it was shocking when he said that..

April 6, 2013 2:51am CST
hey guys, recently a new guy joined our company and on interrogating about his studies n qualifications he sounded as an average student. Then there was a discussion about earning n salary. i said that no matter what, i am happy with my salary as i am able to meet my needs n requirements by maintaining the budget. Even another colleague of mine said that she was also content with her salary. But when that guy replied we both were left shocked. he said that how can be manage with such meager salary when he spends such an amount within 20 days in the flash of an eye. On inquiring how n where he spends them, he said that he goes to posh hotels pubs with his friends n in the process enjoys so much that he forgets how much he had spent. This was really ridiculous to hear and without thinking anything i said that whatever he was doing he should think about it twice as there r people who do not even have a single penny n look at him he is spending like this. I do not know what is wrong with people, when will they understand the importance of money. what r your thoughts about this guys? What could be reason behind this? How much do u value your money? Please do share your thoughts!
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16 responses
• Singapore
7 Apr 13
He probably just started earning money finally and is happy that he finally has his own money to spend and do not know how to save or make better use of it. Give him another year or so and he will likely learn once he has more responsibilities such as bills to pay.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
18 Apr 13
I also think that most probably he does not know how to spend money and it is always good to save money.
• India
20 Apr 13
@ajithlal- Yes probably he is unaware of how to spend money and since he is a teenager he might have seen his friends from rich families spending money without any hassles, so he might also wanted to stay neck to neck with them but then it does not mean competing with them in spending money. Money should be respected and spent wisely.
• India
14 Apr 13
Well he has just started to earn money but before joining our company he was spending his father's money in a lavish n immature way which is not a good sign and who knows if he could have spent his father's money that way then all his income would also be spent in the same fashion. only time will tell what he would be up to in the coming days.
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@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
7 Apr 13
The money is his to spend since he earns it. The lifestyle is his to choose. When he goes broke before the next payday, the problems are his to shoulder. It is a matter of his personal choice. Just be thankful you have a living example of how NOT to live like. He will probably not listen to you or anyone about being prudent in money management because he has lots of other friends who think otherwise. Hopefully, in due time, he learns through the hard knocks of life.
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• India
14 Apr 13
Yes u are absolutely right, no doubt we are both poles apart in personality but then spending money wisely is something that is applicable to everyone, no matter how rich or poor a person is, i know he is feeling it good to spend money like this but probably he will realize that each penny is important and valuable in his life.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
18 Apr 13
I think it is always good to budget in our lives and budgeting helps to spend money that we earn and to spend money wisely. I always think that hard earned money should be spend wisely and believes that it is good to spend money and to use it carefully.
• India
20 Apr 13
Yes you are absolutely right, i know spending money is not bad at all but spending it blindly is very bad as it not only affects our savings but might put us into trouble as emergency cases might arise at any time, if we spend our money wisely then we can do savings using which our future can be secured and we wont have any worries in our life.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Apr 13
Obvbiously no one has taught him the value of having monery and how to handle it or else he cam from a rich family or else he is a fool. Probably a fool. We have to budget and try to keep to a budget but the budget must be realistic. Anyone in today's world who has a job should endeavour to keep it. |he could have a night out maybe once a month and that is that. Nothing wrong with young people sacrificing now for success later
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes u are absolutely right ,he needs to be taught how to value money and not to spend it like anything he wants, besides i am not saying that he is a fool or hails from a rich family, all i want to say is that he can spend according to his wish and freedom but at the same time he should know the value of each money that he spends.
• India
6 Apr 13
enjoying with what you have earned is fine but there is a limit for everything. if one spends all his earnings in such a careless manner then god only can save him. life is full of uncertainity we dont know what will happen tommorow. so its better to save a portion of our earnings for our future needs. and as humans we should not only think about ourselves. we should spend a portion of our earnings for charity....please kindly advise the guy that when several millions of people die due to starvation its not nice to spend money like he does....
