Why Do Some People Think The Internet Is Their Life?

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
April 9, 2013 1:13pm CST
and these are people who do not work, are on SSI, and do not access sites online most of the time. They are just gamers playing internet games where you chat and interact with others and can spend your extra $$ that you have left on buying extra powers and such. And this is more important in your life than eating or sleeping, and when it goes out or having issues you have to make such a big deal that you make everyone elses life around you so miserable too. Do you know people like this? Have you ever had the pleasure of dealing with them? What would you do if these were people you knew? As many of you know, we rent out the extra rooms in our house to help bring in a little extra $$ to help with the bills. This means you take your chance, and get all types. We have had our share of different types and a few from HELL. (They were FILTHY and never wanted to pay.) Now we have one who pays his rent on time, but LAZY. His life seriously revolves around the internet and his Computer gaming. This is more important than anything else, and if it is not working even for a second, I have to hear about it. He even has to check the speeds, etc. to make sure everything is up to par, and when I had to have Comcast here to check on something he had to have them come down to his room too. He never goes out anywhere. He has never gotten his medical squared away and he has been here for 3 months due to he does not want to go maybe 15 minutes from here to go to the Social Security office and make sure they have the right address. He would rather just come complain about his IBS all the time, instead of taking something for it. If he does go somewhere he has to beg someone to take him even if it is a 10 min walk up to the little convenience store. Personally I do admit for Business reasons, and for wanting to be here on the internet like with myLot, the internet is important and one of the main things I need, but I live with it when it is having issues. You don't see me panicking and making a big deal about it, unless like one time last month he was somehow hogging all the Band with. But come on, instead of eating or sleeping you have to be awake playing a game and that is your life? Too me that is LAZY and not very considerate of others. **He's complained to his Mother about my getting upset when he hogs the internet, and says it is his life, and she says since he refuses to take care of himself maybe he needs an Adult daycare, and I agree. But then he would have to eat 3 meals a day and could not be online 24-7** He is a nice guy, but very demanding and LAZY. We have to even ask him to clean his room up etc. He refuses to do anything to help himself. I think he personally has many MENTAL issues besides Health he is refusing to want to deal with, and feel anywhere that could help him would probably be better, so maybe somehow his Mom can help him see he needs help and get him the help he needs even when he is being so STUBBORN. ~~TINA~~
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29 responses
@shorty08322 (1270)
• United States
9 Apr 13
because that is what they want to do will let them
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
13 Apr 13
But to seriously not want to do anything else with their life ever, this is unreal and makes you wonder what their life ever can become.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
18 Apr 13
I also think that some people does not want to do anything in life and does not want to take responsibilities in life and would like to spend more time in the internet.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
9 Apr 13
Your right... its because they can.. The internet is a big part of mine as I own an internet cafe. But Im also online all day at many site to earn a few extra dollars each month. Im not in fb, or game sites. Only sites that pay me. Have asuper Tuesday there.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Apr 13
Personally, I think a lot of times, this is true. And many times they don't want to do anything in their life that ,might take a little work or initiative. They are happy with their make believe game world to where they never want to do anything else. Could never catch them in somewhere like here just because this is too much comprehension for them.
• Mexico
18 Apr 13
I know Im hooked. Im online for so many things every single day. I get real mad when the cable signal goes down even for just an hour. Take care there.
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
9 Apr 13
Hello Krause, I´m glad to read you. I think that this is the kind of adult we have defined as "ninis" at my country. It would sound like "neenees". Ni works Ni studies. It means he doesn´t work, he doesn´t study. It is like a new culture among the young adults. It´s cool for them being neenees. And as you say I think it is lazyness. In my country they are trying to beat this culture enhancing youngers to work, to study and to exercise too. They are weak souls that need to be encouraged, and maybe someday life will knock at their door asking for answers, and at that day they will realize they are going the wrong way. I wouldn´t like my children become neenees so I have to support and raise them properly. Blessings Krause... dainy
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Apr 13
Some good comments here. The problem is with the one I am referring too, will be 40 next month. There are some issues I feel medically wrong like severe depression and not caring about himself, but other than this I often think a .out of it is laziness as well. Why do some people seriously think that they need to be playing a game all the time, and then say they are computer genius but never online doing anything else?
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Apr 13
Could be worse. He could be an axe-wielding murderer. To be honest (like Gifts said) if he's paying the rent..and there's nowhere in your discussion to suggest he's not..then I'd just leave him be. He's not doing any harm. What's the situation with the internet? Does he contribute to the bill or not?
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@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
9 Apr 13
I couldn't have any one like this, living in my house, this man would have to be in an adult home, and I would make sure he get to one to,I don't care if he does pay his rent ontime, he wouldn't be in my house, he sound like a very nasty person, my brother live with us, and he has very nasty habits, and he doen't pay rent to my niece, and she talks to him about paying rent, and he seems to do nothing about it, I want to move out here, I don't care about things being high, I want my own place, and I don't want anyone living with me either.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Apr 13
Well, there are other things I could post and might, but I guess due to I would not want to see him or anyone else out there like him homeless, I guess that is why I just try to live with it. Since he also has one of his friends now living in the other room we had available for rent, things are a little better. Just still can't believe the internet with gaming can really be someone's life.
