The Goverrnment Lies

@dawnald (85139)
Shingle Springs, California
April 18, 2013 12:58pm CST
The government doesn't tell us everything. The mainstread media doesn't report everything. Sometimes we are told part truths, or truths with a certain spin on them, downplayed, exaggerated, or out and out lies. I do a lot of political reading on independent, non-mainstream type sites, and it's incredible the difference between what's in there and in my newspaper. No doubt some of you will call me a crackpot, but I really believe that both major parties in the US are essentially "owned" by the same big money interests. A lot of the issues that are raised by them are "blinds" intended to distract us from their real purpose, to keep us from taking the necessary action to get their greedy claws out of our government. To do this, we are lied to, and often. Left and right actually have a lot more in common than we believe, but we are kept at each other's throats to distract us from the real threat - corporate control of everything. Each side's anger at various wrongs makes it easy to do this. You don't have to believe what I believe, but I do encourage you to do some exploring of small, independent media sites to see what they are saying, and to verify what they are saying if you can. But I digress. If you believe that the government, with the help of the media (knowing or unknowing), is lying to us, what lies do you believe are the most serious threats to our freedom, safety and wellbeing? And why?
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19 responses
• Serbia
18 Apr 13
While i do agree some (very few) things should be kept secret for national security reasons. I think what is happening in the world is ridiculous and even more ridiculous is the fact that people don't seem to see it. Well most of the people anyway... You sum it up nicely dawnald, i agree with what you say. And why? I guess to control us, power. Maybe it's the whole theory that they want to wipe out a large part of earth's population because at the rate with which we are multiplying the planet cannot sustain us for much longer. There are a couple of scenarios as far as why goes. Or as far as the brainwashed sheeple are concerned Conspiracy Theories and all that. Remember, theories stop being theories when they are proven as facts. But there is no hope, sorry im cynical to the bone... :)
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
There is hope if enough people see the threat and take action. But they control the media, the armed forces, the legal system, etc. etc. etc. I see hope, but very little of it.
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@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
18 Apr 13
well for me the government does not want us to know how they are messing up our every day life by all the stupid garbage that they pass I hope that one day we will get real people to run the government
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
doggone, there's a typo in the title, grrr.... I hope so too...
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• Mexico
18 Apr 13
well i did not see typo tell you said it lol
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
18 Apr 13
I saw it and I said to myself that you must be angry as you never have typos
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
19 Apr 13
I can think straight away of the government lies about the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq have or had, giving us the power to invade them, the government and the media worked together hand in hand to convince us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. I learn to take everything with a pinch of salt now. Why let truth get in the way of a good story, great saying, don't know who penned it, but it's so true, good news doesn't sell. They seem to enjoy spreading doom and gloom.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Apr 13
Yes, I believe that was a flat out lie. GW Bush really ought to be put on trial for murder because of it.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
18 Apr 13
Mmm, I don't think Lamby saw this yet, because I can't see him passing this discussion up.. I totally agree, for years now I read/watch alternative news and it isn't the same and the latest was with what happened in Boston. I can't believe that within a few short hours, all the conflicting reports I was reading and hearing and I am still quite sure of everything still.
• United States
18 Apr 13
Yes, I mean "not quite sure" lol, thanks for pointing that out, nothing like a writer making a horrible typo like that..
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
you mean not quite sure?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
yeah like my title
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
18 Apr 13
Sure I believe are goverment lies to us. What else is new? I don't get into goverment issues like you because I don't care to. If I did there is alot in goverment I and other would like to change and you know that is pretty much impossible! I rather read about other subjects. I just think our goverment is not as bad as other countries! Just don't go crazy and believing wacked out goverment comspiries like alot certian people do! I know an older woman who does and so does her husband!When George W.Bush was in office it was he was building a road from Mexico to Cananda so illegal immigrants could enter the US easier! That he was going to make Mexican the only language in the US! Then Obama gets inot office and right away she tell everyone Saddam Hussien gave Obama money to buy his house in Chicago! All a bunch of nonsense! Those types of people we don't need any more!
