Are you afraid of snakes

snakes - i like them
April 13, 2013 7:03am CST
I have seen snakes several times .On seeing them,I felt afraid and just ran away,with out wasting any time.Most people do not like snakes, because they judge snakes by their appearance. They think snakes are dangerous and evil. At the same time, they are afraid of snakes, they think snakes may kill them. I do not like snakes, too, People think snakes like bite people. In fact, snakes seldom bite people when they see people. Snakes are shame like other animals. When they see people, they are afraid of people and they will leave at once. Most snakes are not dangerous, they will not kill people. Conversely, human are not friendly to snakes. Human catch snakes and eat them. In order to develop, human destroy snakes' living place. They also use snakes to make medicines and wine. Snakes do a lot of contributions to human. We should give up the prejudice to the snakes, they are also human's friends.
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33 responses
• India
13 Apr 13
I am so much afraid of snakes.. I do not like to see them and I wonder with those people who take snake as a pet... I can not imagine of even touching it..
1 person likes this
• India
13 Apr 13
I am really, really afraid of snakes. All reptiles in general. I have touched a snake though. Only because I had to. It had black and yellow scales. I don't regret it. Yes, they do appear scary. Slithering their way so fast up to their enemy and then they unleash their fangs and bite. The thought alone scares me a lot.
13 Apr 13
Oh wow so you touched a live snake how...they are really dangerous and i always afraid from them
14 Apr 13
Great I would love to do that..
• India
14 Apr 13
Yea. A professional held his head and tail and asked me to touch it. They were demonstrating how to take their venom.
@FrugalMommy (1438)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Nah, snakes are pretty neat. We're just cautious when we find a wild snake because we have a lot of rattlesnakes around here. Most snakes just want to be left alone but there's one species around here that's pretty aggressive. They'll chase people sometimes. We have to be really careful with our daughter when we're out where snakes might be. She totally loves them. She got to pet the giant Burmese python at the zoo last weekend and now she's decided that we need a pet corn snake. We're going to go to the library later today to get a book on taking care of corn snakes. I got a list of local rescue organizations from one of the Humane Society volunteers so once we have the terrarium ready for a snake we'll contact some of them to see if they have a corn snake we can adopt.
• United States
13 Apr 13
Why do you say they're ruthless? Most snakes just want to be left alone. They normally bite because they feel threatened and cornered. Even venomous snakes are like that. They'd rather use their venom on their prey than waste it on something that's too big to eat.
• United States
13 Apr 13
Snakes are really ruthless...I have a friend who's dog was bit by a snake! Snakes do have a good side and people somewhat "tame" them, but if it was originally from the wild, never let your guard down, it can turn wild again.
@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
13 Apr 13
I agree that snakes aren't evil and there some benefits of their existence on our planet,but many of them can be deadly and I prefer to stay as far away from them as possible.I do admire however the courage of people who handle these creatures and treat them as if they were their closest friends,although I think anyone who enjoys playing with these reptiles must be a little crazy.Anyway,in my opinion it is wrong to say that we shouldn't be afraid of snakes;whether they are constrictors or venomous,many of them can kill us,so we should respect and fear them.
14 Apr 13
Yes polaris i am totally agree with you we should fear from snakes becuase they can be dangerous and can kill a person but we should respect them..
@missjahn (4572)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
i do not like snakes even if they are for example the model for goodness. yikes, i could die if upon imagining that its skin will touch mine. eww, slimy and yucky. i feel like vomiting and numb with that idea. but to be fair, they will bite you when they smell dangers to happen on them when they met you in the isle or anywhere. that is an animal instinct. like human, when one would see a snake, he can run or try to kill it. like snakes, they will try to eliminate their enemies as well in order for them to survive and live freely in this world. and to say it is so cruel when we will kill them. they have the right to live as well. i guess, it would be better when we will just let them escape or yet oust them away from you or from your residence. for they are also God's creation, we should respect them as well. when we do not like snakes, they do not like us too hahaha
@bux123 (96)
• India
14 Apr 13
all snakes are not like that, only few snakes are poisonous remaining snakes are human need to worry about all snakes.when you see a snake it will bite you when you shout or do something harm to many people afraid of snakes.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
13 Apr 13
I have a fear of snakes. I cant stand them at all.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
Maria you are not alone ! My spirit is too far from this reptile !
• Mexico
13 Apr 13
I hate that movie with the snakes on the plane. Oh nononoonon...
• New Zealand
20 Apr 13
If I were to see a snake along the street or in a forest somewhere I would definitely keep my distance! As for being afraid I suppose I might be if I knew how deadly it could be, especially given my proximity to the snake. For snakes at zoos and such I'm not really afraid of them, I've done the old 'snake across your neck' at a zoo before and it was great!
