I Applied For A New Job and I Got Rejected

April 10, 2013 12:03pm CST
Hello there fellow myLotters! It was on March 1, 2013,a day after I ended my contract in one of the government here in Philippines. I submitted an application letter together with my credentials then the Human Resource Department Head read my letter and told me that the slot was filled. There are too many people who are on the waiting list. After what the HR Department Head told me, I got sad, disappointed with what she said. It's hard to apply in a work where you don't know someone. One must have a great backer. Someone whose position is higher. As what the popular cliche says " It's not what you know, It's on who you know" is such a great help.
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23 responses
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
10 Apr 13
I'm so used to jobs rejecting me that it's not even funny any more. I believe your right it's who you know and know what you know!
• Philippines
10 Apr 13
Good for you that being rejected is not funny anymore.
• Kuwait
11 Apr 13
dont worry my friend, lets hope someday you find a genuine one kudos
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
10 Apr 13
you are sure right about that, at least when it come to higher level jobs like the one you were applying for. i am sorry that you didn't get the job you wanted this time, friend. don't worry, the key to this job game is trial and fail until you get a job. as long as you are trying and don't give up, you will get one.
• Philippines
10 Apr 13
Yes, I will never gave up! It's just a sign that it's not meant for me.
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
10 Apr 13
exactly! when one door closes, another one opens. just a cliche, but one i do believe in.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
11 Apr 13
Oh wow, that's to bad. I can relate though. I applied for what I thought would be the best job of my life, put my heart and soul on the line, and then he just laughed in my face. Humbling? No. Humiliating? Oh yeah! I hope something better comes along for you. Good luck.
• Philippines
12 Apr 13
That's absurd! When a person laughed in front of my face. That would be a great insult.
11 Apr 13
I know how hard it is to find a job in the Ph. But don't lose your courage in finding a job, you'll soon get hired. If you are applying for a job you can schedule your interviews in a day if possible, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. Of course that depends on what kind of interview do you expect. In that way, you'll get used to it and boost your confidence. I don't think a backer is the key.. I was able to apply to numerous companies without a backer, just my own efforts. And you know why? it feels great if you get hired without a backer. I also interview applicants if I need someone new in my department and I primarily prefer those with self-confidence and not who they know. so for me, it's not who you know but how you sell yourself during the interview and what your resume and work experiences tell about you.
• Philippines
12 Apr 13
Backer is not always the key. I applied in a BPO Industry and I was hired because of my skills, but then applying in a government agencies, you must know a person with a higher position.
@cttolledo (5454)
• Legaspi, Philippines
11 Apr 13
Yeah.. I agree.. credentials sometimes became futile when applying for a job without white horse or backer specially in government. A lot of individuals who are more capable of government positions but look who are there..? - those son or daughter, cousin, niece.. etc... Everytime I saw posting of vacancy in the government through Civil service portal ( online), I can't afford to laugh at it! it just a formality to comply with the requirements of posting but in fact those vacant positions are all filled already.. by whom? - by co-families of government employees/officials.. chances of working in the government is limited only to those co-families and friends.. so frustrating what kind of government we have... So, we better strive hard and make your own destiny than relying to false hopes!
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
Absolutely! This kind of system should be stopped.
@lsjapdoit (651)
• Indonesia
11 Apr 13
It sure helps if you know the right person who can help you get a job. There are still other jobs you can apply for without any such help though. Perseverance is needed. Wish you get a new job in no time.
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
The kind of profession I had is very competitive.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
and this is one attitude i would to see changed, see often times those who are able to work in such positions are rotten tomatoes..or spoiled bratz..or take for granted their positions..and the likes and the deserving ones are still on the waiting list. I am also thinking of resigning in my current work but i am doubtful because i am afraid might find it hard to look for work..so i am creating plans on how to do this gracefully. As for your sadness and disappointment i think is natural but hey smile, you know its not your fault.. its theirs.
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
Definitely! Those people who were in the position is the one who do have a lazy job. I know it was and will never be my fault.
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
That is a sad thing we always encounter here. I always applied for a job alone and i never used backer to get a job. I don't care if they rejected me or accept me as long as i didnt used other person for the job i wanted to have. I also believe for having a backer is better than to apply alone. If you think that is a new trend for today and really competition is high, you must go and try to seek help from those person who has a position on the company you applying for. Goodluck for you and be happy... Don't get affected of negative vibes around you and always look for positive ways of life so you must succeed. Have a nice day!