@joizee (500)
• Philippines
19 Apr 13
Hi Dawnald, nice topic and I would like to contribute to the discussion. I came from mass media and definitely know how it works. Sometimes the news is so juicy it is being sensationalized to get attention. Even a lot of related stories are made and being aired for a week or longer. The other side, news that aren't quite getting much attention is being aired only once. From where I came from, I now question how they measure news. Which are important and not? How do we know that the people needs to know about this? Example: one of the most popular celebrities in the Philippines and is the sister of the President of the country was given an exclusive interview because she wants to announce her resignation from television for her two children. But on the other hand, a US Navy ship crashed into the Tubbataha Reef which is being considered as a world heritage, China is still feuding with our country for territorial claims and issues, electoral preparations, and other much socially-related stories are happening. But on Philippine TV, that's what media chooses to show. With the birth of Facebook in the Philippines, Filipinos had the chance to be more expressive. Bombarding government sites, ranting dislikes and sharing thoughts to people around the world is much easier and faster and more effective. Because last year, one senator made a cybercrime law that prevents people from saying bad things to political people and may be caused a term in jail. Hello democracy! Consequently, this law is now under revision because it violates freedom of expression. I believe that media is not allowing us to see the whole picture. They are also driven by money. And the government helps them with this. The government has the power for a media blackout and they are the most reliable sources of information so what they say is what we can get. As much as we want to get informed, they are the only ones who can give us information or we can choose the burden of searching for our own truth. It is just sad. So sad that I have to witness it on my own. Would like to contribute for change but fear is much stronger than seeking the truth. Well because there are "untold and unproven" cases of media killings here in our country. But I would like to consider your advice for independent media sources, they might be small or new but I think their news are meatier. Have a good day Dawnald, see you in the next post! :)
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Apr 13
I would also comment that what the media chooses to show us is partly our fault. We don't demand otherwise.
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@joizee (500)
• Philippines
19 Apr 13
You're quite right about that. Because they always say "we give what our audience wants". Definitely, if we demand higher quality or meatier information, then news presentation could be changed. :)
@BarBaraPrz (49019)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
18 Apr 13
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.
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@BarBaraPrz (49019)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
19 Apr 13
In control, power, the executive washroom - take your pick.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
gets in?
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
19 Apr 13
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• Atlantic City, New Jersey
18 Apr 13
I couldn't agree with you more. I try to respect those that refuse to see what the government is doing and not force my views or what I believe to be happening on them. Although the same does not go for us with our eyes wide open. We usually get ridiculed and asked to PROVE it...when the same people will in turn believe anything said to them about a religion with NO PROOF what so ever...SMH Most people don't want to know the truth so they choose to believe that what the government does is for the good of its people. I am more of a realist and know that people in power do what is profitable to THEM...not what is best for the people as a whole.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
Third party anybody? Imagine if we could actually get a movement going that had enough numbers! Ah, but I"m a dreamer...
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
money that could be better used elsewhere at any rate
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
I remember reading that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 13
yes dawn I do think you are right and the big money is the big corporations who own whoever was elected as they gave all the funds in return they want special favors for their companies of course. from the president that they bought.we are hoodwinked and things are whitewashed. yes both partied are owned by the big interests ie the big corps. Yes as long as dems and reps keep fighting the corps will just keep taking more and more control of everything.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Apr 13
I'm about to go find me a third party. They may never have a chance to get into power, but at least I won't be contributing to those azzes who are...
• Canada
18 Apr 13
I agree with what you have said wholeheartedly! The mainstream news media are now bought and owned by the gov't that decides what is and what isn't the 'truth'. I find that Huffpost is very accurate, amongst a few others. Cannabis Prohibition is the most damaging, I believe, because Legalizing it would open the doors to Hemp production (1/20th time to grow/harvest & cheaper and stronger than pulp paper for building things - even bricks, car parts, clothes, etc). And it would open the doors for Medical use without the necessity to prove you are dying, because it helps much more than symptomatically alone. I've seen it CURE CANCER. Ask, and I will tell you how and when. 75% of police, court & jail financial resources/time are wasted on chasing down Cannabis, and most of the time, the underlings are the only ones in jail...non-violent users...a waste of our jail costs, that should be reserved for PEDOPHILES, RAPISTS and truly VIOLENT offenders. Legalization would also open another avenue of taxation (for those that are not simply producing for their own personal use) for us to apply to better education for our kids & better health care for all individuals. On that note...Health Care....your country (USA) should have the Universal FREE healthcare to all citizens, rich or poor. I am inclined to beleive that a lot of the violence that happens is caused by undiagnosed and/or untreated mental disorders...because they simply cannot afford it. Do you really think that people that are 'right in the head' go out on a mass killing spree? They have to be mentally ill and maybe if they had FREE healthcare available to them their whole never would have happened. Also, the first and the BIGGEST lie that was ever told to us, is that Cannabis is as or more dangerous than heroin. Fact is, the exact opposite is true - you cannot die of an overdose. You would have to EAT 1500 lbs of dry flowers in the space of 15 minutes to do so, and THAT is physically impossible. These are my reasons for why I think this ONE ISSUE would make such a huge difference in both our countries lifestyles, health and economy in a positive way.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
It's not just the pharmaceutical companies, it's the oil companies, food companies, medical, insurance, the government, etc.
