Survivor ....HE'S GONE!! Annoying Phillip was voted off last night! Now the game
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
April 18, 2013 11:11am CST
....starts to be good!
I usually am not that excited about things like this but...I literally squealed and clapped and who-rawed when they voted Phillip out...and how it was done was AMAZING!!! Talk about the worlds best blindside! Finally he is gone and we can watch with more enjoyment! That man was the most annoying player ever!!! And come on...this hotsey=totsey secret agent is afraid to be in the water for the challenge and takes himself out? Come on... I would venture to say that to be a REAL "secret agent" you can't have any fears such as that..but even happened as a kid 40+ years ago... and according to him he has been through so much as a secret would that even bother him! And funny, he has been in the water on other challenges and those were fine...funny it was just this one and even funnier this challenge ironically had the platform in it just like when it "happened" when he was a kid. Did anyone really believe that? I'd be willing to bet that he sat it out cause it was alot of work..and he thought he was king of the team...oh excuse me...king of Stealth R Us...and he was safe from all votes ever so why work so hard, when he was so sure he was a permanent fixture! But it worked...when they showed how everyone voted in the ending...all of Stealth R US voted for Eddie, except Eric...he voted Phillip. So I have to say, he is the smarter of the bunch. Those bimbo women just let him walk all over them and tel them what to do and they did it. THey'd a gone and licked cement, if Phillip told them to! But he is gone and I am now looking forward to next week!
And wasn't that the best ever caper for those three guys to do as they did? I knew the one had an idol, and then he "found" another, and I wasn't sure if he actually did find another one, or if he took the one he had and slipped it into that hole in the rock. But he had both, and since the other guy (Reynold, Eddie and Malcom is who I am talking about!) got immunity, and it was known that he found an idol...and NOT KNOWN that he already had one...what a surprise that he gave the other one to Eddie and blindsided that whole stupid Stealth R Us Bunch! And how stupid of them.. the STILL voted for Eddie, knowing he had an idol! How stupid of them to think that he might not play it! But only Eric has the sense to use it to his advantage and those four voted Phillip out!!! GO GUYS!!!! Those women could have voted for anyone...but the voted for one that had an idol..are you serious? Is that all they could do on their own without Phillip having his "private consultations" with them to tell them what to do? None of them deserve to of those four guys deserve to win. All they have been through and always on the bottom and pulling off that amazing cou last night...they certainly have played the game as it is supposed to be played...out wit, out play..and hopefully out last..which they have so far!
Next week should be interesting. And I applauded Eric for spelling Phillip's name "Fillip" I know that was intentional and it was so deserved and absolutely hilarious!
7 responses
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
19 Apr 13
I didn't watch it last night but I am happy to get this update! Phillip is one of the most annoying players to ever be on the show. I would love to see Erik win. He was so young and niaeve when he played the first time. I really liked him then and I still do.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 Apr 13
Try to find it on their web site and watch was the best! Just watch the tribal council part. The rest was all about Dawn and Andrea...I thought it odd that they didn't infest us with Phillip like they have been, but in finding out that he was voted off, they edited it so focus on others starting this week instead of him,....since they knew he'd be gone next tribal! He steered that whole group and they all voted so stupidly but they all fell for it. Now, let's watch next week to see how they collect themselves and who they all follow.
Eric, Eddie, Malcom or Reynold are ones I think deserve to be the final 4 and one of them winning it my hope. Here they all were literally on the bottom from their tribes, and now in the one tribe...Phillip had them all down on the bottom and they played the game to outwit and they did! For that alone, one of them deserves it. Eric being the last one to deserve..he followed Phillip like an idiot but at least at this last vote he wised up and didn't vote for someone that had immunity like the rest did!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
22 Apr 13
I know! They do that all the time! Can't they think for themselves? Andrea is and that other gal that got voted off week or so ago...dark hair girl..forget her name...but those two could have really done something with an alliance, but they followed Phillip.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
20 Apr 13
Ahh the twists and turns of Survivor. I will try to watch it online to see what I missed. I find it so disappointing when all of the women follow that one bozo male making mistake after mistake.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
It was "Fillup", wasn't it?
Yeah, that was awesome. I think Phillip was even more annoying than Coach and Brandon and a few others I can think of.
@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
18 Apr 13
I hope with Phillip being gone, We can finally see Erik and Brenda talk more. It really sucks that editors decided to hide them when they were not boring people. I hope Reynold is next, he is also hogging the Camera time and I have a bad feeling he will be the one who will Fill up Phillip's slot for having high face time. Did Phillip slept with the editor, The editor loves him so much that he or she wasted half of this season to Phillip.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
They only give us what they think we want to see. Philip generates controversy, so that's enough to give him air time. I like Brenda too, hope to see more of her.
