Strange method to relieve stress!

April 14, 2013 4:57am CST
I was reading about ways of relieving stress and i was surprised to find kissing in that list.They stated that kissing reduces the stress by lowering the stress hormone called Cortisol. Also spontaneous kissing is even more beneficial.I am curious that this is just theoretical or it really works? I read that Doctors actually advice the couples who are in stress to do all this.May be i am too stressed overall so it didn't work for me ,but if its really reduce stress like people claim then its surely one of the best methods to make yourself stress free, few people might want to get stressed purposely to use this method regularly.
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13 responses
• Serbia
14 Apr 13
I believe that they should open up "stress reducing kissing clinics". Also establish such wings in all hospitals so the people can go and get help. To reduce stress. This would be a good thing, and i would be a patient :D
• India
14 Apr 13
That's a great idea,those ''wings'' in hospitals will always be crowded,may be they will start selling tickets for appointment.Thanks a lot for your response.
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• India
14 Apr 13
@LegalAlien: I'm very very very stressed after reading your comment, can you tell me where is the nearest branch of this clinic.
• Serbia
14 Apr 13
You know as long as i get to choose the medicine i will take. Because im all for organic and natural, so the kissing must be special, natural. ;) :D hahahaha
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
14 Apr 13
Going extra mile with proper protection would rather reduce the stress level as compared to just kissing. That article wherever you read was incomplete.
• India
14 Apr 13
well my friend ,thanks a lot for useful addition in information.Indeed i must have missed that in the article.
1 person likes this
• India
15 Apr 13
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes, I mean, only kissing is like kick starting the bike, you'll only enjoy the bike when you take it for a ride, until then it's like a machine only making noise. I'm sure you understand what I mean.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
24 Apr 13
I cannot remember the last time I kissed anyone, or got kissed for that matter, my mum has kissed me obviously, but that ain't the same, but I guess kissing makes us happy, contented, and yes I personally can see the logic in this. They also say that stroking a cat relieves stress too.
• India
24 Apr 13
I was not aware that stroking a car relieve stress too, thanks a lot for sharing this information.Anyways love is a positive feeling and kissing is just another way to express that love so it has to be good.Thanks a lot for your response.
• India
24 Apr 13
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
16 Apr 13
I actually think it makes perfect sense. Kissing someone you love is a pleasant experience that puts you in a good mood right?? How could you possibly kiss someone you love and not feel more relaxed thus less stressed. I imagine hugs work pretty much i the same way.
• India
17 Apr 13
You are right,being in love itself is great to lower the stress, kissing is just another way to express love so it has to be effective. No wonder so many people have claimed that this method works for them.Thanks a lot for your response.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
15 Apr 13
Wow! Pretty cool! Now I know why I don't get stress often, he he. Have wonderful day!
• India
15 Apr 13
Thanks for the valuable input , we know now that this system gives practical results.Thanks a lot for your response.
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@lsjapdoit (651)
• Indonesia
15 Apr 13
Interesting, I am gonna tell my wife so we can kiss each other more often :))
• India
15 Apr 13
Ha ha, its would be great if it works out well for you. After-all this is one of the coolest ways to remove stress ,if it works i mean.Thanks a lot for your response.
@succeednow (1633)
• Singapore
14 Apr 13
Hi grvdubey11, Frankly I don't think this will work. I agree fully with you that the last thing on a person's mind would be kissing if he/she is so stressed up. A good way of relieving stress would be to go for a long walk, do some exercise or practice meditation. Have a good day.
• India
14 Apr 13
Well you may be right.I never tried to kiss my girl when i am stressed so i am also not sure how effective this method is.Its just that many health websites claim that therapists suggest this method to people who are effected by stress and it works for them.You are right about walking and meditation, that surely works.Thanks a lot for your response.
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@jricky1 (6800)
• China
14 Apr 13
This is weird but quite fun,i suppose.Then i'll remember this effect and probably gonna have a try if i'm in need of that,lol.sleeping is kind of way working for me but i haven't tried kissing.Would be really nice to experience different ways and funny to do.Have a great day.
• India
14 Apr 13
Its funny but effective, many people who used it find this method quite useful.I workout normally whenever i feel stressed,or sleep like you mentioned. Anyways I hope this method proves useful for you .Thanks a lot for your response.
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@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
I didn't know that! It is really strange in relieving stress! Well, I hope it is true. I kiss but with my boyfriend only. Anyway, thank you for that information.
• India
14 Apr 13
I was not aware of this either and its very likely that its true because there are many people who follow this method and claim that it really helps to relieve the stress.Thanks a lot for your response.
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@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
14 Apr 13
Hi, Really it is very strange way of relieving stress. If everyone come to know about this information few people might want to get stressed purposely to use this method regularly.
• India
14 Apr 13
Its strange but true, actually people in large numbers are applying this technique.Thanks a lot for your response.
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@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
Hahaha i find this amazing though i know there is a truth on it but i want to say i rather stay stress than having that kissing thing. Ahhhh exchanging of saliva , that seems add more stress in my life. I can't adapt this method , i'd rather stay stress than having that kissing thing ! I rather find some other ways to relieve from being stress such as going out , shopping cheap things , read books , write poems and eat chocolates and cakes or i will do 20 rounds of jogging in a quadrangle .
• India
15 Apr 13
Its alright ,there are other good methods to relieve stress too like you mentioned correctly.Its surprising that people are finding is method quite effective to relieve stress but its good if it makes them happy.People will always find reasons to kiss and this one is a strong reason,along with that if it relives stress too then its a win win situation .Thanks a lot for your response.
@Deepak2J (1178)
• India
14 Apr 13
That's a good piece of information. But, I don't have anyone to kiss. So, I am unable to use this stress relieving method Thanks for the information.
• India
14 Apr 13
Well best wishes to you that soon you get your love interest then you can try this method.I hope it proves to be useful.Thanks a lot for your response.
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@scubapro (1051)
• Gifu, Japan
14 Apr 13
yeah i agree its strange advice,but it must works if the doctors found out. i can do it and i like it too,but there is a big problem that i wanna ask to the doctors,how can we always find somebody to kiss when we feel stressful? this method not easy for the singles to do i have wife so maybe i am lucky happy mylotting
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes my friend its not easy for the singles to use this method but it can surely inspire them to find their love interest.I am glad that you are lucky in this regard.Thanks a lot for your response.
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