The Enforcer!!!!

@bird123 (10658)
United States
April 12, 2013 5:22pm CST
Holy books have their rules. People think their holy book comes directly from God. Do people feel they should be the Enforcers of these holy books and rules?? Does God really need Enforcers?? Does God really want Enforcers?? From the common man to the terrorist, aren't there a lot of people who want and try to be the Enforcer????
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13 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
13 Apr 13
The rules are practical guidance to promote human flourishing all the best, urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
13 Apr 13
Man inspired by God. all the best, urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Apr 13
Did God tell you this or did man??? We both know the answer to that. God won't intimidate your choices. You are free to choose.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
What will be lost if people are confined into thinking and acting according to one man's standards? We are here to make our own choices not have our choices controlled. God wants diversity. That's why God created diversity. Let's never forget that holy books were created by mankind. It is mankind who wants to control. God will teach regardless of your choices. With God, you will always be free to choose.
• United States
13 Apr 13
In general do you feel rules should or should not be enforced?
• United States
13 Apr 13
How can you have a system without rules, even natural ones?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Who needs rules? God's system works without them. On the other hand, mankind has rules simply because they have not learned how to run the world without them. Mankind has much to learn.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
You are intelligent. Ponder the Possibilities. Reach beyond the petty ideas of mankind. Discover the door waiting for you to open. Why is freedom an important part of God's system? How can total freedom be given without that list of rules? The questions should be endless for the mind that hungers to know. Walk toward Intelligence. Walk toward God. It merely waits for you to Reach. It does all add up and much better than those stories. There is genius and high intelligence behind the entire system. You can discover this.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
13 Apr 13
I think it depends on the country. For example, Iran has a President and a parliament who are elected by the people, but the real leader is the supreme leader (the Ayatollah), who effectively serves as the head of state, appointed for life by an Islamic religious advisory board (the Assembly of Experts). As you know, in the United States, church and state are separated. Congress cannot establish a religion and cannot stop a religion from being established. If there's any enforcing being done, it's in the religion itself with its own membership. Depending on where you are, religions do try to persuade non believers, but only certain places try to enforce. Religious rights seems to be one of the few Constitutional rights in the US everyone is determined to hold on to.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
15 Apr 13
"Still, there are people in all religions who try to impose their will to enforce their religions on others." On what are you basing that statement? Man’s need to control involves politics, not religion. Other than Muslim countries, I don’t know a single nation that forces a religion on anyone, and the Muslim nations don’t totally do it either.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Apr 13
Are we taking nations or people being enforcers??
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Yes, it seems the Middle East gives it's religion lots of power. It reminds me of Christianity in the middle ages. I'm sure in time they will learn and grow just as the Europeans did. In time, people's need and desire for freedom will guide the path. Still, there are people in all religions who try to impose their will to enforce their religions on others. Let's not forget mankind's need for control still exists all over the world. There are people trying to be Enforcers all over the world and in every country. It is really a People thing with people using religion as an excuse. Religion is a catalyst which brings so many of people's problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. After all, if you think you have God's backing, you can justify any action you take. It makes no difference the excuses people make to justify their actions. Their actions will return in time. Maybe there is a bit of wisdom in your holy book when it says: Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. If you follow that, you can only be happy when your actions return.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Yes God has certain rules he would like everyone to follow, but he gives you the choice to do so if you wish.... God does not need an enforcer......Yes their are too many that try to enforce things......and play God. or think that they are God... I do not think that my Holy Bible comes from God....I know that it comes from God........The personal relationship that i have with Jesus Christ, Having his spirit in my heart is all the prof that i need to know that his words are the Truth.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Your proof criteria seems like blind faith in your holy book and religion to me. If God and not your beliefs lives in your heart, maybe it's time to listen to what God is saying.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
13 Apr 13
their is nothing blind about my faith in God.... Once you discover the truth you will start to understand.. Believing is all you need to start a real relationship with God...I walk by faith not by sight... Maybe it is time you listen to what God is saying instead of making up what you want to be true.... He that is of God hears God's words: you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. My proof criteria seems like blind faith to you because you have not discovered the true God yet..You are still in darkness..You are still searching.....All you need to do is open up your heart and let God in.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Yes, I have discovered God and not as faith or a belief. Just like I know you exist, I know God exists. I do not allow the written words of mankind to convince me their beliefs are facts. I discover the facts. It does take much more work to discover God than merely memorizing and believing. I understand people sometimes go for the easy path and religion attempts to put God in a nice little package for people just to accept. What about the real truth? You should value that above all your beliefs. Religion also likes to put people in their club. Accepting does not make you anymore valuable to God. It only makes you more valuable to religion. Just like your children or your creations are yours, it can be no less for God. If you say otherwise, that makes your god a monster. The judge makes those who do not claim their children support them anyway. You can dance but you can not escape that fact.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
13 Apr 13
God doesn`t need anything, we need them. Otherwise our brain will come up with a stupid idea about who God is, and you are a good case for proving that. "God loves me anyway" it`s much easier for our brain to handle than " i need to change my life".
