Can You Live Without TV

April 14, 2013 9:34pm CST
I am not addict of T.v. and I can live without T.V. Even i do not have T.V. Till yet on my current house, I love to watch T.V. but I am not addict of that, another thing that there are several benefits of T.V. that we can see news and we are able to know all the things about world if we watch the T.V. and I think that T.V. is an important part of our life and we must have that, What about you do you own a T.V. or you can stay without T.V.
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26 responses
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
16 Apr 13
We have 4 t.vs in the house. Mostly dad, step mom and youngest brother watches it. One is in my room but it stays unplugged. Television doesn't hold the kind of interest it used to have for me. Its all just trash. I enjoy watching some anime or movies online, but mostly prefer reading. If it were up to me, there would be no televisions in the home.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 13
Oh I used to keep my tv on at night because of sleep issues. I've mentioned that in the past. Dad got me a radio though, so I don't need it anymore. The radio only picks up classical music and Spanish stations, but its better than nothing.
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• United States
16 Apr 13
They have free movies available on Youtube. If you're not worried about legal stuff, there is
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16 Apr 13
Oh wow it is great so it feels that you do not like t.v. but you like to watch movies through internet and mostly you like reading, yes it is also a great for enjoyment that we can see our favourite movies or anything else but it is little bit costly to watch videos online and everybody can not afford it...
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
15 Apr 13
I went without one for several years, then decided I wanted to watch football on TV and bought one. I subscribed to Cable TV, then unsubscribed to it. The TV sat mostly silent for a couple of years, then last year, I decided to subscribe to Cable TV so now I watch baseball on it. Not much else, though.
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16 Apr 13
Oh wow you again start to watch t.v. because of football, SO YOU have a lot of craze of football it is good and hope you will enjoy..
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@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
I watch tv when I am at home only. During weekends or holidays when I stay home I always watch TV. It has many benefits, aside from entertaining, we can also learn a lot. Be updated always. There are many things we can learn in watching television. But we must have a limitation and control. As they all say, too much of everything is bad. Watching tv for so long, creates laziness, this is a bad for the health especially if you are a fat person. Also, not old we see in the television is good. We must learn to categories and know what it is right for us and for the children.
15 Apr 13
Yes pals totally agree with you, it is good to watch T.V. for us becuase we learn a lot by watching T.V. and we always be update if watch t.v.everyday another side it is the best for enjoyment as we can say that there are a lot of programs on T.V. iN Which we have a lot of interest, but another side there is some side effects also for watching T.V. like if we watch a lot of T.V. then it becomes the cause of our laziness adn another side if we watch a lot of T.V. then we would not be able to give proper time to our online earning and we would not be more focus on it, and to watch a lot of T.V. is cause of illness also, So we should watch T.V. bUT not a lot...
@pals101 (2003)
• Philippines
16 Apr 13
We must do this before its too late for us. Watching too much tv, has many disadvantages especially on our eyes. Radiation takes a great factor for our health. So as much as possible we must lessen it.
• India
15 Apr 13
When I have nothing to do and I want my mind to relax and not think about anything I switch on the tv. While watching tv I get so engrossed in it that my mind doesn't ponder over day to day issues. I feel relaxed and revitalized and at the same time I collect valuable piece of information from tv channels I enjoy watching.
• India
17 Apr 13
I have realized that while watching tv my mind doesn't think about anything else. It seems as if all the outlets of the brain are shut and my mind only hears and registers the information from the tv channels. Does this happen to you also?
16 Apr 13
Hi inderjeeetkaur, You are right when we are suppressed and do not have anything to do then it is good to watch t.v. becuase it decreases our stress and help to keep our mind fresh and we can find here various valuable information.
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
15 Apr 13
Yes I can live with out a Tv, I am living with out one right now, that last time I sat down and watch Tv, was back in 1989 when I got married, after my married broke up I stopped watching Tv,I just work hard here online, earning my money, I don't have time for watching TV, this take up all my time everyday.
