Stupid creation

April 8, 2013 10:32am CST
The most stupid creation is create nuclear bomb. What i know nuclear bombs is only to use to destroy the world and destroy the human too. Since time immemorial humans are always killing each other. Human always never feel satisfied with what they have and are willing to kill each other and destroy the world to achieve their goals. One day the god will give punishment to all of us. I very sure it very scary than nuclear bomb.
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17 responses
@lampar (7584)
• United States
8 Apr 13
Power crazy politicians and the desire to dominate the world require nuclear armed nations to pursue bigger and more lethal nuclear and atomic bombs. It is no doubt there are very bad men out there who are ruthless rulers and leaders of many nations in our present world, they want to see the world end monumentally and all living creatures parish forever from this planet before the after life. There is only one habitable planet in our solar system and milky way, the only way to destroy it; kill astronomical number of people and various life in it is through the use of nuclear bombs and weapon. It is the weapon of the century where human foolishness is at its best.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Personally I wouldn't necessarily consider it is a 'stupid creation' but rather a dangerous invention especially if it is in the wrong hand like an outlaw regime in a rogue nation, terrorist group and insane rulers like those of Ayatollah type of people, then it can be used as a tool to reach paradise and full fill their apocalyptic prophecy. If it is in a legitimate government possession and lawful nations, then it will be a lot secure and can act as a deterrence against unintended provocation from empire and kingdom that seek to dominate every nation on earth through militarism. History of nation show us that certain empire and kingdom can afford to spend huge amount of $$ in their military buildup and create vast army to dominate every land on earth, but with nuclear bombs in hand, few free nations will then be able to break free from their domination, like the case of second world war on Japanese occupation of Far East region came to an end with the deployment of 2 atomic bombs, the whole region suddenly free again from the brutal rape of Jap. occupying soldiers.
• Malaysia
12 Apr 13
Some leader in some country not have enough resources or land that why they want to attack another country. Some also want show their power and want to control the world like they have this earth. It look like someone try to make world war iii start.
• Malaysia
17 Apr 13
I very sure war in the future will use nuclear bomb. Ohh it so scary. If all of us still alive in that time we will become a dust.
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
8 Apr 13
it does have it pros and cons about nUclear... after Atomic bomb. people also discover that it can harness its power for industries..and power plant to supply energy and electricity for city..etc... all these are neccessary evil.. its all is what nature calls TAO..or DO in japanese..thats the way of nature..or u may call it destiny..fate etc.. if atomic bomb were never invented..the world might be in worst condition till today.. japan and Nazi probably still around mistreating everyone who is weak.. but now all change..all better than 1 billion years ago..not the best..but the best is yet to come.. :)
• Malaysia
8 Apr 13
I say about nuclear bomb not nuclear. I know nuclear have a lot of good things to help human but I not see any good things with nuclear bomb.
• Malaysia
11 Apr 13
Yeah good to destroy population and earth.
• Malaysia
11 Apr 13
yes..that is the purpose.... the bad guys..have the nuclear bomb.... the good guys doesnt have.. so..what th egood guys should do? prepare themselves with also a nuclear bomb incase the bad guys attacks the people of the good..or just go to Tibet and hide? if everybody doesnt have nuclear bomb..then it will be better..
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
10 Apr 13
Tell me about it is really sad, just as human/animal testing, the idea of the predomiance of the arian race (Hitler) and so many crazy ideas human mind can think about. It's a shame that the creator didn't just kept it to himself because we had harmful and deadly weapons already, nuclear bomb just not end lives but spoil the soil it fell in, it's just horrible, it messes the air and affects the whole world, not only the victim's target.
• Malaysia
21 Apr 13
That things not only for kill the army but to destroy population and nature. We not get any profit use that things.
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
The study of nuclear technology was actually started because of a good cause- finding a massive amount of energy that can be used by people. However, some people just won't get enough and would use something for the worse and not for the good of others. It's just terrible how people would like to think of wiping off an entire population just because of different beliefs and what worse is just because of their greed for power.
• Philippines
23 Apr 13
Yes, it is so sad that people are not connected with what they have. I guess it is somehow human nature. Even Einstein regretted creating such formula. He trusted people so much. Thought that they could be entrusted with such responsibility. Unfortunately not all people are the same. Some choose to be good and others choose to be bad. It is so sad.
• Malaysia
17 Apr 13
Why not we use a resources god give to us for something good. Why must create something bad.
@kokomo (1866)
• Philippines
1 May 13
Yeah, nuclear bomb are really very scary when it will gonna explode. Well, I don't really know also why did they create that just to harm our fellow people. I think that invention should be the first to be dispose and never retrieve anymore.
• Malaysia
1 May 13
Yeah something like this should dispose and never retrieve anymore.
• India
8 Apr 13
100% i agree with you. humans are the most stupid creations in this world. all the problems in this world are created by humans. we humans create stupid inventions like nuclear bomb, we pollute the environment through vehicles and industries. and we pretend to save this world through putting several environmental conventions such as the kyoto protocol, rio summit etc. how funny
• Malaysia
8 Apr 13
Yes animal never make a problem to this world. Animals do not have common sense, but they are not so stupid to destroy this world. Create something like nuclear bomb is not smart thing. It very idiot thing. It can destroy a earth very fast.
• India
8 Apr 13
absolutely you are right. in this world only humans are said to have the 6th sense, common sense........but only humans in this world do all sorts of things in the name of common sense which in reality makes no sense at all.