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
So you think you need the structure of a bunch of rules because you would be lost without them. Who taught you this?? They have been teaching you this since birth. Stupid ideas???? You remind me of a story. A new man came to a small town. He seemed to be a bit strange to them. Everyone called the new guy crazy until one day a person in that town realized that there was Method to the Madness. Now,you can call me crazy, stupid and such. I'm happy regardless. On the other hand, look closely. just like the people in that small town, you might just discover method to all the madness. Change can be often unsettling. That should not mean it should be avoided. Sometimes change turns out to be a Very Good Thing. We should all stay open to new ideas, change, and growth for without these, we would all still be in the stone age with the cavemen.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Apr 13
You simply do not understand. I realize there are many pieces missing from your picture. To stay in the stone age would be stagnation. Everyone learns. We all move forward. Even moving slowly, we move forward. Even taking baby steps, one can walk across a world.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
13 Apr 13
So what if we would still be in the stone age ? God loves us anyway, and we will get another chance. I don`t think you are stupid, i didn`t called you stupid. I called your ideas about God stupid because there is no logic in what you preach. Human logic must respect a set of rules in order to find the truth. Not every thing we learned since birth is wrong so that`s another silly thing you wrote.
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
18 Apr 13
It raises an interesting question. Do you think angels should be enforcers? Of course there will always be abusers Another question is in regards to direction. A direction from God is where? Do words have power? If so what words? Do biblical words or as bird123 has stated words in a holy book have any direction from God? If the answer is no then what purpose does any holy book serve, I would say none. However, I believe the answer is Yes and words do have meaning and power. How that power is used is a completely different relationship with God however and would be for an enforcer.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Apr 13
Bluedoll, You pose lots of interesting questions. your quote:Do you think angels should be enforcers? My answer: God's system has no rules so there is no need of enforcers. your quote;Of course there will always be abusers My Answer: We choose our lessons with our choices. When our actions return, we learn. Intelligence always makes the right choices in the end. Always remember that there is more to learn than is possible in one mere lifetime. Count on many physical lives. your quote;A direction from God is where? My Answer: God places truth all around us. Each chooses their direction. On the other hand, God places the parameters in our life to help support the learning we have chosen for ourselves. your quote;Do words have power? If so what words? My Answer: We all have the power to choose what we value in this world. For any words to have power, it is us that gives those words power. your quote;Do biblical words or as bird123 has stated words in a holy book have any direction from God? My answer: There is truth in everything even though the truth might be that something isn't true. We must all remember that Who God is, is all around us. When holy books teach of Unconditional Love, they point to God. On the other hand, mankind points in all different directions according to what they want. That too teaches many lessons. There are a million lessons to learn around religion and none of them about God. Religion is a catalyst that brings so many people's problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. After all, when people think they have God's backing, they aren't afraid to show it all. AS for God's relationship with us, We are all God's children. God loves us all Unconditionally. God will educate All His children.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Apr 13
A guy named Jonah might have existed in the past at sometime. I do not know. Stories are creations of mankind. Mankind can tell a whale of a story at times. God has the best educational system in existence. We are not told our lessons. We LIVE our lessons. God places people and things around us so that the truth is around for us to discover it. God does not intimidate your choices in any way. That is part of free choice. As for communications with God, I'm sure that God talks with many people. People hear and see what they want to see. The encounter is corrupted by the teller's view unless they are open enough to hear and understand what God actually said. From my personal experience, it takes much work for one to actually realize all that has been said when God speaks. Ants can miss a lot if they are not careful or if they don't want things to be a certain way. The first thing God pointed out to me was that all of mankind carries such a narrow view of things. I do understand this and work on mine every day. For example: Look around you at this world and the people. How much do you really see? How much do you really understand. It does add up. People say this world is a mess. Now, if you really could see, you would say this world is a MASTERPIECE!!