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
6 Apr 13
Hi yes we should not be so careless about life and should learn to save for the rainy day.The person needs some serious guidance about life and is uncertainties.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes u are absolutely right, enjoying life is not a problem but as u have mentioned there has to be limit for that as well, life is uncertain and we have to be prepared to face all such situations otherwise we wont have any solution around us. Besides i have already advised him to be careful about his activities n lets see how much with how much seriousness he will be taking my words.
@Amemi432 (54)
• India
7 Apr 13
I think he's still immature. From what you said he seems to have just completed college, which means there is a chance he never worked a day in his life. I have seen many people like that, who like to show off what a great life style they have, and how great their life is than others around them. In most of those cases, the person is either too rich to care about the money, or the person believes the illusion that that's the best way of life and keeps doing that even if it's hard to make ends meet and end up taking loans, or the person is just lying to look hip. In this guys case I think he's the third type of person. New to job, new atmosphere, new people and new life. He must have thought that would make him look cool or something. Some people do that, when they feel the pressure for the need of blending in. He won't be the same person after a few months in the new office. I for one think twice before spending on anything. Spending on things we need and things we love, is fine. Because in the end we are striving for a happy contended life, not a life filled with just money and no time to even spend it. But then again, I guess it is different for every person.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes u are absolutely right, every person has a different story and a different perception of spending money on things he or she wants to and i do not know what category he falls but all i know is he has a good family background and from his expressions he was not bragging it but rather informing about his lifestyle and it was a matter of regret when he said that he forgets how much he had spent while clubbing.
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
6 Apr 13
He obviously never had to live without money to be spending that way. He will soon find himself living without it though if he's not careful. I mean we all probably make purchases we really shouldn't to some extent. I mean I buy things I really don't need, but I also don't go on a spending spree. I'm usually fairly careful with what I buy. I have to live on a week to week basis, as we don't have jobs that allow us much room to save money. I could probably save some if I cut back, but it's hard the way the economy is, but if it came down to it I would. Needless to say though, this man really should stop and think about what he spends. I am usually good about buying things on sale. My BF hates shopping with me, because I take my time and look at sales and etc. but it pays off. I have saved a ton of money on clothes by buying them on sale. The point you can live fairly reasonably and have room to spend on some leisurely activities if you're careful and don't make a habit of going and spending every last dime you make on such luxury things. If you save in some areas you can spend more in others, but to just go out on a spending spree like that every week is crazy. What he spends in a week sounds like something I would spend once a year for a vacation if I'm lucky.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes u are absolutely right, spending on things we like is not bad but going on a shopping spree without thinking about the savings is a very bad idea as anything can happen at any time, we have to be careful of our expenditure and at least do some savings so that we can utilize it at the right time whenever we want it to do.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
6 Apr 13
Well first of all he could be lying because normal people don't spend if they don't have. He could be just trying to brag about his lifestyle and how he lives it up. If he is really spending money like that with no regard then he is mentally and financially inmature. People who do this and I have known a few are so aggravating because then when they are broke they go around looking for a loan from someone. When I worked before my kids and after I always made sure I paid all the bills and there was food on the table. I could never go and spend knowing money was tight.
• India
14 Apr 13
To be very honest, i do not think he is lying as he was told everything about his life style and since i have been to those places wherever he goes n i know some of his friends, so he is not lying, what i think is he is mentally n financially immature about money and he needs to learn how to spend it wisely of late.
@grvdubey11 (1879)
• India
6 Apr 13
Pity on people like that, on my first visit to ship as Junior Engineer,i worked for eighteen hours non stop and then after four hours rest,i had to clean bilges for two hours. This was just after three days of my joining.That day i realized how hard it is to earn money.That guy has not seen harsh end of the life,sometimes you learn just through the hard way.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yeah u are a bright example for those who do not know the value of money and they would clearly understand how hard it was for u to earn money for yourself. I know u must have felt the importance of money at that time when u got your money and i know may be he is enjoying it at present but soon he would be tested like u in the future.