@tops76 (289)
• India
11 Mar 15
Yes you are right, not all snakes found in India are poisionous nor snakes like to bite people for nothing. When they are disturbed then only they do so in defence. Its an common reaction when we see snake we run after it to kill her or run away from it. Snakes also react in same way, first they try to run away from us but when no other option left lastly they bite that's also in the state of fear or defence. We should have to change the misperception from our mind about snakes. They are an important creatures of nature and their contribution are significant in nature.
• Marikina, Philippines
16 Apr 13
Yes. Not all snakes are bad and evil. The reason why some peope see that way is because there are lots of rumors of how snake kill human beings but, there are still good snakes. Another is snake was perceived as evil because I think it all started in the bible where a serpent was called a satan who deceived Eve. Maybe that is the reason why some people judge snake too much as evil and bad in a real world.
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
25 Aug 15
For humans, the fear of snakes is natural. The fact that snakes could bite is the only reason needed to be not near them, let alone liking them. I don't like snakes - I am afraid of snakes but I respect snakes. It has the right to live. It is almost always the fault of humans to intrude into the areas where snakes live for them to appear in so-called human residential areas.
• India
14 Apr 13
One day we were playing in ground and my friend was bitten by snake.. and he felt on ground. he was suffering from deep pain. from that day i am afraid of snakes.
• India
14 Apr 13
On seeing them,I felt afraid and just ran away... many people think snakes are dangerous and evil. and i really afraid of snakes.
14 Apr 13
snakes are to dangerous for human... and i am afraid of snakes because they looks like evil and they will eat u. And one day i saw snake in my garden which was so long, and he was looking so dangerous.. i jst ran away from their and called my dad!
@scubapro (1049)
• Gifu, Japan
13 Apr 13
i was really afraid of snakes when i was kid,but now i am not afraid of them when we were in the river one big snake was closer to my brother,it was almost biting him,that time i forgot all of my fears and attack to the snake,and i beat it after this story ,i never am afraid of them anymore peace
@mammots (3209)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
i admire you a lot scubapro!!! you set aside your fear of snakes to rescue the life of your brother. you are a hero scubapro and i am proud you are my friend. as for me i am totally terrified of snakes. just thinking about how it looks makes my stomach churn or tighten up. 'm not very brave when it comes to snakes.
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
14 Apr 13
Venomous snake is very dangerous, while nonvenomous snake is not so dangerous, but still have the ability to hurt people. I have no idea about how to divide those snakes, so the safest way for me is to be far away from them. I think if I can have enough knowledge about them and have chance to deal with them, then I may be not afraid of them any more.
@bux123 (96)
• India
14 Apr 13
I feel afraid when I see snakes I dont like snakes. I have seen 6 to 10 in my lifeso many people feel afraid when they see you said snakes are human friends but we get afraid when we see snakes. snakes may be helpful to us but snakes appearance is horrible. We shouldincrease the snakes populations.all countries should do this.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes very much... I am afraid of snakes.. i do not like this but in our area its said to be a face of god. They believe in snakes very much and they do worship of it.
14 Apr 13
No, but we should be afraid from snake because they are so dangerous... if snake bites someone and inject their venom inside the body, which is so dangerous for the human. which can take life of human !!
• Calcutta, India
14 Apr 13
In the role of ecology of nature snake is as important as any other animal. The fact remains that many people die every year by snake bite but should not be the cause that the snakes be altogether destroyed. Rats do damage the crops on a very large scale and the snakes keeps the equilibrium by eating a large number and thus saving the crops indirectly. As already said that snake poison is used as medicine and to do that it is not necessary to kill them. Poison is extracted and the snakes are freed in the jungles. Of the different varieties of snakes, there are a few which are poisonous and the rest are non-poisonous. Normally the non-poisonous snakes move away in human encounter. Cobras are of course dangerous and reports are there that even slightest provocation make them very angry and cause them to bite humans or even other animals. Some are so dangerous that they throw poison to the bigger animals like lions, tigers etc and they get blind if the poison happens to fall on their eyes. Yellow cobras and black mamba in Africa are too dangerous and kill lots of people every year there. It has to be ensured that they be allowed to live in jungles and that they may not be allowed to enter human living areas.
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
Yes, I'm afraid of snakes. I think it's because I do not know a lot about them yet. Since I do not know which snakes are harmless and which are not, I tend to be really afraid of them. And I don't know what they're thinking, too...I mean, who knows, they might just chase you and bite you... I think there was a snake or two in the high school I went to, and we were forbidden to go near areas where snakes might be lurking. My English teacher owned a snake, and he showed it to us when I and a couple of friends were in his house.