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
19 Apr 13
Thank you for your response, I do appreciate all you said very much. I do have another question so I can understand your reasoning much more clearly. Then I would like to comment further. Do you believe the story of Jonah and the whale in the bible is true from the standpoint that, a) there really was a person called Jonah and it is not a fictional character? b) that God actually did communicate in some fashion to him? c) his purpose was to "enforce" a message though I think a better word choice would be to educate people to God's directives?
• Thailand
15 Apr 13
Not all so-called holy books have rules and there are many people who know that their sacred texts do not come from a god. It is the monotheists that are the great rule makers and intolerant enforcers. The more easygoing polytheists are much more tolerant of others actions. de omnibus dubitandum
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Apr 13
I think you are right. There are many many religions in the world and I must admit I am not up on many of them. I guess I am more familiar with the monotheists. Thanks for your much more diversified insight. It does seem funny that so many think rules are a must with God. Perhaps, they won't be so blind to your view.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
27 Apr 13
God does not need any enforcers. Holy books were written by human beings, none of which has been inspired by the divine. In early days, man must have been very lawless. So some people invented stories about God and Devil, heaven and hell and wrote books and uttered the lie that they had been divinely inspired. They somehow managed to frighten people and thus indoctrinated people that these books are from God.
• Mexico
20 Apr 13
Hi bird: Absolutely yes! Religion and beliefs in general should be base on freedom to chose what you think it's good for you but the most fundamentalist members of different religions see themselves as the enforcers of God's law. Religion must be a personal choice. Unfortunately the enforcers nullify this simple principle. In their closed minds you HAVE to submit to their principles. It's sick. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Apr 13
Yes, it also hurts many many people along the way. Don't forget to help weaker people you come across in life who are trapped in the shadow of these enforcers. Teach them to be strong as God really wants and for them not to succumb to following blindly out of the fear enforcers use to intimidate. Walk with them just a bit til they can walk on their own again.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
12 Apr 13
No. God does not need Enforcers in any religion. Most Enforcers are hypocrites and why would God want that? Why would he want some of his rules enforced and not others because people not him decided they were not as important as another rule? God is the one that made the rules. He is the one that passes the judgment and all these "enforcers" do is ensure that God will turn them away from whatever holy afterlife place they believe in for basically trying to be him. Because these enforcers have decided that they are God. They can pick and choose what they want to believe, who they believe should die or live, etc. They have decided God doesn't know how to enforce his own rules, that he is not powerful enough to do as such and therefore they must do it for him. So many people believe they know what is right, because they read their books but no one truly knows what God thinks and how he will judge them once the time comes.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
I think you are right that they are trying to play God. Indeed, Ego is a part of the equation. You are also right in that so many claim to know what God decides and only know God through the words of holy books written by mankind. It is questionable to say the least.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
13 Apr 13
" Does God really need Enforcers?" No He didn't need , He sent His prophets with His books , but scholars make people remember what God said to them , clear to them His orders .. etc , and every one choose his path
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Does or is God really giving Orders??? I think not. God puts our freedom to choose first. Can there really be freedom with orders or the use of fear and intimidation?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Apr 13
Well, I think you already know what I'll say here. Satan does not exist and God does not use threats, fear or intimidation on His children. Mankind does.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
14 Apr 13
I mean by orders , His law , he Almighty explain to the people His path , who choose it will win , who choose satan's way he will punishable , , it is simple , choose what you want .