• India
6 Apr 13
Its very sad to see people like this in a country where people don't even have money for a meal a day.People should know the value of money and should always think about their future and family.I value money a lot and try to save as much as possible and think more than twice before I buy even a gadget or stuffs very necessary.Its very much essential to use money wisely because you cant say when it will be with you and when one will struggle to earn it back or without it.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes u are absolutely right, many people in our country do not even get money to feed their child so they sleep empty stomach by drinking water n on the other hand there r also people in our country who do not think about money and spend it like anything without thinking anything. It is indeed essential to understand the importance of money and spend it wisely.
• India
6 Apr 13
I do not earn too big, but whatever I earn I make savings and do expenses within control. Even when I would get pocket money from my father I was very careful with it. After I started earning on my own, I began making a budget and keeping an account of every single rupee that I spend. I feel painful to see people spending money lavishly and that too on things that affect their health adversely. I wish people could value money and spend it on their family or loved ones and for their own well-being. Instead of wasting the money in night clubs he should plan holidays with his family.
• India
14 Apr 13
Well seriously hats off to you n your thoughts, no matter what, u have always understood the value of money and how to spend it wisely unlike him. Yeah we should be watchful of every penny we spend as it is our hard earned money. Besides i would have loved had he said that he spends for himself or for his dear ones but he is doing just the opposite.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
6 Apr 13
Hi yes some people spend lavishly and also make fun of those who dont do like that. Spending should be in a limit and we should learn to save even when we earn small amount. I have seen people saying that they will save when they earn some big amount but they wont save when they earn small amount. I dont agree with this. No matter how much we earn we should learn to save first .saving doesn't meant that we should not eat or dress properly. Because i have seen people making fun of those (especially the young ones) who speak about savings ,they try to pull their legs and hurt their feelings.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes u are absolutely right, no matter what amount we earn we should always focus on savings first n then we can think about spending on things we want but we can see people doing this in the opposite way. yes even i have seen people making fun of savings n it is very bad habit of theirs n we should not think about them as they would also get a lesson in the future also.
• Canada
7 Apr 13
Well, I would say that he's such a big spender. But it really depends on the person, If he loves to live his life to the fullest then he must have a lot of money, having such lifestyle, clubbing and everything. Let's face it, majority of us plans for the future and budgets our hard-earned money. There would come a time when this guy would get bored with his lifestyle and hopefully when he comes to that point its not too late for him to get back on track. Come to think of it, maybe he was just saying that, he must have the hot for you and wants to impress people in a totally uncool way =p
• India
14 Apr 13
Yeah i totally understand what u want to say through your response and no doubt he might be enjoying his lifestyle and wants to go our clubbing but then he should not have said that he do not remember how much he spends at the end of the day as he has still not earned like his father. So he should earn that way that even if he brags about it we wont mind.
• Japan
7 Apr 13
A happy-go-lucky guy maybe? he has the right to choose whatever life he wants to live in :) YOLO, he is just basically enjoying his life to the fullest :D Each of us has different way of enjoying ourselves :D But as for me, i cant afford to do as i please as i dont have enough money to do so :D LOL
• India
14 Apr 13
Yeah u are absolutely right, he has all rights n freedom to enjoy his life and even i am not speaking ill about his lifestyle and his way of leading his life, what i trying to say is that amidst all this, he should know the value of money and should not spend it immaturely. he can spend it within a limited amount so that he does not regret at the end.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
6 Apr 13
Obviously he is not worried about not having money. He must come from a rich family. But even so, he must need to learn to value money so that he may have something to use in cases of emergency. \ With this kind of lifestyle, he seems to be buying friends to have a life.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yeah dear you are absolutely right, when he said those words i did not find it important to ask about his family background but no matter what, one should always learn to value money as it is not earned so easily by anyone and being so young he should be taught about this by his parents. I hope he learns about this very soon to value money.
6 Apr 13
Maybe he wanted to experience the other taste of life which is worry free and free from prisoners of money, he's good in my own opinion since I myself is locked up for the needs of money and always weighing things on how to spend I know somebody who has the same scenario as he, and it really amaze me in some manner
• India
14 Apr 13
Yeah i can understand what u r trying to say and who would not like to lead a life free from tensions stress n responsibilities but that does not mean that in the name of luxurious n lavish life we wont pay attention to and respect money. if he would have done it then no matter what i wont raise fingers on anyone's personal life.