@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
18 Apr 13
Its so funny that Phillip have a small face time in the episode where he gets voted off. Malcolm just saved this season. We know its more strategically better to vote of Andrea as she have control but I am so sick of Phillip I dont care how strategic it was to vote him off.

@patgalca (18425)
• Orangeville, Ontario
19 Apr 13
My husband felt that Eric spelled Phillip's name on purpose as a message to let the guys know that he ALSO voted for Phillip, that way they could bring him into their fold. Not sure whether Eric is that smart because he is flying under the radar big time.
I know the girls can't work without Phillips guiding them so hopefully next week they will scramble for new alliances and those boys who gave up their immunity idols will be able to carry on and not worry they may be voted out next week.
It was an exciting and hilarious tribal counsel. I too wondered whether Malcolm had found a second idol or whether he was "just finding" the one he already had. Glad I wasn't the only one who wondered that. It was just too funny that they all turned to each other asking what they should do and Jeff laughing because they just kept talking while he was talking. Best tribal counsel ever! Next week should be eventful.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 Apr 13
It was a hilarious tribal council! And yeah, they all were asking each other who to vote for now...and they still voted for Eddie! Like they thought he wouldn't use the idol even knowing that he knew he was on the chopping block! That was pretty stupid. At least Eric saw the light at the end of the tunnel and realized he was on the wrong "side" and I think he purposely misspelled Phillips name with they did show him saying that he was sick of the he just saw his chance! Next week is the first time this season, I will be looking forward to watching!
@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
19 Apr 13
I was so happy that Phillip was voted out. I wanted him voted out weeks ago, even before the possibility of the jury. That way he couldn't be vindictive, or anything like that.
I was getting to tired of his "Stealth-R-Us" and "I'm a secret agent" BS. It was getting so old and tiresome. He was way to arrogant and obnoxious.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 Apr 13
Boy, wasn't he tho? And I am sorry, he was no real "secret agent". The whole thing about "secret agents' is that they keep their mouths shut and not tell every one everything they know...ergo the name "secret"!!! He is FAR to chatty to be able to keep his mouth closed as an agent would be required to do! He made a laughing stock out of himself with his "Stealth R Us" stupidity. I was hoping he'd be voted out before jury too..but at least we don't have to hear him anymore! Poor Michael and the rest of the jury tho!
@supunudayantha (32)
• Malaysia
19 Apr 13
How many times have we had some stupid reality show tell us it's the most "shocking," "amazing," or "dramatic" episode ever, and how many times have we watched it only to be horribly disappointed? Just about every time When CBS started touting that last night's tribal council was the best of the 404 tribals that had been on the show, I was incredibly skeptical, but, man — did they deliver. They really F-ing delivered. Wow, this is why we all still watch
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 Apr 13
I have seen them all and this one last Wednesday...was absolutely the best ever!
@supunudayantha (32)
• Malaysia
19 Apr 13
How many times have we had some stupid reality show tell us it's the most "shocking," "amazing," or "dramatic" episode ever, and how many times have we watched it only to be horribly disappointed? Just about every time When CBS started touting that last night's tribal council was the best of the 404 tribals that had been on the show, I was incredibly skeptical, but, man — did they deliver. They really F-ing delivered. Wow, this is why we all still watch
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 Apr 13
Yeah, finally one worth watching!I have seen them all and I think, is the best one ever!
@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
18 Apr 13
I am the person who usually watches Ponderosa videos religiously....This season, I am so going to pass. I think you know the reason why. I am so Happy that Phillip got a low face time on the episode where he got voted off,. Maybe CBS received a lot of complaints about how they wasted half of the season to feed Phillip's ego to the expense of making other contestants invisible. Next episodes will be interesting. This is an epic tribal council.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Apr 13
Last nights was epic, wasn't it! I am wondering if those three guys had this planned since the one won immunity and the other had 2 idols and Eddie was in their to keep the alliance together they created this and the editors just didn't show it cause they wanted to capitalize on Fillup while they could. It was such a shocker!
And now...poor Michael gets Fillup all to himself for 3 days! Boy, now is when you should be watching Ponderosa...those there now have no reason to tolerate arrogant Phillip..they will tell him where to get off! You have to watch to tell us what his new "club" is going to be named! "Stealthy Loosers R Us"?
Since the editors knew/know all that is going to happen, and they piece it together the way they want to...they probably purposely low profiled Fillup this week cause they knew he was going to be voted off, so they turned the attention to Dawn and Brenda and then the 3 Amigos. And I think it is perfectly fitting that those 3 Amigos that Fillup outcasted were the ones that voted him off! How wonderfully deserving for him! I hope Eric and Cochran get with those three and get rid of the females...and then it will be hard to choose which to win! Those guys play the game...not the bickering and alliances!