Can You Sell Food At A Garage Sale?

April 18, 2013 5:02pm CST
I am planning on having a garage sale soon. I have way too much stuff so I'm hoping to get rid of at least half for room and extra money! I asked my dad and some friends if I can make cup cakes or something to sell as well for another way of making money and they said it was a good idea but was wondering how you guys felt about it? Have you ever made cup cakes or something to sell at your garage sale? Would you buy a cup cake at a garage sale if you saw one? If you have any ideas on how to make my garage sale look good or anything else I can do, I would really appreciate it. I am sure some of you would understand how it feels to want to make extra money. So if there is anything you have learned I would be so grateful to hear it. Thank you. Happy MyLotting. ~AussieGal~
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17 responses
• United States
19 Apr 13
Whenever my church has a yard sale we usually have a bake sale along with it. It's always a big hit, we also sell cold drinks. Our last sale was just a couple of weeks ago and we didn't do a bake sale with it and people were really disappointed that we didn't have anything to eat and drink. Some even said they always looked forward to our goodies. So , of course we are bringing back the bake sale for our next sale and everyone there after. We always sell out of any baked goods. A lot of people now days don't do any home cooking so when they can get homemade goodies they really go for them. We make pretty good money at it, too. Go ahead and give it a try. And good luck to you.
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• Australia
19 Apr 13
Hello almostlate! Ok thanks to your response, I am most definitely going to bake something. :P You have inspired me to go for it. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
• Australia
19 Apr 13
I need all the luck I can get. I have had a few garage sales but haven't made enough or sold enough that I wanted to. I am grateful to sell at least 5 things but I literally have way to much and I live in a unit that is so small so I really hoping this one will be much better. Also, welcome to MyLot! :D Hope you enjoy it here!
• United States
19 Apr 13
You are so welcome! I wish you great success!
• United States
19 Apr 13
Depeneding on where you live it is a little early for some of these: hot dog stand, milkshake stand, snow cone,lemonade stand. :)
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• Kiryat Ata, Israel
19 Apr 13
Well, if she buy the refreshments, the people can trust that it is fit for human consumption. I'm sure she can make better food though. But, like someone said here, there are some problems with selling home made food. I hope no one will bother about it and no cop will come and check it. For making home made food, I think she better have good friendship with the neighbors and that they trust her and love her food. They will sure like it.
• United States
19 Apr 13
I'm probably not a good person to ask for advice about selling at yard sales, seeing as my sales have typically never got more than $25. I don't think I've ever bought food at a yard sale though; I've seen people selling it. Never cup cakes though-it was cookies, popcorn-finger foods. One thing that's a good idea, especially on a really hot and humid day are cold drinks. One yard sale I went too had the kids selling ice cold lemonade. Another sold cans of soda. Just remember with food-if their hands are going to get greasy or smudged, it likely will end up on your stuff. Offer food and drinks to customers as they're leaving maybe, and be on the lookout for trash left around your sales area. Good luck!
• Australia
19 Apr 13
Hello scorpiobabes! haha no worries really. Same reason why I am asking because I have had a few garage sales and I didn't make as much as I wanted. The most was probably somewhere under $40. Which is nice but for the amount of stuff I have and the debt I'm in, I was hoping for more. Finger foods is a good idea and I actually didn't think of cookies so I think I would like to bake them! I am going to be looking up the weather for the day I have my garage sale and if it is really hot than I will be putting out cold drinks or just put out cold and hot drinks no matter what the weather is. That is a good point. I didn't think about that and I really don't want the stuff I'm selling to get sticky and gross so I think your idea is better to offer the food as they are leaving. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
• United States
19 Apr 13
I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you then! We are planning to move from PA to NC in about two years, so we are already talking about getting rid of some big things. I learned from a woman whose website I started reading how she cuts moving costs-each move, they sell all their furniture except the mattresses and heirloom pieces, and shop for new used furniture. It saves a lot of money for them, and they get what works in their new space. Now my boyfriend isn't thrilled but I'd rather use only one POD to move-and he doesn't realize how much stuff we won't need! He said "Why are you making me give up all my furniture?" and started pouting (not a good look on a 48 yo man!) until I quietly reminded him that I had given up nearly everything-that shut him up fast! To be honest, I'm tired of living amongst his past-he insisted on keeping a china closet he once purchased for his ex wife-I agreed, quite reluctantly, but only because its a mid century piece.