• Philippines
9 Apr 13
some people doesnt know or not interested making money online because they dont have time to confirm or search the net if its really possible to earn online. some of them find those things they do as a fun thing thats why they continue doing it even they are spending.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
13 Apr 13
It would be one thing if they had a Life outside of gaming, but when it is gaming instead of getting out of the house, and even taking a shower ever, then it makes you wonder.
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@vicky30 (4766)
• India
10 Apr 13
I have noticed this on the internet. People who are sick, they love to work online and get money. If there is no internet for a day or the service provider goes down they will complain about it. When the internet is active, people should not spend their time playing games, unless they are kids. Even i too use the internet just to earn money. Once a week i log into facebook to see if any one has sent me a friend request or messaged me. I am trying to sacrifice my earnings now so i can enjoy greater earnings in the future. I think maybe someone has to understand his feelings and needs and then take a decision about what should be done. He will get better if we cooperate with him and understand his fears and problems.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
10 Apr 13
I am agreeing with a few others here in that he does pay his rent on time and everything else, save him taking up the bandwidth, and him not cleaning up after himself, should not be of your concern. If you are genuinely concerned and want to help him all you can really do is enlist his mother's help. However, if she can merely suggest what should be done, then there really is nothing to be done about it. I'd leave it be unless he does something to harm you, your home, or he stops paying his rent.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
15 Apr 13
Sometimes, as a parent, I would think that we failed our kids in some ways by introducing them to gaming or the internet. I think it's fine for our generation because we know what life is like without the internet. We managed without it growing up. But I think the younger kids nowadays don't know life without being plugged in. Yes, it could be good sometimes as it could help them with their career or their business, but once in a while we get kids just like you described.
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• United States
10 Apr 13
I am sorry that you have someone living with you who is lazy. Does he use your computer or does he have his own computer? I like being online and when I was in school I used it quite a bit to get my homework done, but now that I am out of school I use the Internet to make money on mylot and a couple of other sites. I am also starting to research to see what I need to do to start my own online business. I found one site to sell on, but I am looking at a couple of other web sites as well. I hope he will get things in order and that his mom can talk to him.
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10 Apr 13
Some people in life have no ambition,goals or desires to better themselves or there lives,but the question is,is this a bad thing?If he is a happy then how can it be bad as I believe happiness is truly the most important thing in life.
• Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
10 Apr 13
Sometimes I have this same feeling and I see how I live I can understand why too many people think The Internet is their life. I learn must of things online, I meet hundreds of people online every day. I market products and services online. I make money online, this way Internet because all or a must
• United States
10 Apr 13
Video games are suppose to be a hobby, not a lifestyle. Unless he plans to be a video game designer or something where he can make profit, it is only a game and nothing more. He needs to be more dependent for himself too. Sometimes people need help getting to an independent state, but not walking a short walk to the store is just lame.
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@TheHorse (224853)
• Walnut Creek, California
23 Mar 16
I use the internet for fun (MyLot, Youtube, Facebook, researching stuff) and for work (responding to student questions, buying materials for woodworking, researching guitars, etc.). But I'd be skeptical about someone who spent most of their time on the internet.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
18 Apr 13
I also think that some people do spend lots of time in the internet and refuses to do the daily schedule. I think some people spends more time playing games. I also was very enthusiastic when I first got the computer and used to spend a lot of time in the internet and computer.
@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
23 Mar 16
I really think it would be hard to get through to someone like that if he thinks the internet is his life.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Apr 13
tina if he does get his rent p aid on time and if he does not disturb you then I wo uld not worry about him except of co urse when he is using up all the bandwidth. Having roomers is a balancing act in t at you should not really pry into their personal life unless they do make issues for you. I really would leave him alone if he doese pay hnis rent on time and not mother him let his mom do that.as for not cleaning a, you will have demand it of him as it does not come easy to the adult single man. tel him bluntly keep your room clean or else move out.Sure glad I do not have roomers lol.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
28 Apr 13
I think it is a sort of escape from reality. People often feel that the real life is harsh and cruel. Playing internet games probably makes them forget about the numerous tensions and anxieties which are there in real life. That is perhaps the reason why they spend time on internet, playing games.
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
9 Apr 13
I read what you wrote Krause and I do sympathise with your situation. I hope you can find a reasonable solution and this character does not upset your happy home. You might be right if you are inclined to think he has mental issues but surely there should be a way to handle him. If all it takes is the internet for him not to bother anyone well that might be the solution right there. Whatever, you should still be able to use your computer comfortably and not have to worry about his activities online. The whole topic applies only to him. If he is lazy that is his problem. I don’t think the title you picked gives your subject matter justice. What gamers or other people in general do with the internet providing they are not hurting anyone is their business. Of course one could reason that too much internet usage might be unhealthy but then who is to say that breathing in congested cities isn’t healthy either. Can we really say to others they should stop breathing and ask them why they think it is their life?
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@jstory07 (142700)
• Roseburg, Oregon
25 Sep 16
I hope he will get the help that he needs. Does he work to pay you the rent.