Candid or Rude?

April 8, 2013 7:04am CST
Life is funny ,you get caught in funny but tricky situations.How many times it has happened that someone asks for honest opinion and when it is given they say you are rude.I would like to give few examples here, girlfriend of one of my friend asked him how is her dress, he didn't like it so he said its not good, since then she always tell him that he is overall a rude person.Second example is that my senior offered me Coke, i respectfully refused to take it, so he asked why, i told him that its not good for health,so he answered that is he a fool to drink coke everyday! So i wonder what makes us react that way to candid opinions?is honest opinion means that you have to always say something positive or you have to be diplomatic,otherwise you are rude.You guys had any experience like that?
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14 responses
• Canada
8 Apr 13
Hi grvdubey I always prefer someone to be honest than sugar coat it. For some people I can feel if they truly want an honest answer or not. You are right it is crazy when people ask a question but yet they really deep down do not want to hear the truth. Sometimes people like this I just ask them back gee what do you think, most times they will say oh I really like this or that and then we are left wondering why did you ask in the first place (if you are not going to like my answer) just the way people are I guess.
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• India
8 Apr 13
Hello Laurenlynn Thanks for understanding, actually that is my worry.There are some nice people who give honest opinion but when they are labelled as rude for doing it, they just get diplomatic.Why to change something good ? but sadly that happens.
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
9 Apr 13
Many times it is the tone and choice of words in which the answer is delivered which makes it seem rude. In the examples you gave, however, it sounds as if they were just really honest answers. Those people are just looking for confirmation. Someone probably already told the person that coke was bad for him, deep down he knows it...just looking for people to agree that it is ok so that he can feel ok with it. It's kind of the same thinking that heavy drinkers have. They may have nothing in common other than that one habit or vice but it bonds them together like nothing else.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
9 Apr 13
It has always puzzled me as to why someone would even want to be friends with a person that they can't be candidly honest with. The friendship will never go beyond superficial so what is the point. I could and am polite to someone like that but I could never get close to them and they would probably avoid me anyways because I won't candy coat a truth just to appease to them.
• India
9 Apr 13
Its good to have attitude like yours but its rare,there are lot of people who like to have sidekicks instead of friends.The friend is supposed to correct you when you make a mistake.A true friend is not someone who supports every thought and act of yours,but unfortunately that kind of people get much more attention ,and candid people get rejected quite often.
• India
9 Apr 13
You are absolutely right,sometimes way of talking seems to be rude.About giving honest opinions, people are just looking for supporters like you correctly mentioned.Actually most of the people will give diplomatic opinions only,they will try their best to make sure no one gets upset with them because they can make lots of friends by this nature.Only very few will give honest opinions, and they should not be discouraged.Thanks a lot for your response.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
26 Apr 13
Some people don't like to hear the truth and they would much rather you be diplomatic and tactful, but surely lying is not helping, if someone looks terrible in what they are wearing, isn't it better to tell them straight rather than them going out and making a fool of themselves? People are frightened of being candid in that they don't want to offend, or be rude, so would they rather us be liars and tell them they look great when in fact they look the opposite to spare their feelings? They can't have it both ways.
• India
26 Apr 13
You are right wolfie, why one should expect us to lie.There is nothing wrong in telling the truth respectfully and it should be taken in sporting manner.Opinions are not always positive they can be negative too,so the person asking for it should be ready for all kind of opinions.Thanks a lot for your response.
• India
8 Apr 13
Some people doesn't tend to appreciate you when you give your honest opinion and some does. I feel if you have the acceptance then it can help you excel in many things. I have achieved many goals due to this. Once a person (good friend of mine) told me that i am too fat to look good and should shed some extra pounds, i might have taken it in negatively but instead i accepted it which motivated me to loose weight. Now today i have achieved my weight loss goal.
• India
8 Apr 13
That's correct, the person who puts that much efforts in giving you his/her honest opinion will surely be your well-wisher. But some people tend to take it personally and starts ego-war with them.
• India
8 Apr 13
That's correct.I am assuming of-course but that person must have made that comment because he/she wanted to see you in a good shape instead of being fat so the intention was positive overall.But ive seen that people do take offense if you call them fat,this is when they themselves are aware that they are not in good shape.
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@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
8 Apr 13
No doubt, there are n number of inferior people in this world. Though the level of inferiority varies from person to person. One should be careful from these people who can't appreciate your honest answer, especially, if he is your boss. In case of your senior or boss, just make sure that you react diplomatically. These are not only inferior, they are self centered too. That you'll come to know by their reaction. E.g. you were sharing your own preference with your senior but he was so self centered that he compared your opinion with his own and due to inferiority he replied like that. Such people should contact a psychiatrist but they'll never do that.
