Emotional Responce

@savypat (20216)
United States
April 9, 2013 1:27pm CST
Do you like discussions that wake up your emotions? I do and I especially enjoy them when I originate them, because then I get many different responses and usually learn a point of view I did n't know before. Blessings
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14 responses
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
I do like giving responses on those kinds of discussions especially when I can relate to them.
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Apr 13
maybe. I just like discussions that I can respond to because I have something to say...
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
9 Apr 13
Sometimes just by talking about our emotions can help us a great deal, even if we are only responding to a discussion, sometimes we bury our emotions and we don't like to talk about things openly, especially to our nearest and dearest, but, by being allowed to on a forum like Mylot we can really tap into our deeper emotions. I for one find it a great benefit being able to tap into my anger and be my true self, and open up, that is why I see Mylot as therapy, because I can awake my emotions here and not be judged because of them.
@GDTimothy (446)
• United States
10 Apr 13
Anything that stimulates me to think, even emotions, is appealing to me. Figuring out emotions is a favorite pastime of mine. :-)
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
10 Apr 13
The first discussions I made were a bit emotional for me and have received a lot of positive responses which really touched my heart. It was really my way of letting out the pain I had before.
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@jricky1 (6800)
• China
10 Apr 13
You are right that i'd love to try different responses and it just give me fun to learn from different point of view that i've never thought before.So can be good chance to learn.Good for us and happy mylotting.
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• Philippines
9 Apr 13
I don't know... but what I like most is discussion that can influence me, bring awareness and inspires me. Sometimes emotions can trigger excessive pain or sad feelings that I really don't want to add up or fuel up what I feel at the moment. I want to master and overcome my emotions... :) Aja!
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@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
19 Apr 13
For me that would depend on what mood I am in. I normally don't want to read any discussions about emotions when I am going through something. It usually awakens bad feelings. But when the mood strike me then they are fine.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
21 Apr 13
Hi, Some topics are very emotional and touching to our heart. I also enjoy such discussions and I always give response to such discussions. I get satisfaction by sharing the feelings of the other people. we can learn from these discussions how to live life.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
9 Apr 13
Its great when people put their hearts into a post. I sure and try to do that. have a super day there.
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@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
9 Apr 13
I loved discussion with so much emotions on it because for sure i can relate with it . I am a person who is emotional .I am so sure i can share something about it and at same time i can learn something that might address my own emotional issues also. I consider emotional issues as important than those topics that sometimes not so relevant and still posted.
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@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
9 Apr 13
me too... i like reading thru the responses and i learn a lot from them. our different cultures and upbringings are refected in our posts. i especially admire people who can write well and convey their hearts and thoughts on the discussions.
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• Philippines
9 Apr 13
i haven't encountered such topics that will touch my heart. i just get emotional about the topic i started about the delivery boy that was slain inside the fastfood chain where he works.
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• Philippines
9 Apr 13
i haven't encountered such topics that will touch my heart. i just get emotional about the topic i started about the delivery boy that was slain inside the fastfood chain where he works.
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