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
To tell you the truth, I really wanna look for a job where I was hired because of my qualification not because of my backer, but what is we can do. This is the latest trend.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
10 Apr 13
Exactly, even if you qualify with the job- still it is easier if you know someone from the company with a higher position to backed up with you. I wish you all the best - don't lose hope.
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
When it comes to qualifications, I am qualified but then its nepotism that counts in every government agencies
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
10 Apr 13
I'm sorry for that. You should not stop from trying though. There will be something better for you. Entering in government service is not easy and yes most of the time it is good that you know someone inside the department. But that will not always be the case. You can visit government website to know if there are vacancies. Keep on trying! Have a nice day!
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
I had been visiting the website in any government agencies but there is no opening here in our place.
• China
11 Apr 13
Maybe you are so successful in the past.But things are not always the same.you are supposed to change your mind and adjust yourself. Failure is not shame to everyone, I think it is so common that I have once failed to find a job for a long time.But one day, a very good job fell on me, I was so excited that I felt I was kissed by GOD. So having a common heart to do everything, maybe you will got more.
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
I had been on that situation. I was sad because I was not hired and then I applied for another job, But I got accepted. I know this is God's trial for me.
@zension (15)
• China
11 Apr 13
i agree with you about to find a good job. It is true about the popular cliche says"It' not what you know,It's on who you know"; But we can give a different standpoint about finding a job,that is: some critical positions are competed by many people,so if you have a huge baker,you will be outstanding. but not all positions have a large competion,so if you are patient and insistent,you will find your own job believe in yourself
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
I do believe a better job is right out there for me.
@joizee (502)
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
Oh my, "padrino" still exist even nowadays! That is so evident in all companies, no exemptions for private and government companies. They even still pose the position even though they have already chosen the applicant. They just do it for publicity! Argh! I am also a victim, so I understand how much we try to be the best applicant but because nobody knows you, you'll never get to be known.
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
To be a victim in this kind of system is such a heart-breaking situation. Nobody will know me not unless I'll give them some gifts in exchange for a job.
• China
17 Apr 13
it is similar in china.no relationship,no business.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
14 Apr 13
That's really too bad. Perhaps next time. "It's who you know" - that is so true. Employers love references from other or past employees... Networking is important. It's too bad that more of our success can't come from our skills, our knowledge, our grades in school (etc) - because that seems to cheapen the experience. Why should brown-nosing and having social skills be more important than having the knowledge/skills to do whatever job done right?
@succeednow (1633)
• Singapore
11 Apr 13
Hi craziestqueenever, Yes, it's tough out there. The world doesn't owe you a living. There is simply too much competition. You have to keep trying until you succeed. Networking is very important as far as landing a decent job is concerned. However, I think the popular cliche should read: "It's not what you know, but who knows you"! There is a difference. Good luck in your job search.
• Canada
11 Apr 13
"its not what you know, its who you know." this is SO true. ive always had a hard time getting a good job. but my two longest and best jobs were gotten by having a high-up connection. the first one was at a bowling alley and i got the interview bc of my dad. the other one was at a catering company and i got my boyfriend to talk to his bestfriedns fiance. she is now my boss. and i am doing great at this job. i am not dating this guy anymore and i mostly answer to a differnt managher but in the first place i had to have the connection. I'm sorry you missed the chance to apply to the job you wanted. i was just dfaced with the same reality with a cherrry picking farm. the only job that is filled is the one i was hoping to apply for. the only job i got on my own without any help was my FIRST job. and that was tim hortons. tim hortons hires everyone. and i must not have done very well bc everytime i apply to ANY tim hortons, they reject my application lol i want to try and get my next job on just my merit alone but sometimes you should just accept reality and understand that you have to network and make some serious friends to move around in the professional world. my job over the next 6 months is to make as many "friends" in my industry as posssible. its worth it. best of luck craziestqueenever! :)and happy mylotting
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
Here in our country it is really sad sometimes that most of the time people who gets a particular position in life is not mesured by skills or talent by just whom they know in the higher ups of that particular place, that is why maybe our country has not progressed all this time. Most likely because people are given the privilege to do important just based on who they know and not how good they are.
• Pakistan
11 Apr 13
It is very good for you because no body know what is best for hinm to do but in a atmosphere where abilities of Human resouce department is too confuse better to give up in your case it is very much astonish thing what she said
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
I can feel you, my friend! I have been looking and have been rejected many times now... hmmm care for a new business instead? :) Don't lose hope though, just keep looking and expect the unexpected ;)