• India
8 Apr 13
Thanks for honest answer, so its like that,may be those people are buried under their own egos and just want to hear things which favors them.
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• India
8 Apr 13
And guess what, we should not give a f to them and their attitude, sometimes we should ignore and sometimes we should make sure that they understand what a piece of sh!t they are..
• India
8 Apr 13
That really got you worked up bro, and understandably so,thanks for the support.
@joizee (502)
• Philippines
9 Apr 13
I always ask my husband how do I look everytime we go out but he always reply "Yeah, yeah. Good, good." And when I insist of an "honest opinion", he goes high blood in answering "bahala ka na!" ("Do what you will!"). I just want to hear if I look good and if not, I would like to hear what to add or what to change instead of hearing just "It doesn't look good on you". Perhaps the "honest opinion" girls looking for is the subtly of telling them what to change or to add to look good (if not better). Other girls might share the same sentiment. :)
• India
9 Apr 13
That's a good point, i have to agree, the opinion should be more constructive like you mentioned.Thanks a lot for your response.
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
8 Apr 13
Some people don't value honesty as they should. Some are just not prepared to hear the truth because they may be too sensitive about it. If I knew I was too sensitive, I wouldn't bother asking anyone to validate what I already know anyway.
• India
8 Apr 13
That's a honest response, thank you!,i agree ,if someone is sensitive about opinions they should not ask for it.World would be much better place if everyone start thinking like that.
• Canada
8 Apr 13
i always get caught into this trap of sticky situations when i give out my opinion. i guess i would agree sometimes that i am rude but what can you expect sometimes?! ive told my friend that a shirt doesnt make her arms look good. i didnt think that it was so rude to say that and that maybe i was even helping her. but i hit a sore spot and she started freaking out. to this day she wont ask me my opinion in her clothes bc she thinks im rude. im guessing someone before me had lied about tht shirt and told her she looked great. me, personally, would like it if someone was honest with me that something didnt look good. obviously i would be hurt if they said something that hit a deep spot that i am sensitive about but i already know that if i am sensitive about it. and maybe i should hear it so i work on that thing or even work on hiding it from the general public. i dont drink coke ever (even when i was a kid). i get called a snob often when i reject such things but i dont care at the end of the day because its my own choices and no one will remember that they thought of me as rude or a snob until they ask for my opinion again. if they really dont want to hear it, i just come on mylott and blurt it out :P everyone wins
• India
8 Apr 13
Thanks for putting this up in a nice and detailed manner.I completely agree with you, some people are too sensitive.They don't know the process, actually no one is perfect in the world so honest opinions just help you be get better.
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@natliegleb (5175)
• India
9 Apr 13
Candid i would say he is trying to be frank and also share the opinion squite lightly
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
8 Apr 13
Yeah I understand what you mean. Some people may be offended no matter what. And at other times people can be honest and yet tactful. I know for example my husband opinions are almost always negative in some way. So I just have to tell him to be tactful or I don't ask him opinion .
• India
8 Apr 13
Thanks for understanding.In case someone does not want honest opinions they should make it clear, because those opinions are can possibly be negative for you.Actually it should be taken that way, if someone is really giving you honest opinion that means they actually have good intentions.
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• Philippines
8 Apr 13
Many times, but I don't care for the first time before I say she said honest opinion, then so be it frank is different from being frank but it depends on the opinion of the other person.
• India
8 Apr 13
Yes, when someone asks for honest opinion she/he should be prepared for all kinds of answers.Thanks a lot for your response.
• Singapore
9 Apr 13
Maybe when people ask for honest opinions they are actually feeling down or unsure of themselves and wants to hear something positive. Hence they are really asking for honest opinions that are positive:) Not many people can handle negative feedback, and it may be worse if it is candid. If it is malicious at least they can dismiss it as untrue.
• India
9 Apr 13
That's a good point ,its a strong possibility that people are not confident about themselves and they just need support by a positive response.But a honest opinion not in their favor upsets them like you pointed out.Thanks a lot for your response.
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• Italy
8 Apr 13
My girlfriend has asked me the "how do i look?" question several times. I have told her that if she asks me, then she will get my honest opinion, and not nessesary what she wants to hear.
• India
8 Apr 13
That's a very wise thing to do in my opinion, thanks a lot for your response.
• Philippines
9 Apr 13
Some people are narrow minded. They cannot accept the fact that sometimes they are being refused. It's just okay if they gets mad. You are just being true with yourself. Keep it up. You don't need to pretend that you like or want someone just because you want them to be happy. Sometimes you need to be honest for them too realize their mistakes
• India
9 Apr 13
Thanks a lot for the kind words.Actually if you are habitual of giving honest opinions then it becomes difficult to judge who will like it or hate it.But like you mentioned correctly one needs to be true to his/her nature.