looking women and then there's raging testosterone levels to deal with.
A man who has excellent control is much more attractive. Those who use excuses for being tempted are just lame jerks who are powerless and less of a man than the latter.
@jmcneil0703 (46)
• United States
6 Apr 13
lol aww man Aja that was hardcore at the end! I understand what you're saying though. It most definitely gets hard but before we get ourselves in too deep it's always best to try and remember we have something good at home. But boy if you just so happen to get in an argument with your lady I swear it feels like all these beautiful women have randomly appeared just because you're taken. lol
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
6 Apr 13
Ah. I'm a girl by the way, just to make it clear LOL.
That's the irony isn't it? those who are already taken are the usual ones who are tempted and sought after by other ladies. Some ladies seem to like stealing guys from others. While there are also desperate single men who just can't find any woman who would want them. Life's so unfair. 

@jmcneil0703 (46)
• United States
6 Apr 13
lol i knowwwww! It's so funny how things work out. I'm usually just sitting there looking like wth did you come from lmbo. It's crazy though. Always best to be honest with yourself and others though.

@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
6 Apr 13
A man (or woman) who cannot keep his word is unworthy of any relationship - whether it's friendship, business or romantic. Resisting temptation is simply part of being decent and honest.
Of course, the vast majority of men will taint that thought with a million excuses, especially those who consider themselves "playas" or a real catch, but when push comes to shove there is never, ever an excuse for being unfaithful and anyone who cheats is just a gutless a-hole.
If you're seriously tempted, you have to ask yourself why. If it's enough to break the existing relationship, then you should take care of that first. Once it's over, you can consider the new relationship. If it's not enough to replace what you have, then it's just your little head leading the big one.
And no, I've never cheated.
(Note: "you" used instead of "one", not as in you, yourself, particularly!)

@jmcneil0703 (46)
• United States
6 Apr 13
Well I'm not sure i fit into any of those categories of men but for someone else I guess I understand where you're coming from. Sometimes things don't always turn out right though. Sounds like you're heading more so towards the whole "all means are dogs" idea. Thanks for your insight though.
@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
7 Apr 13
Nope, definitely not. Goes the same for women - honesty is absolutely vital to any relationship.
I assume by "things don't always turn out right" you mean something along the lines of "being unfaithful can happen"... well, yes, obviously.
I'm just saying that it shouldn't ever happen because all it takes is a bit of thought: humans are at the top of the food chain because we have brains we can use to make decisions, rather than simply following instincts like lower animals.
Or, to put it another way, if you're in a relationship with someone, you've made a choice to be with them. If you change that choice, simple decency demands that you inform the person affected BEFORE you run off and stick your bits into someone else (or have them stick theirs into you, whatever floats your boat

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
7 Apr 13
I have two suggestions.
First, meet a couple somewhere, who has something really awesome going on. Meet a man who has a great family, great wife, and great life.
Not a perfect life. If you meet someone with a perfect life, run away. Those people are faking.
When you meet this couple who really has a good thing, remember that this man faced all the same temptation, and got pasted it, and it was worth it.
The best way to beat temptation, is to see the good result, and tell yourself over and over "This is worth it."
What makes you "awesome", is that you have standards, and morals, even when other people do not. Anyone can keep it together in a few weeks, or even a few years. That's par for the course. You want to beat the par, and do something not every man can do? Keep it together for a life time, and remember it's worth it. That's something awesome.
Second tip:
Determine before hand, what you are going to do in a given situation.
No human being can always make perfect wise choices in the moment. This is why military people train so much. They doesn't arrive in the battle, and carefully consider their options.
They already have their responses trained into them. When this happens, do that. When that happens, do this. Snap judgments and choices in the moment, that keep them and their fellow soldiers alive.
You need to have this figured out to, before you ever reach the situation. Like driving down the road at 100 MPH, you gotta know what you are going to do, before you come up on something. You won't have time to think through the situation, when some hot steamy girl slithers up on you.
If you don't have those decisions made before you hit that road bump, you are going to end up flying off the road of life, and ruining everything you have gotten thus far.
You need to think it through now, while you are safe in the arms of your wife, or future wife. Make the choices now, while you can consider the cost and risk of what might happen, without being overwhelmed by the moment.
Then when temptation comes, you have an answer settled in your mind to start with. No, I want a good family, I want a good life, I want a happy marriage, and I'm going to work at it, not with every random hotty that walks by, but with *MY* hot wife, and no one else.... because it's worth it.
That's the best I can give you. I hope it helps, and good luck. This battle will be the most difficult of your life.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
6 Apr 13
Always have the picture of that special person in your mind. And think of all the good times you shared, how she has appreciated you and how much she has shown her love for you.
@gljcleeve (146)
6 Apr 13
There is always the temptation to stray, especially when all those sexy young girls are walking around in skimpy tops and skirts that hardly cover anything.
But if you love the lady you're with, then looking is all that you should do and your love for your lady should be enough to keep you faithfull to her.
But it's very hard sometimes.
@jmcneil0703 (46)
• United States
6 Apr 13
Amen to that man! Looking is the only thing you can do if you plan on having a woman and a place to stay the next day lol! Like you said though being faithful is the key and it definitely does get hard.
@yengnimcdo (217)
• Philippines
6 Apr 13
I always go out with my partner so i wont be tempted to look for others. Spending time together makes you like her more. If that happens ofcourse you wont be finding others.
@jmcneil0703 (46)
• United States
6 Apr 13
Oh yea i definitely feel you yeng. I don't think men, especially good ones, just go out looking for new women when their in a relationship. I know i sure don't. Just gets hard sometimes that's all.