15 Apr 13
Hi TLllly sorry to hear about your broke up, Yes it is true that it take our lot of time which really we do not have, but if we see another side then it is beneficial to us as T.V. help us to remain update about todays world that what is happening in the world and all, even I do not have a t.v. right now where i am living but i am planning to buy one...
@Eman93 (1)
• Portugal
15 Apr 13
I can't live without TV nowadays. For me is very important, I usually watch the news when I am having dinner, i can't have dinner without watching TV, it's so boring. At night, when I go to bed I love watching TV. I would hate if I didn't have a TV in my bedroom, it's so important. Nowadays, TV is a source of information, is used for so many things, and for me, one of the best things that TV is great is to watch sports, I love watching a game, with friends too, it's a good thing. TV is important for me.
16 Apr 13
Hi Eman totally agree with you t.v. is an improtant part of our life and we can collect a lot of information infact everything what is happening not only in your country but what is happening all around the world and another side t.v. is a great source for enjoyment, I love to watch discovery channel and news a lot on t.v.
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@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
15 Apr 13
Because of my bad hearing and 2 hearing aids my dr. suggested I keep the tv or radio on so I can tell which direction noises come from. I watch it at night and some programs I dvr that are on after my bedtime.
16 Apr 13
Hello ctrryhnny sorry to know about your ear, Yes i also love to watch t.v. like you , Happy my lotting...
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
15 Apr 13
Yes, I could live without TV. Do I want to live without it though is a different question entirely. If you would have asked that instead my reply to it would have been a big fat NO! LOL Happy mylotting!
16 Apr 13
Hello sacmom yes it is an another thing that we love to watch a t.v. and it is an another question that we can live withou t.v. or not, yes i also want to have a t.v. with me and i love to waching t.v. but i spend my maximum time withou a t.v. becuase i do not have time to watch a t.v., Happy MyLotting , Have a good day..
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
15 Apr 13
Unfortunately last feb we got cut or cable connection and after that electricity connection. Since then we saw t.v. Our t.v is also now out of order. I could not collect enough money to buy new one. I miss my favourite t.v serial and other things on t.v. May god give me resorces to recover, revive everything back on my own soon. Happy mylotting.
16 Apr 13
Hello jagjit sorry to hear about your t.v. but very soon everything would be good and you would be able to buy new big t.v and you would see your favourite t.v. serial, Everybody get a time, and you are smart and intelligence enough and can collect money very soon.Happy MyLotting..
• Indonesia
15 Apr 13
I think I can live without a T.V. Of course it's nice having a turned on T.V. in my room even I don't watch it, it enlivens my room atmosphere. Love the way T.V. making such a random noise. I don't think I'm addicted to T.V., but yes to internet, it can replace t.v. function.
16 Apr 13
YES Totally agree with you internet can replaces the funnction of t.v and same here now i can not live without internet and without my laptop, Internet and laptopl has become a part of my life and i always enjoy to work on internet..
@Kementari (138)
• Canada
15 Apr 13
I used to watch TV a lot as I like watching discovery and sports, but when I moved out what my boyfriend we found that, even though we had a TV, we didn't use it for anything other than his Xbox 360 games. So we didn't bother to go with a TV package, instead we opted for the internet as getting both would be too expensive for us. Now if we want to see a show then we stream it on-line via project free TV or we use Netflix which isn't the best for new shows but still has some pretty good stuff on it. So yes I can live without TV... it has actually made me more productive on-line with earning money because I am not wasting my time in front of the TV all the time.
16 Apr 13
Hi kementari, yes earning online is the only because of that i do not have t.v. till now becuase i do not get the time to watching t.v. and whenever i feel boared on internet or i feel that i need rest so for that time i have my laptop and i can watch my favourite programs through internet, I Love a lot to watch t.v. but i do not have time to watch that,Anyway which is your favourite site to earn online money..