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
19 Apr 13
Talking about food that can make the products dirty and sticky, maybe you can make food that is not sticky. Maybe you can bake small baguette, cookies that are dry from the outside and don't contain cream and not oil. I also think some old things are worth more than you assess. (there is even a TV program with an expert who can tell how much old stuff worth, it can be an old furniture, maybe an old tool...). Can you please tell me what are PA and NC ? I'm not from the USA, so, I barely know that NY = New York and that LA = Los-Angeles. Thanks.
• India
20 Apr 13
Thanks for sharing, good idea, let me tell you here no body buys from such sellers who sell 2nd hand used stuff on road side-- if garage sale means that. You can certainly sell friend.
• India
21 Apr 13
lol donate some to me!!!!
• Australia
21 Apr 13
Haha if nothing sells and I finally get fed p with all the junk, then you can have some stuff haha :P
• Australia
21 Apr 13
Hello Professor! Well that is what it means. I have had a few garage sales and people do buy second hand stuff if they really like them. Same with the stores we have here where you donate your stuff and they sell it for a cheaper price to people who don't have much money. All second hand stuff. Will just have to see how it all goes. I really need to get rid of a lot of my stuff and make some money. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
19 Apr 13
Not in the usa. I got in trouble once for selling tamales at a yard sale in las vegas. I was lucky the cop was nice. And didnt give me a ticket.
• Mexico
19 Apr 13
Sure was the fine was like 250.00 at that time. I was very lucky.
• Mexico
19 Apr 13
I think it was because my husband helped the cop out once with something. Because when my husband came out of the house, the cops attitude over the matter changed 360%.
• Australia
19 Apr 13
Oooooh well you were very lucky then haha. :P
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
19 Apr 13
great I deal I see no reason why you cant sell things like this and it sounds like you have a great idea and i hope that it does well for you may want to also offer some kind of drink as well
• Australia
19 Apr 13
Hello blackrusty! Thank you. Serving drinks is a good idea. It is getting a little it cold here but I can look up the weather on the day of my garage sale and decide whether to put out cold drinks or warm drinks. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
• Australia
19 Apr 13
Thank you so much! :D
• Mexico
19 Apr 13
well warm or cold i am sure it will go over well hope you do well with your sale
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
19 Apr 13
I would try to decorate them the best you can. If you are no good at decorating then just make the icing look pretty. I think cupcakes are a wonderful idea. You are making me want a cupcake. I think they will catch the attention of people. Try not to spend too much money on the decorations though otherwise it could cut into your profit.
• Australia
21 Apr 13
Hello o2bnocn! I will most definitely decorate them the best I can to try and make them look pretty and interesting, haha I want a cupcake too! I haven't had one in a very long time. Or cake in general actually. Yeah that is one thing I need to be careful about. I need to try and work out what prices to sell them so I can make a profit from buying the cake mixes and decorations etc etc. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
@lampar (7584)
• United States
20 Apr 13
I assume you can sell food in your garage sale, some of your visitor or customers may have feel hungry while seeking for good bargain among your old stuffs, they can get some help from your food sale on the spot to satisfy their food crave; i bet they will not mind to see you sell some food like cupcakes, lemon juice or pizza too in your garage sales.
• Australia
21 Apr 13
Hello lampar! I'm glad you have a positive attitude towards it. The more positive answers I get, the more I am leaning towards actually baking food to sell. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
19 Apr 13
Oh, any snacks may be sold plus water, and tea or coffee. Good luck!
• Australia
20 Apr 13
Hello cynthiann! Awesome. Didn't know you could sell water but I might give that a go. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
19 Apr 13
A pleasant day AussieGal13, Honestly I haven't deal yet doing any garage sale though I am doing selling things and foods. And with regard to your post, I guess, it is fine to sell foods during a garage sale. Hence, for sure, those people who will buy stuffs will definitely feel the hunger and it is timely to sell foods as this will exactly bring an extra income. And, if I may add, perhaps, you can also sell bottled water or any soda, thus, it would be more perfect to have a complete product, there you have garage items plus selling some snacks they can eat while doing their garage shopping.