• Philippines
8 Apr 13
Nukes are good if used for good. It is an amazing source of energy this thing but yeah human beings are greedy and always aim for power, to be the most powerful, to be God. So let us just pray that no one is really going to bomb someone with it in the near future. We never learn from history. Sad!
• Malaysia
12 Apr 13
Yeah human never satisfied about what they have. It's very idiot when they think they powerful than god. Yeah I hope nobody will use nuclear bomb in the future. We don't want to get radiation from nuclear bomb.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
9 Apr 13
This all happened because one one nature of human being that is greediness ! They wanted to own everything , they never contented with their own territory , resources and power . They wanted to own the whole world . To do this they invented things things that can help them become powerful . They invented things that they thought it will protect their territory if invaded by other country , they seemed to become paranoid. So sad for this country who is so busy making destructive weapon when in fact so much more important things they needed to address such as poverty and education. Hope they will focus more on than being paranoid on things that will not happen.
• Malaysia
21 Apr 13
Some country always produce and create new high technology weapon. There is a certain intention to invade another country. We dont know what will happen in future.
9 Apr 13
I do not understand why some people are so crazy to destroy their fellow people. Power mongers are working behind are all these evil creation. They invest huge amount of money to invent these destruction items. I do not know why they like to trade at the cost human lives. God bless them to understand the reality.
• Malaysia
21 Apr 13
I don't know. Some human is very greedy they think all in this world they have it or think only their races should live in this earth and think they choosen by god.
• United States
9 Apr 13
I also believe it is the most irrelevant invention. This must have been as a result of man's quest for technological advancement and to attract attention. In my own candid opinion, I think nuclear weapon is the least of things we need.
• Malaysia
12 Apr 13
Some country they create that things to show their power and bully the weak country. Why not all country free from nuclear bomb weapon? I think we don't need this things.
• Singapore
9 Apr 13
I believe even Einstein himself regretted creating it. He tried to stop it being used against Japan and was very sorry when it was used, if I am not wrong he said he should not have become a scientist.
• Malaysia
21 Apr 13
I believe the main reason drop atomic bomb in Hiroshima in Nagasaki is to test a bomb and weapon. They still do it in Korea war, Vietnam war, Iraq and Afghanistan.
@scubapro (1049)
• Gifu, Japan
9 Apr 13
most stupid and most crazy creation is some people in this world what kind of person disocvered that nuclear bomb,he must be crazy and devilmind person nuclear bomb doesnt kill people only makes everybody sick and also kill everybody around that place. is really bad weapon, i hate wars and i wish there will no more wars in the world
• Malaysia
21 Apr 13
Hmm what I know first people who is create atomic bomb is Albert Einstein. Maybe he is idiot because create this things?
@aconno (20)
• Canada
9 Apr 13
after my studies of Science and History of the world I have appreciated the world we live in so much more. I agree there is no use of the nuclear bomb I wish it never existed as it is to powerful of a weapon to be used in the perfect balance of the world. I have sincere apologies to the Japanese people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to have had to deal with such a thing. honestly 100,000 immediate lives were lost because of those bombs most of which were innocent people who never deserved to die in a war that they should have no fighting cause to be in.
• Malaysia
12 Apr 13
Yeah it so sad. When someone use atomic bomb or nuclear bomb I think it not fight against army but that is try to kill or destroy population in some nation.
@tinayu (214)
• China
9 Apr 13
the nature of humans is greedy,when they gain something,they want more.accordingly they endlessly grab from other people,animals,our mother nature even the outspace.what can stop human beings' steps? the answer is "nothing".While the human being is great,they can create computers,rockets,spaceships and other things which can facilitate our lives,even the nuclear bombs,the human being is also very tiny,they feel helpless when our mother nature punishs them with her own styles including floods,earthquakes,hurricanes,volcanic explosions and this moment,i want to call on many people:slow down your steps,enjoy the beauty around you that may be disappeared in some future,be satisfied with what you have!
• Malaysia
17 Apr 13
Human think they very power but they forgot a god power. Yeah that right we should satisfied what god give to us.
@marguicha (225677)
• Chile
8 Apr 13
Nuclear bombs and other weapons are bad because we, human beings like to kill our brethren. The discovery of radioactivity has made possible the my types of cancers that were incurablñe before are being cured. How many of us have had a radiography to see a problem in our lungs? The problem belongs to mankind. What are we doing fighhting with each other instead of helping and giving a hand to the needy ones?
• Malaysia
8 Apr 13
Why we cannot live peaceful? Why we must to fight each other? Why we must to create high technology weapon? God give mind and brain to human to think which is good and which is bad but human like to choose a bad things.
@yume11 (183)
• Romania
8 Apr 13
Yes...It's a stupid creation.. It's sad to see that humans use things ,which they first made to make their life easier, to fight and to destroy... But everyone it's dreaming for a different Heaven... They[those who fight & kill] dream of a world dominated just by them...we dream for something different. But in the end we'll all end in the same ground, realizing our mistakes too late... We have just to be patient, to finish all the resources, so we will can't make nuclear bombs and other things to fight/kill/ destroy and maybe then we, humans, we'll realize that we have to turn our face to nature and pace again, like in the beginning times.
• Malaysia
12 Apr 13
Human never learn from mistake in the past. In world war iii I'm very sure nuclear bomb will be use. It's the beginning of the destruction of the world when nuclear bomb use. We will go back like in era in the past if we survive from nuclear bomb war because all technology is destroyed. So sad when nuclear abused.
@Deepak2J (1177)
• India
8 Apr 13
Yes. humans are the worst creation ever been made.
• Malaysia
8 Apr 13
It so sad. One day we will lost our beautiful earth and the technology.