What is STRESS?

April 19, 2013 2:48am CST
hi guys! I've been found this meaning of stress and i think it has similarity with what happens to us in daily, you can share your own point of view regarding "STRESS". Stress is the gap between our expectation and reality. If more gap, more stress so the best thing to avoid stress is to expect nothing and accept everything. Acceptance is the key to avoid stress it is not by means of not doing something it simplify to let us grow up to face the challenges happen in daily lives. Goodluck guys in meeting STRESS!
3 responses
@Keynote (399)
• India
19 Apr 13
Yes,you are absolutely right that stress created when we expect something to happen but did not happen that way as reality is somthing else. I read in one of the book that stress is created when want to do something for which we do not have sufficient skills and thing does not happen that way.
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
thank you for your response keynote!
• Italy
19 Apr 13
eheh nice definition of stress.. I believe stress sometimes is also frustration, inability or limit to live something we want or desire, or lack of personal time for relaxing and enjoy our day. There can be many reasons which make us feel stressed
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
thank you for your response firepanther!
@besumbe (14)
17 Jan 14
Are you stressed out and don’t even know it? You already have a busy daily routine. In addition there’s a full schedule of other activities you’re involved in…In other words, you are stressed. In the long run, the accumulative effects of this chronic stress will cause you health problems long after you’ve forgotten the
Are you stressed out and don’t even know it? You already have a busy daily routine. In addition there’s a full schedule of other activities you’re involved in…In other words, you are stressed. In the long run, the accumulative […]