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• Canada
18 Apr 13
Yep and Yep! I find it extremely interesting that 2 US states legalized for recreational use (18? for medical) before we have recreational here in Canada. BUT, as you say the Federal gov't refuses to recognize that. Obama really p's me off, because he campaigned on the platform that he wouldn't chase down medical operations and patients, yet...THEY ARE. They are 'easy pickings', low fruit on the tree....and totally harmless to why bust them. I wish there was a way we could hold the buggers to their campaign promises somehow. What if, after 2 yrs they haven't completed or had significant effort towards the goal campaigned for...they have to step down and the #2 person walks into new election required. I wonder if that would smarten them up and make them more accountable to THE PEOPLE!?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
Obama and campaign promises, don't get me started. I thought he was the lesser of 2 evils, but I think either one was just as bad.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
18 Apr 13
I don't doubt we're being lied to.. but I don't follow enough of it to know what about.
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• Canada
18 Apr 13
I was like you when I was younger, but now I know that apathy is working in their perpetuate their lies to us. So, most people skim the news, believe what they see on TV as gospel and don't bother to do any of their own research to find out the REAL TRUTH.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
apathy, misinformation, people just barely able to keep up with their families and their lives, there's a lot at play here...
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• United States
18 Apr 13
I don't do any of the above. I don't watch TV or read the news.. I hate the news.. it's so depressing. Hubby tells me what he thinks I need to know, which he gets from various sources.. generally talk radio or researching online.. he doesn't watch or read mainstream news either.
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@celticeagle (172622)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Apr 13
Let me start at the beginning with the journey I have taken as far as government and things being hidden from us. Please don't think I am crazy for some of this may sound bizarre and even wacko but just read with a what if attitude if you will. Okay, to begin with I doing some research for an article I was writing on trafficing of kids and women and I came across this information board about a boy that had been missing along time and some rather suspicious things that went on with the case. So I left my trafficing for afew evenings and went into researching this kid. I find another site that had three kids that had things in common. Now one of the kids was a boy who had been kidnapped several years previously. He was working with the kidnapper(the police felt)and was helping him to pocure more young boys. I read further and there are governors back east involves and paying big money for these young boys. And this one kid was helping them. So i go further and I come to Operation Paper Clip- after WW2 the US brought german scientists over to do different experiments and I think they had to do with MK Ultra. I come across more people involved in this and some that talk about MK Ultra(mind control experiments after the last world war). I go further and find interviews with young people who were still being experimented on in the 90's. And along this time I found the Further I come to the Bilderberg Group. Which is a group of powerful people around the world who meet annually. It is believed by some that their meetings have to do with depopulation and a world bank. Depopulating the world so in years to come only the rich and high powered people in government will live normal lives and we will be in what they call FEMA camps and Fusion centers. There were supposedly 72 of these centers around the country(USA). I started watching Conspiracy Theory with Ventura an ex boxer because he was interviewing people about these same things. Showing pictures of preparations of these fusion centers(like concentration camps). He lived in Mexico and is bugged by security any time he tries to come in the US because of his interviews with secret people off the grid. And I went online and started discussions and talked to people about this and funny thing but when they went to some of the interviews on Youtube they were mysteriously gone. And the link about the boy that became the precurer(sp) of young boys that info was gone too. SO, anyway, this has been my experience as far as the media and research that began with a kidnapped boy. What do you think?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Apr 13
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Apr 13
If there were, they would all pretty much express disgust.
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@celticeagle (172622)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Apr 13
No words huh? ? ?
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@marguicha (225706)
• Chile
18 Apr 13
I had a student from the US living at my house a couple of years ago and she said that she had learned more about her country in the few months she was here than in all the rest of her life She was doing a postgrade in South American Literature here. We all knew here for years how the US helped the South American dictators come into power. It took decades for the CIA to declasify what we knew all the time. Of course, most of the US citizens were not interested anyway.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
Yup, not in my backyard..... :(
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
18 Apr 13
I said that I was not going to comment but here I am. The CIA helped destabilise Jamaica in the 70's when they foolishly thought that we were going communist. I do know about their activities in South America
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
and Cynthia steps into the water with the sharks...