@spicymary (558)
• Romania
13 Apr 13
It's not about enforcing the teachings... It can be a big discussion here about what religion as a belief system is and which was the destiny of the church. And all facts shouldn't be understood with our modern minds and eyes, but trying to understand also the times. And if some countries, groups, people, enforce a religious system on others... I wouldn't put the blame on religion. This world is fascinated, in general, by utopya. We all try to make a heaven here, which is impossible. As a christian, you believe that world is in a process of degradating, and you can't change it. As christian you know that there will always be good and bad people. So I don't see enforcing religion as something very religious, at least as a christian. It is more likely about the interraction of religion with philosophy and all those ideals about a perfect world.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Interesting indeed. It is really about people. Some people want and choose to be the Enforcer. Religion is truly a catalyst which brings so many of people's problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. Never think mankind is not capable of making this world a heaven. Think about it. It would only be a Choice that mankind could make. If everyone made it about others instead of themselves, look how the world would change. The funny thing is that everyone would end up with so much more than they would by scratching and clawing to get it all. Still, the world slowly moves toward that. Do not allow religion to corrupt your view. Step by step, mankind will learn and grow until they reach a point when they will understand. Time is what is needed.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Apr 13
Fewer people die of hunger. More people are educated. Access to knowledge increases through the internet. Cultures will come together through understanding rather than hate. The interaction through the internet has caused people in some countries to rally and take their freedom from dictators. These new freedoms in certain parts of the world will change neighboring people rallying them to demand their own freedom. Communist countries are discovering the economic power of allowing free enterprise into their countries. Slowly as they free their people, they will fear giving freedoms less. They will discover the power that comes with allowing all the ideas to be expressed in the world. Science and technology advance quicker than at any other time. Knowledge will solve all problems. The greater mankind grows in knowledge; the faster that growth of knowledge will be. Forget the news stories. Look up the sun is Shining!! Look for the goodness. nurture that!! The Adventure is just getting started. It is an exciting time to be alive. Everyone can be a part of making the world better.
• Romania
14 Apr 13
I didn't noticed any good change in the process of world development. And it's not about religion here. Also, I don't talk about ages, I am just referring to the period of my life, which is not very long... I see how my freedom diminishes, I see that people invent problems and they start to repeat same political correct clichees. We have more tools, but this is the only better thing. For the rest, this world starts to look more and more each day with Huxley's "Brave New World". And neither tools are a totally good achievement. Everybody is so easily to control now, so our private area becomes smaller each day. And not only christians feel that an end should soon come. There are plenty of people from both left and right wing, who blame this world for becoming so... unpleasant for living. But sadly, most people instead of thinking, just silly agree when they hear about peace, rights, humanity. It's similar with the communist speech about how the world will be free in the final stage of the history. But until than, dictatorship is justified.
• United States
13 Apr 13
I think there will always be those in position who will try to be an Enforcer. It seem to be human nature for many. My daughter is one of them. I notice that it doesn't really do much good. I see people breaking their church rules all the time. About all the leader can do is share with his believers what he has learned but it is up to the individual to accept it or not. The threat of excommunication is one way churches try to force a person into compliance.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Yes, it is a People thing. The use of threats, fear and intimidation really does not work. Perhaps, our actions teach others better than anything we could ever say. People tend to watch better than they listen.
• United States
13 Apr 13
You can say that again. I am always having people tell me what they saw me doing when I went to work. What I ate, wore or didn't wear, and even that I never seemed to miss any work days and wanted to know what I took to stay well.