I like to change avatars

April 8, 2013 11:48am CST
I cannot only use 1 avatars for forever. I know if we not change avatars it easy to other to remember about us but I think it's only me use this name here and I think it's easy to remember my name. I always use handsome avatars. If you see handsome avatars that is me. Hehe. I feel like I want to change to my real photo again. It very good to use our own photo but I shy to show my handsome photo.
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10 responses
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
8 Apr 13
I guess you are confident enough with your handsomeness, so why so shy to put one? As for me, I do regularly change my avatar now and then. I always save my old profile pictures on "my photos" here But I never use any real photo of me.
2 people like this
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
I afraid people will steal my photo or jealous with my photo. I know I not very.handsome in this world I just make a joke.
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
10 Apr 13
^ Come on, just upload one photo of yours, and let us decide your handsomeness Just kidding
@deazil (4730)
• United States
8 Apr 13
If you put your real photo up you'll have all the girls after you like in Facebook. Haha! You used to have your own pic. It was very good. I wouldn't want my own picture on the internet. But I like the avatars you have. They're always interesting and fun to look at.
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
We should put nice picture to attract other to respond in our discussion even our discussion not interesting. Hehe. Just joke. By the way having a nice picture give me more motivation to login in mylot everyday.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Apr 13
AkamarKei I love to make graphics so I change my avatar quite often and I think people will know me as the n., one leader here with the large number after my user name hatley. lol here I am hatley elsewhere[ i am not I have my real name Patsie Hatley on my Facebook account as i am the one holding the quad cane and wearing a wild sweater and I have white hair too.My nylot friend is Lori of dumblondedizzy user , We had a lovely visit.
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
9 Apr 13
Hello Hatley. Did you change your Facebook picture? I see two ladies sitting on a bench and next to one lady is a cane...Is that you? I would like to send you a friend request.
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
9 Apr 13
My real name is Cody Stewart...
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
Haha! Yeah Hatley I see only you have more than 50000 user rating in mylot. For me to reach that number I think I need more than 10 years. Is that name you use in facebook. I think I want to add you as friend in facebook.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
9 Apr 13
we can not change avatar? really? ohhhhh ok ok.. let us see your handsome photo. ok ok ..... gooo aka.. you can do it.
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
Why you cannot change your avatars? You have seen my handsome photo before this. You should know how I look like. I still waiting you comment my photo in my profile picture.
• Malaysia
12 Apr 13
I see you comment in someone profile picture before this. Did he comment in your profile picture too that why you comment back in his profile picture?
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
12 Apr 13
Ahhh I thought WE CAN NOT CHANGE avatar for recognition purposes, like we can not change the USERname. Why would I comment on your personal photo when You did not comment on mine. and besides, would I earn from commenting on your handsome photo?
@Deepak2J (1178)
• India
8 Apr 13
I too don't like to use my own photo. Yeah, and also I am not interested in using a photo of someone else or a photo/image created by someone else. So, I am keeping it blank till I create/design a photo/image myself.
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
I don't like to see my avatars blank and I like to put a picture from j-rock band member if I not put my own photo.
@Deepak2J (1178)
• India
10 Apr 13
That's good
• China
9 Apr 13
Hi AkanaruKei I like to change avatars too!It's a very important thing for me to change my avatars every month,I like the sports stars very much.
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
I think I not change avatars every month. Sometime I only use some avatars in a day or a week. That depend to me too. Sometimes very fast to bored with some picture that why I change it.
@allknowing (132525)
• India
9 Apr 13
I thought I was the one who changed avatars like crazy. Here we do not have a record of the number of times we change the avatar. But I keep doing it all the time, mainly to showcase my photography and my garden.
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
Yeah I like to change avatars. If you always follow me you will.see my avatars always change.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
8 Apr 13
Glad to hear that you enjoy changing your avatar picture. I don't have a person picture up. I just have one of my cat.
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
I have some animal picture I take by my own. Sometime I think I want to add that picture as my avatars.
@yume11 (183)
• Romania
8 Apr 13
Hi, Aka! I'm like you... I'm too shy to show my picture in avatars[ on messenger or here], but I put in my avatars something that I feel in that moment or something that represents me. I don't say that what I'm doing it's right, or what you're doing it's right too or that showing our own pictures it's right.. Everyone of these chooses has some advantages and some disadvantages... Like: if we show our pics we'll have to worry about identity stealing... Also, sometimes not showing our pics might make others think that we're trustfulness persons... It's a hard situation with these avatars :(...
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
Yeah I don't want people steal my photo. I not anybody. That no need to steal my photo. I feel more comfortable if I use my own photo.
@scubapro (1051)
• Gifu, Japan
9 Apr 13
yeah avatars here are really important i think,it shows our charachter sometimes and shows what kind of person we are? maybe hahaa,i love people so much,i love supporting them and care them so i use a girl avatar who is hugging people i dont wanna change it because i want to be in people s mind with my big heart but if you want ou can change it,there is nothing wrong here happy mylotting
• Malaysia
10 Apr 13
Yeah I also think avatars is very important to show ourself. If I found.other photo I like I will change my avatars. I very fast to bored with some photo.