Death to atheists

April 6, 2013 10:56am CST
So Im reading the news that Islamic activists wants death penalty on atheists in Bangladesh. Anyone wants to comment on that??
6 responses
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
6 Apr 13
Do you have a link to that story?
• Italy
7 Apr 13
Sure, hows your norwegian? I read it in a norwegian newspaper since Im norwegian myself. This site wont let me add it here but you find it on Richard Dawkins has written about it on twitter. Just write some goodlooking keawords, it shouldnt be hard to find.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
11 Apr 13
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
12 Apr 13
Thank you!
@cairalyssa (1402)
• Malaysia
6 Apr 13
Huhh.. nowadays there are so many people been using good name of Islam but then commit an act that is totally against Islamic law and they wanna call themselve a muslim.. There are no force to be a muslim, Even prophet Muhammad treats all prisoners very well.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
6 Apr 13
In 2005 I visited the Maldives. I remember reading that country is 100 percent Muslim. I saw the Grand Friday mosque in Male, that country's capital city. In my home country we are allowed to be any religion. Some people are agnostic or atheist. It is a personal choice. No person can be forced to believe in the Islam religion if he or she doesn't happen to do so. Atheists should be allowed to live in Bangladesh. Islamic activists can be really horrible.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
6 Apr 13
JanEdward I think those who believe anyone should be murdered for their beliefs is tragic. Certainly thankfully, not all Muslims feel that way. Like extremists in all religions, they need to be seen as needing more education.
• Indonesia
6 Apr 13
Every country, have they own different laws, and some of them claimed it 'based on Islamic laws' which are not! In my country, we have some Atheists too, but all of us live peacefully, to being atheist, or Hindu, or Buddhist or Christians is a CHOICE, Islam never pushing belif to other people, and are not condemned people because what they choose to believe.
• United States
6 Apr 13
I think that would be like our Witch Hunts. Many people were put into jail and some killed because they were accused of that when they weren't witches. I understand that one of my relatives was put into jail and only escaped with her life when they banned that being done. Even Christians have a hard time living or working in countries that mostly something else besides Christianity. I was reading in a mission paper about a couple having to move out of India because of their work and was having to move from where they were at the present because they were Christians.