• Philippines
21 Apr 13
Hi there, Perhaps, you can sell fruit juices that comes with individual packs to replace water. Anyway, wishing you goodluck with this venture and more sales.
• Australia
21 Apr 13
Hello airasheila! Thank you and a pleasant day to you too! :D That is a good idea to sell both food and drinks. Just not certain on what drinks to sell yet. Although it is a good idea, I feel a bit strange selling water. I don't know why I do but I just do. But I will think about it. I do agree with you though because I personally like to have a drink with me while I am eating. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
• Liechtenstein
19 Apr 13
I don't see anything wrong with that. If the buyers are hungry, at least they have some snacks ready for them and they can eat while browsing through the items that are sold in the garage sale. If there are snacks at any garage sale, I know that I would buy some.
• Australia
21 Apr 13
Hello Trinity! haha well it is nice to know that someone would definitely buy some snacks for sure! :P I will try my best to make them look really nice and hopefully people will buy some. Well actually I hope they all get bought so I can make a profit. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
30 Aug 18
how did this thing go? did you get money? were you able to sell food?
@scubapro (1049)
• Gifu, Japan
20 Apr 13
actually people come to garage sales for buying furnitures mainly and some other stuffs,but you can also sell foods or drinks. but you should make them very cheap,so you can get people's attention to them. and i can also give you another advise. if you make cupcakes very cute and with funny shapes,you can sell more. people choose interesting things in these days, happy mylotting
• Australia
21 Apr 13
Hello scubapro! I do have so many toys, books, CDs, DVDs, and clothes to sell but to make extra, was thinking of adding the food as well. Or just eat them myself if no one buys anything and I get depressed haha. :P I will have to write down ideas on what shapes to do. And I will be trying to decorate them to make them look pretty and interesting. Good idea. Thank you so very much for answering. :)
• United States
19 Apr 13
I think that's a great idea, especially since you are making them. I think it will help boost the garage sale. It will probably entice people to buy more of the garage sale items. Some of the garage sales I've been to have had some type of food and beverage sales. Most of them had a table set up and had the kids selling them. So if you have kids that's another way to increase sales. If you don't have kids maybe you have some young family members that can turn on the charm and get you extra money.
• Australia
20 Apr 13
Hello gigi10466! Thank you. :) That is a good idea. My next door neighbour has an 8 year old girl and we are really good friends. I'm sure she and her friends would help out. Thank you so very much, you have given me some really great ideas. I really appreciate it! :)
@succeednow (1633)
• Singapore
19 Apr 13
I don't think selling cupcakes at a garage sale is appropriate. I haven't seen people doing that at a garage sale before. But then I haven't been to many garage sales so my observations may not be the norm. Anyway, as long as it's not illegal then I don't see why not. Go for it. You may set a trend for others to follow and at the same time make some extra dough as well. Have a wonderful day.
@stringer321 (5644)
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
19 Apr 13
I think you can also consider just making some simple cakes and just put the pieces on a table for free so whoever wants to eat will take a piece of cake. Maybe the customers will have a better experience. I think free food attracts people even more. Maybe it will help them to take a look around and stay for more time and maybe buy something. At the salsa club, they sometimes put some food that is bought at the shops like popcorn, maybe nachos, you know, things that are well known and are used as refreshments...(In my opinion they can do it more often and with more quantity and I will maybe come more often to dance there, because they charge almost twice than another salsa club near my town). Both selling or just giving for free, making or buying the refreshments have advantages and disadvantages, some of them are in they eye of the customer, some of them are not. The bottom line is that having food there will be better than having no food at all. And put some water with ice cubes there for free...
@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
19 Apr 13
It is a good idea. I would do the same thing here if I were to have a garage sale. Technically here to do anything like that you'd need a permit and health inspections but by the time some do-gooder advises the authorities the sale is long over. Worst they can do is tell me to stop selling the food anyway. We once sold homemade candies in my woodturned candy bowls for months and no one ever said anything. I say go for it. Your cupcakes are probably healthier than what you buy in the store anyway.