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• United States
18 Apr 13
I couldn't agree with you more, except this is nothing new. The government has never once been totally honest with it's people as far back as I can remember or my parents can remember. They have always offered world peace & made more promises that they have eventually broken soon after being elected. This is nothing new & this will not change. That's why I find it so hard to believe that so many Americans put their trust in a government that does nothing but lie to them. They pay more honor to country then even God & in my opinion nothing & no one should be placed above God. Of course I not saying that all of us should do what we want & not obey the laws put in place by our government because that too would be wrong. When Jesus was on earth he said "pay Cesar's things to Cesar." So as long as God allows these worldly governments to be in place then I believe that we are to obey their laws EXCEPT when those laws go against the laws set by God. Then of course I obey God rather than mere man. Someday soon though God will step in & put an end to all worldly governments as promised in the bible. At that time only one government will be put in place & that's God's government. God never lies so in this government we can be sure that what God says will happen will indeed happen. He has NEVER broken a promise to us yet unlike man made governments His promises will not be broke & He will not lie & say one thing only to do yet another.
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• Atlantic City, New Jersey
18 Apr 13
I am completely patriotic! I love my country! but I also DO NOT trust our government! The people have the power- we are more in numbers..if we just banned together we could take our country back!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
Paying honor to country does not automatically = trust in government. Many people who are deeply patriotic do not trust our government. I'm not going to debate God with you though as I am an agnostic...
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Apr 13
Exactly my point, you can be patriotic and not trust the government. And I agree, if enough of us got together, we could do it.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Apr 13
I listen to Alex Jones on my computer and read much of the conservative news on the internet. I also listen to talk radio and it is amazing how much more information I get from that then from the mainstream media. And as a Canadian, I get Sunnewsnetwork on my tv and I have subscribed to Fox News Network. It seems that much of the mainstream media parrots the same thing, that the conservatives are bad. That taxes have to go up and not just on the rich (well anyone who makes over $200,000 a year is rich even if they are a company who employs people.). I do think that if people had checked out the information online, perhaps we would not be in the mess that many are in now.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Apr 13
Sunnewsnetwork is Canada's equivalent to Fox News Network, not the Fox movie or the local news, but where you get Hannity on.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Apr 13
I'm not familiar with Sunnewsnetwork, but I consider Fox to be mainstream. Mainstream right, but mainstream.
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
21 Apr 13
As long as there are Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice and politics without principle I don't think we can ever stop the wrongs of fact suppression from being chosen and happening. In our civilian life front, celebrities are already using their wealth with the law to enforce gagging orders on the media and press to suppress their misdeeds and elicit affairs what more with politics. The extremists and radicals that teaches all advancements and new improvements are harmful to the code which to the effect that such opposition should not be allowed to live. Life today is such that I suppose that all these just goes to warn us against believing everything upfront easily without first cross examining with what we have learn and exercising what we know. A fact that we all need to use a little hesitation to look at issues not only entirely but thoroughly before accepting and believing in any of it.
• United States
19 Apr 13
it is hard to put into words the truth will make you free?? it is hard to say let freedom ring?? I believe alot of the lies have been told , I believe they bent the rules to make themselves look good and only for their purpose not the people..I believe when they look more to other countrys before their own it is an issue of not helping us first. I am in the United States and I think they need to cut back more on the ones not from here. I believe they REALLY need to focus on the people here more born and raised. more help. I believe they need to teach us our children more in basics of survial and God. in schools, in homes, lower prices for us to make it here and be more jobs. let REAL freedom ring in our country more..IN GOD WE TRUST..on the bills and more love surrounding our freedom to speak..we the people of the UNITED STATES to have a more perfect Union for which it stands....
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Apr 13
They look more to money, power, and their own ambitions that their own people. We need jobs, universal health coverage, free education, and to get the heck out of other countries' business.
• India
19 Apr 13
dawnald I will say,we are facing the same situation here in india.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Apr 13
Except that your government doesn't have delusions of being able to control everything that is happening in every country around the world.
• Philippines
21 Apr 13
Politics is a very dirty game not only in the US but also here in the Philippines (and i think with other countries too). I think no politician is a good person. They steal money from the national treasury without us knowing about it. The hide their bad things by doing projects that they said can help the advancement of the country but in reality they do this to earn some percentage. Sometimes they do bad propagate with their adversaries, but later they will be joining on party. They are realty hypocrites. That is why i do not believe in them anymore. And that is why i don't vote anymore.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Apr 13
apathy or realism? :D
• Philippines
21 Apr 13