• United States
15 Apr 13
I know I couldn't live without tv. If I didn't have access to one I would probably go through withdrawals. I mean my body and mind would probably just shut down all together lol. I absolutely crave tv. It's part of my daily regimen. Matter of fact, watching tv is the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night. I love to be entertained and tv is a great way to be entertained without having to leave the house.
16 Apr 13
Hi sherrryrob, yes i am totally agree with You T.V. is a great souurce of entertainment without leaving the house and when we get boared T.V. help us to enjoy and get down from stressed and it help us to get update everytime, I also love to watch T.V. but i do not feel any problem at the time i do not have T.V. because i am always busy with my activities..
• India
15 Apr 13
I dont think theres a house that doesnt have a tv in most of countries,ofcourse I am talking about those who can afford it. Most can these days. I can live without it as now I have minimized my tv watching time frm an avg of 6-8 hrs to half to an hour at the most. So I believe I can survive without it
16 Apr 13
Hello shivender yes everybody have t.v. these days and most of the people can afford this as t.v. is not so costly on these days, and people love to watching t.v., It is good that you have decrease a lot of time to watch t.v. i think you are busy with some other stuff..
• China
15 Apr 13
Yes ,I can,because there has computer ,so without TV,there is nothing!
15 Apr 13
Hey thanx for responding wangchunxa83, Yes computer plays an important role in life and it fullfill the requirement as a tv and we can see anything on our computer as t.v.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
15 Apr 13
I would say that I could live without T.V. especially since netflix came into the picture because now I can just watch whatever I want to on my computer or through my gaming console. I could live without cable I guess but it's nice having a television because without it I wouldn't be able to play my playstation 2 or my xbox 360 and I wouldn't be able to watch movies. I don't watch too many shows on television and if it weren't for NBA basketball being on television I probably would barely watch it at all.
15 Apr 13
Yes we can live without a t.v. becauase we have a computer/laptop and now a days we can see anything which we like on computer , this is the reason that all of us do not feel bore if we do have have tv also..
@grvdubey11 (1879)
• India
15 Apr 13
Surely i can.Frankly there is nothing much to watch except sports.These guys have censored everything even on Star Movies and HBO, the other day i was watching Underworld in Star Movies and they cut the scene where the guy changes in to wolf, i mean why would anyone cut that,its frustrating.TV is boring these days.Just my opinion though.Best wishes.
15 Apr 13
yES I AM agree with you here,they cut various scenes here on the T.V. and if we want to see complete movie without cutting anything on the T.V then i think it is not possible and if we have a pc and internet then i do not think that we need T.V and we can make a fun with our PC.
@bretay61 (722)
• United States
15 Apr 13
we have a husband watches it more than i do.i stay at the computer or knit..i will watch a program a night maybe a few times a week. tv is not that big a deal to my computer on the other hand
15 Apr 13
YES If anybody have a computer and he/she love to use that then it is not a big deal for him/her to LIVE without T.V.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
15 Apr 13
I lov T.V. like I love coffee. And sure, my body gets 'addicted' to it (i.e. 'expects' to have it and so makes me a little uncomfortable when I don't get a regular dose of it); but 'now I know, and Knowing Is Half the Battle' (like G.I. JOE says ON T.V. )
15 Apr 13
wow good so you love to drink coffee and to watch t.v. a lot, it is not bad because if you would watch t.v. then you would be able to find the daily updates of worldwide and various more..
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
Living without TV? Yes, I can take that. But without internet, I just can't.
15 Apr 13
Hey yes you are rihgt, We can not live without internet becuase we have to work on internet and want to earn some good money, and without internet all things would not be possible....
@ihopper (97)
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
I think that I can live without watching television. The internet though is a completely different story. I am so dependent on the internet and my laptop! Without them, I don't think I'll be able to function properly. It might be weird but I think that I can survive without television but not without going to the movie house.
15 Apr 13
Hey ihopper great so you love a lot to go movie house and to watch movies overther, i also love to go there and watch good movies, Yes we all can live without television and in our spare time we can enjoy our hobbies...